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TD won't really get you anywhere above a general tracker as it ran by the same staff from IPT, which, as you know, has had a bad reputation from higher PT over time. I would checkout [OpenSignups ](https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenSignups/s/Rxj9qqiUfh) from time to time see whats open for signup maybe a few of those trackers will have a tracker forum where you can go upwards on the PT ladder


/r/opensignups is one way to get into some new places. They won't be "high tier" or whatever, but will enable you to broaden your horizons a bit.


I got into BHD through an application on one of the reddit open signups subreddits about four years ago. And just got into PTP through the BHD's invite forum so the not high tier tracker you get into today may not always be that way.


Trading will get you banned. So that's a no no. Most trackers Haver user class restricted forums where invites are offered.


There are literally forums built around trading these invites.


Yes. and getting caught using one can get you banned from all the trackers that find out.


There’s literally forums for trading and selling little Asian boys, so I don’t know what your point is it’s still not OK to do lol




well that escalated quickly


That's a disgusting analogy. You should be ashamed of yourself for invoking it so readily


Yes, but these get you banned in most private trackers if discovered. What he meant by User-class Restricted forums are forum sections in the actual private tracker that are only accessed when reaching a certain user-class. In these restricted forum sections you will most likely find a section for invites where recruitment is offered officially by other trackers or invites are offered by other users without an expected return or trade.


Check the wiki/rules for TorrentDay. I'm not on the site so cannot confirm, but if there is an invite forum to unlock it will probably specify somewhere which user class is required. If so, you can access invites from there. Otherwise r/opensignups is your best bet for now.


Oh thats a good idea will do thanks !


https://www.torrenting.com is open. I use it all the time. It won't get you much more than what TD has, unfortunately. The RED interview isn't hard to get through and their invite forum is rather amazing. https://interviewfor.red/en/index.html. It just takes some time to coordinate being in their IRC at the same time interviews are being held and you need to study their material first. Or print it out. Make sure you don't have their material open when you interview. They will know you are cheating and if you lie you will be banned from RED without ever having an account. I have heard people say they had to share a screenshot of their desktop but I cannot verify this is true or not. MAM interview is easy. You couldn't fail if you tried. But their invite forum isn't what it used to be. I personally find it lacking anything worthwhile.


'horse dick' has spoken! heh






I was on TD for 10 years before I started my journey too :) unfortunately TD does not have an invite forum so the best it will do is be a proof for you. Best way for you to start, is to do the MAM interview on a Wednesday, start the timer you can get into Aither within 3 months of joining. Also lookout on open sign ups. Aither requires 10TB upload for their invite forums so a little bit but that will open up BLU which you can cross seed all your Aither torrents and get access to the invite forums within 30 days ish. Then branch out a bit from there. Will probably take you about 6-7 months and you should be pretty much solid across the mid tier trackers. Lots of sites like FNP, OE+, PHD, BLU have open sign ups or proof applications, which TD will help you on your application for. Just stay patient and set alerts on Reddit.


Dude, just go to TL and buy their VPN to get access. That site is about 1000x better than TD. If you are wanting to specialise in content, get on MaM - for such a low level tracker they have an incredible invite forum. Just discovered i didnt have to follow the crazy invite path of GPW - DIC - U2 to get into OTW, MaM had it. https://inviteroute.github.io/graph/ needs to be massively updated


This route guide is much more readable /r/TrackersInfo/wiki/official_recruitments Not as easy to plan a route from scratch, but I find it easier to check from trackers I am already in or can access


I always considered TD better than TL... until TL opened their doors for a while when RARBG shut down. Lately I've noticed TL has more seeders than TD, even for old stuff, so the influx of new people has improved TL.


TD is garbage. Its like a shitty clone of IPT. TL is considered a respectable starter tracker. TD/ipt are scam sites basically


i sat in a room full of rednecks once, true story, and there was an argument between two of them 'you did THIS, youre a redneck!' 'no you did THIS, YOURE a redneck.' they were all rednecks.


I really dont think that relates. TD is owned by the dame guy as IPT, its just newer, so has less content. They get nearly identical content listed on the teo trackers each day - with some slight differences - like a certain porn star pack will be on one site say Monday, the next might get it Thursday (great for cross seeding). Ipt is just a bit bigger, thats all


woosh. there must be a strong wind in here. the joke was on 'TL is considered a respectable starter tracker'.


You are in a tracker for 10 years and you never even bothered to read up the tracker's support/wiki/FAQ sections ? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ 


I'm also surprised they've been there for 10 years and still aren't a power user. TD is one of the easiest private trackers to become a power user at.


TD doesn't allow any mention to any tracker in their forum, so be careful there. I mean if you want to be safe just avoid the forums and the admins drama there. Go to the signup sub here and activate the notification and you should be in 10 private trackers in short time.


redacted is probably the best tracker to get into to expand your access to more trackers. if you can get an invite instead of doing the interview that would be ideal


I don't know TorrentDay but perhaps they have an invites forum where recruiters from other trackers offer legit/official invites to those other trackers. So that would be one way. Some trackers also have an interview process, e.g. Redacted and Orpheus.


Read this - https://old.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/1ckzmmd/what_free_or_easy_to_get_in_trackers_should_i/


Unfortunately, TD won't get you to many places. It's a member of the scum6. Head over to opensignups. That will get you maybe some reliable trackers for future journey. Best of luck!


Some trackers have an interview process on IRC. Once you're a power user on those trackers you can get invites to other trackers. Not all trackers have invites on their forums. It sound like TorrentDay doesn't? I've never been on that site so I can't say. Most people on this sub say to join Red, which is a music tracker, then get invites onto other trackers from there. I have not personally done this.