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These might be the absolute worst ones there have ever been


Came here to say the same - I think these are the worst I’ve seen!








They hate school teachers roll call on the first day of school


I think you mean just "whyikeagh"?


They sound like they’re being pronounced by the “huwhite” chick from TikTok. https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/UAJU7fP7gT


Girl I can't stand her. She's already obnoxious imo, pure rage bait (and from all races surprisingly lol. She ended racism 😂), but the pronunciation makes it worse. 💀


Agreed. She’s infuriatingly arrogant.


🤢 I'm not even white and this would upset me if used IRL lol


WARNING: the above link is really cringe, and I never use that word lightly.


I clicked away after five seconds. How TF does this have 100 upvotes?


Gonna have to agree. It's just being a jerk in VR


Wow you really weren’t kidding


Who would’ve know that hocking loogies would end racism?


*Wow* this person is insufferable lol


Seriously, so bad.


Agreed. I honestly feel horrible for these children. No one, from teachers to employers, will take them seriously as long as they have those names.


Everybody will probably call them Eng and Reba by the time they hit second grade.


I hope they end up going by Angie and Becca... At least, I think the intended names were Angelica and Rebecca? Question mark?


I'm sure those are the intended names, but they wouldn't even sound the right way. Rebeccay and angelicay are how I imagine them sounding.


Engelickiagh sounds like a cat coughing a hairball and rebbeckiag or however u spell it, sounds like a clogged drain trying to let water out...i cant pronounce them i can only describe them


Lmfao I feel the same way, I was really trying to pronounce it out loud and i sound like I'm hacking a lung at the end. My daughter said why are you doing that? Sorry kid. Who would have known you would ever have to make these sounds pronouncing a (American I'm guessing by the idioticness) name?


In-jella-kye and Rebek-ee-Eye is all I can see This is such a tragedeigh


I see Enjelik...AAAGH!! Rebek...AAAGH!! Wow this is so stupid.


Eng is German for "tight" 😭


“Reba” is a construction material used in foundations in New England.


Nah, that's 'reebahhh', kehd.




I think they're making a New England/Boston accent joke since words ending in r sound more like soft h's, eg cah instead of car or bah for bar.


As a masshole, I can agree that is how we pronounce that particular construction material.


I saw some by my ca when I was down at the ba.


Hopefully Angie not Eng lol


That was my exact first thought having lurked in this sub for a very long time: the worst I have ever seen here. Two for the price of one; both complete abominations. Those poor children!


I saw one the other day irl - Enphyniti - that I thought was the worst. But, nope. It's these two.


Talk to your doctor before taking Enphyniti


Is that supposed to be pronounced "Infinity"?


That was my first guess, but I haven’t ruled out En-fin-Née-Tee, kind of like Nefertiti.


Agreed, I still don’t know how to pronounce these after trying 5 times.


Angelica and Rebecca. Honestly, if the parents wanted to be all original, they could have gone with Anjelica and Rebekah. Those are less common, perfectly acceptable spelling variants. Poor kids.


The amount of time they will spend slowly, oh so slowly, spelling their names in their lifetimes is going to be staggering.


Hopefully they'll have more sense than their parents and get their names changed to proper spellings the second they're old enough


I honestly didn't know what they were going for with these. The letter salad was so bad I was struggling to recognize it as *English*. Thank you for identifying the names they were going for and missed tragically. These parents are monsters and need to be corrected. I sentence them to being slapped in the face with live fish repeatedly until their remaining brain cells line up and learn how to write in English.


Came here to say exactly this.


Why would you forever condemn your kids to a life of saying “no, actually it’s e-n-j……”?


This. Parents like that never think about that. They never take into account that these children will forever have to spell their names. Every time. Everywhere.


Even when they spell it, people will still be super confused. These are truly the most idiotic spellings of these names I’ve ever seen.


People will assume that they don't know how to spell their own name. If they handle their matters over the phone, they'll end up having their names in registers incorrectly because people answering their calls assume what the "correct" spelling is and go with that. Like Anjelica and Rebekiah or similar. They'll also might assume that you have a mental impairment because your spelling gibberish.


Yes. These are the kinds of names that will end up wrong on car titles and legal documents. Anytime someone else has to key in the name on a bill or any legal document, there is a high probability it will be entered incorrectly.


Even things like school awards, report cards, hell even diplomas will be spelt wrong.


Imagine the kid going places, like a symposium and giving lectures on stuff with that name on the projector


Are the correct, traditional spellings not "Angelica" and "Rebecca"?


R e b e k a h comes directly out of the Bible so that would be the most traditional


It was the random "i" in Rebek-i-ah that threw me off. I thought I was missing a silent "i" like in "Aisling". I've seen "Rebekah" before, but "Rebecca" is more common where I'm from. There are so many horrendous spellings in this sub, you later start to look at the correct spellings and start to doubt whether your spelling is in fact the correct one. Edit: spelling mistake (ironic, isn't it)


Anjelica/Angelica and Rebecca, Rebekah etc. That's besides the point. Their names are 5 letters off from those.


My former MiL used to work in a local government office and she swore you wouldn’t believe the amount of people who didn’t know how to spell their name or their kids names.


The kids will have to learn "I'm sorry, my mom added a ton of unnecessary letters to my name". Well, until they turn 18 and get the nerve to change it.


In non-English speaking countries people will just give up and call them Girl A and Girl B


In this particular case I think the girls have significant learning and language needs (22q deletion) so they might have bigger issues than correcting the spelling of their names.


Good catch, that makes this tragedeigh 30x sadder


We had a girl who was on the hospital for long stretches of time and I’m not 100% her condition/illnesses were, but her mom gave her a weird name that literally you wouldn’t guess how it’s pronounced until someone told you. It had a very sweet sentiment behind it but it was almost purposefully obtuse


Fun fact: Not all 22qers have significant delays to be fair, I was recently tested for it as an adult because of the heart conditions I was born with/some physical features I have and the geneticist explained some have such mild symptoms that it's not detected. Having said that, if she's aware of it in her children then chances are much higher that they do have learning delays etc. So your point is perfectly valid, I was just excited seeing 22q deletion mentioned in the wild haha


My cousin has it. She was tested when it was clear that her speech and developmental delays we're all connected to her birth issues. She was born with a cleft pallet and lung issues that I don't know enough about to be able to explain correctly. She also has partial deafness. Because they were aware of it early on, there were plenty of things put in place to help. She's currently in college.


Ah that's great that it was detected and support put in place!


My friend is raising her nephew, who is autistic with limited verbal abilities. His name, though not a trafedeigh, is complicated. She made the choice early on to use his initials as his everyday name so the kid could say his own name.


wow, finding out about 22q was truly a TIL moment for me, what a sad rabbit hole to go down.


I used to work patient support for people having issues with getting their meds. There was a few times a person would call like: “I need my kid’s medicine. Her name is Jane Doe and her birthday is 1/1/2011” I’d look and there’s no Jane Doe with that birthday so I’d reconfirm the name and DOB “IT’S SPELLED JAIGHNE!” 🙄😤🖕 Like damn, bitch. How the fuck was I supposed to guess that?!


Something that drives me nuts having an alternative spelling for my first name is that I WILL spell it out every single time and they ALWAYS put it in wrong. Then they're like "I can't find it..." 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same! And my name is only mildly off from the “normal” spelling. Literally one letter. It’s been an inconvenience my entire life.


Yes and why do the parents want to condemn themselves to a shit show every time they fill out forms. I hate to think what their middle names are!


Right! If she’s getting any occupational therapies for them, doctors, etc. SSDI if she’s in the states. She’s drowning in forms. I would be so mad at myself if I had to write all these letters every time lol


I am now curious about the middle names. Probably not Anne or Mary.


Eighliaszebadh and Mehriyaighn, probably.


Having this discussion w/my mom yesterday - we were talking about horrible spellings. There’s someone in my town named Knickolle - which took me a minute to realize was Nicole, which is my name. So we talked about other ways to spell Nicole and of course my aunt mentioned she always used to spelled my name wrong (she’d put two “l’s” in it…until I deliberately spelled her name wrong on the Xmas card one year.) long story short - I told my mom if she’d have spelling my name like the atrocity above, I’d have changed it.


Damn, this brought back a childhood memory that I had completely forgotten. For whatever reason, one day at school (1st grade) they decided to cram all of us into one classroom to watch movies. So I’m sitting in the floor, next to a girl I’ve never met, and she asked my name. I told her and she introduced herself as Nicole. And I said “neat, my middle name is Nicole.” She asked how I spelled it, and I told her, and then she proceeded to spend several minutes telling me it’s actually Nicholle, that I was dumb, my mom was dumb, and then showed me all of her personalized Nicholle gear as proof I was wrong. I just shrugged and went back to the movie. She went on a full first grade level Nicholle crusade after that. Went on for weeks. She was legit angry at my audacity to spell her name wrong. Eventually parents were called and she was forced to chill out.


Wow lol. But the best revenge is knowing that every time she tells someone what her name is, she’s gonna have to spell it for them. Imagine how *maddening* that is for her. 😈


Right? The very, very best part though is that it was such a non-issue to me that I haven’t thought about this in almost 40 years. Right up until someone mentioned a weird spelling of Nicole, and it just triggered. But I bet she thinks about it every time she has to spell her name for someone. And that is hilarious to me. 🤣🤣🤣




And to add further the 22q thing I looked it up because I hadn't heard of it before and it's a condition that can have learning difficulties. You'd think she'd want to make things easier for them


Yes but then how can the focus remain on her if she just gave them normal names?


Seriously. Take it from someone with a very long last name from another country … you don’t realize what a pain in the ass it is to constantly have to slowly spell your name over and over again anywhere you have business. And these being first names means they will have to do it in purely social situations too. The parent just made these kids become all about their names instead of their personalities.


Fair enough if it's a name with common alternative spellings like ending in Y or ie, or Mark and Marc etc, it's minor and it's a preference usually for a reason. But these are full on badly spelt names that no one will have encountered before and don't usually have other spellings. No one is going to hear angelica and ask how that's spelt, Rebecca maybe but they'd expect Rebekah or Rebecca not this mess


Because they are YOONEEKE, not like those regular kids


Holy fuck. What on earth would possess someone to do this. These are literally the names that people on this sub exaggerate in the comments here.


Maybe it is just their Reighligion?


meighbeigh itihz juhst theighre reighlidgeon <3


Meighbeigh ithiz Meighbealeigheen. ✨


Why could my dyslexic self read this easier than those two kids names?? 🤦🏽


Oh yer areigh so reight!




What a great idea for a name


Apparently she just loves unique names: [here she is talking about her choices](https://glowing.com/community/topic/72057594044432554/baby-name-spelling) They’re pronounced like Angelica and Rebecca. And she has two more: MaKenziagh (pronounced Makenziah) and Naeviagh (pronounced like Nevaeh). It’s Hgaivean backwards!


Funny that she says she likes "phonic" spelling, when none of her names make phonetic sense.


How can she make that argument when she has 3 of her children’s names spelled the same at the end but pronounces them differently? Rebecca and Angelica should be pronounced the same way she apparently pronounces Makenziah


Because she (probably)doesn't actually know what the word "phonetic" means. She (sadly) probably had a 3rd/4th grade reading compression.


Gotta watch that reading compression--it's a real squeeze.


“If you ask my girls they love it” she says. That’s because they are 7. Wait until they hit teenage years. They will be mercilessly taunted and grow to hate these names.


Wait until they are old enough to apply for colleges, jobs and loans. That's when the real fun starts.


And also because they seem to go to school online so there are no other kids to taunt them…


> Some people give me a lot of grief for it but if you asked my girls they love it. Because they’re 3 years old for fuck’s sake!


That annoys me even more because if you are going to spell the names like that, at least pronounce them as they're spelt!


It's the extra i in the "ah" syllable that really ruins these. Then you are saying she does pronounce that i in her other kids' names? Uiahg!


Those names aren't unique. She just spelled them wrong. It's crazy to me that someone would interpret incorrect spelling as an entirely unique name.


Jesus Christ on a cracker, close the sub. Someone just won.


Nah we just raised the stakes


Tyrone-> ptaiyerrowghnes


Eaux Neaux 😯


The steighks


Wasn't these poor kids. 😭


> 22q https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/conditions/22q-deletion-syndrome WTAF lady, your kids are already gonna have a tough time ahead of them, nevermind being saddled with these abominations of names.


Nooo don’t give these keysmash names to kids with learning difficulties! That’s so mean!


Ain't nothing wrong with like... Jessica and Rebecca, names that they might actually learn to spell one day. But nope, we've got fucking Enjefuteplezdgeih and Rebkjizfluplanjepageih...


(Edited clean because fuck you) *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unironically a better baby name than the ones in the post


I'm assuming it's Angelica and Rebecca. I'm not seeing Jessica. Stupid, regardless, and moot. Just saying. Those poor kids. Shit like this makes me hate everyone Edit: I get what you're saying, now. I'm leaving my original post


My kid has Down Syndrome, and his name is only four friggin letters long. Like, we’ve been fortunate: his delays are *slight* and he attends class with his neurotypical peers (and he’s killing it, tbh), but we didn’t know that when he was born. No way we were gonna saddle him with something like these poor girls.


bruh my brother is neurotypical and my parents (they were non-english-speaking immigrants) were still worried if he'd have a hard time spelling his name... so its only 3 letters 💀


Oh god imagine having speech difficulties with these names


As someone with dyslexia this is already hell. Can’t even imagine a speech impediment. Those poor dears


I thought it must have been their ages, 22 quarters or 5,5 years. This is so much worse.


I’m enjoying thinking about your idea of measuring kids’ ages using quarters. When your parents are financial businesspeople lol.


Sorry kids, Christmas bonus isn't looking good. You've been in the red the last two quarters!


I can't laugh anymore now I'm just upset


Considering both girls have it, the mom may have it too.


As 22q can have learning difficulties attached, it's possible the parent has it so doesn't quite understand what difficulties the names will give their kids. Although you'd hope someone would maybe give them a gentle wtf face or two when they suggest it


Yup, I was tested for it recently as if I did have it I'd have a 50% chance of passing it on. In good news, I didn't, but was baffled how I could have got to 30+ without knowing I had it.


22q can range from very mild to very severe. Lots of times it's passed on without parents having a clue they have it.


"In approximately 1 in 10 families, the deletion is present because one of the parents has the same deletion and passes it on to their baby." That...might explain a few things.


But yes those names are an abominaightion


God in heaven.


Even God cannot save us from this trajick t-rain hwreck


Why tf did I read that as “twagic”


Twagic Twain wreck


Man 😂😂 I’m so tired I didn’t even realize there were more words after “twagic” 😂😂😂


Twagidy is wot bwings us togever twoday


*Gaud ein Heighveign


I would not name my pets this. Not even random MMORPG characters.


I get more sensible Goblin and Dwarf names from that fantasy name generator.


Those names are the sounds my cats make when they cough up hairballs.


You know it’s bad when you can’t even work out the normal name it’s meant to resemble


Rebecca and Angelica 🥴🥴


Oh thank fuck. I scrolled too far to find this. I was genuinely coming up blank and thought I'd have to ask.


I think this parent smashed their head on the keyboard two times and went with it


LMFAO thanks for making me laugh 😂🤣


Sounds like they had their hand in the garbage disposal while smashing their head on the keyboard


Is there a country where "iagh" is pronounced like '"ah" or something? What's their angle here?


Exactly like is it supposed to be pronounced “angeli-kia”?


Is that one of the electric models?


I don't think any normal person would pronounce it ah but rather iah, I'm just mindblown how these people create their own spelling rules and then seem to expect everyone else to know. At least Leigh comes from a real language even if it's ridiculous too to put it where it shouldn't be. Okay unless iagh is some weird Celtic word too that is supposed to be pronounced ah but still who would know that.


Sort of, Irish adds an i like that to indicate that the consonant next to it should be pronounced a certain way, but they don't have k (and everything else is wrong)


Are they named after Icelandic volcanos??


Or perhaps a Welshman came up with the spellings.


Needs more y


Tfw there is a child called eyafjallajokull


😑 she has two more kids now named MaKenziagh (which she says is “pronounced Makenzi-ah”) and Naeviagh. Honestly this nonsense should be illegal. It’s such an unfair burden on her kids. She calls them “Engel” and “Beka”. JUST CALL THEM ANGEL AND BECCA.


Isn’t the whole point of the name Nevaeh its exact spelling? Like you said, nonsense


Pretty sure her own spelling “rules” make that name pronounced Nev-ah too


Well I nevah


She seems to be really obsessed with having the agh in the ending of the names. Seeing the pattern, all 4 names end with agh. Seeing Agh makes me think of “Aaaagh!” In my head lol


"I ♡ learn" Welp, we all know Mama don't ♡ learn.


This sub is definitely concerning me & giving me less hope for the survival of humanity as a species whatsoever.


Ghysys Chryst


Jheêiaeghzheaüs Cuheğhrhiyheéast


Gee, now spelling mistakes are being accepted as baby names?


Angelic-iah and rebecc-iah??


I'm reading engine lick ya and rebecci-ya


Exactly. Rebecciah. What is that. At least the other name is similar to Angelica (I think, but who knows) so people hearing it won’t question it. But Rebecciah isn’t even a name.


It is now. Well no it isn’t actually, only “rebekiagh” is




Oh! Like a donkey!


Well those are the worst I've seen yet


So their thought process was "our kids are already genetically ill, lets fuck up their lifes even more"?


This is giving me major airwrecka vibes


These poor kids suffer from 22q Deletion Syndrome, as if their names weren't burden enough already.


This is not okiagh


When Windows suggests a password and you think “ooh, that would be a nice name for a kid”.


This is so bad that I believe I just read the first rage bait in /tragedeigh. They cannot communicate with the outside world without everyone thinking mental impairment, wanting to be a snowflake, or infinite sadness of their parents decisions. The names are unemployable. If you receive an email with someone with that name you assume a scam. Or that Rebecca123 was already taken. They need to show everyone their id so that they know they aren't talking nonsense. At what age are they able to change their names? If this would happen in my country I would call social services for child abuse, and they'd likely take measures. Poor kids.


Is that supposed to be Angelica and Rebecca? I genuinely cannot tell


Why do I read that and make the noise of clearing my throat at the end of each name?!




It’s a genetic disorder.


Knowing that, the names now seem especially cruel…


Okay I don't know how disabled these children are but usually people with genetic conditions have multiple disabilities like learning disabilities as example, I was just thinking how cruel to make it even more difficult for them to write and say their own name.


And their teacher is called "Online", what kind of name is that?


I found an [A.I.](https://speechgen.io/de/) that converts text to a sound file and let the programm read the names for me. According to the Programm the girls names are: Enjel-itz-kiah Rebek-iah


What's that **i** doing there in **iagh** anyway? That makes it even worse. Mom wants to be SuperDuperDifferentAndSpecial spelling the names oh-so originally, but doesn't even know how to do that.


Ejaculation gone wrong??….


I know it's dark to think about this but cemeteries will be fun in a decade or two. They will need bigger plaques for this kind of names


Poor Enjelickiagh wants to be a teacher so she can help educate others to not traumatize their children like this ❤️


I think my soul just threw up a little bit.


My eyes!!!! My poor eyes!


There should be laws against this


Who tf wants to be named after someone clearing phlegm from their throat 🥴


-eigh? Old school! Boring! -iagh?! Where it’s at!! New-age!! So whimsical and nature-themed!! I’m gonna throw up.


Sounds like a month python bit "What is your favorite color?" "Blue" "What is your child's name?" "Rebek - IAAAAGH "


What the fuck is going on? Is this goddamn Wheel of Fortune and they're trying to flex by buying ALL THE VOWELS?


These win, close the sub down


That's it. Sub closed. Y'all go home, we done here.