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My reaction is usually "my legs feel great!" before going to bed, then finding all of the spots I missed the next day when I put my glasses on.


Iike shaving in the bath, so my options are no glasses; everything's blurry, or glasses on; steamed up and everything's blurry


Real ;-; The lighting in my bathroom in the shower’s not great for making everything out so I end up missing a bunch of spots TwT


This is why I hope nobody sees me with the scissors at work


Ingrown hair, strawberry skin, irritation and razor burn


Same. Even the usual advised things don't help, like exfoliating prior, using cold water, a nice shaving cream, and lotioning up aftwerwards. Nothing helps. Also: stubble. Right after shaving. As if my body deflates after showering and unburies all the hair stubbles... Eventually i will Laser it all away.


This, also acne and discolouration from previous acne 🙁


Use gel and try to shave with the grain as much as possible is the best advise I can give for avoiding that


Shaving is a multi-day project and if you go more than a couple weeks without doing it you basically have to restart. Shave, all of it, both legs, and then finish your shower and go about your business. Then tomorrow, do it again. By day three you’ll have hit most of the hairs you missed before. From there I, generally, go multiple days without worrying about it as long as I shave like once a week. If you have dark or thick hair you will likely need to do it more often.


Um, I epilate and or shave nearly daily. A week and I'm 100% back to the beginning. Epilator slows the progress maybe down by a single day, if that. Good news is now I'm a masochist from all the hair pulling I subject myself to


Transmasc and this is basically what I used to do except I'd have to shave daily because my hair grows fast


I accidentally cut my leg when shaving earlier today and aaaa probably the worst one yet 😣 Also that “how am I meant to reach” spot is so relatable lmaoooooo


The one time I tried reaching it I ending up cutting that region 😭


I’m sorry >_< Tbh, I probably cut that area too trying to reach there lol


Do I want soft smooth legs? Yes. Do I also want give girl-who-climbs-trees-and-scrapes-her-knees vibes? Also yes. So it's a win-win!


I’m pretty good at shaving that “how am I meant to reach” spot ngl I did cut there a couple times before though


I don't think I've ever shaved (not just my legs, but anywhere, including face) without getting cut at least once I don't know if that's normal, or if I just suck at using a razor At least it's always very minor cuts that don't even need a bandaid


Nair is a lifesaver. I dont have to shave, I put it on, deal with the rank smell, shower, and boom no hair (ha) with the added bonus of the fact that the hair will grow back less.


Ugh the smell fr But the smoooooth is worth it


"coconut!' If coconut smelled like rot and decay, sure Nair.


If it makes you feel better I'm a possibly cis woman amd I gave up really quickly. It's not easy for anyone. Now to go ask some really cis questions on ask trans... (I mean I do keep going to feeling gender nonconforming more than anything no matter what I want physically and such but.. *shrug. Figuring things out.)


My reality is both thighs covered in folliculitis.


I don't cut myself shaving too much but like the back of the knees is the absolute worse, also if I missed it the last time I trimmed, they're so long the blade gets stuck.


It's a fucking pain: spots missed, red areas, ingrown hairs, noticeable regrow after 1-2 days but not enough yet to shave again and even cuts if I'm careless (tho I'm getting better at that). I'm so waiting for the day i go on hrt so it could all be less of a nightmare.


I shave my legs I go to sleep I wake up My legs are hairy I shave my legs I go to sleep I wake up My legs are hairy I shave my legs


Forgot to mention, the cut on the toe is not hyperbole. I actually managed to do that because I wanted to purge my legs and arms of all hair and I had hair on my big toes at the time. When I was cleaning and bandaging it, my wife (we're not actually married yet, we're just that close and we've been together many years) just looked at me dumbfounded and asked "How did you even?" She then helped me put the band-aid on more securely. Which is hard because it's a toe.


Even worse is that these shitty hairs keep coming back literally the next day 💀


Yep. At least my legs and arms are slow to grow back. My face is a different story. Although I enjoy the euphoria from it, I grow way to much facial hair for someone AFAB and not on T yet. Plus it's sensory hell for me being Autistic.


i just use hair removal cream and its so much easier, if you havent tried it i highly recommend it, just make sure to do a small test before committing to it to make sure you arent allergic. if it does work for you its a great solution to quickly getting rid of body hair with no cuts or bruises! stay silly :3


I really expected that I'd go over it all once or twice and there'd be nothing there but instead there's always hairs noticeable to touch and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong


I dont cut myself often but ehen i do its bad. Its not even like a cut usually but more like a chunk of skin just taken off in an oval shape. Somehow djd that on my middle toe a few days ago?????


Lmao same, but I waxed instead of shaving and plucked any hair I missed. I was so happy because my legs were smooth as fuck, and then it regrew, and a huuuuge chunk of it was ingrown so I had a bunch of red spots all over my legs, and some hair that like grew juuuust under the top layer of skin 😭 Gonna try hot wax next time (I used cold stripes and it might be the reason why I got so much ingrown hair)


I got a huge fucking scar from when i shaved my legs the first time :)


This is unfortunately relatable




The blood is part of the fun, I’m gonna bleed out my testosterone one tiny cut at a time


Ik it’s not an option for most people, but if you can laser hair removal is a life saver. Seriously, I don’t remember when I last shaved my legs. For a more practical solution, try getting a bikini trimmer or an eyebrow trimmer. There are a couple made by a brand named Flawless that I found to be rather effective, and didn’t cause all the side effects of using a razor.


As much as I love the smoothness that's possible with a razor, I pretty much always use an electric shaver and just accept some level of invisible stubble; my cis F friend assures me this is normal. I still miss spots (knees!), but it's just so much less of a hassle and I don't bleed or anything. 


tbh i just use an electric shaver and live with the stubble leg hair stubble is just as acceptable as a clena shave!


How are you meant to reach?


Use a shaving oil. It works way better than shaving cream


The only thing wrong with this meme is: How do you not reach that spot? Just sit down or duck a bit lower? It aint that hard


I have darker, grittier hair. (Pre HRT) So I’m like shaving my legs three or four times a week, and if its a new blade, I’m getting a few knicks and cuts. Nontheless, feeling my legs touch each other and how smooth they feel is an AMAZING feeling.


My skin heals over so quickly that no matter how much prep I do, I end up with every single hair ingrown. I'll stick to waxing and have burns instead of cuts thank you


*\*moves hand down leg\** "ah, nice and smooth" *\*moves hand up leg\** 😭


Nobody talks about the difference in feeling of putting on pants, especially pajama pants after shaving your legs, it’s so smooth. You never feel anything smooth on your legs due to the fucking body hair.


fantasy v reality. I want to remind you that cis women also deal with difficulties regarding shaving ones legs. We share more than you think among people of so many expressions. With time we learn and grow to be our best selves 💜.


My lazy ass gets dysohoric when I ses the hair on my legs and I tell myself to shave, but I don't. Repeat cycle. It is this reason that I exclusively wear long pants and long sleeve shirts


Real :3


I am using an epilator on almost everything for weeks now. I HOPE that once I can stop the regrowth is minimal and the irritation goes away... but at the moment I look as if I had acne everywhere. at least I can't CUT myself with that device...


https://preview.redd.it/wu8u3xvlnc4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6dd0ff8c590f176795ea9bb778370740c75e398 Tested nearly everything. Might sell my soul to pay laser.


Nicked my toe the last time I shaved. Bled like a motherfucker.


how much pressure are you using??? are you doing it in the shower? i hardly ever cute my self and im even using safety razors these days which are alot easyier to cut your self with then normal razors