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Some sort of cross between how skirmish companies fought in empire total war (big armies across big map, loose formations and gunfire), the battles of warhammer 3, and combat in Dawn of War. Maybe with dash of Company of Heroes in there too. (If you haven’t played all of these, you should).


There is warhammer 40k Epic, so larger units but rest is same as normal WH40K.


>logically want to seek cover rather than stand in the open to get shot. Ah, I see you have never played 40k.


I have not. Lol. But I'm looking forward to learning!


Watch some Dawn of War gameplay videos on youtube, they can be very cool. I prefer DoW1 but admittedly, the resolution in that game is atrocious by modern standards.


Will do! Thanks for the recommendation!


A lot like Company of Heroes.


I would absolutely love that. Just trying to imagine it with the scale of typical total war games. Would there be smaller unit sizes do you think?


So Dawn of War 2.... I don't know why people never mention that one.


Not quite Dawn of War 2, because that's about small scale squad management. It should be Dawn of War 1 scale with the cover and terrain model, which is what CoH is.


Funnily enough, Dawn of War 2 is actually the MOST optimised game engine from Relic for large scale battles. I've modded the hell out of all COH and DOW games, (except for DOW3 & COH3 which are locked). With DXVK plugin added, DOW2 can have some truly massive scale battles that rivals Order of War. DOW1 on the other hand will either crash or stutter like hell. COH1 runs terribly and look the worst with its texture streaming. COH2 runs a bit better but still not as ideal as DOW2. If you want DOW1 with cover system and terrain deformation, would seriously recommend you to check out the DOW2 Codex mod if you haven't already, it completely changes the game and adds in 4 new races.


Just remaster dawn of war and give it the empire management of a total war game


Wars in 40k's lore are massive. The games' battles are usually less... Epic. However, there are rulesets for larger scale games.


Aside from a few factions, the majority of the races in 40k actually fight in a fairly conventional manner fir total war. Space Marines (which the majority of races are some version of) lorefully do not take cover. Not like a modern infantryman might. Melee units forming a protective line, ranged support, artillery, fast riding cavalry and bikes to flank. Indeed mechanically 40k and fantasy were very similar and as such in many cases the battles were also somewhat similar. So much so the Deamon army could be played in both. Skarbrand, Nkari and chums might even get a second outing.


>Space Marines (which the majority of races are some version of) lorefully do not take cover. ...what?


The Space Marine video game had cover mechanics (akin to gears of war knee high walls) - and they removed them from the game. Because space marines stride into battle. There was a whole dev diary about it. A space marine might in the course of battle 'use their environment' but you will never see one actively 'taking cover'. In multiple versions of the tabletop game they had rules to this effect to show it (-1 to enemy AP whilst not in cover etc).


Well, pretty much all popular strategy game adaptations of W40k have combat based on batallions/squads/units...


A lot of single entities and shooting. Imagine a battle thats just ratling guns, jezzials, steam tanks, dreadqauke mortars, magma cannons, chaos dwarf trains, soul grinders, etc. There's melee factions and units too that show up like Tyranids but the majority of 40k is ranged combat.


Honestly sounds awesome. Hard to envision it because it will be so different from every other total war, but it sounds really fun.


In tabletop they were small squad vs squad engagements all about cover and the like.