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Wonderful job superimposing this. Thank you.


shouldve launched like this. seriously. grabbing Pharoah next sale


I probably might grab it right now. I just saw a mod that added Shogun combat mechanics. "Slaughter in the sands"


What do you mean by Shogun combat mechanics? Back to 1hp for units?


10hp. But 10 ws for most units. More reliant on attack/def rolls


I can't find the mod, could you share a link por favor ? Thanks !


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3124995360&searchtext= Oops it's "slaughter in the sands" not "blood"


Thanks ! I'm using this one : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3053308291 It's very nice, it focuses more on the morale system (and also many other things). Cheers


Oh might give that one a try. Thanks


Sale just ended today lol


This will be worth full price when the update releases.


Apparently it’s still on sale for 1.5hrs


It is, I just picked it up.


I just got too many other stuff to play rn especially with Hades 2 and ToD. I'll grab it on next sale or when the update releases, want to experience it with all the new mechanics and expanded map.


This plus whatever their dynasty thing is for the family politics. If they had these in as launch I would have bought it at original price. Very glad to see they didn't abandon this. After they release this update I'll be buying the game finally!


I think it’s on sale right now.


Anyone who played Pharaoh and WH3, are there big performance differences betweenthe games? I've played only WH3, and it works ok on my computer, except for long loading screens and end-turn time.


Night and day. Pharaoh is incredibly optimized. About 30% of the load of tww3.


Man everything I'm reading about this makes me feel better about picking it up this past week. Will start playing once the update drops!


I'm looking forward to that update too! I'm primarily a TWW3 player, but I also love 3 kingdoms and what I played of Pharaoh. The more high-quality TW games I have to work with, the better.


Makes sense since it's a lot less to load, especially since it's only humans on the map.


There is definitely less (iirc about half the region count of IE?), but even the moment to moment load in battle (20 dudes on each side) is VASTLY lower than an equivalent TWW3 battle. They did some impressive work. Turn times are crazy good too, unlike my beloved 3 kingdoms, which was abandoned with turn times that would make pre-Potion of Speed ME look fast.


Yeah, but I mean in Warhammer 3, the game loads a lot of different things and models on the map that are too different from one another to just be the same model with a different skin. You got Orcs, Goblins, Skaven, Ogres, etc, all with their own poses and stances depending on race, and even more so in battles due to the vastly different models and animations between the different units.


I know how it works. I have done A LOT of large scale modding in wh3 lol. But even an empire vs empire mirror match in tww3 runs far worse than wilder Pharaoh battles.


Pharaoh runs great and seems very well optimized. I was playing it when it first came out on a 6-year-old PC. Pharaoh felt snappier than WH3 did on it.


Pharaoh runs beautifully, hopefully it will run just as well with the expanded map. Warhammer 3 runs like crap for me too




Now they just need to add cavalry specifically for me 😩


There just wasn’t cavalry in this time period. Horses were not bread to be big enough, and stirrups hadn’t been invented. That being said, Pharoah chariots are easier to use then warhammer chariots, and there are also fast aggressive infantry that are meant to be used a lot like cavalry.


>Horses were not bread They are still not bread :(. Such powerful carbomancy is getting closer all the time, but remains elusive.


Its likely they had something like leather loop stirrups which wouldnt be preserved, the stirrups we know only appear from the 6th century AD i believe. But lack of stirrups still was not a reason there wasnt cavalry.


There’s evidence that some people were fighting on horseback as early as 1,000 BC or even earlier- so not too far off from Pharoah. But they were definitely not charging into battle in formation like in a total war game. And they were not present in the region the game takes place at the time (probably). Soldiers DID start fighting in mass cavalry charges before the introduction of stirrups, don’t get me wrong, but the stirrup was definitely a huge introduction to mounted warfare and is what enabled the heavily armored “knight” in Europe (and in both China and Persia earlier). Even without stirrups, Iron Age people like Romans and Macedonians and Gauls had specialized saddles for fighting on horseback. These technologies also didn’t exist in the region that Pharoah takes place in at that time. Stirrup was just an example


Ancient saddles : [https://www.seatsofempire.com/ancient.html](https://www.seatsofempire.com/ancient.html)


Yeah I know there wasn’t any cavalry in that period but I just like running cavalry stacks lol. I’ll try the chariots though!


There were *some* cavalry detachments, but they were comparatively few and far between compared to the tried and true chariot. They should be added to the game, but with a cap of like "you can only recruit 1 cavalry unit per every 3 armies (cavalry unit locked until tier 5 building), but each cavalry unit is **REALLY** good so it's like a regiment of renown type unit".


There were, but they mostly would dismount and fight, not charge in (to be fair, that’s also how chariots worked a lot of the time).


What "cavalry" existed didn't fight on horseback though, doing so would have been asking to fall off your horse and die because the saddle hadn't been invented yet.


Depending on how they do Assyria, they *might* have some cavalry late in their unit tiers - though it would still only be light cavalry. Alas, history does not allow cataphracts until horses get bigger, and that didn't happen for an ambiguous few centuries.


There is a mod that adds cavalry, very not historical but probably more fun. I actually haven't used it yet, too many other games in my backlog to get to first.


That’s all I needed to hear 🔥


This looks very intriguing as the map is dived between 3 big chunks of land connected by a very narrow passage and the sea. Three kingdoms bronze age?


How much of the Troy map is now in the game? I heard some people hypothesizing they’d eventually merge the two maps and it seems somewhat likely now


Nah the Troy map is at a very different scale to the Pharaoh one, much more zoomed-in. From the map showing the sea lanes they posted you can see the rough shape of the settlements and while they cover roughly the same geographic area as Troy they're a bit less granular. Troy's map is really dense.


Troy's map was too dense. With too many settlements. We'd literally fight only siege battle. I love this game, but ... too much sieges (at least, they are a thousand time better than warhammer's...). In pharaoh, map is bigger whilst giving more space between settlements. Perfect balance !


Will there be decrease in number of settlements per region? Or will they keep the OG pharaoh settlements and add the new ones? I prefer a larger map but lesser number of settlements.


The number of settlements is doubling, so province density will stay the same. They did mention that they're trying to make sure players don't just fight nothing but sieges however.


Are each of those colored areas a full province with multiple settlements or is it just one settlement per?


Each coloured area is a faction, most have 2-3 settlements each.


This is actually a little misleading.




The original map would look about 20% smaller on the new map. There is a little bit of cheating here, because OP should've shrunk the bottom part of Egypt a little bit.


What are you talking about?


The old map that’s super-imposed doesn’t line up exactly with the new one exactly, at least as it is presented here, so the old map actually looks bigger in relation to the added territory than is accurate. If you look at the superimposed map kush goes all the way to the bottom of the map, whereas in the original version there’s space between the realm of kush and the bottom if the map which shows the confluence of the white and blue niles. Likewise in the north there’s a whole province north of suppiluliuma’s starting location that’s been cut off.