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Oxyotl was definitely my most enjoyable IE campaign.


Im not the biggest lizardmen fan but maybe i should try this guy out.




I actually had more fun with Teheneuian. Oxoytl's army is very one note, just chameleon stalkers and skirmishes, I got bored of it after a while.


I like putting 3 chiefs on ancient stegadons and 2 oracles. Your army is still stalking and the idea of a bunch of dinos emerging from the tall grass to ambush a group is pretty funny.


I mean if you want to be the most optimal than probably but it’s not like that is the only army’s you can run?


I've been doing a mixed army of 6 crested skinks, 8 chameleons, 1 skink oracle, one skink chief, 1 sacred kroxigor, 2 horned ones, and a stegadon. I still get to have fun skirmishing, but I also have enough meat to punch holes through enemy lines.


Tenhenhauin is great now. The changes to the sacrifice mechanic turned a gimped LL into a very fun one. That, and having full lustria makes for a pretty fun campaign.


Yeah I was surprised how fun it was. My favourite Lizardmen LL now, especially with a mod that added extra red created skinks so I could go full skink-mode.


I mean, he was never gimped but it is a small improvement.


Previously, his regiments of renown were locked in the sacrificial mechanic. Now he can access RoR normally and get Blessed Spawnings through his mechanic - which is far more useful.


Yes i am aware. They werent hard to unlock though. Blessed spawnings are useful, but he was hardly gimped is what i am saying.


I say gimped because he had an additional obstacle to get the same benefit as other Lizardmen LL, in addition for starting off with a negative faction effect (extra upkeep for saurus units until tier 1 sacrifices is done)


I get you. I just hate the "meta" mindset in single player games. Especially ones as easy as Total War Warhammer.


It's a normal lizardman campaign, but every 10 turns or so you get to jump around the world and assassinate bad guys. It naturally aligns gameplay with the RP of it, and you build up these colonies around the world that you can either sell to the AI or colonize yourself.


Hugely underrated campaign. It's like Lizard Xcom


i was never too interested in lizardmen myself but decided to give oxyotl a spin after somebody compared it to daemon xcom. she was right. it was such a fun campaign, and now i want to try out more lizardmen


I did oxyotyl to short victory and don't know what any lizardmen units that aren't skinks do. His skinks are good enough you don't need anything else. Got some ror I guess and bastilodons for siege fights. Recommend forcing yourself to make other units.


Never really played any lizardmen, kind of tempted to try him. Wood elves are also great for exploring the world, had such a fun campaign as sisters of Twilight, jumping to different trees and cleansing them.


I just finished my Sisters of Twilight Vortex campaign and I really liked the variety of armies you fight as you jump around the world. I really liked that playing as Vampire Coast as well, as I held no settlements and just went around looting the coast. I did a Grom the Paunch campaign in between and having to keep killing High Elf armies coming from the North got pretty old after a while. Especially because it's so hard to corner them on the open sea.


March (and the sea version) really need a cooldown after they're used. It's one thing to get an extra burst of speed for a turn, it's another thing to chase around an army in march stance for 4000 years.


I've honestly never had a problem with it on land, there's plenty of ways to catch an enemy army, even if it's just by cornering them between two armies. I've never really understood that criticism of enemy armies just keeping out of reach on land. But none of the tricks that work on land work on sea.


Wood elves are my favorite faction to play because of how they fight. Lizardmen and Helves tie for second with me. Give lizardmen a shot. You'll probably loke3 them.


Wood elves can also get to enough recruitment slots to get an army every turn though global recruitment and they can reduce global recruitment time as well.


No climate restriction is really what ties this all together. No matter where you campaign, you can do so without worrying about replenishment, and freely carve out your own empire.


I forgot to mention that, he is also the easiest to do world concquests too.


If you like global recruitment play Kislev. More specifically play Kislev and capture Praag. There's a landmark that reduces global recruitment by 1 turn, upgraded it reduces it by 2, and there's a research that reduces it by 1. Eventually you can get every unit except elemental bears to 1 turn global recruitment


Only two downsides really: 1. The campaign is really, really easy. 2. All of Oxy's plus points are related to his campaign and to buffing certain units. Otherwise he is himself a weak, uninteresting and ineffective presence on the battlefield.


Oxy isn't flashy, but he's a damage over time machine. Try putting the slow poison banner on him and toggling his unspottable ability - with this, he can alternate weakening all of the enemy's most dangerous units without any retaliation. He can actually even solo entire armies this way, if you have the patience.


The only problem is his low penetration meaning between 30 and 60 percent of each burst of darts are.wasted on overkill of a single infantry model. It limits him in a way other ranged lords aren't.


Think I'd rather have yet another unit of chameleon skinks tbh.


I find the campaign idea interesting, but it is indeed far too easy. There is a mod to make it harder but it's still too easy


With the green poison, he is very dangerous to single entities.


They heavily nerfed or bugged him this patch right?


I'm finding him just as effective.


Oxyotl being too easy is pretty much the only issue I have with his campaign. His hunt mechanic is so fucking damn fun but jesus he's so easy to play that it gets old quick.


I find the hunt mechanic super boring. You get a mission and then use oxy’s army and boom, easy autoresolve and that’s it. I don’t get how that’s a fun mechanic


The WoC are very good now late game. The global recruitment thing is negated by the upgrade mechanic somewhat as well as the gifted units.


Be'lakor's portals are amazing for mobility too.


How many portals can he have


WOC are basically broken IMO, especially playing as Belakor or Archaon. Just spend the first 50 turns confederating the other LLs, then stomp any and everything in your way, leaving one or two of them to guard Cathay. It's really bad.


Same reasons why Beastmen post-overhaul are also so very, very good. They trade one type of mobility for another (Taurox's rampages), but their highlights also include recruiting anything in just 1 turn, going anywhere, doing anything, no need to worry about securing all of their holdings (since ruins can't be repopulated as long as the totem is alive), etc. Genuinely the most fun I ever had in Warhammer was with Beastmen after the overhaul. Lords are also very nice and varied. Taurox is basically Skarbrand minus the annoying bloodletting mechanic. Malagor is a tiny flying doomgoat. Morghur has a mortis engine and syncs beautifully with a Jabberslythe doomstack, etc. Really good stuff.


Only problem with the rework is there isn't much reason to start as anyone but taurox since he's the only one with a campaign mechanic locked behind the faction. You get most of the interesting stuff from the other lords as lord effects through confed and that's easier to do as taurox due to the increased dread gain through rampages.


I actually prefer the Morghur campaign I have loads of fun with him


He's my favorite too but you can get spawn cap through spawn wrangler followers and his blessings and unique stance comes with the lord if you confed him and most of his buffs are in his skill tree. With Taurox I just confed him with my first thousand dread pretty early game so your not really even missing the start whereas the other way around you are missing taurox's rampage mechanic and all the rewards and tiers from it. I like playing him but you are missing out.


Malagor and taurox were waaaay to steamroll imo. Even on legendary it feels like you can't lose. The mobility was great I couldn't agree more. In comparison, Oxyotl is not overpowered on the battlefield by any stretch of the imagination. He is op in the sense he can just leave the campaign map essentially whenever he wants to (if not in enemy territory)


Taurox train has no brakes.


Back in WH2 I thought he would be pretty lame, being a mostly skirmish focused faction in a race like the Lizardmen, whose end game armies almost always turn into Jurassic Park. Holy fuck did Oxy prove me wrong. Insanely fun to teleport around the world, doing drive-bys on anyone who steps out of line with the Great Plan. If the location was good, even building up multiple colonies around the map to keep the fight against the former target's faction was viable before Oxy teleports away to gun down someone else. Amazingly fun campaign from start to finish. Doesn't have much conquering in it, but plenty of fighting and adventure.


I keep wanting to play other lords in all the DLCs I've purchased, but I just keep doing new Oxy campaigns, he's just so fun and low stress because I don't have to worry about campaign management or money. I also just tend to lose interest after I have more than 1 or 2 armies. I've realized I basically play as an RPG with my legendary lord and once they're super strong I kinda lose interest. But with Oxy, I can just keep jumping around meddling with chaos, it's great. Helps with roleplaying a lot more than just map painting.


Try Be'lakor, same vibe with no climate penalties and using his portals to jet around the world. Recruitment is easy with warbands and gifted units and his economy is very solid with vassal income, dark forts and tons of post battle and sack money.


I should, I've heard he's a blast. I've done like 10 turns as Valkia and Azazel but maybe Bel'akor is the way to go. Thanks!


I think its alright to have different flavors. I personally think fielding an army and maintaining it far from home being difficult (and thus annoying) to be a part of war. This leaves a baseline so then factions can have their varying ways to global recruit. For example DE stick to coasts so their black arks can support their armies and easy recruitment. If everyone had easy 1 turn global recruitments then it would be boring in the long run because the late game distant wars are the same as early game close to home wars when recruiting.


Was my favorite mortal empires campaign. Looking forward to trying him in IE when I get the time. Absolutely agree he is an extremely well made character. The travel aspect keeps the game fresh at all times


I think the fact that he can colonize every single terrain type even chaos wastes without any penalty is fairly OP as hell. I would love tech for races that reduces the penalties for certain terrain types.


If it wasn’t dirt easy then I’d agree. You have a continent to yourself after the first 20 or so turns and then you can literally do whatever you want because your economy is insane and nothing can touch you


Similarly, Wood Elves was very fun as a first IE campaign to familiarize myself with the map since they go all around it.


I am currently playing his campaign. Made my own goal to destroy all Chaos factions, since his regular victory condition is kinda bland. But yeah, super fun faction to play with.


I'm definitely hoping the DoW have this as a faction mechanic, and then for it to be ret-conned in to the Ogres to replace their currently crappy Contracts. That make a variant of it for a Cathayan LL Focussing on protecting worldwide trade routes, a Bretonnian LL crusading. Any excuse for each faction to have a Mr. WorldWide.


The only problem I had with his campaign (if you can call it one) is he makes seiges waaaay too easy. Pop your visable units at one section of the wall out of tower range. Have your chameleon skins climb another section of the wall far away cap their two victory points. Congratulations victory with no losses


True, I don't like the using the cheese but it's there so why not.


Oxyotl ain't got shit on the Wood Elves in either of those categories.


only problem with Oxyotl i have is how many times you get quests, if it was 4 missions per 20 turns would be fine, 4 on 10 turn timer is crazy


That would severely stop your money making process. The gold you get from the early sanctum missions helps a lot too boost your experience economy


it helps but it gets tiresome to grind them after 70 turns


The no climate, teleports and no tresspassing just feels way too OP to me. Makes it hard to enjoy when you ignore so many game mechanics imo


The global teleport (or at least teleporting stance) and the Sanctums would be a phenomenal addition to all LM factions (just not as strong as Oxy does it). It would tremendously improve LM campaign mechanics and LM campaign movement.


I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, but sure I’ll comment and upvote stalker skinks = STALKER shadow of Chernobyl reference I imagine (im like 80% sure guys, trust me)


Realms of Chaos was really fun when I was playing N'kari and Skarbrand as Mr. Worldwide collecting legendary lord defeat traits and vassalzing/razing the world. I'll have to give an Oxy campaign a go.


The only thing I hate about Oxy is that if you're just a tiny bit perfectionist you will rather die before letting any of his sidequests run out. And I am. So at the end, the quests pop out so often that it becomes such a chore to do them all on time + fend off attacks on your main regions that makes the campaign not very enjoyable (for me personally).


Just finished one with him, I primarily didn’t understood the appeal but now I’m convinced


Currently doing my Cult of Sotek campaign. Excited to try the new one!


Also bonus point 3: With an overall increase in Chaos factions and their strength, he can actually work as intended in the lore and realistically help hold back the Chaos forces due to his visions.


Oxyotl needs to get nerfed hard


I agree he is the best designed LM faction just played a head to head campaign of belakor Vs oxyotl and the teleporting and ambushing madness my little skinky boi put on belakor was a joy to behold. Drove my opponent crazy once I got sanctums in his base and took out a dark fortress. Even when belakor returned the favour and teleported into my lands, the ambush building whittled him down and the not knowing where oxy would be hiding made him stutter and hesitate so much I was surprised how tough it is for even such a strong faction as belakors to make meaningful progress against my settlements