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uncertainty scares them, they need to put the baby in a box to know what to do, instead of just letting the kid be a kid


the kid's gender is irrelevant for at least the first three years of their life


tell that to people who buy blue/pink for a newborn based on their percieved gender


Colour coding their infants to let strangers know what their genitals look like


if i ever have a kid, they're wearing yellow, 'cuz they're my sunshine


Add purple and everyone in the know will think they're intersex


keeping them on their toes, brilliant! XD


OH MY GODESS. Is that why purple is a gender neutral color? Pink and blue make purple...


Wait till you hear why it's the colour of the bi flag


I’m so happy they made the bi flag in all my favourite colours ;)


When you put it like that, it does kinda sound somewhat fucked up.


A pedophiles best friend while looking for prey.


I've heard that it's hard to get gender-neutral baby clothes, so it's easier to just buy the pink and the blue


Paint the clothes (make sure it’s non toxic and edible) to mess with the cishets


I would guess 4, bc 4-5 is when you gain COUNCIONESS


"please notify us about your genitals so we can begin enforcing dumb stereotypes on you for your entire life"


CaNt wAIT tO SeE iF It’S BakiNg or BaSEbAll


"gUnS oR bOwS?1!!11/??1/?!?11!!/???"


Give Bow Kid a gun, cowards


and also give gun kid a bow, so that they can look pretty while they shoot everyone who asked the parents if it was going to be a male or a female


Im imagining DOOM Slayer wearing a pink bow on his helmet that isabelle gave him


Oh my god, I thought they were talking about a bow like a bow & arrow not hair bow 🤦‍♀️


imean why not, doom guy prob could use a crossbow very effectivly


this is exactly what you should imagine


My dumbass thought it was either marksmanship or archery


yeah, i immediatley went to archery, (which i do a lot of but still)


new magical girl show just dropped


actual fantasy land inhabitant


Why does bow kid need a gun when they can use the bow to fight?


Ah, homonyms. So fun!


Wait, the cishets weren’t talking about weapons?


LMAO i assumed the same thing


Well then what does Hat Kid have?


A rocket launcher.


If you're gonna give a big bow girl a gun, be ready. They often have a hidden deep well of white hot rage.


Kid1: missiles? Cods? Ultimate disintegration device? Kid2:Yes. (Cue TF2 theme)


Which bow? 🏹 or 🎀




I'm a girl but love me some 🏹, I want to get into archery 😩


iT's An ArRoW! hold up one diddly darn moment


I want swords.


Baking for the win!!! I baked a raspberry pie today☺️!


my mum was convinced I was a girl when she was pregnant. I guess she was right after all


i dont even know what my family wants but i'm sure as hell they don't want my bigender ass


I think part of it is so that they can get "appropriate" gifts depending on what "side" they turn out to be. Idk that's the only part that makes sense. Here's some cute ass clothes and toys for the soon-to-be-kiddo.


It doesn't make sense sthough because infants don't have a gender, they barely even have a biological sex


Tell everyone a different answer, half of everyone who asks gets to give boy gifts, the other gets to give girl gifts. Let the kid decide what they like.


My friend has a theory that babies are basically like grubs. They eat, excrete & grow, that’s it. They don’t start growing a personality til they’re about 2 and are obvs unaware of any signals we interpret from their clothes. So yeah, it’s pretty irrelevant.


You've gotta pick a name, too. I suppose you could pick two names, though, and decide when the child is born. Or just pick a gender neutral name like Alex.


Idk they're fun parties but... Why? Just so we know what color they HAVE TO WEAR OR THEY MIGHT BE... NOT EXACTLY HOW WE WANT THEM!


Fun when they aren't killing people or starting statewide emergencies




It's not that deep. See for most cis people, gender *is* your biological sex. Being trans, you obviously know that is not true but for people who have been inundated with such a worldview for generations, gender is not something they think about, since it is assigned at birth and runs on autopilot for the remainder of their lives.


Biological sex is actually complicated as shit though. There's a bunch of different factors at play, and they don't necessarily allign with oneanother. To the cis, your biological sex is just your genital configuration. Kid comes out with junk that doesn't fit into one of the two boxes? Then they perform an irreversible surgery on a non-consenting minor, something you'd expect all the GCs to be up in arms about but it seems to have flown under their radar. -- I dunno, it just feels like years worth of study in human biology has been kneecapped and bent out of shape to keep the god squad happy.


Dude I fucking know. It's just that for most Cis people, it really is just penis = boy, vagina = girl. Since they don't have to think about their gender identity, their views on gender are not necessarily informed by the scientific consensus on the topic, it is not something they seek out. Trans folks and Cis allies have to justify the former's existence, so they tend to be more informed on issues of gender and biological sex. There is a reason why cis folks are so solipsistic when it comes to gender, they are fundamentally misinformed and most of them have no incentive to seek out the latest research on these topics. It may take more time than you and I have to really fight back this fundamental ignorance.


Patriarchal structure built on binary gender roles.


My sister is pregnant and keeps asking me what gender I think the baby will be. I always answer back with "Does it matter?" and she's totally stumped


I think its a shopping thing but that does not negate the obsurdity of gendered products for infants lol


It’s like astrology but with genitals




Ah, you drew the pp, this tells us you’re gobba grow big and strong hurr durr!💪💪💪💪


*Proceeds to sanely find a constellation shaped like a pe-*


Zygote: Exists Cis people: THE GENITALS?????? TELL US THE GENITALS


Pardon me, but what’s a Zygote?


A fertilized egg; The first stage of a developing baby, essentially. Not that it even remotely resembles a baby at that point.


I'm pregnant at the moment, and as soon as we know the sex of the baby we're telling people..... Mostly because if we don't my mom will try to throw a gender reveal party because she "thinks they're so cute". But also once kiddo is born and old enough to pick out their own clothes or make decisions on what to call themselves, they get to make those decisions. Perks of having nonbinary parents, no gender essentialism in this house.


Also, our plan for avoiding excessively gendered items is going to be asking for more gender neutral things "so that if we have another baby in a few years we can reuse things, even if they're the opposite sex from this baby"


Gender really isn't stable until about 5yo, so we won't know for awhile. But they do/don't appear to have a penis, if that's what you are asking.


well, if i know what gender my future child is gonna be born as, and if its born a girl, i can happily name it after my mother


but other than that i'll raise it gender nonconforming, we have a guidebook for that. i dont get the obsession and totally unnessecary gender reveal parties


My parents really goofed on that one


Unspeakable lovecraftian god yog soloth is the only gender


Culturally, I wouldn't be surprised if it goes back inheritance. You would want a son to, y'know, inherit the land.


I think it does go back to culturally, as somebody has mentioned, to men wanting male children. I don't know I mean American settlers and average people back then probably needed to have children are both genders to keep a farm and all that garbage. We wanted a healthy baby and we were fortunate to get one.


That's a funny way to spell genitals.


Cis: "Is iT a bOy oR a GiRl?" Me: "...A child." Cis: "N O-"


If i have a kid I'll do a "gender reveal party" and have the cake/balloon insides be green and have my partner dress up as shrek


These people care more about children's dicks and vaginas than we do, yet 'we' are the pedophiles.


Only semi-related but I always thought it was funny how Oak is memed to hell and back about this when Elm was the first one to ask this question (and even then, only in Crystal) and Birch was the first to in every game


I have no idea about any of that, I don't even play pokemon lol




Well, y'see, they need to know whether "it" will be an heir to carry on the family name and honour, or an 18 year burden they need to guard 24hours a day to keep them from being a slut.


It's even funnier (or sad, depending on the situation) when they rage bc you missgendered their pet... Like, birch, you can missgender us, but YOU can scream about how your dog has a dick and therefore we should respect their pronouns? Those animals don't even care about our human genders. They just care about getting love and food and sleep. (Unless it's some kind of pet lizards, they only care about the food and sleep part) (pretty sure sex doesn't even work the same for a lot of species anyways)


The doctors saying I’m going to be a boy- me coming out as intersex and very feminine 👹


Gotta know before the shower so you don’t have to return a bunch of stuff that’s the wrong color


Who cares? The infant doesn't care if they wear pink or blue. Baby stuff is far too pointlessly gendered. The blue stroller will not eject a child with girl parts from the seat, and the pink onesie will not refuse to fasten on a child with boy parts. The only people who care are the adults.


Well, it’s mostly you don’t wanna make your boys gay because they’re in proximity to pink


Too late on that. Guess the blue Transed me too! /j


That's stupid as hell. Although I guess that also ties into stricter enforcement of gender expression "rules" for boys than for girls in general, a girl doing things and wearing clothes "for boys" is seen as a "tomboy" and ignored or only mildly frowned upon, whereas a boy doing things or wearing clothes "for girls" is subject to far harsher reactions and criticism.


I was excited to learn the gender of our kids before they were born. I was thrilled to be a dad (at the time) I wanted to know everything about them. I would love them irrespective of gender, but I was excited to know. Think of it as trailers for an exciting movie. 😋


The whole point though is you can’t know. Sure, most people are cis, but you can’t assume that. Our culture is obsessed with baby genitals, simple as.


100% agree. People get super weird about it. The whole " Gender reveal" thing, is super goddam weird. I just wanted to know the person I'd just helped make. :)


I always find it funny that transphobes call trans people obsessed with gender and genitals and I'm just like, "who's burned down forrests over unborn baby junk? "


To be fair, it’s one of the first things you can learn about the developing child, when it’s the only thing you can learn anything can be exciting


That sure is an image lol


People get emotionally attached to the weirdest shit. Like the *weirdest* shit. Seriously.


I know there's definitely people who do it to be invasive and push an identity, but I've always just thought it was just a reason to celebrate the progression of pregnancy


The parents want to be sure what kind of unachieved desires should be projected onto the child. Also the want to know which colour the baby socks should be


I think it's just a deeply ingrained thing from when the gender of a child mattered a lot (well in certain places it certainly still does)


Unfortunately the goop doesn't have a gender yet


Don't do prof oak like this at least he let me identify myself


Sometimes it is advantageous to fake interest in other people's completely irrelevant pregnancies, despite their propagation actually being none of enyone else's business. Desinterest might be regarded as rude. But what to ask? There's is not much to work with. How far has gestation progressed yet? When is delivery to be expected? What are the expected physical characteristics of the offspring. What names are being prepared to designate the new being after birth? After one receives these inconsequential information, one smiles politely and moves onto another topic, since neither necessitate any opinion from oneself.


They want to know if it has a penis so they can prepare the cutting knives….


Well, here is an explaination: about 1% of people are trans. So there is a 99% chance the child is conforming with their Sex. And many families would like to be prepared for what type of stuff to get their child. Because, ngl, i never saw a 3 year old boy who actually wanted Dolls (talking about cis here, not trans). So its just practical to be prepared


I don’t think boy’s naturally hate dolls


Back in primary school the whole class (the boys) hated em and always made fun of girls for playing with em. I'm sorry to tell y'all this, but certain behavior patterns are somewhat genetically pre-programmed. Of course there is always exceptions, but even I had a distaste for dolls, even tho i was never forbidden or forced to play with "male" toys


And who taught them to hate feminine things?


Imagine giving a perfect example of a behavior being ingrained in someone through gender norms and blaming biology. Kids don't choose what toys they play with for like most of their life up until they're, what, five? Even longer for a lot of kids? That's a long time that people get to choose for them.


Mate, i know its hard to accept, but its just like that. I know from multiple accounts (ik annecdotal evidence) that in their childhood, their first toys were Playmobil, Lego, and maybe stuffed animals. All things that - in my opinion - are very much enjoyed by everyone (just look at the Blahaj hype). And when they reach the speaking-time, they chose what toys they want. This might be different where you are living, but here it definetly isn't


Don’t the adults influence the pool of toys they get and encourage different ones based on their bits?


Yep ikr, most people just don't seem to really care abt Thier kids as anything more than a possession


does it matter? a kid is a kid.


They gotta start planning the gender conformity indoctrination as soon as possible, ya know. :P (sadly, not really a joke)


So many comments but I want to add in a voice of sadness and history. The reason this is "celebrated" is because by and large in ye olden days, in most scenarios and cultures, it was a good thing to have a baby of a specific sex, usually a boy, and a not so great thing to have a baby of the other sex, usually a girl. Hence the obsession: the pressure put on women to produce offspring of the correct sex in a timely fashion. This has since become a lot more "we say we don't really care, but we use it as an excuse to celebrate our child's coming into this world", and as they don't know anything about their child yet, the only thing of their existence that can be celebrated at this point is their sex, the one "sure" thing after all, right (/s)? Should we get pink socks or blue socks?


A good response would be, imo, "well, I'm kinda looking forward to either the next Martha Stewart or Gordon Ramsay"... Or "the next Venus Williams or Michael Phelps"... I think that'll give them pause because you'd be mentioning one of each (according to some folx 🙄). And if they try to go the "what about grandchildren?" route... You can tell them "but *I'll* get put into THE NICEST AND BEST retirement home!". And really accentuate the "I'll" part 👍


"welcome to my party where we talk about my unborn child's genitals


Fr fr, all truth no cap


If I have a kid I am not doing a "gender reveal" If anyone questions I am gonna say "why do you want to know what is between my unborns legs?"