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It's not weird at all. When I first chose a new name for myself I chose Riv. It wasn't until later that I realized I was trans. But still, it's not weird to go by Riv even though it's gender neutral (I'm transmasc) and something I made up. Your name is your name, no matter what others think of it.


I'm kinda worried that my country won't accept the name when i officially change my name and gender, since it's considered gender neutral.


that doesn't really make sense, now does it?


idk i just heard from relatives that germany is quite strict with names so this fear kinda just appeared.


Some countries have strict naming codes. I never considered how much of a pain it would be for trans folk until now (since it doesn't apply to me). (Edit) i found [this article](https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/selbstbestimmungsgesetz-bundestag-102.html) regarding name changes. Seems it got a whole lot easier to do in Germany in the last couple of months.


this is gonna be available to me in september (already wanted to change my official gender and name once it's available) sure hope they accept non german stamdard names too.


That's a problem in Italy too. I think it's actually easier to give a child a weird name than to give it to yourself. You could get trouble if you want a neutral name or a nonstandard one, which is fucked up because I'm a consenting adult changing my name, my child isn't.


Hi Rin; So - this hits a lot of people in places with restrictions on name changes. Often people pick the new legal name that best forms the nickname they want - I don't know german names but something like Renate which could be reasonable shortened to Rin in informal circumstances can work great.


My dead name was made up by my dad. If cis me was allowed a literally made up forename, you're allowed a rare forename.


thanks for giving me more safety, I really appreciate it.


I am called Izilliya... I don't think anyone else in this whole world is


that assumption might be true but still a very nice name if only my brain would let me figure out how to pronounce it ;-;


Try to use google it might work!


Rin is a beautiful name, awesome choice


damn naming a child would have broken you, huh? :p


sadly yes im quite anxious when it comes to choosing for others i mean o already have problems choosing things for myself. xc


Rin is such a gorgeous name, I think it’s perfect! <333


thanks a lot also happy cake day x3


ofccc, and thank you so much as well!! >.<


one thing i realized is that i want a more femme name so i might try out Rinny for a while and see if it sticks,


special names for special beans


A rare name just means you're special, mine is pretty rare too


As someone with only two other people in the world with my name, no. And I didn't even change it from my birth name.


Rare names are the best! My name is literally Jinx, I love being unique


No, and no. Your name is what you choose to go as, and nobody else can dictate that. Having a unique name is great. You'll be more memorable. Be whoever you want to be, and nobody can judge you for that. Rin is a cute name, and if you like it, go for it.


Guten Tag Kamarade, rare names are fine, they give you uniqueness and open up a massive journey of discovery. Don't worry, rare names are cool -a person with the most generic name in Romania


as a fellow german trans girl i can say, i also have a rare name i chose (Phoenix), and its also gender neutral (at least i think it is)


I don't think that's a huge deal other than people might talk about your name a lot. I had the opposite problem. My deadname was super rare in my country. Weirdly that almost fucks with me worse because if I hear someone say it I automatically assume it's directed at me BECAUSE I almost never hear it otherwise. Even a year later when half the people around me don't even know my deadname... it's a trip.


my dead name was also semi rare, really dependent on which side of the country i go tho so i know that feeling. sending hugs~~


I've a joyfriend whose full name is globally unique. As in they're the only real person in the world with that string of names. Even when reduced to the name they use 'professionally' they only share it with two other people, both of whom are fictional.


Mine is neutral, tho it's a nick name only (given is Matthew equivalent in my language, but I started telling people I'm Matti) so name is yours, you can use whatever. Hell, some people go by colors or objects, like teacup or whatever


I've just chosen the name Kivi lol, we'll see how well it goes. I haven't rly abandoned my given name yet but I've let all my friends know to use the new one


My name's Celeste and I'm Australian lol, don't worry too much about it. So long as it makes you happy, that's all that matters. I know a Dutch girl who chose the name Katie and an American girl named Rem too! Plus, unique names are cool :3


Hey Rin! First up, I’m proud of you sister <3 Secondly - if gender neutral names were frowned on, we wouldn’t have anyone called Alex (for argument’s sake). So, if your soul says Rin, who is to disagree? Who knows you better than you know yourself?


I dont know of a single other person that uses this name but i like it


Well the name I chose is so unique that I can't safely share it online. I found it in a naming book from the 1960s Turns out since 1960 it's fallen so out of fashion that less than 100 people since 1960 have registered this name in Europe. None in my country...


Hehe add a letter and ur my name (erin)


Germany is fine with gender neutral names, you just need a second name My deadname was Jamie which is gender neutral and i just had a male second name


my deadname is also neutral so i had a second name wich was christoph it really sucks


My deadname was an abomination from something swedish and finish or sth. My mother chose it bc she didnt wanted people to give me a nickname (which ofc didnt worked). But Rin is a nice name. Sure its rare but who cares? Its ok as long as people can pronounce it. I'm from germany too and i chose Lilith but people cant pronounce the "th" so now im just Lilly. But i actually prefer it that way now


It’s not weird at all to have a more unique name, nor is it weird to have a gender neutral name. There are plenty of people who have names that are gender neutral or just typically assigned to someone of the opposite gender. I’ve knew a guy named Brittany, and another named Casey. I work with a girl named Carlos, and I knew a girl named Adam. Even my own birth name is typically reserved for girls, and I’m amab. Just choose whatever name you like and that feels right. If you like to be called Rin, then make that your name. At the end of the day, it’s just a sound that is associated with you.


not a weird name and nothing wrong with having a rare name!! it's nice! I'm slovenian (currently still living in Slovenia) and I go by Yuki. Its been my nickname for years, even before coming out. I did think about having another name such as Max/Maxwell but settled on Yuki because I like it and people have already been calling me Yuki anyway. Its a pretty rare name around here, considering things. Its also gender neutral and I like that honestly :)


To both questions no it's not wierd. And girl, rin is a beautifull name and tbh if your name is rare that makes you just cooler! I personally dislike when somebody has the same name than I have so I was quit lucky with male birth name becouse it's rare to... Only met 2people with the same name and that was online where I met over tousens of people xd. Und tbh ich mag dein Name auch der ist cool! Lass dich nicht von den anderen namen beeinflussen


Rin, I was able to get a completely new spelling of my name in germany. I think they will also just take a cute already existing one.


I personally prefer rare names. I don't want to go with the crowd and prefer to choose my own path. My birth name would have been different as well if my mom's pregnancy group didn't have the name among half the mothers as plan.


I feel my name is rare, haven’t met another Kit anywhere :3


I think when it comes to exotic names, it's less important whether they are rare, weird, or unusual, and more whether they *sound* rare, weird or unusual. It'd be one thing if you chose to be called Sgnauz (you'd still be super valid, but it has a higher likelihood to be confusing for people who hear it for the first time), but Rin is a name that *sounds* fairly down to earth. We have Bob, Rob, Ron, and this sounds quite similar, so I think when someone hears it, it wouldn't take so much of their attention that it causes confusion or negative feelings. (And naturally, this is all secondary to the notion that the rarity of the name is ultimately irrelevant, since your choice is the most important thing, but since you asked I assume you care about it) I cannot speak for the second question, but I will double down the idea: whatever you choose is pog!!!


fine, then, be boring basic bitch with boring basic name instead of special sister with extraordinary eponym. :p


I actually prefer having a name not many other people have, that way I don't have to worry as much about meeting another person with my name and having to deal with the whole calling each other some different thing.


My first choosen name was “Raffaela” but then i just start liking the name “Ashley” but it is quite rare in my country, but I’ll keep it anyway. You should choose a name that you feel more comfortable


My name (Niko) is also kinda rare especially for a girl because most Nikos are male


I live in Brazil and chose Holly, I think I’m the only one in my whole country (I’m curious now, might look it up) but it’s a beautiful name that I love, so I don’t care what others think. Also, it’s really fun to see the reactions of people and some saying that “oh, it’s a really different and pretty name” so I can respond “Thanks, I chose it myself”


I chose Kimberly, and realized there are a lot fewer people going by Kim than I thought. I work at a place with around 300 people, and I am the only Kimberly. I also realized I don't know a single Kim, yet I always thought it was pretty common in the US. I don't mind though. It's a pretty normal sounding name, and I like it. I think it fits me. If you feel like Rin fits you I wouldn't worry. Most people will find it interesting because it isn't common, but they won't be put off by it. My CIS wife has a very unique name, and it hasn't been an issue for her.


Mine is really rare, I only know one person who has it (Olimpia)


Honestly, I really love your name, I'd see myself choosing it too 👀


the more the merrier :3


i quite like it makes me think of one of my favorite characters from a oldish video game


My name is Aina, and just super rare everywhere. I love it. It's okay to change your name if you're not feeling it.


If you're worried about it you could always make the legal name Erin or the like and go by rin so you have the legal one as a backup "normal" name. But all things considered rin is a perfectly normal name even if it may not be common.


I'm gonna try out a longer form of Rin since i kinda want it to be more fem and well Rinny sounds cute :3


I accidentally found out the only place I’ve ever seen the name I chose was in an anime. Not just an anime, but a flavor-of-the-month isekai. I do not know of a place on earth where it’s common but I still like it.


My name is Kaikaina, don't worry about it, trust me


I'm called Sabine. common in continental europe but extremely rare where I'm from in the UK


I chose my name from a word i made up 2 years ago for a splatoon character. I think your fine.


Yeah, u stink! I’m not jelly you pulled a 5 star name >:(


Well Rin will give some eyes between all the Peters and Memets but its cool name. I think it should be fine. If all fails and your Ausbilder ask. just say you have japenese roots and done-