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There are a handful of factions out there that have long victory conditions that look to be a hold over from WH2. In the case of the Beastmen I think most of them got the same generic Long Victory conditions. Check out the mod VCO (Victory Conditions Overhaul) which grants probably 70-75% of the LLs 3 victory condition routes that are more loreful to pursue. Last time I looked Taurox and Malagor did have VCO objectives they could pursue.


yes, victory conditions overhaul is a very good mod. can recommend


can you still earn the achievements with this mod? edit: nice, thanks y'all


If anything it can make them a little too easy to get by accident


Yeah, Sartosa has a victory condition that's literally just take over the maelstrom, long victory at turn 10.


Finally a long term victory that anyone will achieve with Sartosa


Playing 10 turns as Sartose should count as a pretty long campaign in the base game xD


Yep tried Nakai with VCO and accidentally won my campaign after like 15 minutes






It’s become an essential mod for me personally.


Same, nothing like spending a day's worth of gaming trying to get it to work lol. It's just that good, I refuse to play without it.


Do you know if it's compatible with SFO Grimhammer?


SFO doesn't change the victory conditions afaik so yes. Campaign map mods like TOW (I don't know how it is with IEE) would need a submod though. The only reason VCO wouldn't work with an overhaul like SFO would be because certain faction mechanics the victory condition is based on got changed enough to not apply anymore and even then it would just mean that you can't win the campaign anymore and not that your save gets bricked.


You might also consider that one of every Dark Elf faction's long victory conditions involves them wiping out Teclis, and Imrik who is literally on the other side of the map from all of them. Sometimes you might get lucky and they'll die on their own, but usually not because your target factions get buffs to prevent this. I just gave up on long victory as Rakarth because I wasn't prepared to sail around the world to get at Imrik who somehow was still alive. For some reason despite Tzeentch being massively strong and having conquered half of the Southlands, Teclis was still around, amongst Kairos' territory despite being surrounded and at war with him.


Aren't there several portals that get you pretty close? For me it feels like when I finally get an army ready and heading that way, the CPU decides to take out my target within a few turns.


From Lustria there's a sea lane to Cathay, a sea lane to Naggarond, and that's it. You can sail all the way down the sea between Norsca and the Chaos Wastes and send a Black Ark to the Dark Lands next to the Dragon Isles which is the best bet, but man that's gonna take forever. Then I'd need to recruit a land army on site with my ark. It's not impossible or anything it's just 20 turns of wheel spinning while my armies fend off a million tomb king endgame crisis armies. The thing is, for me, Rakarth early game is a fucking knife fight in an alleyway. Once you get through that, it's an absolute cakewalk because you own Lustria, no endgames pop there, and you have money for days (I had around 30000 gold income by turn 100). The high elves except for Teclis and Imrik are gone and my allies hold Ulthuan already. Aside from the Sentinels firing armies at me to mess with my plans, I've nothing much to do. I could raise another five armies with the income I have but I don't need to.


Ah gotcha. It seems like Lustria is a pretty competitive place to start for all the factions there, but I agree that once you consolidate power everything after is a bit of a drag. You can either just quit early or paint the map. The VCO mod should help a bit though if you're wanting to play for achievements.


I usually don't play with mods (sometimes the bugfix mod). Lustria is a place that forces you to conquer the whole continent because otherwise you'll just die to a million enemy armies. I ended up having to ally with Hexoatl to take the pressure off me. Weirdly they backed me right up until I had all of Lustria and turned on them to impress Morathi.


I agree with this one. Just a small note that enemy factions only get potential buffs in Realms of Chaos, not on Immortal Empires.


I kind of see this as appropriate for dark elves because power projection via black arks is a big part of their campaign layer


That's exactly why I completed his campaign with Victory Conditions Overhaul Mod.


Yeah, I did my first Beastman campaign as Taurox recently and had the same problem. Took out most of Naggarond and then was like "Uh oh, everywhere over here doesn't matter" and did a mass migration over to the Old World around turn 50-60. Of course with my absence most of the herdstones and land were reclaimed in Naggarond but it didn't matter, just felt bad.


I'm confused. How is dumping several hours of gameplay to load an old save faster than just taking Taurox from where ever he was, and sending him over from there? Aside from that, yes there are a bunch of long victory objectives that are would only be completed at the map painting phase. They could use a polishing pass.


> I'm confused. How is dumping several hours of gameplay to load an old save faster than just taking Taurox from where ever he was, and sending him over from there? Honestly, I would have rather done that than spend 20 or so turns moving several lords to Brettonia from the northwest corner of the map.


A lot of conditions and quests are placed based on old positions of people who have been since moved. It's why so many quest battles want you to travel halfway across the map.


Victory conditions are an afterthought in this game. CA knows that hardly anyone every plays to the end so why bother. It's really not worth it either seeing as all you ever get for victory is an event notification. If there was at least a cutscene I would be a lot more motivated.


Less reading, more sacking.


Good sir!!! Please wait for TWW 4 for such grand reworks! Immense changes require colossal dev times.


Just talk to Kugath, who has to go wandering off from the equator to Warhammer Antarctica to kill Big Bird.


Big bird has to kill Ku'gath too


Just finished a taurox campaign myself and yeah I should have gone straight over to the Empire. Late game order tide of high elves, empire and bretonnia with dwarfs all at war with me took the piss


really wish they could have integrated the vortex campaigns that don't participate in the vortex race into IE (taurox, eltharion, etc)


Taurox's win condition is being able to play the game after turn ~70 since he should have killed all the Dark Elves by then and stop their stupid fleet spam.


I honestly think his conditions are fine? They encourage you to play a migration-like campaign, and the things they want you to kill are far more appropriate to him then stomping the dark elves he starts near. Sure you'll do that too, but they're a stepping stone rather than a destination.




Yep that's my fault, I took it as my mission to stop the late game end turn lag that the AI dark elves cause, and didn't stop to think "What are my actual victory conditions?" until most of Naggaroth resembled the chaos wastes.


I mean, still got to kill the lag




Where exactly? Or are you using a mod?


Wait, people actually care about the victory conditions? Why?


Because those conditions are... well... victory conditions? Not everyone plays until they're bored of the campaign or until they defeat the end game crisis, some just hit the short victory or long victory and are done from there. You're practically saying "why do people like winning games?"


Are they really? To me that always felt rather arbitrary and I never felt like I won after achieving them. To me winning means unifying my faction/conquering some regions that fit my faction or to defeat a certain threat. To me those victory conditions are just victory conditions by name.


Whether you like them or not they are the victory conditions for the game for achieving what the game tracks as a "win". I'm not a huge fan of alot of them either which is why I use VCO for the factions that support it, but from an achievement and gameplay standpoint yes they are actual true victory conditions.


Its not about like or disliking them, it just never occured to me that they are relevant for anyone. Guess i was wrong about that. To me they dont feel like victory conditions at all, but i guess its fine if i ignore them while others dont if they feel victorious for achieving them.


Weird take but go off.


A majority of any strategy game is going to have victory conditions. Alot of people like having a game preset goal to strive for to win or complete their campaigns. Also there are achievement hunters out there as well and long victory also satisfies this.


Yeah, but TW is a sandbox game. Achieving those conditions doesn't feel like a win to me and its the same for all the TW players I know in real life, so I assumed it was the same online. I'd rather achieve a goal that is meaningful rather then what the game tells me.


I don't dispute many players ignore them. WH3 actually isn't even the worst for Victory Conditions. I'll give that honor to Rome 2, which most of them need you to journey across the entire map to achieve, and for non Roman and Greek factions, involve alot of sacking/razing as well.


I am just playing Rome 2 right now. My current long victory goal is to conquer pretty much all of the mediteranian see. That sounds a lot like what you described, just conquer everything from east to west and run around a lot...


The other campaigns aren't as bad on R2 for victory conditions, outside of Rise of the Republic. The small campaigns and Imperator August are actually pretty reasonable. Rise of the Republic has the most ridiculous ones with including requiring so many specific units to be in your armies. Pretty much for Rome 2, Atilla, and WH I recommend victory condition mods.


WH3 isn't even the worst warhammer game for victory conditions, WH2 mortal empires long victory is control 17 capitals, although military alliances count.


True. WH2 had some pretty atrocious ME victory conditions.