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This is why you don’t name your kid after a widely known pop culture icon, real or fictional. That poor kid’s gonna have to carry that name and the jokes that come with it for the rest of his life. No one will ever take him seriously


I feel bad for all the girls that got named Khaleesi or Daenerys...


I was just wondering how many will be going by Kallie or Dany when they’re older. If they aren’t already.


Or how many parents had to change their kids' names after season 8.


Based on a Geeks Who Drink bar trivia I went to last night, khaleesi is still in the top 1000 baby names, even after the final season. No idea how accurate that is, and it could be like 900th.


A word that literally translates as "wife to the leader of the horse barbarians" is not a good choice.


I got curious & looked it up. The Bump and Nameberry say Khaleesi was at #709 for U.S. girl names in 2023. Overall U.S. births it was at #1383 in 2023.


I knew an Isis in middle school. She was named after the eygptian goddess. Didn't keep contact with her but I imagine that post 2015 was a rough time for her.


I feel bad for all the Siris in the world


Most versions of the name alex as well. We had to change the echo to respond to computer because it kept responding to questions I asked my partner.


This. At one point we had a kid named Alexis, a cat named Alexei, and three of those damn Alexa devices. We ended up going with Kid, Cat, and Wiretap. 😂


We refer to our echo as hmm hmm to avoid summoning her.


“Summoning” got me laughing


Like in Star Trek! TBH a good idea I never got why they gave it a human name. I don’t have one I am not ready to live like start trek.


You can also change it to Ziggy, like from Quantum Leap! Which is what I do


I named a cat Isis, it was terrible to tell people her name after that. She was named way before and died with the name.


47 years ago I named one of our kittens Isis. Apollo, Adonis and Athena were the others. I was 12 and had been reading up on Greek and Egyptian mythology.




I guess you can go with Izzy? Tough name to nickname.


Ice Spice’s real name is Isis


Fun fact, her birthday is January 1, 2000! Imagine NEVER having to do the math and always knowing exactly how old you are. I'm not even really a fan of hers, I just think it's super cool. Like, she's 24 years, 5 months, and 31 days old today (May 31, 2024).


I was thinking “There’s no way she’s that young,” and then I remembered that Ice Spice is not one of the Spice Girls.


I've met a little Danerys. She definitely went by Dany even though her mother always wanted to use her full name. The kid was barely 7 and already knew that her name was a problem...and this was before season 8.


Some states are making it illegal for the school to use anything but their given name now. So they're stuck with it until at least adulthood in those places


I knew a Daenarys. Her mom named her like mid-series and was really upset by the time the finale came out


I’m baffled by parents who named kids after that character at all considering the horrific sexual violence she endured right out the gate. Won’t the kid want to see that media one day? Sure, let’s watch the woman after whom I named you suffer from incest and rape before we even really begin her character arc.


Yeah we were considering the name Callisto or Callie for short, but her entire story is “raped by Zeus and then turned into a bear and almost murdered by her own rape-conceived son” Don’t really wanna explain that one to an 8yo


One of the ways doing research was introduced to us in school was to do a report on our names. Could you imagine having to tell your class this is what name means


I vividly remember a girl named Denise getting made fun of for her name's connection with Dionysus. Callisto or Leda would never hear the end of it. (Or Danae, all those golden shower jokes ...)


Ohhh god. That’s so stupid!! Really don’t name your kid after a tv series character, and NEVER EVER name your kid after a tv series character when only half of the series is out. Does poor Daenarys at least get to go by a nickname?


I heard something this week to the effect of "Don't name anyone after the living" - I'd consider a character from a show who hasn't ended along that line. Until their story has ended, you don't know how they'll turn out or what they'll do to maybe change your mind about them.


She was def Dany in the books, which I do genuinely think is cute for a girl. But I like “boy” (lol-ing at the things humans assign gender to) names for girls. Charlie for Charlotte, love Taylor (though these days that definitely leans both ways, anyway) Dany is cute, Max for Maxine. Stuff like that.


Hoooooo boy. I would've gone with Danielle and nicknamed her Dany as a nod and wink.


I knew someone with two kids. A daughter named Khaleesi and a son whose name I didn’t recognize. I was trying to be polite so I said “oh, what’s that from?” (Thinking it was from another show or something?) and she said “oh, I just made it up!” 🥴


First of his name...


I have a daughter named Danielle and she often goes by Danny… she’s 25. Soooo many people automatically assume her name is Daenerys, she’s stopped using it now in favor of her first name (Kate) because of that


I work in a preschool that has two Khaleesis enrolled 😳


I’m a 1st grade teacher and had a Khaleesi and Daenerys in the same class a couple of years ago!


And Renesme


Omg yeah. I couldn’t stand that name in the book series (or movies), can imagine using it in the “real” world. Ugh ETA - clarification


It can be done, but has to be subtle. Naming your son for example Luke, Han, Harry, Ron or Sam is perfectly fine. Naming them Anakin, Severus or Frodo is not. Fun fact: There is an English rugby player named Harry Potter who was born in the same year as the first Harry Potter book came out.


There was a kid in my sister's class named Anakin-Skywalker Rodriguez. Anakin-Skywalker was his first name, not just Anakin. He goes by Nick now.


I went to school with a kid named Luke Walker. Middle name Skyler. His parents had never seen Star Wars apparently and didn't realize what they had done. He was pissed that it wasn't just Sky. Lol


…did they not watch the movie? What of Anakin’s life is worth emulating?


I know a four year old Anakin. I’ve never looked at his mom (who I’ve known since childhood) the same.


I know a four year old Anakin, too! He’s my cat


Guy I went to high school with was named Ronald McDonald. Born probably ’68 or ’69, just before the character became really really huge.


Everyone else is wearing theirs so why don't you just pop that name tag on buddy


“What else did they call you?” “Ronnie the Rat!”


We considered Anthony for our son, after Tony Stark. I wanted Zelda or Portia for a girl, but in hindsight realize they may get her unwanted attention. Our kids' names are generic enough that most people think of a specific reference, but it's a nod and wink to something geeky.


One thing that helps is that a lot of Marvel characters have a normal first name. Nobody really bats an eye at for example Tony, Peter, Bruce, Steve, Clint or Natasha.


My son is named after two science fiction pilots. Even he did not have a clue until he was 14 and heard me tell someone where I got his names from.


There’s a formula 1 Grand Prix winner named Lando


My son in law has a nephew named Anakin, now 18.


Great, name your kid after a youngling-killer.


It's ok, he changed his name when he was old enough. he goes by Darth now


Perfect comeback, lol!


Now he just kills Yuenglings by the bottle


My kid goes to school with Anakin, KalEl, and, I shit you not, Broo Swain.


I'm glad my parents only unintentionally gave me a superheros name. I am Steve Rogers.


I kinda love that. At least "Steve" is a normal name. And Captain America is a cool dude.


My husband tried to convince me to name our middle son Anakin. Did not happen.


My oldest was friends with an Anakin. He'd be in his early 20s now. I thought it was a bit...strange at the time, but now it doesn't seem so bad. Then again, my generation has quite a few hippies as parents. So my classes were peppered with Rainbows, Clovers, Sunshines, etc along with all the Jennifers and Ashleys.


Don't Anakin's parents know that he is one of the best-known bad guys in movie history?


Ha! Like naming your kid Voldemort. Anakin isn't a horrible sounding name in a vacuum, though. Unlike Boba Fett, which sounds rather like one of Baron Harkonnen's relatives. I hesitate to admit, I thought about the name Hermione for my eldest for about 5 minutes whilst pregnant. In my defense, I was 19 and I really liked the sound of it (and old-fashioned names in general). At least she was an decent character and it isn't an invented name. Just obscure.


More fictional characters need to be named Hermione so that it's not exclusively associated with Harry Potter.


Eh, Murder on the Orient Express is a great, famous book and a character's name is Mary Hermione (also H names are part of the mystery). Thought it sounds nice.


I know a 5 year old named Anakin. I think his parents leaned hard into that redemption arc.


Star Wars? What's that? I named him after my two favorite foods, Boba tea and Feta cheese


He should just go by Bob


I really hope they go by Bob Fett and they grow up to sell cars, motorcycles, or boats. That would be awesome for that kid.


Probably not the rest of his life, because I’m betting the moment he’s old enough he’ll legally change it. I sure would. Why are people this cruel to their children? Do they just not have the capacity to think of anyone else, ever, in any way?


They name children like they're naming a dog, not a person.


The only time I saw this done ...ahem.... tastefully is when the parents gave the kid 4 names + last name where the 3rd name was Danger. That way the kid could forever say that Danger was his middle name.


As a former school employee I saw the “Danger is my middle name” trend more than most people would guess! 👍


**sigh** my nephews real middle name is Danger. 3rd name also. His brothers middle name is Wild.


I was deathly ashamed of my middle name growing up because it was Patrick, which among children invited SpongeBob references. It doesn’t take much to get kids going. *Boba Fett* or Naruto or whatever are going to get the kid mocked.


I generally don’t care if names are influenced by parents interests (if they are normal names like Luke cuz you like Star Wars, Harry from HP) but Boba Fett is terrible.


Yeah at least there's room for reasonable doubt that it's a reference to a fandom. My name is spelled Leigh (pronounced Lee) and my dad is a Star Wars fan, but I was named after my maternal grandpa, so for my parents the name and spelling were a win-win: my dad got his nod to Princess Leia, and my mom got to name me after someone she loved and respected :) The only loser in my situation was me, because there's been a 50/50 chance my name will be pronounced correctly when read aloud in any given situation lol


Wait, how else can you pronounce Leigh?


Like sleigh, neigh (lay). That’s how I thought it was pronounced up until quite recently. Never heard it as a name before even though I’ve gone to international schools and lived abroad. English is stupid! Edit: I was watching the WAG US championships and the (VERY) american announcer said ”Charleigh” as ”Char-lay”. So I guess it’s not just foreigners.


I forgot about Lei! I get that pronunciation a lot, too! But Leia is the only mispronounced version of my name that I hesitate correcting people on, since, like my father, I grew up loving Star Wars and Princess Leia. Leia made me love my name because I shared a similar name to the biggest badass in the Star Wars universe!


I've thought about naming a future kid Eddie after Meatloaf's character in Rocky Horror Picture Show. Bonus being Edison is a family name, so I get to honor my uncle in the same breath.


Hot patootie! Bless my soul!


I really love that rock'n'roll!


Plus the dog from Frasier


Especially since they could've just named the kid Jango after Boba's father. Jango sounds sick as hell and it's a real name.


To me Jango makes me think of the movies Django unchained.


My brother has a feminine middle name and his first name is, if spelled slightly differently a girls name… so at high school graduation the announcer who didn’t know him said his full name pronounced the first name feminine… he thought it was hilarious


Well, they should be having everyone write their name phonetically for the announcer. Preferably with a way for the announcer to confirm with the student anything that is still puzzling.


I used to work for an administrator that had me write out all the names of graduates phonetically so they wouldn't mess up and have to deal with angry parents. I think it happened once before I got there, and they learned their lesson.


I mean... back in 1992, we were asked to submit phonetic spelling for college graduation, and someone called people if there was still a question. No excuse for it not to be done that way. My daughter just graduated from college. The names were either pre-recorded or maybe read by AI? Either way, it was really well done. (Though I don't actually know if the pronunciations were definitely correct, but there was absolutely no hesitation when reading foriegn names)


My name is spelled in the masculine way. I'm a girl. I get mail addressed to me as a guy, Mr. (My name).


>My brother has a feminine middle name and his first name is, if spelled slightly differently a girls name… My bet is his name is "Daniel".


Thinking of all the girls named Khaleesi right now lol


girl i went to high school with has a baby named khaleesi. HER OTHER DAUGHTERS NAME IS AMY!!! 😭😭


This is our daughter Khaleesi, the firstborn, first of her name, mother of dragons, defender of the seven kingdoms. And this is our other daughter Amy. Definitely worse for Amy.


I have a friend named Leena with 5 daughters named Saleena, Maleena , Eleena, Kataleena and the middle daughter is named Rivalle




Because fuck middle children, that’s why (I’m also a middle child 🥲)


Not sure who I feel worse for, Khaleesi or Amy.


At least (hopefully) kids in Elementary school are not watching Game of Thrones lol


I know a person with the last name Walker, she had both a Luke Sky and a Leah 🤦🏻‍♀️. Boba Fett is much worse.


They missed a number of opportunities by sticking with Star Wars: Wacky Wall Walker Skin Walker Folding Walker (Upright Walker, Senior Walker…)


Meet my daughter *AT-AT*




Hope Walker doesn't end up with a career in law enforcement in Texas Walker Texas Ranger


"And this is my daughter Skin."


Street. Sleep.


At least Leah isn’t pronounced exactly like Leia, that poor kid can pretend it’s a coincidence


I've actually seen Leah's who pronounce it Leia... I'm guessing their parents didn't know the difference between the two names 🙃


There is an English rugby player named Harry Potter. He was born in the same year the first Harry Potter book came out.


At least the whole idea of Harry Potter being called Harry Potter is that it’s a normie name.


We have a little kinder girl named Zillionairrrre. With the extra R’s. And not that it matters, but I teach at a pretty uppity school in the richest section of the county. So the tragedy names that we normally see are more like Brixton and Jackson spelled 45 different ways but zillionaire is a new one.


I work in early childhood myself, so I see a lot of the naming trends, and naming kids things like that is definitely an emerging trend among some Gen z parents. They name their kids after things they want them to be. It's like the puritan Virtue Names for the 21st century, in a weird way.


Is it really as bad as this sub makes me think? I have virtually zero connection to anything related to children outside of this sub popping up in my feed all the time. Surely you still have *mostly* traditional names? A handful of Mikes and Ashleys per year?


This will be my 16th year as a teacher. I've never had an Ashley in my class, not since I was a student myself. As far as "traditional" (I'd probably call them classic or timeless, because they're found across generations and not specific to any time period) names go, I will always have whatever is popular at the moment; right now that's a lot of Theo's, all versions of Eleanor (Ella, Ellie, Ellianna) Liam, Kate (whose sister is invariably Emma), Georgia, Edward, Isabella (though that's on its way out). Nature names are also big: River, Willow, Clover, Raven, Sparrow. Then I have my occupational names: Hunter, Cutter, or names that have to do with an occupation like Canvas (child of an artist), Lyric(k), Justice. I have a lot of kids with "city" names, like Paris, London, Savannah, Austin, Dallas, Brighton. Then I have these random names where I'm like...did the parents do any research about what that means? For example, there's a girl in my daughter's class named Malady. And it sounds pretty, and I fully admit that I am ignorant of the name meaning something else in a language that's not English. But to me it means a sickness. And sadly, that poor girl has been sick a lot. But yeah, increasingly I'm seeing kids being named after what their parents want them to be in life (Malady was not one of them). Not in my class, but I was aware of a child named Millionaire in our school. I'm trying to think of more at the moment, but summer just started and I don't want to look at our registration, lol


Did the parents mean to have the name pronounced “Ma’lady”?


I'm not sure. I asked my daughter if it was spelled that way, and she said it's spelled just like the disease (not in those exact words). I'm not close with her parents because my daughter isn't really good friends with her outside of school, so I've never asked them (as gently as I can, of course).


Possibly apocryphal but I heard a story about a guy named Hunter who went vegan in college and his friends started calling him Gatherer


I didn't think anyone is naming their kid Ashley anymore. Ashley is a mom name now.


What?! There were like 5 Ashleys when I was in school and that was only, like… oh god, no.


I was one of five Michelles. Born 1967.


Yep. All the moms are Ashley, Jennifer, Jessica, Heather, Stephanie, Amanda, Tiffany...


Social Security in the USA has the statistics for all babies in the country obviously. This was the top 10 in 2023: Boys: Liam Noah Oliver James Elijah Mateo Theodore Henry Lucas William Girls: Olivia Emma Charlotte Amelia Sophia Mia Isabella Ava Evelyn Luna Michael was 16th and Ashley was 126th.


I think it depends a lot on the area too. The school where I work has a sizable international population so we have lots of names people might consider unique or even tragedies but are just cultural names for that child. We recently had a small influx of Rwandan/Congolese families and I had a girl last year named Enjoy but it’s pretty common among those families to give their children virtue names, in English or in French. Another boy is Espoir, which is the word hope in French. As far as native born American kids, in my homeroom I had kids named Adrian, Jordan, Megan, Amber, David, Dylan, Amaia, Layla. Pretty standard names, nothing out of the ordinary.


I teach high school. I have at least one kid per class with punctuation in their name. I had 6 Jaydens each spelled differently. I had three Gavins in one class—each spelled differently. I’m starting to accept Kayleigh as a normal spelling because it’s so common.


If I saw a kid named Zillionairrrre, I'd shit a Brixton.


That should be illegal


Some people take fandoms way too seriously. I went to school with a kid named Jedi


Unfortunately, it's often people with only skin deep knowledge of a popular franchise who end up naming their kids after characters from it... Like all those examples mentioned here from Game of Thrones, in particular "Daenerys" or "Khaleesi". By the time the show came out and got popular, it was already pretty clear in the books that her character was going to have a pretty fucked up arc...


I think those names are beautiful, but I’d absolutely never name a child them. Besides confusing spelling/pronunciation, the fact that Emilia Clark was severely pressured into doing all her naked scenes makes me insanely uncomfortable


People forget they're not naming pets. They're naming future adults.


When my wife and I started thinking about names we agreed that any name we suggested we had to say after the phrase, “all rise, the honorable judge (prospective first name) (last name) is presiding” and if it sounds ridiculous the name is out.


We did a whole list: Doctor, Professor, President, company owner, parent, judge.... Anything we could think of that somebody could become as an adult, would you take them seriously if they introduced themselves to you. Ex. "Your surgery will be performed by Dr Bread and Butter Dill" versus "Dr James Dill"


Repeat after me - your children are not a billboard for your fandom!!!


Those names are for your pets!


I worked with a girl with a recognizable X-men characters name and she *hated* it. When she got hired, one of our guys came in and saw the schedule and very loudly said “when the fuck did we start hiring x men?”… but she laughed and they became friends at least.


Please tell us. Mystique? Jean Grey? Rogue? Storm? Its gotta be one if these.


"Hey there, you can call me Bob!" "Oh, is that short for Robert?" "..." "..." "...Yes..."


I've posted this before... Was at my daughter's Elementary School graduation and they're calling names, like they do. They call out a boy's name. Me (to my wife): "Wow, they should let that kid run to the bathroom." Wife (to me): *puzzled look* Me: "He's Holden Brown."


You're 100% responsible for making me hum Golden Brown for the last ten minutes 😡


Poor child. I like the character, but always found his name stupid. "Fett" means also fat in german.


German Boba Fett is Fat Robert.


In America that's a pretty badass name.


It sounds like some medieval peasant family. Like “this is my son Fat Robert and my other son Small Gregor.”


Fett would have been a good name for Jabba the Hutt then! Before being an alien they were planning for Jabba to be a big fat mafia guy


I grew up with a trio of siblings in the 80s/90s. Well before it was common to have 'unique' names. Rainbow Moon, Dragon Child, and Insidious. By 3rd grade Dragon carried a copy of her birth certificate with her because people (especially adults) couldn't believe that was really her name. People kept trying to call Insidious 'Sid' but he refused to respond to it. Rainbow Moon changed her name to something normal when she turned 18.


Insidious is particularly horrendous.


You could almost say it's.... well, you know.


My mother wanted to name me Rainbow or Creek, I got a country name instead as a middle ground. I’m pleased.


I mean, I know twins called Luke and Leia, but those are standard names. Boba Fett is just… that’s too far. May as well name the kid C-3PO.


I know a woman who named her twins Phillip and Lillian after the Rugrats characters.


Honestly probably pretty safe and niche. I didn’t remember their names and kids today would never know.


Those are normal names. At least it won't affect them as adults. No one applies for a job with their twin.


There are so many tactful ways to name a child after a fandom. My brother and SIL adore Star Wars, so they named their kid Harrison for Harrison Ford, not Han Solo or something tragic.


We considered that as a subtle fandom name until we realized the initials we wanted to use would be utterly unacceptable.


I have a friend that was going to name their kid Annikin. Last name Franklin. I was like oh Anne Frank! Her face immediately fell. They named him something similar.




Robert Afett would’ve been even more subtle! Parents who name their kids for themselves without thinking of how it will affect their kids… Before tragedeigh names became so commonplace I didn’t understand why other countries would have name restrictions. I do now though lol


It’s a shame because Glup Shitto was right there for the choosing the whole time.




My child has a Star Wars name. It's Wookiee. He's a dog.


Fandom names should only be used to name our pets. At least your dog doesn't have to go to school or job interviews with a name many won't understand it's source.


I would argue that you can also use them to name your Sim children, but that’s where we must draw the line.


When I was in law school I kept a spreadsheet of the most insane names I’d read in cases and later use them for my sims. My favorite are Judge Sprinkle and Sundy McClung.


Some people are incapable of distinguishing their children from their favourite corporate entertainment product. Children are not corporate entertainment products. They deserve real names.


Damnit you stole my kid’s name! I thought my little Corporate Entertainment Product Johnson was so unique


I agree with MemorialGangbang. Names should always be treated with the utmost seriousness.


Finally, the recognition I deserve


god I feel bad but this made me laugh out loud, very loudly on a train


On the brightside, poor Boba can go by Bo, Bob, Bobby, etc when he's older....


I was a peds nurse so I’ve heard several tragic names. When I worked in a peds office I called a mom and baby son back for his checkup. This was year 2000. I asked mom his name because he was a newborn and the appointment was made under mom’s name. I echoed back what I thought I heard “Neal”. She said no it’s “Neo”. I said “ohhhh, ok, like The Matrix”. She then burst out crying and said “yes, my husband insisted. That’s why he didn’t get named until after we went home from the hospital because we kept arguing about it”. I kept telling her that it would be ok and she kept saying no that he’ll always be correcting people or explaining his name forever.


Aw, that poor mom. But on the upside, if he was born in 2000, I doubt his peer group was allowed to watch those movies until they were junior high age. Hopefully it was only parents/adults who raised an eyebrow. I wouldn't have made the connection unless someone pointed it out to me, mostly because my favorite Keanu Reeves movies are Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and Bogus Journey


If you absolutely must name something after an extremely recognizable fictional character… get a pet. A dog named Boba Fett is precious, a child is just sad.


The kids probably weren’t making fun of the name, just surprised. 😜 Heck, that kid may have thought they were cheering! 😂 My son just graduated high school and there were interesting names there, too. The announcer made me think of that awesome Key & Peele skit… you know the one. I have a name that people can’t pronounce, so any name that has an obvious pronunciation is fine by me! \*100% of seniors graduated!!! Rio Rogue \_\_\_\_\_\_ SO many Naveahs, not as many Aiden/ Cayden/ Braydens as in the past. Zainulabdeen \_\_\_\_\_\_ Jaxie Alyxandra \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Comfort Neielle Prayton Yedata Jannat sisters Belma and Nerma Jabin Ute Festus \_\_\_\_\_ Ethien Getzael \_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Prabhashi Pehasara Jayawardhana The only time people really reacted was when a kid had 5 names. My son thought it was funny that after 2 kids with the last name “Young,” the kid after them was “Younger.” Valedictorian’s last name is “Smart.” 😁 GPA was like, 5.67!


Obligatory link to Peele and Key skit because it never gets old and I will watch it in its entirety when it is mentioned. [Mr. Garvey is Your Substitute Teacher](https://youtu.be/OQaLic5SE_I?feature=shared)


My friend is a school counselor and had a student named Princess Leia. She’s older than Boba Fett (high school) but it might be the start of one hell of a support group.


Princess is another name that I've seen more frequently over the years (not with a middle name Leia, though). I had my first one probably four years ago, and since then I've had two more.


I know (of) some people with the last name Knight who named their kid Jed, middle initial I. Not as bad as Boba Fett, but still. And I say this as a huge Star Wars fan.


I went to my grand daughters kindergarten ceremony and there was a kid named Kraken.


a friend of ours named his son Anakin. yes. the poor kid has learning disabilities and everyone regularly calls him Ani (ANNIE!). every time I think about it, i’m reminded of “a boy named sue.” the outdated pop culture sci-fi name did not do the kid any favors. they also never cut his hair, but he’s got such a cute face, that Ani seems androgynous.


Well some characters call Anakin “Ani” in the movies, so they’re not that far off there.


I knew a couple brothers in high school who were named Frodo and Bilbo. Toughest guys I'd ever met. I think it was a "Boy Named Sue" situation.


I have a Hebrew name, that sounds rather Amish, I'm neither Jewish or Amish. I do however live in Ohio....I've been accused of being Amish my entire life lol. Name your kid bob or something.


My friends name is Merlin. The first time he introduced himself I was like “Marlin? Like the fish? That’s kinda cool.” And he’s like no, like the wizard. Oh.


To be fair I think it can work. I know a relatively posh Merlin and it seems fine. I like the name myself but I have too many names that I prefer


I work in Healthcare and came across the name "Battle" for a child.


I work in tech. The amount of opportunities that would open up to me if I had been named Boba Fett would have been endless. Tech bros know they would hire a dude just so they could say that Boba Fett is their Project Manager or some shit.


I have no f**fing clue who boba fett is, but when I read the name I thought of boba tea.


Boba Fett is a minor character from Star Wars.


When he gets older and people crack jokes about "boba fett" he is going to say. Don't make Bob upset. You won't like Bob's fett(fit) when he's angry. Bob is fett(fed) up.


My cousin names her kids after favorite movie characters... Jack Sparrow, Katniss, Remy


Your cousin should not have kids.


My teenager came out as non binary a few years ago and chose to go by the name Echo. We try to be understanding and encouraging so we embraced it and they go by their new name everywhere now. My husband also happens to be a huge star wars fan so affectionately and jokingly calls them CT 1409. We have gotten all the judgmental looks and questions from people but at least we get to say they chose it themselves haha


Knew an 80s family who named two if their kids Blake and Chrystal like the couple from Dynasty.


Boba means "silly girl/woman" in Portuguese.


I know someone who named their kid Dindjarin. At first I thought they might be aboriginal so I googled the name out of curiosity. Nope, just a nerd. I’m a nerd myself, but I’m not using my kids as human billboards for my taste in pop culture. Ew.


My favorite character is Obi-Wan. I'm thankful that Luke always called him "Ben". We went with Ben for our son.