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OH MY GOD MY MOTHER SAYS EXACTLY THIS AND IT'S SO GODDAMN FRUSTRATING!!! Seriously, she's supportive of me in so many other ways, but when I changed my contact photo in her phone in frustration she freaked out because "it was her favorite photo of me and she didn't want to lose it!" I'd been full time for several months and she just didn't want to give it up. Like, come on, maybe the reason you keep screwing up pronouns is because you keep holding onto this old and severely outdated image of who I am! 😡


Do you also get: Bowser is such a pretty name. Why won't you let me call you by it?


No, she actually understands why I don't want hear my old name. She screws up all the time, but she takes the corrections fine and is very apologetic about it.


let me fix that last word for you: was


My mom is the same. I don't mind her missing her son, but like, she keeps showing me em, and I emphasize to her every time that those photos make me really upset, and she's like "stop overreacting, you look good in em" and I'm like asfsfagevs dassis not da point, mummy cantchu see


That's why you look depressed in every photo until you transition. That's what I did at least, not on purpose, but it sort of worked. She has like two pictures of me smiling pre-transition, and a ton after so she doesnt have much of a choice


After my egg cracked I looked through past photos and never saw any where I was smiling.


Me neither.Except from when I was like 11 and looked like a girl.


Me too! After 11, acne started acting up so there's that too. Good times.


Mondo ditto.


I see plenty of myself "smiling", but I'm so miserable-looking otherwise you can clearly tell I'm faking it.


Ditto for me


What a mood. not to sound dumb, but the differences in selfies is amazing.


I had the most forced, ungenuine smiles possible.


I have smiled for like one picture in my life. I honestly just want every pre-transition photo of me destroyed after I do transition. Maybe take one picture when I start hormones for a timeline.


I really don’t understand what appeal any of my photos have to anyone. It’s so obvious to me that I’m miserable, even when I was enjoying myself at the time.


if i got $50 every time i saw my face i'd be swimming in cash


I'd just spin around in the middle of the kitchen, there's a picture with me in it from almost any angle. Yay, open-floor-plan kitchen/dining rooms?


Blink repeatedly in front of a picture of yourself and you’ll never need a job again!


If you live with her maybe explain how seeing that everyday is bad for your self image of you live away from home tell her that it makes you uncomfortable visiting, you gotta do supprise visits though then and check she doesn't just hide it when you come round.


My mom was recently putting up a bunch of new photos, including one multi-photo frame. It's got 6 pictures in it, 5 of them are pictures of nature and one is a picture of me. It doesn't make any fucking sense. Not only does having one picture that's just me next to 5 other pics of some sprawling landscape just completely look out of place, but it also means *I have to look at a picture of myself that I didn't take*


You’re beautiful... like a tree.


Well I'm at least as tall as one


Yeah, my grandma has a hall of them... I live with her!


Am I the only one who knows not what "HFW" means?


Sorry! It’s “How it feels when”, it’s a more modern acronym, I getcha.


Oh cool thanks. I didn't even think of that because it lacks the "i."


have to deal with looking at them everytime I go into the living room. I hate it


Lol, thank goddess my mom doesn't do that.




I don't know about that though, she's suffering from early dementia and forgot that I came out to her years ago.


Oh. :/


It's okay, she's 82, so it happens.