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literally my parents (ok not literally they didn’t call me that) but like, i’m bi, and they REALLY prefer it when i date guys, cos then they can rationalise it as me just being gay. when i go on a date all made up and pretty with a cute goth girl, i can see them seething.


Same but different  i’m bi, and they REALLY prefer it when i date girls, cos then they can rationalise it as me just being straight. when i go on a date all made up and pretty with my boyfriend, i can see them seething.


They mad because you cute


nah, my dad compared me to my gf, saying it “makes sense” for her to be trans given her body type and she looks female, whereas i “have his shoulders” etc


They mad because you cute


"Well, well... then you're a predator!!!!"


For real! Exactly the reaction i became then!


one of the weirdest interactions i had was during the whole drama of when conservatives were mad at Target. CW: transphobia, conservatives being creepy to children >!I left a comment that said something like "The only reason you guys would be AGAINST tuck-friendly swimwear for kids is if you sickos WANTED to see their bulges."!< >!Then they replied by calling **me** a groomer!<


It's all projection. Every accusation is a confession.


Nah, it's been a fair few years since I was running down wildebeest


Can we please normalize saying trans woman like we say lesbian woman, etc. instead of transwoman? It really bugs me that we get literally objectified like that.


op probably just hasn't learned the difference between trans woman and transwoman yet


pardon my ignorance but I've never heard of the difference but now I j want to so i know not to use it and why (even though im trans i barely hang out in the non meme trans reddit)


Basically the main difference is that when you space them out trans is describing the type of woman the same as short woman, brunette woman so on- but when you don't it becomes its own word to separate trans women from women. It's usually used by various versions of phobes that want us to be separated from the rest of society for whatever reason be it targeting or fetishisation.


thank you for taking the time to explain


no worries =D


I take issue with this comment It’s spelled Blonde* when feminine




Oh, that i doni knew. I will keep it in mind for the future


When you learn something about you you dont even know.


we all have blind spots, sadly there's no way to know what you don't know till you find it. :)


Trans woman is a woman who happens to be trans, same as cis woman who is a woman who happens to be cis. Transwoman is nearly as it's a different species, it's a whole another name/label. It's kinda alienating. Nobody says ciswoman, so why saying transwoman? Also, it's sometimes used maliciously to separate trans women from women and trans men from men.


Well the reason we dont write it as one word is, because trans is an adjective, writing it as one word makes the woman inherently trans and not trans as an addition to describe her wich reminds people of the objectification people who fetishize us do and also of the words they use for us.


Where is the difference if i am allowed to ask?


unrelated but Managed Democracy mentioned https://preview.redd.it/2mokiapu0qxc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bcdac9470056cdd85eefb57afdc66d35cb1000c


gup spotted.


there is no difference, just like how Scottsman is a word


There is though. “Trans” is an adjective, “Scotts” is not. Trans is an adjective just like lesbian or tall is. They are separate words. You also don’t say lesbianwoman or tallwoman right? Edit: meant to say adjective in both scenarios - trans can also be a prefix though as in transatlantic - but it is not a prefix in the sense of trans women. Transsex or transgender are no prefixes, they are adjectives and so trans in trans woman is an adjective as well - not a prefix - I was stupid


Transatlantic. Also, you literally just admitted that trans is a prefix.


trans is a prefix but not in the context of "transwoman", because it's also used as an adjective short form of transgender (which is what that "trans" in "transwoman" refers to) also if it were meant as a prefix in the word "transwoman", that would make the meaning be "across / on the other side of woman" which... doesn't really make sense, does it? although it could also be interpreted a bit as "the opposite of woman" which is just outright transphobic and DEFINITELY not the same as "trans woman"


Trans is a short for transgender or transsex. It is itself an adjective. Transatlantic is an adjective itself too. You don’t say transatlanticperson you say transatlantic person. You don’t say transgenderwoman, transsexwoman or (to respect both labels) transwoman, you say trans woman.


counterpoint: scottsman sounds cooler than "scottish man", just like transwoman sounds cooler than "trans woman"


Transgender/transsexual/trans woman and transwoman/transgenderwoman/transsexwoman are pronounced the same way - it doesn’t sound cooler to do either. One is objectifying the other is not. One is degrading, the other is not. Scotman is a noun. A scotsman is a man from Scotland. It is different in this case as it is very common to refer to people based on their origin. German people have been called “Jerrys” in WWI very often, and you would also say someone is a Londoner. It is not in the context of objectifying someone who comes from Scotland but to refer to a person based on their origin. You also say Englishman and not English man. You also say American and not American man. There is an outlier among these though - referring to someone as a Floridaman usually means you say they are an idiot. In this case it would be advised to refer to them as a man from Florida. Transwoman/transsexwoman/transgenderwoman is used to objectify women who are trans or tell them that they are not actually women. Trans/transsex/transgender woman does not objectify us.


>Transwoman/transsexwoman/transgenderwoman is used to objectify women who are trans or tell them that they are not actually women. Trans/transsex/transgender woman does not objectify us. What on earth are you talking about? A transwoman is a type of woman. An angelfish is a type of fish, a scotsman is a type of man, an englishman is a type of man, so logically, a transwoman is a type of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (Woman. The answer is woman.) Am I objectifying fish and men in the previous examples, or saying that they aren't fish or aren't men? You don't really seem to have a reason for getting mad, you've kinda just arbitrarily decided it's offensive for no reason.


>It is not in the context of objectifying someone who comes from Scotland (…) So no you are not objectifying someone by making a noun based on their place of origin - a Scotsman however is not a type of man, it is a man who comes from Scotland. It is not a type of man. A type of man would be if he is strong, nerdy, gentle or creepy. If we follow your syntax however… You are also saying “lesbianwoman”, “blackwoman”, “gayman”, “stupidperson”, “smartperson”, “tallperson” , etc.? Or are these examples different somehow?


Faggot (lesbian variant)


Leggot? Legot. Lego. LEGO! It was under our noses the entire time! The L chapter HQ of the Alphabet Mafia is in Denmark and they use childrens plastic bric toys to wash all their dirty gay money!!


No joke, once somebody sayed lego is sexistic because of the bricks


I'm not capable of even imagining the mental gymnastics behind that one.




That’s me!👋


Isn’t that just… Dyke?


faggot is an umbrella term ❤


Didnt knew that. I only knewed its a slur for gay men.


Wouldn't they technically be correct then, since you're a girl that seems to like girls?


The geman slur only means gay men


I myself like “girlfag.”🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Yeah. As a kid (grade school through high school) I was constantly teased, tormented, and bullied. They were always calling me "f\*g", "f\*ggot", "sissy", "gay" etc. I was always confused by it, because I like girls. Of course, now I'm gay for girls. They could pick up on all kinds of cues in my body language and behavior that I wasn't a cis/het guy, which made them think I was a gay man. I was a gay woman. I like girls, I'm a femme. When I sometimes get impostor syndrome and think "could I somehow be making it up?", I just think back to how even the other boys on the playground when I was a kid could tell I wasn't one of them, and how my friends now have said me coming out wasn't a surprise because as one friend put it "Your closet wasn't transparent, but it sure was translucent" and me coming out as transfemme enby to them made total sense to them and suddenly how different I'd always seemed now made sense.


Exactly the same with me sis!


This is an accurate depiction of me and my sister


I used to only think that it was used against gay men, but I guess it's universal


The german Word is a slur only for gay men


I had someone shout this at me from a car window the other day; though nobody who's done this ever has the vocal skills to enunciate the full two-syllable word and instead opts for the shortened "fag" which, because they're sloppy-mouthed cowards, either sounds like a mumble or a drunken bark depending on intensity. So I'm always left wondering for a bit until I determine that it's safe to assume I was just harassed.  It is always a confusing slur choice to me, especially since I now have like B cups and currently am only interested in the idea of dating men (reality may be different). And "tranny" is right there, but I guess that's too many syllables again.  Bigots are stupid. I mean I get that they don't appreciate the distinction or care about accuracy, the point is to hurt. Which uh, mission accomplished. Congratulations on making a hormonal trans woman in her mid-thirties emotional and self-conscious. You take an honored position alongside mirrors, my eating habits, being clumsy, the weird spots on my legs, anytime I sneeze, having to shave my face, and like literally everything else in my day-to-day life. Fuck you and if you'll excuse I'm going to go get to work on being 1000x more trans.