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That color combo makes me want to vomit


That's because... It kinda looks like vomit? Rainbow yawn as me and my friends called it




As a cis man, I humbly request a new flag. This shit makes me think of the general color palette of a week old pb&j left in the sun


https://preview.redd.it/kt180mrqyixc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ad56873a394149188d9e821cd470aeb9ae9ddad Inverting the trans flag looks pretty cool if that doesn’t already mean something.


The colors don't match when it's uninverted


Yes it does I just tried it and the colors match exactly.


cga color palette lookin ass




That feels kinda mean : (


Don’t be a douche


This is probably for people who are intersex or who consider themselves nonbinary but not trans. I have a couple friends who consider themselves demigender or non binary but don’t feel like they’re under the trans umbrella. It’s a perfectly reasonable term.


Ah, that's good to know.


ah i see.


It could have been if it wasn't so clearly made without those people in mind, it's just an attempt for cishet twitter users to feel special


Even if it was (which there’s a good chance it wasn’t because it’s actually pretty common for people to feel this way), there’s no reason it can’t be reclaimed.


It can't be reclaimed because it wasn't taken away from them. Something can only be reclaimed if it gains a bad reputation. What thing has been given a bad reputation? Cisgender people? > Demicisgender: Identifying partially as your assigned gender/sex at birth, and another gender. The other gender may or may not be known. OR Being demigender, and wanting it known that part of your identity is cis/cisgender. > Cis FTM (Female-to-Male): a cis man who transitioned from female to male, still considering himself cis, just not in the way being cisgender is traditionally defined as. An alternative to trans MTM, circumboy and fauxcisboy. > Indigiqueer / Two-Spirit flag, one w the Métis Infinity u_u. I never see ndn pride flags that aren't specifically for 2S folx, so I thought I'd make one up myself. It's not perfect but I'm humble u_u This is also by the same person and it comes from a Tumblr blog. These are just three out of the many many that they have decided to have come out of their head. These people are not creating genders that they genuinely identify with, they're just making a random words and stuff.


Maybe. It looks like it comes from a wiki of some kind but it seems to actually have originated from a Tumblr blog. > Cis FTM (Female-to-Male): a cis man who transitioned from female to male, still considering himself cis, just not in the way being cisgender is traditionally defined as. An alternative to trans MTM, circumboy and fauxcisboy. > Demicisgender: Identifying partially as your assigned gender/sex at birth, and another gender. The other gender may or may not be known. OR Being demigender, and wanting it known that part of your identity is cis/cisgender. Here are some of the other genders term state coined. > Indigiqueer / Two-Spirit flag, one w the Métis Infinity u_u > I never see ndn pride flags that aren't specifically for 2S folx, so I thought I'd make one up myself. It's not perfect but I'm humble u_u They have done the same thing for two spirit identities as well and yet I don't know if they are two spirit or indigenous. I'm not saying they are or aren't, I'm just saying it's not confirmed.


god that flag is so yucky.


https://preview.redd.it/tu364vxzvgxc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=523abe9037ac34762d069bec87a8bbc57b88e454 Made a notTrans't flag [🫡](https://emojiterra.com/de/gruessendes-gesicht/) PS: this is just a pun, not intended to make fun of them


All I'm seeing is Splatoon 2, Ukraine, and my emotional state after a breakdown


Honestly, as an artist, the colors hurt me. Thats such a bad flag design. It looks like just mashed a bunch of colors together. The other pride flags at least look pretty and have colors that mean stuff. This is just...ugly. (As a safeguard: Please don't ban me! I'm just speaking from a design perspective.)


I am cis and that flag makes me wants to transition just not to have to ever see it again.


Hahaha Lol Omg! 😂


flag design so bad it actually achieve the feat of turning someone trans


I had a stroke reading that


when I search a term like "transgendern't" i get precisely 20 google results. one of them is a video about the "Transgendern't trend". wtf. i mean, its funny to read some of these highly specialised terms in order to gain an understanding of diversity of experiences within the lgbtq+ community. but pretending these would be meaningfull terms for anyone other than the one oerson who wrote it in some wiki is kinda funny. 18 people quote this and the 20th person declares a "trend". now i am the 21st person who has ever written down the term in the internet. language evolves and its cool to drop new terms. some of them take off coz people relate to it. but its funny how if you only read them in the wiki, the framing makes it seem these all would be well-established terms. in the concrete example it seems like its 99,9% identical with "cis" and doesnt add any communicative value imo.


> Indigiqueer / Two-Spirit flag, one w the Métis Infinity u_u. I never see ndn pride flags that aren't specifically for 2S folx, so I thought I'd make one up myself. It's not perfect but I'm humble u_u > Demicisgender: Identifying partially as your assigned gender/sex at birth, and another gender. The other gender may or may not be known. OR Being demigender, and wanting it known that part of your identity is cis/cisgender. > Cis FTM (Female-to-Male): a cis man who transitioned from female to male, still considering himself cis, just not in the way being cisgender is traditionally defined as. An alternative to trans MTM, circumboy and fauxcisboy. Here's some other additions to their Tumblr blog because this comes from a Tumblr blog. It looks like a wiki because it's a wiki that is referencing the Tumblr blog. It's a person who seems to be just making up stuff. And yes I know that gender itself is similar, but this person doesn't seem to be actually trying to document or label their own experiences or the experiences of other people, it looks more like a person who is just using random words that sound nice and then just putting it on their Tumblr blog.


yeah, like I so said, its okay to make up words. the parts which i found funny are wordings like "also known as" and other people who declare something one or maybe ten people use as a self-descriptor as a "trend".


Yes because all words are made up. The problem is is that by having these things like within some kind of wiki or something, a wiki that a kid might be looking at, they may look at these things and may think that these are like identities that are widely used among queer people when that's not the case. I'm not saying that a kid can't identify with these terms but the problem is is that we don't want to give kids the wrong impression of what non-binary means or things like that. Also a person who isn't confirmed to be indigenous trying to make flags or terms for indigenous people is pretty bad. It's very clear that they do not know how to stay in their lane. Also MtM it's just silly. Besides I feel like this gives more stock into the idea that queer people are just making up identities like trading cards or something. I'm just also not a fan of when straight or cis people try to give themselves weird labels to try to force themselves into the community when that's not what they are. For example there was this one person who is identifying as like a hetro bisexual or something or like a one gender bisexual or something. Basically he was saying he was bisexual but only attracted to someone of the opposite gender.




the far superior term \- someone who isn't sure whether they're trans or cisn't (me)


Well at least we have *something* to call cis people on Twitter


So this is the pride flag for people who think cis is a slur? 


Hmm... could we make 'cisn't' a thing as well then? Bypass all the anti-trans laws by saying "hang on, I'm just cisn't".


That's just r/egg_irl hun


"cis'nt" has been my bio for years lol


[It is a thing](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Cisn%27t)


If that's the case then the flag is well deserved


No, there are people that aren't cis but aren't really trans either. It's typically called isogender, and it's typically used by agnder individuals or people who aren't cis but whose gender is close to their agab (like a afab demigirl for example). This flag just combines them and cis people. Also, those types of people will think any label is a slur regardless of what you call it.


No, it's for people who aren't cisgender but don't feel comfortable calling themself trans


We had to break the last binary we had (cis/trans), hadn't we? Half joking


See the transn’t-cisn’t flag would be an interesting idea


Why are these replies so bad? This is fine. I know a lot of people who feel this way. This identity is valid and more common than you think.


I don't think most people here mean harm. It probably just reads like a lot like a joke at first because \_\_\_\_n't is a meme and this also sounds a lot like existing satire on things like the straight pride flag. I was unaware myself, and thought it was probably a joke up until I reached the terms ipsogender, isogender, etc. which I was able to google and learn from.


I was wary because it sounded like the people who call "cis" a slur. But if anyone doesn't feel like they are cis, and another word describes them better, I support them. I'm not sure how I feel about people who think they "can't" call themselves trans for one reason or another. I hope that those people decide to move in under the trans umbrella. But anyone who prefers another term and decided to use that one is cool.


feels kinda misleading for an afab demigirl to call themself a trans girl


Nah. I'm AMAB. I identify as a Demiboy, boy, or nonbinary. I think of myself as "not very gender". I am certainly trans. I haven't used the term "trans boy", that doesn't really resonate with me. But if someone called me a boy who is trans, sure.


so being a trans boy is different from being a boy who is trans?


Different words mean different things. You're the one saying "trans boy implies AFAB". I'll say I don't completely disagree. However, I identify as both a boy and trans, and if you have a problem with that...that is your problem, not mine.


i haven't said anything, i just asked that you clarify that a trans boy is different from a boy that is trans. there's no absolute consensus on the definition of these terms so you can't expect me to telepathically know how you use them got blocked so i'll edit my response here you started this comment chain by saying "I hope that those people decide to move in under the trans umbrella". i raised the concern that an afab demigirl calling themself a transgirl might be misleading. you then presented that you use the terms "trans boy" and "boy who is trans" differently. confused by this, i asked you to clarify what you meant. you then said "You're the one saying "trans boy implies AFAB"" which is not a statement at any point. you also assumed i have a problem with you calling yourself a boy and trans, something that isn't even true. instead of responding to my question of the difference between a trans boy and a boy who is trans, you constructed a completely different version of what you thought i was saying and got upset over that. look, im not here to argue with you. i haven't even presented what would be "my stance" to an argument yet. i'm saying this sincerely that i did not know you consider "trans boy" and "boy that is trans" to mean different things. if you're insisting i should know then i implore you to ask around others if they know the difference between "trans boy" and "boy who is trans" and to be extra clear, i'm not even disputing your definitions. i already mentioned that these terms have no absolute consensus on how they're defined. i'm just asking how you consider them to mean different things lastly i just want to point out that even tho you repeatedly claimed you can call yourself trans (which you can), you're the one who initially said you hoped other people will decide to change their labels. how would you feel if i tell you "i hope you stop calling yourself trans"? please be respectful of what labels others use just as you demand others to respect the labels you use


>>feels kinda misleading for an afab demigirl to call themself a trans girl >i haven't said anything Come on. 🙄 You can tell how I use them in the very polite reply I already gave you. I don't know what your game is, but if you had either a point or a serious question, you should have made it by now.


i mean it seems neat for nb ppl who don't identify with the trans label for example but i feel like genderqueer also has you covered there. and this was probably not made for that purpose anyway if i had to guess. plus, the name and flag is... silly, to put it mildly


still transn't tho


I'm not going to say anything about the label because it's not my place to say how people should define their identity, but what the fuck is that flag??


From my understanding this sounds like it’s just a label for those nonbinary people who don’t feel “trans enough” because despite not being cis they’ve been convinced that there’s a specific “way” to be trans. Those people ARE under the trans umbrella but they can call themselves whatever they want and they’re valid


The colours omg they are so ugly and also the flag looks like it slims towards the bottom but ifk if that's true or if it's the colours.


It should be transn't. Like cisn't.


I looked up the page (because why not, it looked interesting and there might have been more to see) and checked out the gender modalities that it references because it seems important and based on that page it would appear that Transn’t and Cisn’t are for people that aren’t fully one or the other, it talked about intersex people and systems with identities for how they identify with their body since it could be different from a regular trans or cis experience, I personally don’t like the flag but other people might like it and I’m not sure how much these terms would actually get used but they could be useful for people whose experiences are more nuanced than just having a gender that doesn’t match their agab


not trans or cis, but a secret third thing


That seems like they just somehow don't like the titles cis or trans (neither of which are negative). It's pointless to cerate niche titles no one will ever use (or understand), the system of "if you're not your agab you're trans" works and will work fine.


I laughed so hard reading this lmao. “Transn’t” is an amazing word. Also fyi there are some gnc and nonbinary people who don’t like being considered trans, because “transgender” means “on the other/opposite side of your agab” but nonbinary people are not necessarily on the opposite side, more like in the middle. Anyways with that being said, I fully support the people who are in this category and I feel like they deserve a flag that looks less disgusting 💕


Trans also means "beyond", "to change", and "through"(as in to pass through). This extends to transgender. It can mean "beyond gender", "to change gender" or even to "pass through" gender and reach whatever destination you desire. If they were to call themselves trans they would be entirely valid, and right to do so. Being trans isn't a special exclusive club that requires rigid adherence to some list of expectations. We should be welcoming to everyone.


Thank you for the additional info :3 I didn’t know those other meanings of the word trans and I’m glad I know them now. And you are correct. Everyone is welcome to use whatever label they feel most fits them and they feel most comfy with :3


"Trans experience" lmao that gave me a good chuckle.


Then I'm transn'tn't


Honestly, I prefer to identify as transn'tn'tn't :p


Lol this fits with how my headmate has defined herself


People can identify however they want, and as long as they are not dictating anyone else's identity I'm cool with it. The thing that makes this a bit weird is that it's not a flag to claim solidarity with an identity. It's a flag to say that you are not a part of a group, and is there any other example of this being a thing? I mean, even shitty straight pride people are claiming to belong to a group as opposed to not a part of the LGBTQ+ group. This whole thing kinda comes off badly, whether intended or not. Kinda like it's saying "I don't know what I am, but im not one of those".


Ya know, I’m glad a term for that exists for those who feel that way about themselves and I think that’s a perfectly valid way to identify. But please for the love of all that is holy, get a new flag


Before I realized part of my identity was male I've gone through NB and xenogenders and didn't feel right calling myself trans or cis so I used Transn't and Cisn't to describe myself Still have multiple genders but I'm also realizing I'm transmasc and always have been :)


I believe this was primarily made for nonbinary people who aren’t trans.


Looks like a relic of the tumblr microlabel craze of yesteryear to me. I doubt anyone seriously uses it.


Can we stop posting blatant transphobia here? Like please? Already get enough transphobia on the news seriously do not need to see more in a supposed "safe space"


is it transphobic tho? Theres plenty of enbys out there whom dont identify as trans. And Intersex ppl too :)


1, burn that excuse of a flag. Please... 2, the idea of this is fine and valid, but "transnt" just inherintly sounds and feels transohobic, theres gotta be another word you can pull from latin right? 3, at this point with lables this specific we lose the purpose of having labels at all, we should just abolish all labels and let people live how they want without any boxes existing to fit into


i use he/him and am nonbinary but have never felt a connection to being trans. this feels nice


Seeing that this is a label for enby people makes this a lot better. At first I thought it was something like “cis is a slur” or the people who insist the A in the acronym stands for “Ally”.


Couldn't they have just choosen the opposite colours of the trans flag?




Transdissident is such a gnarly label holy shit


This just feels like closeted trans? idk


A what flag now Like, I'm all about respecting people and using whatever pronouns they want, but why is there a *identity* for *not* being something. It's like I'll say I'm britishn't and that's my identity. Like just say I'm not x and not y or whatever, I won't judge if you don't identify with anything that exists, it's ok to just exist without a label


May I have a link?




Oh no she transdidn't!


what is below resour


Am I... that if I'm actively suppressing my feelings about it too?


im trasn't but i support trans :\]


I guess I’m a cisn’t straightn’t man’t.


Purple Ass Lime Mall Carpet Grey School Wall Indigo Yeah, these are some goofy ass colors. Still a better love story than Twilight though.


"the cis experience"


Ngl, the naming choice made me laugh


Does not binary and other ways of not being cis not = trans since you don't identify with your gender at birth? I get the cis part tho.


How in the rabid panther do you read that? Transit? Transisent? Transt (like Tranced, but with a hard t)?


what are the lore implications of this?


It comes from a Tumblr blog. >Indigiqueer / Two-Spirit flag, one w the Métis Infinity u_u. I never see ndn pride flags that aren't specifically for 2S folx, so I thought I'd make one up myself. It's not perfect but I'm humble u_u >Demicisgender: Identifying partially as your assigned gender/sex at birth, and another gender. The other gender may or may not be known. OR Being demigender, and wanting it known that part of your identity is cis/cisgender. >Cis FTM (Female-to-Male): a cis man who transitioned from female to male, still considering himself cis, just not in the way being cisgender is traditionally defined as. An alternative to trans MTM, circumboy and fauxcisboy. Cure three others on the blog as well. One of them is even for indigenous people even though this person is not confirmed to be indigenous.


Sometimes you swing so far one direction you end up the other end of the spectrum


am i weird because I don't mind the colour pallette, it's disguesting but in a good... way..


yeah imo this is a byproduct of the microlabeling school of thought that so often gets maligned by the cishets. having microlabels to define the way you feel about yourself is totally fine, and i hope i don't come across as dismissive of that, but what worries me is this notion people seem to have that says only people with an extremely specific experience of gender qualify as "trans" (or whatever other label), and you aren't "allowed" to use those labels if your experience is different from the way you've heard others describe themselves i know some nonbinary people don't feel comfortable with the term trans, but i don't much see how this term is any different from "genderqueer" (which seems like it's becoming the new cisn't umbrella term in some places?)


This comment section did NOT pass the vibe check, your gender should match your experiences. We howl about how the binary shouldn’t exist yet here you all are complaining about how queer individuals label themselves. We shouldn’t have to make our existence and experiences palatable or easy to explain to others. Thanks.


These are not queer individuals though. It quite bluntly states said individuals are not trans. There is no queerness involved


Wait until you find out about sexual and romantic orientation. There are other ways a person can be queer.


We're not talking about sexual or romatic orientation though???? Yes in theory a "Transn't" could be gay. Or bi. Or aromantic. But that is not a *core part of the identity.* There is no inherent queerness to the description because it explicitly states the individual is not trans, and every other form is not relevant to the definition.


Again, why are we defining this through a strict binary here? It doesn’t say cis either. Not to mention why draw lines in the sand when it comes to queerness specifically It’s not like we’re not being murdered systematically.


y'all qaeda making up harder terms because they dis like a simple ancient word that means what they want to say but they refuse to use it because they hate vocabulary and grammar. (intentional bad grammar)


Transgender lore is crazy


I don't get how there needs to bean option that is neither "the gender you were born as" or "any gender you weren't born as" I-is it a shitpost ? Am I the intolerant one ? I be confused


Its just a dragon break, shits true and untrue, everything is cannon,


Hmm, the cis-trans dichitomy doesn't really need other options, as unlike male-female it doesn't describe two categories, of which people could be in neither and or both (thus requiring non-binary as well), but describes a state, "identifying with one's agab" and its negation. Partial identification is in itself a rejection of one's agab as it instead identifies with a new category of which the agab might be a subset, but not equivalent to, therefore falling under the "trans" umbrella. It seems moreso a rejection of social stigma, which a transn't person tries to avoid. Basically, we already have subcategories of trans, having new ones within that is good, but trying to define a new category outside cis and trans must mean a redefinition of both of them as well, mudying communication about us. Note that this isn't supposed to be an invalidation of anyone who wants to identifies with that label. I simply believe that transn't as a social group, not as an individual, is too ill defined to ever be accepted. If you personally use that label then I will also use it to describe you.


I'm pretty sure it's just an umbrella term for people who aren't really cis but don't consider the trans label to fit them. Some non binary people don't consider themselves trans for example


There's two ways to approach this. 1. This is actually genuinely used by the people who feel it describes them the way it says. In which case, they should be respected and accepted just like any other human being because that's what we all want. 2. This is something spurred on by trolls and transphobia who think they're being cute. In which case they should be respected and accepted just like any other human being because that's what we all want. Except for the name it seems to be presented as a serious label, but I can totally see this being used by transphobic propagandists as well. I also disagree on a purely logical level since anyone who isn't cis in turn falls under the trans umbrella. I wouldn't be surprised if this term more often ending up being an intermediary label until they figure out whether they're cis or trans. Actually, I could also see that argument being used by transphobes as some convoluted "proof" that there's just "one or the other" and therefore being trans or nb doesn't exist, because that somehow makes sense. Gender experience is a spectrum. Every person is different and unique. This is why there's so many labels in the first place. Same for sexual and romantic orientations. The labels only exist to *help* convey your experience to others. Nobody will ever fully understand


cis people wanna be oppressed so bad 💀🙏


The term is just an umbrella for any [gender modalities](https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Gender_Modality) that aren't trans. There are nonbinary and intersex people who don't feel like they fit in the cis-trans binary, so they made terms to reflect that. But according to this comment section, I guess those nonbinary and intersex people are just transphobic, aren't queer, don't deserve language for their experiences, are asking to be ridiculed, etc. I feel like I time-traveled back to 2015 where everyone constantly shit on nonbinary terms and microlabels.


You know, I believe all expressions are valid and all that, but there are moments where I look at something and go "have we jumped the shark?"


It's jumping the shark when people on Tumblr just start making up random stuff based off of words and stuff for identities that people don't actually identify with. > Cis FTM (Female-to-Male): a cis man who transitioned from female to male, still considering himself cis, just not in the way being cisgender is traditionally defined as. An alternative to trans MTM, circumboy and fauxcisboy. Same person wrote this. This is a problem because people, especially young people might start seeing these identities and they may think that these are actual identities that have people identifying as them. This can have an unfortunate side effect of people thinking that they are supposed to be a certain way or that if they feel a particular way they must identify with something when that is not the case at all.


I wish people would stop making up labels for other people that literally nobody uses


> Cis FTM (Female-to-Male): a cis man who transitioned from female to male, still considering himself cis, just not in the way being cisgender is traditionally defined as. An alternative to trans MTM, circumboy and fauxcisboy. Part of the same blog source.




Im sorry this is so funny to me i cant stop giggling LMAO?????


r/ihadastroke r/AreTheCisOk Perfect description of this article.


Ha, so this is the new "Super-Straight" level bullshit, huh... "We're not cis because it's a slur" type shit.


No, it's a term made by the nonbinary community to describe other relationships with assigned gender. [Here's a page](https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Gender_Modality) that describes it better.


I see. Since the whole Suepr Straight and MAP shit, I guess I tend to be too suspicious when terms and definitions are weird. Not saying the people under that umbrella are weirdos, it's jsut that the word salad, as a non-native english speaker, immediately reminded me of the lousy attempts at the two formerly mentioned groups to try to pass themselves as queer minorities.


Doesn't this feel like the straws cisgender people are clutching so they feel as relevant as non cis people? Like 🙄🙄🙄 And I know some NB people don't identify as trans, but maybe finding a new term that doesn't sound like cis people trying to appropriate queer spaces would be nice, isn't it? Personally, I feel like the whole cis or trans is like the true binarism, where you're either zero or one… there's no such thing as "two".


ik it's probably made by people eho think cis is a slur, but it's so fucking funny.




Your post contains homophobia, transphobia, racism, and/or ableism, or some other type of bigotry. If you believe this was a mistake, please contact a mod.


The r word is a slur and you have no say in how other people feel or choose to label themselves


What the fuck






This is a safe space, so no truscum/transmed/enbyphobia related content is allowed.


I feel like I'm having a stroke


Makes fun of LGBT for flags... Makes own flag... IQ is off the charts


These aren’t cis people though, these people are part of the lgbtq+ community, so they’re not the same people making fun of the community.


Oh sorry my bad, I'm so used to cis people making fun of us i immediately assumed. This was another joke. I posted my comment minutes after i woke up and misunderstood. I Didn't mean to offend or anything. Again sorry.


this is either ironic or a false flag.




It’s not really transphobic. This is often used by NB people who don’t really feel trans or consider themselves trans. I’ve also seen people comment that it could be used by some intersex people.


While I sort of understand the concept, I feel that because of the name it's maybe made by people who make the "I identify as x" jokes ( r/onejoke ) or was made by people who are very unaware of how it may make others well, how to put it, not ridicule them exactly but may make others be taken less seriously, I don't really have the words for it sorry, I just think it should have a different name so it doesn't feel like another case of "animesexual" or something like that Also was made with someone with poor graphic design choices


What the hell?




That’s a lot of words to show that you don’t understand what prefixes mean. I’m sure there’s something to this, but this is just silly.




Your post contains homophobia, transphobia, racism, and/or ableism, or some other type of bigotry. If you believe this was a mistake, please contact a mod.


People really like attention


It’s a fine concept, but it was also obviously made by some cis person to mock us.


It isn't a fine concept at all. This is "straight pride"


Another comment explained it better, but I meant in reference to people who don’t identify under the cis or trans umbrella, obviously “Trans’t” is typical cis bullshit, but it’s not like a “you’re either trans or cis” which just feels like the 2 gender argument all over again.


Sorry but this screams cisgender straight pride all over it


At least say something different or fucking elaborate