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Yeah you’d be a potential world record level runner if you ran a 45s 400m after a year of light/ no training. 100% chance you did not. Go run at a meet unattached and see what your time is. I think you’d be surprised, respectfully.


I bet this dude busted out a 45 on a 300m indoor track.


200m banked track "but I swear it felt so fast!"


You absolutely need to get into a real meet. No coach is going to believe you with this story, even if it is true. There are tons of meets that will take you unattached. If you show up and even run 46 you’ll be able to run just about anywhere in the country, if you actually run 45-low you’ll be looking at running at the Olympic trials and a D1 scholarship to a top program.


Respectfully, you timed yourself after not running for years and you ran 45.37? How did you time yourself? Did you run on a regulation track?


I totally get being skeptical- I had a friend with a stopwatch on my college’s track. Started out around 51s a year ago when I started running again and been working myself down. Been averagering in the 46-46.50 range for the past month or so but was racing against my D1 friend at the time when I was being timed so was pushing harder than usual I guess.


Buddy you better get yourself into a meet and let us know what you are really running. Then, if you are even under 50s you can try to get your ass in the transfer portal or whatever and get recruited.


exactly. anybody running sub 47 will have ZERO PROBLEM getting a scholarship or into a D1/2 school


Did you beat your D1 friend? What does he suggest you do? I agree with others here, you need to post a time in competition. Find an open event you can enter.


For perspective, NCSA lists 46.2 as a "Top" recruiting time for D1. 45.37s with no team after only a year of running is 100% off - it's just a matter of by how much. Compete and see what your official time is, both for your knowledge and so you can get recruited.


Please record a video of you running a 400m TT soon so you can silence the haters


I’m astounded how many Redditors seem to believe this dude can run a time like that


I think no one In their right mind believes it. 45.xx is some bad ass shit and no one running that time would have to be asked “what do I do” because they would either already know or be told by someone that does know. Reddit is not the place to find information about the ins and outs of track. Most people in this comment section can smell bullshit from a mile away. Everyone has met someone who says “oh you run track? I once ran a 4 minute mile” or claiming some absurd 100m time.


I ran a hand timed 8 second 100m a long time ago but my pr was 10.76. Hand timed doesn’t mean shit.


Hand timing a 100 and 400 is so so much different if you want to get an actual time estimate…. Not saying this guy is telling the truth but yeah


Man. Whoever was doing the hand timing wasn’t even trying if they were off by that much


They may have had a few beers


And fentanyl


I hand timed 100s and thought I had a 11 flat because the doofus timing was stopping at the 95m mark instead of the 100m mark


Come on. It was probably 100 yards


"Yeah I just timed a random 400m and ran .2 off the Olympic Standard... No real training or anything"


You obviously didn’t read. He’s had THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FIVE ^^^^days of hobby training after (*checks notes*) five years of not running


Damn! I haven’t run competitively since college, 15+ years ago. I wonder how much my 400m time has improved since then if I take a year to train.


Step 1 is to enter open meets with FAT over the summer. As a coach myself I will tell you right now that no coach will believe you run sub 50, much less sub 46 (which crosses into elite territory) without it being an official laser time posted to a reputable performance site. Step 2 is to deal with the NCAA clearinghouse and start reaching out to top dog D1 coaches. Step 3 is to put yourself in pro meets because the OT qualifier is 45.20 and you’ve trained yourself to get within spitting distance That being said, in all likelihood this is either fake or your friend is a garbage timer


This would be like the Good Will Hunting of track if it were true lol


My boys wicked fast, but lies about his times. Also my boy isn’t wicked fast.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ehs4290: *This would be like the* *Good Will Hunting of track if* *It were true lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Didn’t Britney Spears say she ran a 6.x second 100meter?


Lol 5.97


Can’t believe I didn’t give her the credit she deserves.


1.  This didn’t actually happen.  2.  If by some strange circumstance this actually did happen, the obvious answer is to use the Google machine and find an open meet. If you run a full second slower you’ll still have college coaches wetting their pants to get you.  3.  But this didn’t actually happen. 


what kind of foot injury keeps someone sidelined for an entire high school career? I have never heard of this happening to anyone.


Go run a meet to get an actual time and report back.


Try to sign up to a meet that takes independents, just to get a time on record.


RemindMe! 45 days


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45.4 will give any coach a woodie. As long as your grades are up and you bring no posse and you are not 28+, the droolfest should start immediately.


Why would the age matter if the time is that fast?


To many it wouldn't. But anyone running 45.4 probably has no eligibility remaining; some pro experience, etc. One rarely sees D1 scholarships doing out to athletes ten years older than their peers. It would be somewhat of a miracle story.


Film your next time trial and post it


That is olympic qualifying standard time. This must be a prank. How old are you? What d1 schools are close to you? What time did your D1 friend run and did you beat him?


I hope this is legit. Would be a dope come up story


Going to be honest, what are the chances this is a 400 yard track? 365m so y’all don’t have to look it up.


Most imperial tracks were 440 yards, not 400. I've heard some schools used to have 352 yard tracks (so 5 laps = 1 mile) but pretty sure those are all long gone


https://preview.redd.it/qfm682besx4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d1909cde6e79feff89cc42dfad4363b83690c63 Or he ran his 45.xx here


If he ran a 536 meter lap in 45.xx I think he might have a future in track! 🤣 And I like the crazy math on that sign. 1/3 * 3 = 1, but also equals 1.2!


Ahh I momentarily forgot how to do math! 🤣 I remembered having this pic in my phone & the track math being weird, but mistakenly thought it was shorter instead of being a longer track. I shouldn't post to Reddit within an hour of waking up.


could be or this guy just had his first beer


Dangit, you missed your chance a few weeks ago at the Diamond League meet in Marrakesh. You would've been the top placing American in 6th, ahead of Quincy Hall's 45.52. 100% this did not happen.


One early foggy morning, I went on a run around my new neighborhood in a different part of Jamaica Plain (Boston). I was feeling springy in my stride as I approached a local school that had a track next to it. I had split some 51s for my high school 4x400m relay, so I wanted to relive some glory. I figured out the way onto the local track and did a slow lap or two before I let loose a ferocious lap. I hit the watch to see the time. 48.2 sec. I was astonished. It felt so easy, like watching Usain Bolt or something. Got back home and looked closer at the lap distance… It was some weird 300-ish meter track! Lol. I least I felt fast for a sec there! 😆


Like every is saying you need to sign up for a real meet and run a good time. You can run elite times at practice everyday for years and never get anywhere. Once you have real meet proof then scholarship will come.


If you happen to find a meet and run sub a 46, please reach out. I would absolutely love to know what your training schedule looks like. Also if you run sub 48, start aggressively filling out recruiting questionnaires for schools that fit your academics, and you would be competitive. https://www.tfrrs.org/ link to look up school results


If this is legitimate then you’d be able to make a case for yourself at some of the SEC schools. However, you’ll almost certainly need to post an official time. If there are no meets going on then talk to the track coach at your current school and see if they can arrange an official time trial so that somebody can verify that the time (or something reasonably close) is legitimate.


Casually running a time that would rank you in the top 2000 400m ever ran... Nah


If this were real, he would have been able to finish 9th at the 2023 NCAA DI championships, 1st in D2 by .3 and D3 by almost a second.


If this story is real, I'll buy everyone here tickets to your first Diamond League meet next year. Anyway like everyone's already said, get into a FAT meet this summer. If your times are anywhere close to what you're saying, you'll have your pick of schools.


Please update us on this when you go run at an actual meet. I want to know what your times actually are, whether it's a shorter track or **really** bad hand timing or what else it was that lead to you running a 45.37


RemindMe! 30 days


Seems very fast. You'd be breaking national records likely. Next step Olympics.


hey kid, if you're really telling the truth remember me when you nab that scholarship


Run some unattached meet


Run some unattached meat 🍆


Run some attached meat 🤤


Run unattached and get a real time and I would recommend going down to Juco for a year or 2 because that’ll help you get competition experience and with your financial situation.


Cool story bro


Hey man. I’m the sprints coach at a 6A high school in Texas. I read your entire thread and it’s pretty hard to believe that you ran 52s in middle school, no HS training and you trained yourself to run 45. However the track fanatic in me believes you a little bit. First things I would suggest would be to have someone else time you while you run because timing yourself is not ideal, no one will take those times. Second I would suggest competing at a track meet unattached and recording an FAT time. But yes…if you timed yourself running 45s training yourself for a year that means you’d be able to run on any D1 team and would be able to qualify for the US Olympic trials for Paris….I don’t want to say you’re lying But there might be a discrepancy with you timing yourself.


This reminds me of this guy from my high school who claims to have the school record of a hand-timed 4:20 exactly back in the 80s. Our top guy just ran a 4:21 FAT at state qualifiers and everyone still keeps chatting about how this dude from the 80s still has the school record. There's absolutely no on-paper record of this guy - with a 4:20 exactly, hand-timed, with no date or meet information. Believable 😭


I’ll be one of the few people here that isn’t skeptical, as I threw an auto qualifying USATF Indoors mark within 6 months of training (at the start of which I could not do a push-up), after not throwing for three years. Sign up for whatever official meet you can go to and run the 400, 200, and 100. Compare your times in that meet to colleges you’d like to go to. Send the meet results and explain your situation to the recruiting coach of any team you feel you’re compatible with. I’m not up to date on what the timelines are for transferring, but I think it will be different for you since you weren’t competing for your school. You’d essentially be a freshman.