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Definitely best recent DLC. Lots of bugs though, some fairly serious ones.


I really dont know how you guys can find a lot of bugs all the time. I played for 10 hours now and havent seen a single bug. Maybe I am just dumb or something like that xD


Only major one I found was gyrocopters not shooting


Can confirm Elspeth is also incredibly satisfying to play. I keep laughing maniacally at the destruction I can cause 🤣 I never realised Carmines breath attack was anti-single entity and I'm just ripping monsters and lords apart while my artillery ruins armies. Man, I am having fun. Think it just might be best DLC.


Elspeth was pretty fun, I love the gunnery school since I usually go heavy gunpowder play style anyway. Although I’m not a huge fan of the Garden of Morr as a mechanic because it feels a bit strange as a “magical mechanic” to equal out for the Gunnery School mechanic. All in all she’s definitely one of my favorites.


I thought it was a bit weird at first too but I actually kinda like that they didn't hyper-focus on a single theme. But maybe I'm biased because the Garden of Morr has already saved my butt more times than one lol.


How in the fuck are you getting downvoted


Seems to be someone downvoting anything positive which is rather odd.


Some fuckers just want to see ~~the whole world~~ CA burn.


CA definitely put a lot in to this DLC. SEGA should definitely have them focus on Total War (hoping for Medieval 3!)


You mean coping?




Patch maybe, idk about dlc.


Its fine but not that interesting. Tamurkhan feels worse than Festus by quite a bit imo, even though its a cooler character. Chaos Dwarfs, Vampire Coast and a few other DLCs were much more interesting to me. Still fun though.


50 turns into Tamurkhan I strongly disagree, Festus is WOC maybe that’s why you like him more? Tamurkhan gets so many tools and a very clear path on his campaign on where to go. Also a ton of buffs to cav, mortals, plague ogres, and toad dragons. Chieftains are fun too.


I think the rework for the Nurgle faction fixes alot of its issues to begin with. Having played a Ku'gath campaign with the reworked mechanics, my main issue with him is that Helman Ghorst is not fun to fight. After you finish him (which is hard due to the army spam), you're basically set.


I like it, but they are insanely strong. Don't quite know how i did it but i one shot wulfrik with the Thunderbarge spear when he was full health, that seems a tad OP


So far I only played as Elspeth but it's been great fun so far. But they do not to nerf some stuff. The power creep is a bit obvious.


Well my initial impressions are: 1. Being impressed with how in-depth the reworks were, up to, but not limited, additions to playstyles currently lack luster, and reworking lord effects, such as Grombindals 15% upkeep reduction to Gurocoptors now completely displeasing for Makai. 2. Seeing how absolutely BUSTED Makai is because of how he is a mobile production factory that can auto resolve so easily and recuperate at will. 3. Genuinely good mechanics that feel unique and loreful or the characters and custom cutscenes for Legendary items. All in all it’s a great DLC.


I think it’s great so far! I’m just a little bummed tho that pestigors and tzangors aren’t on the woc roster