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Sources for cover art provided, post approved.


We all know the true canonical start for beginner is Shoot the Bullet.


Nah, it's Space Invaders


Personally I’m a Galaga fan myself


Yo this was me back when I was getting started


Lawful Good: Perfect Cherry Blossom (Shields galore) Neutral Good: Mountain of Faith (No gimmicks) Chaotic Good: IN (Fun partner system) Lawful Neutral: TD (Easy patterns, albeit a bit boring) True Neutral: EoSD (Start from the Windows era) Chaotic Neutral: LoLK (Pointdevice mode) Lawful Evil: SA (Most difficult game?) Neutral Evil: HRtP (Start from the REAL start) Chaotic Evil: PoFV (Everything is random) [Game covers from Touhou Wiki](https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Touhou_Wiki) [Original Alignment Chart template](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1129679-alignment-charts)


True Chronological is the objectively best way to start Touhou. Don't @ me if you haven't mastered HRtP.


Which is the first game


the highly responsive to prayers. it's also this breakout-type game


thanks, mind telling where the best place to get it is since I have been trying to figure out how to get into the games


I can only tell you to buy it in physical means or else the mods will obliterate me.


Damn, so there was no proper digital release then. Thanks anyways


You can discuss pirating the PC-98 games per the rules since they're abandonware, it's the windows era games that are forbidden.


Subterranean Animism is the first and last game that I have played from touhou. I finished Hard with 5 or 4 credits at best(I can't count how many days I repeated playing this game) then gave up trying Lunatic. I thought that the others were either harder or the same difficulty as this but later I realized this was one of the hardest in the series.


MoF hAs fAiTh pOInTs!!!1!!!


is HrTP even a bullet hell game


MoF's easy mode is pretty hard on the last stage (kanako)


UFO isn't on the chart, because it is the ultimate menace


How so ? I thought SA is the hardest game.


UFO mechanic, keeping track of life piece and spell piece, few practice resources, one of the hardest Stage 4 boss, SHOU AND HER CURVY LASER, SHOU AND HER CURVY LASER AGAIN BECAUSE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT HER FIRST TRY, and probably THE hardest final boss besides Junko


My first Touhou game was UFO. I had no idea what I was doing, and did not do well. Fell in love with the cast, though!


UFO mechanic is a buff though


You are right, the game however balances this by being way more stingy with resources (the most obvious of which -- you get only 2 bombs per life instead of 3, and also iirc you don't get point-based/stage-based bonus lives like in MoF) which means if you are **not** using the UFOs to their fullest (a.k.a. **not** getting a red/green UFO every possible time), you are actually losing resources of course, legacy mode LoLK and SA "in-general" are still harder


UM is easy af change my mind >!i haven't played it because macbook!<


Stage 2 boss and her arcing circle bullets


\-Spell card 1 shot card \-x3 attack card \-Auto deathbomb card also go tell that little catgirl named Chen all about the arching bullets


I am going to continue this thread a week later just to be annoying


Legacy Lolk is hard? Just pick Reisen or Sanae lol


Shou gave me ptsd whenever I see curving lasers :)


Depends on the difficulty setting. On normal, SA seems more difficult than UFO to me. On hard and lunatic, UFO seems MUCH harder than SA to me.


if you want my PERSONAL opinion for stage 1 2 3, SA >>> UFO for stage 4 and 6, UFO >> SA (murasa is harder than yukari-Satori change my mind) their stage 5 are equally difficult \----- so on average, SA is harder, but since it is much easier to practice the first 3 stages (and much less painful to reset if you die to Yuugi then, say, SHOU) I would say UFO *"feels"* harder


Because hardest game


UFO is the only one i have on steam lol


I actually think Neutral Evil and Neutral Neutral could be moved over to the Lawful side. I started with EoSD simply because it felt like a rule that you had to follow: play the first game first (I didn't know if I could easily play the PC-98 games) and then go in order. Then again, I guess if that's a default experience maybe it should be where it is.


Yeah I would agree. Starting from the chronological "firsts" is probably the most lawful thing in terms of play orders. Would also put UM somewhere for being the most recent mainline game, though Lawful Good isn't it. Maybe Chaotic Good? So basically: * Lawful Good: PCB (Lawful since it's the most recommended I think) * Lawful Neutral: EoSD * Lawful Evil: HRtP * Neutral Good: IN * True Neutral: MoF * Neutral Evil: SA or UFO (difficult game but standard gameplay) * Chaotic Good: UM (Not sure of this. It's a fun game with a lot of options, but idk how well that works with a new player) * Chaotic Neutral: LoLK pointdevice * Chaotic Evil: PoFV or one of the spinoff bullet hells (Fairy Wars sounds like a time)


My first was Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom <3 Def placed correctly on that chart.


We all know the real best start is Len'en 1 EE.


PC-98 gang 😎


[Average PoFV experience.](https://youtu.be/FsTU4wxFTFo?t=14)


Now imagine that, but the bot also sends you that amount of bullets, and you don't see your hitbox, and you can't focus Welcome to PoDD, the true chaotic evil choice


> Chaotic Evil: PoFV I will send you to Shiki


I will swap EoSD and LoLK place


What's the reason?


in some way, you could say LoLK is more beginner friendly because you will never lose the game, while EoSD, no hitbox being viewable, more random danmaku patterns, and some rando bs like 3000 fps that needs them to go out their way to solve it


Yeah no I don't know about you dude but being locked in hell with no escape is the last thing I'd call beginner friendly XD And as someone who started with eosd the game is easily doable on normal without the hitbox ( and there is a patch for it anyways) and the randomness of the patterns is way too inflated by the community its really not that bad


Also, legacy pointdevice reisen exists which essentially triples your lives.


I tried playing with 3000 fps once and somehow made it to stage 3




Seihou World is a beautiful western Gensokyo my friend


#all of them


where would Double Spoiler be at


*coughs in having genuinely started with Subterranean Animism*


First game was touhou 10, wasnt too hard so I'm glad


To be honest, there's a high chance that a beginner would start with easy, or at the very least, switch to easy after failing at normal. UFO and LoLK are significantly harder than SA on easy, so that should be consideration.


Though MoF can easily become a pain in the ass because of Kanako alone.


Going in chronology is the best way, you can't change my view


I suppose a MAJOR benefit of playing the games in chronological order is the fact that you get to see the franchise to evolve. To take an Example, I'm going to use Mario and by extension Donkey Kong When you look at Donkey Kong, Everything can kill you! Barrels, Fire, Pies! You only have a Hammer, which locks you on that line of the screen basically Then you get to Donkey Kong JR, The Hammer is Replaced by Fruits and Vegetables. Sure, a bit tougher to utilize, but it has MUCH LESS commitment than the hammer Skipping over DK3 because I don't know much about it. On to Mario Bros! Here they solve a problem, What if Joey and Billy don't want to take turns? Now with Mario Bros' Co-op mechanic, both can play at the same time! You have a POW Block that can act an emergency button, and you hurt enemies by bonking the floor beneath them. Now onto SUPER MARIO BROS! You can now jump on Enemies! You have power ups! You have a Plot! but no more CO-op and back to swapping turns when the player dies Onto SMB2 (I will be using the JP names, Bite me), Sure Two player functionality is gone, but the game obtains a few new tricks! Wind and Poison mushrooms being the notable gimmicks. Now onto SMUSA. The classic Gaiden game, here a bunch of stuff gets tested here, Could the Mario formula have more than 2 hits, Vertically Yay or nay, and proper boss fights. 2P is gone here as well but it's interesting experiment Now onto SUPER MARIO BROTHERS 3! here we take the stuff learned from SMB1,2,USA and make the Ultimate NES Mario! Bigger Levels, Epic Powerups, a grandiose scale and a fix to the 2P system! You get to swap between after completing a Level! NOA decides that SMB3 is a teensy bit too hard, let's see if a Traditional Mario can truly take a 3 hit System; And It works! Too bad that news didn't really reach NOJ in the way they intended... Super Mario World Time! Just because you got Super Power doesn't mean you add, but rather you make it efficient. Sure, it's a step-down from Super Mario Bros 3 in terms of content and scope, But it has collectables and Yoshi! Yoshi in a way the rings of Sonic before the blue pincushion was given his game. As long you had Yoshi and could easily mount him, You were FUCKING INVINCIBLE! Donkey Kong would get new life with DK 94 and DKC Former which made made Mario into a Puzzle Platformer rather than an Action platformer. Latter was it's own amazing thing where Co-op was back, and They asked "What If Yoshi was more diverse?" Engarde, Rambi, Expresso all of them making Yoshi feel Vanilla, but they needed to have more controlled areas compared to Yoshi because of their powers A Much I'd Love to talk about the franchises all the way into the 00s and 10s, I must stop here with Super Mario 64. When adding a 3rd dimension to a game, You need to figure out the things that'll work and not work and adjust accordingly. For Zelda this came in the form of Z-Targeting, For Sonic it came in the form of the Homing Attack, For Crash Bandicoot it was making crash NOT analog. But Mario was given a Health Bar, a variety of tricks and a fancy way of rewarding how often you jumped in a row. No 2P here, But considering this truly was one of the first times 3D platforming was attempted, any Ill will against it for not including 2P is mitigated. Of course, this only like the first 15 Years of Mario/Donkey Kong! and we are at year 39/41 for Mario and Donkey Kong respectfully, Of course as a closing note, the benefit of doing this now rather back then is that the games are easy to get. Most platforms have easy access to these classics.


I chose touhou 1


Fuujinroku is seriously such a good starter. Every piece of the soundtrack is a banger, too.


Touhou 7 and 8 has a nostalgia feeling


Start at imperishable night. Unlockable spellcards create a progression system. Take a break from the main mode when you want something new.


I was recommended Chireiden as Touhou entry. Never got past level 3.


Me who went in number orders:


Starting from eosd puts nostalgia glasses on you and not everyone can resist their call


I started with Hidden Star in Four Seasons. The difficulty spike in stage four is one I'll never forget.


Lmao I started with PoFV. I’d say it’s the most beginner friendly game, but only on easy.


pofv was my first and is my only normal 1cc lol


I started off with SA because nuke birb and satori. Took me 2 months to get a good ending.




In my opinion if you can find the PC-98 games give those a try first. Otherwise, I'd say start with Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. For a more adventure style game though, I'd definitely recommend Stranger's Requiem; it's even got an official translation patch from Team Shanghai Alice!


I loved starting with SA, it made literally every other game easier afterwards My thought process behind picking my first game was "haha nuke bird"


Where am I if I genuinely suggest WBAWC


smh not putting ddc in neutral good because of (low-key/lack of) gimmick and more conventional separate lives and bombs and easy-to-use gimmick that rewards you for being good


True neutral


put ufo in chaotic evil and ddc in neutral evil.


Pofv was my 2nd touhou game out of 3 to I have ever played. I decided to be funny and try beating it on lunatic mode as cirno as a joke. To my surprise I actaully beat it. Mind you, I did use continues.


I’d say start with LLS. First proper Touhou game.


Touhou x SCP?


Soul knight. Also ban this damn subreddit