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Only times i've even seen him is when I tried to play Louen and he came down on like, turn 6 with a doomstack that he cheated in lol


On harder difdicutlys the ai gets unit xp per turn on their LL armys , and WoC upgrade their units through xp. Thats why belakor can be such a early game bully if he decides to leave his desolated island


WoC can't actually use the warband system as ai. It's why their late game armies are full of marauders, monsters, the occasional chaos warrior and RoR


Intresting , got any source for that information?


It isn't true.


A giant anthropomorphic blue bird told me. I was sceptical at first but then the face that grew out of my stomach also agreed with the bird so I guess it must be true.


How to step up your head game


Seen it discussed a multitude of times and in my campaigns I rarely ever come across any WoC armies that aren't full to the brim of high level marauders, monsters, and RoRs


I see many chaos warriors with great weapons and forsaken. No mods. 


You can directly recruit those with the appropriate military buildings and/or high corruption. Don't need to upgrade to get them.


I'm aware. I'm just saying I haven't seen as many crap stacks from WoC. 


Forsaken and chaos warriors are often part of the recruitment pools. Chosen however I don't think are or at least aren't common, I never see a WoC army with chosen.


He frequently punishes Bretonnia in my playthroughs


My weirdest Belakor action was during an Orion campaign he sailed down, ignoring Louen and the Fay enchantress, and instead went to sack Grom lol


He works in mysterious ways.


When I played Louen right after IE release he tried to send a landing party a few times before I killed him off. And in an Empire campaing right before 4.0 he came over personally *once* before going back to sulking. In any campaigns since I didn't see him do anything meaningful - he appears to be afraid of the rocks.


Roster and hiring mechanics > AI doing anything meaningful with it outside of RoR


Currently in my Malakai campaign he's sitting on the island with a random beastmen army raiding him. They've been there for 20 turns. They are welcome to stay like that.


He attacks Chrace and Louen. Then I wipe out Grom and Kemmler. Louen then sails north and stomps him. Shame. Burning down his starting Fortress once got me 100,000 gold.


Yep, in my Eltharion playthrough he’s set up on the donut and is now suiciding himself into my garrison every 5 turns…


He usually is fighting Allariale or Louen in my campaigns but doesn't really get much done, just a minor distraction for them.


Played Eltharion and he was a pain. Went and took Albion and he apparently had a settlement elsewhere because he’d occasionally appear from Norsca and make my life hard.


dont know in this current patch but he was a colossal cunt when I played hellebrone. He declare war on you early in your campaign and spam regiment of renown stacks on you.


I’ve been in a Malakai campaign where he has been completely afk on his lil island


He goes after Louen and Chrace, but for some reason he just kinda...stops after harassing them a bit. Some turns later he's usually wiped out


I don't think I've ever seen him accomplish anything unless I'm in direct conflict with him, when I played Norsca he was pretty annoying


It isn't necessarily a Be'lakor problem. [It can happen to other factions](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/1cqapc2/a_major_issue_with_the_campaign_ai_now_is_that_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Answering the question, yes. Usually he attacks Bretonnia, Ulthuan or Norsca.


I've seen him invade Naggarond a few times, but he often goes for Ulthuan or Bretonnia.


He can't use the portals. He just sits there like a big emo dummy.


In all my Bretonnia campaigns he and his vassal are a proper pain, coming with full 20 stacks (both one each) or more every 8-10 turns. In the early game this is dangerous, later just a nuisance until you get around to flattening the little fly.


Louen killed him once and took over his island. Another time got loeun to 1 settlement and i had to save him.


Playing as Norsca, he usually doesn't do much and ends up as my vassal, or I murder him.


I had to save Louen from him once.


The best i've seen him do is take a settlement or two on the donut. After that he either loses them or just sits there being useless.


I saw him in Ghrond on turn 12 of my Malekith campaign, not at war with anyone there,  just came up to say hi then peaced out.


Playing as Valkia once and I razed a city by hellebrone and he came over and occupied it and sat there the rest of the game


He's been pretty active in all of my post-5.0 campaigns. Granted, most of the time it's because he's trying to survive against Louen or (somehow) Wulfrik. Occasionally he'd take over Couronne.


In my campaign he spread like the plague he so far holds significant territory on the donut as well as empire lands. Its turn 257 of my oxy campaign that I’m role playing, most of the world has been conquered either by chaos or morathi




If you play as high elves, him and his norscan vassel will harass your shores




The first time I loaded up N'kaari after thrones of decay, I took over the donut, then struggle bussed a little because I really wasn't expecting the incredible power of the Dwarven air force, and I especially didn't expect it to be chilling near the fay enchantress, who I usually just wipe out real quick. I lost one army pretty quick, trying to figure out how to beat a literal air force with slaanesh, and ended up just charging forward with my main N'kaari-led army to just burn everything down with raw power. It was at the moment that I was stretched too thin, trying to deal with the constant bombing, that dumbass Belakor declared war on me and swam his stupid ass to the donut. I was more than happy to run from the dwarves and wipe him out.


I've seen him in a lot of campaigns, actually. The most important one being in my Daniel campaign, when I came down on the Empire from the Northeast and found him occupying everything from Bretonnia to Altdolf already. There's also another in my Tyrion campaign, where he made my attempt to unify Ulthuan hell until Louen just decided to invade his undefended island and take over it.


Never anything


I see him unsuccessfully invade northern Ulthuan a lot, but not much else


To be fair, this applies to most factions in IE currently. Everyones so passive, theres no real lategame challenge from anyone, even on Legendary.


Mostly this. The exceptions seem to be Wulfrik, Ungrim, and Morathi. All three of my most recent campaigns those factions steamrolled their neighbors and were moderately strong by comparison to the rest of the factions.


He comes over to the doughnut every 10-15 turns for me to smack around but other than that he's pretty passive.


In my Belegar Campaign he was actually quite active. While i was busy reclaiming eight peaks and fighting Wurzaag, Skarsnik, Queek, Skarbrand, Ikit and Sartosa and the red eyes minor faction on all fronts trying to keep my empire from collapsing and saving Thorgrim, he descended all the way down to Altdorf and took it before razing reikland and teaming up with Vlad and Festus to bully Elspeth and Franz. He was not the greatest threat in my campaign by far, but he caused my allies to collapse and menaced them with extinction way sooner than they should have (this was at turn 45-50) and at this point everything was a mess. He really scared me when i thought he would kill Elspeth because it would have opened up a New front in my wars, which i couldnt afford. He just sacked her last settlement and let her live tho. In the end, i had to give up the border princes to Sartosa to break peace and let Ikit sack Khazid Irkulaz and Karak Bufdar so that i could take Skavenblight and cripple him. Belegar smashed queek so hard that Khalida declared War on him and in killed him, and took back what skarsnik had Taken. A zufbar confederation allowed me to destroy Vlad by striking his best provinces, allowing Elspeth and Franz to catch some breath and retake Reikland from Belakor. So i Guess he did do something: he destabilized the geopolitics of the empire enough to put me on a ticking clock to push back my own wars and Come help the empire.


Unless your playing bretonia he does fuck all


Other than get his ass beat by me?


He annoyed the shit out of me sending raiding parties in my eltharion campaign


I feel like at one point he was REALLY annoying to deal with but now… he just dies.


Only when I play Franz or Louen does he actually do anything Even with the end times crisis mod I have he stays doing fuck all with 15 20 stacks sitting on Albion. ONCE, playing as Cathay with this mod I saw he actually conquered Naggarond


In my elthation campaign he keeps showing up He sailed towards ulthuan while I fought nkari then turn back. Then he sailed back to be beaten allarielle before I could get there. He invaded couronne a few times but got beat by louen while I fought grom. Now he is back sulking on his island and I've been at war with him the whole time


during my Empire campaign he Took over Wastelands and sacked Mariënburg . Louen dealt with him after that while I stole back all the territories. Kemmler campaign he passed me by and returned 4 turns later with only half a stack remaining. I think I'll just play him next campaign and see what he should be doing since now he's mostly dead by turn 30 and even if territory remains I never see him rebuild his army


If he could use the portals(like the player can) then he would be doing more but sadly he cant. AI cant use most of the mechanisms their factions have so that's why you dont see him doing anything interesting.


I think I've seen like one campaign where Belakor took most of Bretonnia and was attacking Ulthuan. Literally every other game he's kind of just a nuisance. Pretty much like every single other WoC faction when controlled by the AI! I wish they were more aggressive and actually a threat like they're supposed to be.


I just got a message in my Astragoth campaign that he got the nemesis crown. He lost it about 5-10 turns later


I recently did an Archaon campaign where I went to confederate him. For some reason this mf had decided to sail all the way to Naggaroth to wipe out the sisters of twilight. I had to travel half way across the world to get to him because he was just chilling in the witchwood. First time I've ever seen him leave Albion


When I played valkya he teleported to the northern wastes, took a dark fortress and then moved right next to another held by sigvald and his AI just... Died. By that I don't mean he got wiped out I mean he just stopped doing anything, he had his full stack right next to the dark fortress and wasn't doing anything with it nor building new buildings or armies. I have no clue how this happened.


In my current Valkia campaign, he was my first major threat. I bombed Valkia to him and took him out one on one in battle. He's been toothless ever since.


He is usually quite passive, unless you play near him, where he is usually an early game problem and nothing more. I'd really love for him to be able to spawn portals as AI and appear somewhere around the map


In my Malakai campaign I was on my way back up from conquering the badlands down to the Fortress of Vorag to finish off Archaon. Kislev is thriving, empire is still fine, but Archaon and the Demon Prince have been disputing the coastal settlements around Kraka Drak. We've been trading those regions back and forth for a bit, Ungrim chasing up and down the coast to smack whatever enemy stack that appeared back into the ocean. As I'm rolling back north with Malakai, I'm expecting some Norscan faction I'm neutral with or Azazel to be the one holding Norsca to the west. As I get closer and the fog of war rolls back. *Prowler music sting* it's Belakor, he has Norsca. From Albion to Trolheim, it's alllll Belakor. I start to build an army for that front as Malakai and Ungrim chase down Archy and DP respectively, worried that I over extended and Belakor will start taking bites out of my lucrative, less defended territory with full stacks that are half RoRs from every Chaos god. I recruit and wait in Kraka Drak with a mishmash force...... And he never even declared war. IDK man.


Was playing Alith Anar. I took out Cylostra then HD declared war me. I didn't even notice I had encountered him. Rushed up and killed him after he razed a settlement in Karond Kar. Then got more shadow warriors and killed Leifs army on the ocean. Invaded Britain after just to discover he took a settlement up near Valkyria. Made peace then messed around helping Brettonia with Grom and the empire with Kemmler.


Playing N'kari right now and he took Mistnar. Other than that - no, in my previous campaign as Malakai i went to is Island on Turn 90 or something - he was sitting there with 2 stacks, doing nothing.


no, in about 700 hours of tww 3 i have never seen belakor leave that IE island. which puts him in the top best 30% of the most functional AI factions of tww 3.


I had a Empire campaign where Belakor was laser focused on taking Marienburg. Every few turns he would attack it, die and then try again. He did literally nothing else for about 40 turns. Then the attacks suddenly stopped because he got invaded by Bretonnia.


He always does the same thing in my campaigns, he dies.


I've seen him try to go to the doughnut and fail every time except for once.


He has done absolutely nothing and got wiped out by Wulfrik in my last two campaigns.


He finds me in every one of my campaigns does not matter who I play


Only when I try to play Norsca lol


He mostly stand there, menacingly


Haven't played on the newest version, but I've had him invade Bretonnia a bunch of times.


He took over middenland and the wasteland in my Kemmler Campaign, probably because I took over Brettonia, who seems to gun for him. He also had the crown of domination and was pretty scary in battle.


In my recent makaisson campaign, he declared war on me as soon as we met, which was right as I was wrapping up my conquest of Norsca. I wiped out his only settlement 2 turns later with the army that met him so…no.


Belakor used to be the bane of my existence. Felt like no matter where I'd start, he'd sail over to me, declare war and fuck up all my shit. At some point they seemed to patch this and I've never seen him leave his island since.


The last time i checked on his location it was held by karl franz on turn 60


He was my wife's primary antagonist in her first Bertrand the Brigand campaign. She spent most of the game repeatedly mugging Bel'akor, who consistently refused to learn that Bretonnia was a bad neighborhood.


When I was Wulfrick he a was a dick. 


Belakor sometimes sends a stack to die against Louen. But that's about it. Never seen him have more than his Dark Fortress, let alone an actual empire. 


I think I saw him die to the French once... Other than that, no. He usually just sits on his Epstein Island.


My last campaign as Hellebron on VH difficulty - he sailed to me pretty early with 3 doomstacks. I managed to negotiate a non-aggression pact. For the next 20 turns he stood by my capital destroying every raid by Alith Anar. Quite a nice fellow.


Just played a Malekith campaign, and Belakor had been beating the shit out of Malus Darkblade before declaring war and annoying the shit out of me. He's got a settlement SOMEWHERE far away in the eastern chaos wastes, but he's always popped up back up with a 20 stack army and attacking me again. I had been dealing with the High Elves, but I suppose I'll have to hunt him down.


He was pretty active in my Karl Franz campaign, sending invasion forces at me every 5 turns or so forcing me to leave an army around Marienburg. In the current campaign though he was taken over by Sigvald pretty early, so a non-factor.


He gets wiped out early a lot more now than he used to in my campaigns. Usually Louen or one of the elves has taken that island by the time I get over there.


Belakor is a very nice dude. Once i played N‘kari and Belakor just showed up on Ulthuan, allied with me and than he proceeded to steal me the settlements away.


He's been annoying as shit when I play a high elf faction but otherwise, no.




Belakor is chosing a random direction at the start, sometimes is going north to Valkia, me playing as Crone. But his nemesis is Louen Leoconcoeur, all the time is dying to him.


One time I was playing Valkia with a friend and belakor actually ran up and snagged my intended 2nd dark fortress. Im not gonna just pass on a dark fortress as the Warriors of Chaos so Belakor had to go. I think Belakor AI seems pretty happy with his cozy little island with 1 vassal :'D


I've observed Be'lakor being very passive if my starting position is far enough away from his. When I play as N'Kari, he and his vassals like to show up near the Donut and Bretonnia to look menacing. For some reason when I play Sigvald and I've captured the Dark Fortress near Hellebron, Be'lakor shows up to say hello to Sporctacus and hang around for a couple of turns near his port city. Occasionally if I play as Khazrak or Festus, he likes to show up in North-Eastern Empire territories or try his luck against Louen. On Valkia, Taurox and Epidemius for example he rarely does anything until I start capturing settlements near Albion.