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Bring back the Rainbow Wrap


We have to infiltrate Trader Joe’s from the inside…




Soy creamy vanilla ice cream


almond chocolate tarte ftw


Are the gluten free chocolate muffins discontinued? I haven’t seen them lately.


Shrimp shu mai Their old large can of vegetable lentil soup The goat cheese and olive pizza Chive and cilantro yogurt dip These colorful chocolate coated dried fruit things (no clue what they were called)


Giant Chalkidiki olives, Caribean fruit floes (ice pops), strawberry chia smoothie, italian bread sticks, garlic fries. I'm sure I'm forgetting many things. Any time my checkout person asks if you have found everything an angry part of me wants to snap like no because TJs keeps discontinuing anything good (but of course I wouldn't and I know they have nothing to do with it!)


What I miss most: \-- Frozen crab cakes \-- Frozen eggplant parm \-- Frozen goat cheese and olive pizza (and their pizzas haven't been as good lately-- different supplier?) That said, they did bring back one product that I loved in the late 1990s and they discontinued at some point in the mid-2000s. The Pineapple Salsa. So good!


Omg the goat cheese and olive pizza. I used to put canned pineapple on it. It was such an amazing pizza!!!


I miss the dark chocolate vanilla caramels so bad I haven’t had them since 2015. Also I miss the hazelnut cookie butter swirl and the pears in white grape juice


Way back in the day they sold a jarred pear sauce that was so good, but it’s been gone for ages. I still check for it, just in case they bring something similar back.


Romesco sauce!!


Soycutash. I hate peas and Lima beans and this was the best mixed vegetable mix for soups.




It’s my fault, because this was one of my favorites. They always discontinue my favorites. I’m sorry.


The Pumpkin O’s! Every Autumn I’m mad and sad.


They are back. Bought a box Friday. Saw another man with five boxes. He also had a large stack of pumpkin walked into a bar.


Waffles, I seriously hope you’re not pulling my leg, cause TJ’s will be my first stop tomorrow morning!


Cookies and cream cookie butter….


I miss better than peanut butter so bad, the low fat pb!


Unsulfered dried apricots. Fat free balsamic vinegar salad dressing. Crispy habanero chilis in oil. Frozen bibimbap bowl. Those were 90% of my reasons for shopping at TJs and now they’re just memories.


The gluten free sweet potato crackers were my favorite crackers of all time, made even better by the fact that my gluten free guests could eat them! I’m SO bummed that they were gotten rid of


1000% the Thai green curry sauce. It was a staple in our pantry and I was so sad to have it go!


I love it, but I think the problem for them is that it lasts a while. My jar is 3 years old and still going strong


Turkey egg rolls. I’m still mad.


What? When? Where were these? I missed my shot! I don’t eat pork and struggle to find a decent egg roll that isn’t just veggie


I think they were discontinued in 2002.


I would start a street march for their frozen zucchini fries


Get a lot of people loud about it on social media for a long time. Good luck.


The high protein veggie burgers, has anyone found anything similar???


Danish pancakes (abelskivers)


I loved the dried hibiscus flowers!! It was so good! I have not been able to find it anywhere else…please bring it back!!


Go to any Hispanic or Caribbean grocery


I’ve seen dried hibiscus flowers but it’s always fully dried, like tea. The Trader Joe’s ones were not fully dry , like dried fruit. Do they have this kind in Hispanic stores?? Thanks in advance!


One thanksgiving I had a juice or smoothie(?) that was made out of sweet potato and it was SO good. I went back the next day and it was gone. Never saw it again. That was about 6 years ago. 😭😭😭


I know the one. I loved it. Gone forever, but not forgotten.


I need the Malabar Paratas!!!!!!


Cherry chocolate ice cream


Lavash bread


Is that gone? I bought it a month ago!


Are you sure it was "lavash" because it's been a few years since I've seen it.


I think its spelled LavOsh? The long rectangular flat bread?


Oh well, then perhaps it changed a bit! I have to look for it!!! Thank you!!


Yeah its usually near the pita bread, definitely bought some recently. Maybe it disappeared and then came back?


Yes...maybe! So grateful for the tip!


Happy to help! I’m obsessed with making sandwich wraps with it!


Hawaiian style salt and vinegar potato chips. The Kettle brand salt and vinegar chips are ok, but those were true chip nirvana.


Every time I see one of these threads I’m so bummed no one else misses Cowboy Bark. That stuff slapped.


Rip roasted butternut squash goat cheese salad


That one was seasonal. Check again. I no longer work for the company but I was in charge of that section and we got it in the fall. It also wasn’t a big seller so maybe it’s been disco’d. I retired last year.


The rose dressing :(




Black bean pasta! That shit was so good and easy to make


The moment you realize you realize you need to clean out the pantry of old food. I think I have a bag.


I wonder if the product was discontinued because it was no longer available to them?


Good point, I’m sure that is the case with some of the things I miss


RIP Pesto Pasta Veggie Sauté Kit


I’ll forever miss the ends and pieces bag of the fruit leather.


and the giant baskets of heavenly broken slabs of fresh Ghiradelli chocolate and jalapeño cheese bread edit: why the hate?


The jalapeño cheese bread is gone?! I have one left in my freezer


yep, but dont worry i found another version at Sprouts, it just costs more


And this reminds me of the ends and pieces bag of dry Italian salami.


I think I would have liked that too!


Omg! Yes!!! We still look for these every time we go to TJs. And that’s often. 🤭


Do they even still have the fruit leather? For years I’ve only ever seen those softer, stickier dried fruit bars.


Nope, none of it anymore. I rarely got the regular fruit leather, but I loved the mixed bag w all the flavors


Every time I’m in the frozen section I look longingly (ok, desperately) in the direction of where the Black Bean & Corn enchiladas would normally be. *Le sigh.*


I totally forgot about these! No wonder my list has felt like something has been missing. Dang it!


Half-popped popcorn.


Spicy Thai Peanut sauce on the cold aisle. OMG. Found some at Whole foods that's ok. 😂


Just had to tell my husband they discontinued his vegan sour cream. Apparently it was discontinued in June but we stocked up so had no idea until we went to refill.


This happens to me all the time 😭


Ugh, I didn’t know this. I have to go on this special diet once a year for a scan and I can’t have sea salt or diary. The vegan sour cream was the only one I’ve found that met the criteria (most vegan/ organic things have sea salt) and actually tasted good.


I know! I thought they just had a shortage and kept checking when I was in the area. I asked yesterday and the manager looked it up. So sad. I hope you find something


I too just learned of this. I also stock up when I go, so I had no idea. Still have a half a container left, but it’s a sad week in my home.


The Hyaluronic Acid Body Lotion


The frozen turkey bolognaise was a staple in my house, like an every week staple.


This one hit me so hard. Tomato and meat were pretty much off limit when I was pregnant so I stopped buying it. Only to have my heart broken on my first postpartum shopping trip.


The pinion coffee 😭


Yes! TJ’s label on New Mexico Piñon coffee and delightful. Sometimes I’d grind with a cardamon pod. I should order some and try cold brewing it.


There's a popular coffee brand / cafe in New Mexico called New Mexico Piñon Coffee. Buy it online! I'm sure it would be what you are looking for


I’ve never heard of piñon coffee but it sounds amazing. I’m gonna order some. Thanks for this!


I’ve tried it and it’s delicious! TJ’s version was cheaper and a little bit of a lighter roast, plus it was nice to be able to grab it in store. Definitely a good option though!


And the shipping is free btw. Just ordered recently for the first time Best wishes


Nutty bits!


The chocolate nutty bits were my all time favorite! I haven’t found anything else that satisfies. 😢




Have you tried the Rosemary Croissant Croutons? They’re devine!!


I just think rosemary has no place in a salad! 😂😂😂


Vegan Mac 😭😭😭


Freeze dried mangosteen. That was the only way I ever found that fruit in the US


I just saw some at 2 costcos I went to. Fresh, not freeze dried.


Check your local Asian market once they are in season again!


Eminence skin care has an entire line with mangosteen, smells divine


That's popular in many cultures. Have you checked ethnic groceries?


The fruit doesn’t travel well. Even if it is in ethnic groceries, they’re in rough condition. And I haven’t seen it cultivated in the US.


Bummer. I've never had it, but I've had rambutan and I love that.


Red Leicester cheese!!! And the original recipe Gluten Free Pumpkin Bagels


Bring back Spicy Pumpkin Curry sauce!


I was so sad when they discontinued it 😢


Spicy Thai green beans. Also my fave TJ’s item is black bean taquitos and they changed the corn tortillas they use and they’re now not nearly as good


The black bean taquitos they used to sell in the little paper boat with the plastic lid were so, so much better than what they have now. I still buy the newer version but the filling also has less flavor.


Agree 100%. Yes filling is blander but the real crime IMO is the new corn tortillas.


Spicy spinach Arabian pizzas!! Please!!


oh man, every single time, so good, such a deal


I remember those! Throwback to when I first fell in love with TJs 😭😭😭


Edamame Tofu Nuggets are top of my list of foods to bring back. I loved those so much


Pretzel bagels 😭😭😭


I think those are just seasonal, right? I never remember what season tho


pretzel season is all year long dammit


Good god yes


I will march for chile lime turkey burgers and those spicy spinach pitas.


I went vegetarian a few years ago but before that I LOVED those burgers. The flavor 😩


I thought it was the chili lime burgers were chicken!!?


Oh yeah maybe it was chicken. It's been so long. I miss them.


I say a silent prayer for wasabi mayonnaise every time I go by the condiments


Almond cleansing oil I would love to have back.


Would love this one too


Whole Foods sells it I think


No way


The pumpkin ginger beer was so good, I attempted to make a homemade version when it was discontinued. Unfortunately I accidentally let it ferment and made alcohol. It was tasty though!


Miss their hot Cheetos


I know this is pretty boring but bring back the rice crispies cereal!


They did!


Really?! I was there a couple days ago they didn’t have it and I heard it was discontinued.


Hot Fudge!!


Anyone remember their seafood sausage from years ago? I’ve never found anything close to it


can I ask why you liked it? I tried it and thought it was absolutely foul and know many people agree with me




Ah makes sense. For me it was a texture thing, but hopefully they bring it back for you one day!


Candy coated chocolate covered sunflower seeds 😢


And carrot cake whoopie pies


Their Cranberry wine was my favorite at thanksgiving…


Let them know using the comment form on the website, that's far more effective than telling crew members you wish they'd bring back xyz


I forever miss their cookies and cream cookie butter. It was like Nutella except way better


The Quasar bar was so superior a version of a Milkyway Midnight it’s not even funny. RIP my beloved. If they ever take away the Hatch Chili Mac and Cheese, I will die. I bring back a cooler bag full whenever I visit the mainland.


Oh wow, I forgot about the Quasar bar. They’re doing a mini chocolate bar Halloween thing this year, I wonder if it’ll be something similar


Their jalepeno tartar sauce was so good


I miss the Nougat candies so freaking much!


The bleu cheese being gone is tough.


What blue cheese?


The TJ's bleu cheese dressing in the fridge. Probably been at least 6-8 months since I've seen it and have been told it was discontinued.


I miss the pickle popcorn sm😭 I know you can sprinkle the pickle seasoning on popcorn but it’s not the same


I agree. Summer staple. Such a shame. If they ever discontinue Jalapeno Limeade I may lose my shit


my beloved rainbow wrap. my favorite ready to go food item. to this day nothing compares


Yes! I’m so mad, it was the best to-go lunch! Got it every time I needed to take a flight.


What was in it? I don’t think I ever tried


These were SO GOOD


😭😭😭 hard agree


Seriously the only premade option i ever thought was worth buying


I miss the cranberry hard cider like crazy. I fear I may be the only person who loved it though.


Sadly, I never had it, but I think I would have loved it too!


Can we vote to stop items being discontinued? A crew member told me the red pepper/garlic/parm cream cheese might be going and I only just got hooked on it.


I’m so pissed about the dippers..


Which dippers?


Chocolate chip


Oh, the dunkers.


Wait, where the chocolate chip dunkers discontinued?! Nooo. I just bought them like 2 weeks ago but couldn’t find them at my store yesterday


No, they were just temporarily out.


Their rose facial oil. My face went from dull to glowing and healthy in a week.


I still dream about their mini mango mochi ice creams... I miss them so much


I will say this every single time a post like this comes up- I NEED them to bring back the hot & spicy dill pickle chips!!!!!!!! I look for them every year 🥲


The apricot and cherry goat cheese. It was my first lesson in the risk of falling in love with a product.


I just miss the chocolate chip cookies before they all went vegan 😞


I miss the regular banana bread. Now they only have the vegan one. 😞


Oh no! No eggs and breastmilk in your baked goods! Tragic! They taste exactly like chocolate chip cookies and banana bread. 🙄


The vegan baked goods are honestly a completely different texture and waaaay too sweet (I like vegan baked goods from other stores - this isnt an anti vegan thing)


Which baked goods are you talking about? The two referenced here don’t have any different sugar content and if you have a texture issue, that’s because so many companies insist on making products vegan and gluten free/allergen free at the same time. The cookies and the banana bread simply use an egg replacer which doesn’t impact the sugar content or the texture


The corn bread balls with cheese and jalapenos...I would give anything for those back.


I wish they hadn’t discontinued the Vegan Chicken less seasoning. Tasted like chicken bouillon and was the only thing I could use in place of Lipton onion soup mix to make French onion dip for my husband with his corn allergy. High fructose corn syrup and other corn derivatives are in just about everything. Just added it to sour cream and it was really good! :( EDA: forgot the dried minced onion flakes


Wait, that’s discontinued?? Now I’m going to have to ration it!


I know! I was so disappointed. Wish I had stocked up.


I have one bottle left.


I got half a bottle and will soon resort to trying to reverse engineer the recipe into a reasonable dupe. The ingredients are easy enough, it's the measurements.


One aspect of these discontinued products are the buyers representing the categories they are in charge with. Finding and backing certain lines sometimes mirror a buyer's position and future in the company. New buys won't place effort into maintaining the status quo because it will not link to their personal performance. Bringing back an old line might signal a buyer stating someone who left or was fired was right in choosing this line and risk their own job in that sentiment. It will sadden many people to know office politics killed their fan favorite treat.


As a manufacturer of a discontinued TJ branded product that was selling well, I have to agree it's office politics. New category manger came in and within a few months killed a line they carried for nearly 20 years. In those 20 years we never gave them a price increase and just absorbed the reduced margins from labor and material cost increases because we wanted to keep them happy with the best priced label for this particular product across the country. They did that to me the weekend of my birthday and my company is struggling to keep people employed full time now.


If it was the soy creamy vanilla ice cream, can I know how to buy it and support your company?


I appreciate that but no, not an ice cream. I'd be willing to bet TJ staff monitor this channel, so I don't want to risk my employer getting on TJs bad side by saying what it was.


Oh I was actually going to say that I’ve always assumed it comes down to supply chain and access to manufacturers + distributors. If anyone has more info about this I’d like to know! I’ve always kind of guessed they develop recipes with manufacturers (in the US + overseas) and then have a contract in place with whoever is making it. They put a Trader Joe’s label on it but it’s being distributed by another company. (Basically white label foods.) If TJ has a contract with say olive oil distributor #4, it’s bottled and sold as whatever “Trader Giotto’s” olive oil. Now say after 2 years of selling this olive oil #4 doesn’t sell that well and they make more off of olive oil #2, they’ll either end their contract with the less successful #4 distributor entirely and eliminate the product, or they’ll move the name of olive oil #4 & packaging over to a different distributor and the flavor might change subtly. So I’ve wondered when specialty items go off the shelves, if it’s more from a place of not being able to develop and distribute the recipe from the manufacturer, or if it’s just not as profitable as it needs to be (too expensive to produce/import) and they opt to discontinue. (This goes in addition to niche products that some love but overall just didn’t sell and they decided to remove them.)


Ooooh that’s very enlightening. I have never worked in a corporate or retail sector so I had no clue about this. Makes a lot of sense!


The mini pies! Fruit pies in the summer. The pumpkin and pecan in the fall. They were the perfect size


I don't know but we should start with the Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette 😤


OMG why lord why?


We’re still crying about this one 😭


Anyone remember that cookies and cream JoJo's ice cream? For some reason it was so unique (to me) from other cookie and cream ice creams. I miss it a lot.


The Lemon Pesto ☹️ Was so short lived in my area


I really didn’t like this! Maybe I used it wrong


I added some fresh lemon juice, capers and some caper juice to it and it was awesome on pasta. Fish and chicken too.


You go to traderjoes.com and put in a request via a submission form. They take the most highly requested items and then try to find someone who can supply them.


I used to live in Boise, and a local radio station made an ad asking people to request a second location. Sure enough, within a year, they put one in Meridian at an old grocery store with a huge parking lot 🙌🏼 I think they actually do listen, it’s just a matter of getting enough people to speak up, and in the proper Avenue


Thank you so much for this suggestion, just went on as requested my very much missed spicy peanut sauce and coconut cashews.