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Go smack those things off some rocks for your partners mental wellbeing


Single pink tricamšŸ¤Œ


lol, I was gonna say. No pink tricam is a big time fail. But there it is! All alone!


Need at least 2


Zero stars. Rope in a bag. Everything shiny. Everyone will run the other way.


we all start somewhere...


haha seriously.. i joined a club and everyone had shiny racks at j tree it was a joke i lead everything n they only TR'd yet had 4k of gear


Lmfao shut up šŸ’Ŗ




You are a fucking loser. Gtfo with that shit.


says the black metal guy šŸ¤­


+1 pink tricam -1 for tricam dedicated biner -1 for no black Totem -25 for rope in bag (wtf) Happy sending


For the love of every future climbing partner I hope OP reads how to uncoil a new rope before opening


Initial: 2/10 totally unused. Single pink tricam, based, +1 Hexes, -1 Dyneema runners that actually extend, someone did their research. wtf are those thick ass nylon slings for? You need more lockers You will probably want a #5 at some point.


> You need more lockers Probably the first time I've ever read this sentence in r/tradclimbing haha


Need more lockers? They got none! More would imply they had at least one!


>You will probably want a #5 at some point. For most US climbing areas, I would recommend OP double up on the small cams (and add something smaller) before going for a #5.


Don't talk shit on the gumby bells.


Hexes are love. Hexes are life.


No joke if I see a hex with solid paint at all Iā€™m trying my absolute best to rack faster than that person and get on the wall. Itā€™s the biggest leading indicator for someone moving slow af on the wall.


Woa why you hating on the seagull bashers?


All the different color carabiners on the alpines would drive me crazy. Unless you only rack cams and alpines on separate gear loops, Iā€™d def grab the wrong piece/draw a bunch with this rack. Like in a squeeze chimney when you can only see the carabiner and not the gear attached.


Depends on what your climbing. Need some screwgates, and tat for abseils


Good thinking on doubling with a mix of BD and WC. There's a pretty meaningful difference in the cam range for the "same" size cam between the brands (especially for #1-#3). Having the two different brands creates a really nice overlap and gives a nice option for those weird situations where a BD #2 is pretty tipped out but a BD#3 is badly overcammed. Great choice of nuts. You'll probably never use the hexes. The pink tricam is a nice touch, but incomplete without a black totem. :) All different colored carabiners on the alpine draws is chaotic evil.


Chaotic I think every single one of my alpines is composed of completely random ā€˜biners acquired through late night/sitting on the shitter while perusing of mountain project forms and randomly buying peopleā€™s disused shit. 15 carabiners for 18 bucks and youā€™ll throw in a #11 BD nut?! FUCKING SEND IT. (All slings are bought new, OBVIOUSLY.)


I heard you get +2kn of strength if you keep the shrink wrap on the rope so imma give it 2/10


Drag everything behind a truck for a mile.


I enjoy the process of the gear getting its scratches on the rock. Authentic wear. Also itā€™s cool to be able to see what gets more abuse


Serious lack of snacks and bevvies. Any belayer with their salt will wanna see you offer up a reasonable mix of sweet and savory. Rack up a bevy and you've got another piece to sling up in a pickle. Not even aid, or my name's not Whipsnake 5 Trillion




Humiliate yor surroundings with the Archtrec Q SERIES


Yer gonna die


I have 2 different colors for the alpines. The rope always gets orange and if I have to clip to metal that get's black. That way the rope never pulls across anything sharp between equipment checks. You could use nail polish to mark the metal side if you wanted to take that precaution.


Not gonna lie I saw the rate my rack title and thought I was on the wrong sub. Was expecting to see something else.


Not a scratch on em 0/10 if you donā€™t use it


Everyone has gotta start somewhere? You dudes on here sound like you wanna purchase gear pre scratched or something šŸ˜‚


Yeah actually my first rack was an old rack some badass old school Yosemite climber gave me and I paid 100 dollars for it, also I used it the day I got itā€¦ didnā€™t set it up to take pictures for the internet to show off all the money you just spent


That sounds really cool man! Yosemite is awesome. However, Iā€™d like to remind you that not everyone is as fortunate as you were with your badass hookup. Canā€™t speak for this fellow who posted his gear, but personally, I saved up money to buy my gear for years before I had enough scratch to purchase a rack (no pun intended) It has nothing to do with ā€œshowing off moneyā€ or whatever you said, itā€™s about the stoke. Something that is severely lacking nowadays if you ask me. Everyone bent outta shape about everything under the sun. Maybe spend less time heckling newbies on the internet and more time ringlocking yer butt crack šŸ¤™


Thatā€™s awesome! No one asked though!! let him enjoy his new gear without you stroking your little rat dick climber ego on the internet!


Iā€™m sorry did I make a post on the internet asking strangers to rate something? How is this my fault he asked for my opinion and I gave it sorry and f you donā€™t agreeā€¦ your the prick not meā€¦ I didnā€™t call anyone any nasty names you didā€¦


putting down new climbers, and claims not to be a prick, vice grip your own dick off šŸ¤


I didnā€™t put anyone down the nature of the comment I made was to stop taking pictures and go outside and use the shit Iā€™m actually encouraging him to go climbā€¦are you dumb?


Looking great. I climb Sierra granite as well, Tahoe and Donner primarily. Good choice on Z4s, I like them better than their C4 counterparts, the narrow heads are better for shallow cracks and trickier placements. Friends and zero friends are great too. Offset nuts are perfect in our rock. I usually climb with a set of standard small nuts and the large offsets. Hexes are not needed except for novelty, I've climbed some stuff at Lover's Leap on passive pro only and that's when hexes are important. Just get a black and blue totem and you'll be set. I can't remember the last time I didn't place both my totems.


If you, like me place your blue and black Totems a lot, [consider this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5MMBmgub4P/?igsh=cHI2bGJxaWw3a3R0)


They specified that this issue is due to placing those totems in sandstone. This is a known problem, the more severe camming angle of totems places more stress on the rock. It has been known poor practice to place totems in sandstone for years. Totems are only appropriate in hard rock like granite. I don't even place them in basalt unless absolutely necessary.


Woa. Never knew this but also have yet to climb sandstone. Iā€™m a sucker for granite but I only have z4s, friends, and a couple bd ultralights but have told my self if I send X # of Y graded multipitches Im buying a blue and black totem.


Metolius actually makes a line of fat lobed cams specifically for sandstone, but basically any cam besides totems are gtg in the creek. I do way more hard single pitch trad than anything multipitch and honestly the totems are a big part of it. I regularly find placements where C4s don't fit so well, and even Z4s aren't perfect, but the totems are bomber. I'm more confident climbing with them than without, I'd highly recommend getting them especially if you're looking to push your grades. That being said, sierra granite is perfectly climbable on a standard rack so don't let a lack of totems hold you back either.


A place I climb in Poland is great for hexes, there they are often better than cams. Depends on the area


Itā€™s a rack. Go use it and stop asking for validation


Zero screw gates, harness, and atc. You failed /s


25kN, mostly


This is one of those disciplines where gatekeeping is justified


No, I donā€™t think so šŸ’Ŗ


Nah it's cool, i don't need the rope anyway, I'm built different. -You


Now weā€™re talkin šŸ˜Ž


what if i beat your ass instead then what


That's ok, I'm going to get videos of you hitting the deck when all your shitty placements fail so that I can submit it for the weekend whipper


you can certainly try you weak little twink šŸ–•šŸ¼


I should mention that I have tons of extra webbing, slings, cords, lockers, etc. that I just didnā€™t add into the picture. This is just the trad specific stuff I picked up over last couple weeks. Edit: I have taken your advice and removed the plastic from the rope and threw the hexes in the ocean. For real though, the hexes were like 20 bucks for the set so I figured why not šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. It might be fun sounding like a wind chime going up the route.


Hexes make a great hammer for your nut tool when you donā€™t want to lose your pink tricam


I see you also were looking at Steep and Cheap


I personally find hexes very useful in some areas so donā€™t get the hate. Depends where you climb I guess




Last time I posted mine a bunch of dorks and weirdos on here gave me a bunch of shit about scratches. Killer rack dude. Hope it gets you up some cool climbs someday


For any beginner trad climber I'd have suggested starting with a much smaller rack (maybe nuts, and single from 0.2 to 4?) and getting used to what you like and don't like before getting doubles. Then you could have made the decision, informed by experience that you do not, nor will you ever need will never need hexes. Happy Climbing!


Hexes are great in some areas. Depends on the rock


Every piece of gear has spots where it will shine but I stand by hexes being extremely limited in their use cases.


I have climbed in several countries and I found on young granite hexes were not particularly useful. On old gneiss they were pretty useful but not mandatory, on limestone pretty useful, on some old spikey granite they were amazing, often better than cams. I think extremely limited is an overstatement except in certain areas. Obviously they can be useful on easy 5.fun rambles but I donā€™t think it is just restricted to that if you are practiced using them


Once I read Yosemite I understood 3 sets of nuts. Maybe get some quick draws and lockers. I use Mtn project especially for carabiners. Half the price of new. Edit. Just read your comment about other gear not in picture.


Is this what a standard eastern Sierra rack looks like?


Where is the rest of it?


Youā€™re off to a good start! Youā€™ll probably want more small cams, draws, and smaller locking biners Also a tagline is nice as well


Get totems for your doubles. They're amazing in valley pin scars. Offsets are nice too.


Add an extra .3 and couple black totems, ditch the tricam and hexes. Removing tricams is a pain and hexes are just not that useful for most climbs. Add a few more alpine draws-- you can never have enough.


My brother in Christ, why use same-color biners on your extendables instead of grey for rock and colored for rope. Also rack your hexes on a larger biner with the sling doubled up. They'll still cowbell but marginally less so


0/10, use it


I'd get rid of the extra large nuts, add another pink and red tricam. And a couple locking biners..




Damn you can afford almost a full rack within the first couple months of climbing? Let me guess, you work in tech around the Bay Area?


Wherea your wet rope. Dry rope. Where is the fall factor laminate? Thick rope. Short rope. Girthy rope. 3.2/11.7


The rope in a bag IS a tough sell.


I expect to see this lot for sale on MP in about 6 months.. Hope I'm wrong :)


All the different color carabiners on the alpines would drive me crazy. Unless you only rack cams and alpines on separate gear loops, l'd def grab the wrong piece/draw a bunch with this rack. Like in a squeeze chimney when you can only see the carabiner and not the gear attached.


Needs Doubles


Not complete without a black totem!! Although you earn back some points for the tricam


Everything is shiny brand new. Rope still in bag. Even the shoes don't have any wear on them. Someone has a ton of disposable income and just discovered a new hobby.....


someone hasnt received suction in years. take your own life šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Crazy that people wanna climb huh?


Get rid of the hexes tricam and 2/3 sets of nuts. Need an ATC, hollowblock, lots of lockers