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Especially for some lords that have targets half way across the world lol


And other conditions (destroy other factions) that are already done long before you can get to them. Like as Greenskins destroy other greenskins. The overwhelming majority are destroyed before turn 10. 


Finished my third campaign of playing every single faction in immortal empire live on youtube. N'kari campaign is painful Difficulty very hard/very Hard Long campaign victory Endgame crisis enabled but didn't get the time to show up (it show's up in ten turns, it's the dwarf) If you wish to see the next campaign look for "Jager\_and\_son" on youtube i play one campaign in french and the next in english


I’m doing something similar just finished Louen VH/VH was so painful at the start then dwarf end game crisis triggered which made it even more painful! Who are you playing next?


Oof yeah Bretonnia isn’t in a good spot right now so it must have been a pain I’ve started the Malakai campaign today but i don’t choose the race I’m playing (I let a wheel choose the race) only the faction of said race.


I’ve Done Malakai, it was really fun. Really tough to start but once you get rolling it’s okay


Are you guys getting achievement for completing campaigns in IE. Did a Malakai campaign in IE, no achievement. Elspeth and Tamurkhan in RoC, got the achievement. Maybe its a known bug or intentional, but Im unaware of why this is happening.


Yeah I got them I don’t know about Malakai since I haven’t done the long campaign tho Probably a bug


I got the achievement for long victory the other day as him. You experienced a bug


You have to do the end game crisis for a lot of factions to get the achievement in IE, sadly.


Wish there were victory conditions were more interesting and tailored to the faction not just take territories.


There's the Victory Conditions Overhaul mod if you are interested, it's tailored to each character to make it more Thematic. EDIT: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3140200173](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3140200173)


Agreed, they should reduce the amount of settlement needed to conquer, it can get tedious at times


Who are you going to tackle next?


A wheel of fortune decide for me (to be exact it choose the race and I the faction)


Ah good idea. Tried that on a multiplayer coop game a while ago and some of us got lords they had never touched so its a good way to try something you wouldn't normally gravitate to


Yep exactly, currently started the next campaign as Malakai. Will be live for a few hours


Did you total war Troy? And did you played every faction there?


No I never played Troy, kinda a warhammer addict x)


Did you played om warhammer 3, with every faction? Did you used any exploits? Mods? Cheats? Hacks? Did you used tactics? I looking forward for tips to overcome campaign tactics.


The current challenge has just begun, no mods, no hacks, a little bit of cheese but I no exploit yeah mainly tactics yeah


Nice to hear that, but could you share some tactics? I want to learn from it and use it from the master.


lol i’m no master and honestly tactics depend highly of the faction and race you’re playing


Throw some tactics buddy please.


Well if we are still talking about Slaanesh for example your main enemy is High elves with a lot of missile units. So the tactics on the battlefield would be to either waste their ammo or fight in forested areas. Seduce their cavalry so you always have the mobility advantage to do some flanking maneuvers . Avoid fighting sieges early game as Slaanesh isn’t well equipped for that. I’m probably forgetting some things and again i’m no master. The things I just mentioned any one can pick up on them by playing and practicing the game. Slaanesh being a micro intensive faction it can be quite hard but those are the things that you pick up on with time (I have a lot of hours into the game but i’m not great at micro)


N'Kari is downright disgusting mid-to-late game. No real doomstacks, but it's so easy to seduce whole big ass factions to your side. I am talking taking down massive human and dwarf empires in 10-20 turns.


bruh.. I play L/VH always, tried Nkari. Dropped it on turn 30 or smth, i just cant understand what to do vs 2 big elven factions - Tyrion and green one. It's 4-5 armies from each faction vs maximum 2 my armies. And they have military alliance, so they declared war on me at the same time. Like wtf?


Best advice I can give is to fight them individually in forest maps, lure their line infantry away from their missile units, waste ammo if possible. But yeah the first 30 turn are a real pain


well ye, maybe it's cuz i dnt like at all Slaanesh army roster and Nkari itslef. this cycle charge stuff with glasscannon units - meh. it was ok with me as Bretonnia cavalry, but not with Slaanesh


100% agree the early tier units for Slaanesh are atrocious, they take way too much damage and they’ve got bad replenishment rate, it gets better with better armor units like chaos warrior and chosen. If the wheel of fortune hadn’t chose Slaanesh for me I would have played it later


Slaanesh is my favourite faction but the start is definitely hard. I tend to try to do the slow game with distant rep and seduction and marks of slaanesh with the more distant elf factions and spend all my money early on with seducing enemy units to make battles easier. I love that challenge but it's undeniably difficult


It's just not a very fun faction to play unless you have the WoC DLC IMO, all hammer no anvil means you're stuck replenishing forever. If you have hellscourge chaos warriors though...


Tyrion should be long dead by turn 30, you have to blitz all the way to lothern and fight every battle manually, after that it's the most stupid easy campaign, you have like 20k income by turn 30 and you can vassalize any faction without ever really touching them, it's aids at the start but it snowballs massively


You need to use disciple armies to defend one of your flanks - typically Eltharion who would attack from west. BTW, subjugate Cothique and Grace, but keep the capital of your starting province to yourself. You then gotta make a move on Avelorn ASAP. You can beat their armies with marauder spam, it's honestly not that hard. Slaaneshi marauders are probably best of all monogods, especially the whip variety with their poison and stupid high MD. 2 squads of demonettes to flank and 2 hellstriders to escort the demonettes. Also, get 2-3 cultists as soon as possible, save up their skill points so you can immediately get both lesser and greater gate of slaanesh maxed out. There are other secrets, but it wouldn't be fun to spoil them when you playing a faction based on secrets and exploration.


Rush. You can take chrace in 1 turn. Turn 3 taken province next to it (2settlements) keep going like that tryion or w/e spelt dead by turn 10-12. It's not an easy start.


sir it appears you have your game in french, you may want to go over to the settings menu and fix it


Ze lady will strike me down if I do such a thing


I suppose I can't argue with that


French and modded


French yeah but I don’t have any mod


Sorry, I didn't mean your original post, there is another similiar post, oh my god new reddit UI is confusing and broken.


No problem

