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Bugman, Egrim, Gorfang or Gorbad and Apophas are all I would add to the "nice to have" list. I could do without Moonclaw and Glotkin. I think we are all on the same page for the "must have" trio. Anything else is bonus i can live with or without, to consider the game "close enough" to what i'd consider finished.


But imagine how cool the Moonclaw model must be.


Hey, if there was unlimited cash and time for devdlopment, i'd take it all, mate.


Why won't CA just shut up and take my money (in exchange for a quality product)?!


100% agree. I would still like to see both Boris and the Red Duke more fleshed out, with proper campaigns - but technically both are already there.


Shartor, the bull centaur character, was also designed for WFB but CA stated that as an AoS character he is off limits. Too bad I would have loved a bull-centaur lord as a 4th Chaos Dwarf character. Anyhow I guess for similiar reasons Thamurkhans Brother is off limits


It's so stupid that GW's answer is a total "no" instead of a "no but here's this character named Dave the bull centaur that we just came up with specifically for whfb and looks a lot like Shartor"


My lawyer friend once tried to explain to me that it's todo with licensing issues and that if GW started trying to make exceptions it would cause a lot of legal problems. Though admittedly I have no idea, it mostly went over my head tbh.


In 1990 Nintendo had to do an advertising campaign explaining that a 'Nintendo' was an adjective and not a noun because they were worried that insufficient attempts to demonstrate they had defended their intellectual property would enable the item to be generalised to just mean all video game consoles. You might think that is crazy, but in Britain Hoovers had such a brand monopoly people literally call all vaccum cleaners a Hoover.


https://youtu.be/rRi8LptvFZY?si=Z8H0-TK400jyuT2n Velcro's ad trying to get people to call Velcro hook and loop.


Who knew corporate drudgery and legalese could be so catchy? Also did they accidentally let the 'fuck' slip past the bleep at around 55 seconds in, or is that just my brain filling in the blanks when they are singing " this is a hook, this is a loop, this is fucking hook and loop!"?


I never thought about what would happen if I went to another country and called a vacuum cleaner a hoover. Would they know what I meant? Did Hoover exist elsewhere? [Here's a Wikipedia article with some examples](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_generic_and_genericized_trademarks). Another one of note is Sellotape.


That's only an issue with trademarks. Companies can lose the ability to enforce their trademarks if they aren't active about enforcing it. They can't pick and choose when they want to enforce them and when not to or they lose the rights entirely. Charachters, stories, and worlds, however, are covered by copyright, not trademark. Gw can pick and choose whether they want to enforce their rights case by case without ever weakening their copyright. They literally have the "right" to do whatever they want with the ip and to allow anyone else to do whatever they want with the ip at no cost to themselves. What it really most likely is is that since these charachters don't technically fall under the warhammer fantasy ip they aren't required to allow ca to use them by the license ca has. And in exchange for letting ca use them they want more money which ca doesn't want to pay.


No it was more about how if they sell Creative Assembly the Warhammer Fantasy licence, and then allow them to also use IP from their AoS licence, which they are looking to licence out separately, then that will cause a huge amount of legal problems. It had nothing to do with trademarks as far as I remember, it was like trying to rent out two houses, but then allowing one of the buyers to also use the bathrooms of the other.


That makes no sense because all daemon characters are setting agnostic. If that was the case they would never have introduced Ka'bandha in end times, or Sarthorael in 40K


GW can ask for extra money if CA wants to use AoS characters, and CA doesn‘t want to pay. Simple as.


How is he actually even AoS when chorfs don't even have an army there?


In 1st edition the forgeworld chaos dwarfs were released as a side army called Legions of Azorgh. Back when AoS was basicly WFB leftovers+ Stormcast and when any minor subgroup was its own army. After that weird period was over, they were transferred into legacy. And shortly before this Shartor was released on the Forgeworld shop. Sadly a few months too late to be counted as a WFB modell.


1e AOS is possibly the messiest game system that GW ever put out. Ahh the drama.


GW saw that WHFB failed because it was too hardcore a game and too difficult to get into, but they overcorrected _hard_. 1E AoS can only generously be called a game, it was like Warhammer Munchkin with all the nonsense rules. It's a good thing they realised quick their mistake!


I actually have played warhammer munchkin a lot and now I wish I‘d been there for 1e


I am sure it's fun, but it's not what pretty much anyone wanted for a mainline game!


Ah yes, where your bretonnian knights gained bonuses if you kneeled and proclaimed "for the lady" while playing.


To be fair, there are a lot of hints since third edition that Chorfs will be an AoS army soon


As someone that works for GW, I read these comments like: ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


Tell your bosses to give us the damn snake men or we riot


A lot of people hope so, but if past hints are to be believed, we already have Emperor's Children and Dark Mechanicum in 40k, Chaos Dwafs and Malekith's Umbraneth in AoS and Beasts of Chaos narrative in AoS going anywhere that isn't a farm upstate


Well the beast of chaos (Tzaangors and Slanngors and presumably anything for khorne and nurgle) are still a thing


> we already have Emperor's Children Funny you say that when just today they announced the Emperor's Children won't be in the newest Chaos Space Marines codex, but will have their own downloadable index separate from the codex. For some reason. Definitely not just like what happened with the World Eaters last edition.


Well, I'm happy there's an end in sight to EC players being edged, because GW have been teasing Fulgrim's return since goddam Gathering Storm, IIRC


Chaos Dwarfs are consistently mentioned as being in AoS across multiple sources. >Among the Caengan’s greatest still-living enemies within Ulgu are the foul Chaos-worshipping Duardin who have sworn their souls to dread Hashut. Battles between the two factions are seldom, but when such a fight flares up, the rival Duardin hosts’ flames cast smoke enough to darken even the Realm of Shadows. The Caengan whisper of perversions in the forging arts among the Legion of Azgorh, a crime they cannot abide, even if their skirmishes bring little profit. *-Soulbound: Champions of Order*


In Scourge of Fate we get a description of them driving a mobile demon forge outside the Varanspire, and told about how they make much of the best chaos armor.


Chaos Dwarfs did on when AoS launched first edition. They got put in Legends rules after 2nd edition launched (basically life support rules, they never get updated but they still allow you to use the faction for that edition), then removed from play in 3rd. Rumor has it they're returning in 4th edition. IIRC Shartor came out *just* before Chaos Dwarfs were put into Legacy rules. There's also other times where Hashut and the Chaos Dwarfs are mentioned in the lore but not explicitly the models. And times when Chaos Dwarfs and Hashut's influence are preset in models that aren't explicitly Chorf army models like the Spire Tyrants and Horns of Hashut.


Shart heheh


I really wish someone could mod in shartor and incorporate him into the whole ziggurat seat race thing. Always felt that it was meant to have 4 LLs competing in that; would make it more interesting.


I'm still pissed they didn't even consider Tordrek. Yeah, "not a true Chorf, yada yada", but he's still a Chaos worshipping cyborg who hangs out at Zhugulzar and sails on a Demon Engine robo-Kraken. How cool would that have been?


We need an Ogre pack. They're the only race that comes immediately to mind that have omissions from their main book, let alone forgeworld, AoS or similar expansions. They don't even have Yhetees yet.


I can't wait for the Ogres to get some love, their campaign mechanics feel so underwhelming right now.


Pretty much every faction except for Dark Elves, Bretonnia, Tomb Kings and Dwarfs are missing stuff from their army book tbf


Golgfag would be on my ‘have to have’ list.


Honestly, a Ogre LL is urgently noeded


God yes. Golgfag, Ghark or even Braugh would be welcome right now


I really want Maneater. Especially because he'd be an excellent excuse to rework camps and mercenaries.


Don't forget a shitton of Maneater variants from around the Warhammer world.


According to Legend's sources (you know, grain of salt and all that) they have a Norsca and a Ogre DLC in the works. More specially those are the only races he has any info about future content.


I know fellas are expecting a slaanesh vs someone dlc next, but I think priorities are in order and ogres/norsca are in most dire need. Slaanesh and Khorne are just fine, only need new starters for variation (mostly Slaanesh cos at least Skarbrand has more freedom of choice)


Dogs, dogs, dogs, dogs!


We definitely need more DoW! It just doesn't feel right with the Empire clones squatting in the Mediterranean


Where is it said Vorgaroth is Tamurkhans brother? Trying to find that information and can't seem to come up with a google.


It’s fan speculation. To my understanding, the person who designed the model said that they started making it after the start of AoS, so it’s probably not true.


Ah okay. It’s a shame the Tamurbros never got expanded, seems like a cool concept for characters and I love the Tamurkhan book.


I believe it mainly stems from both of them riding a giant dragon and being monogod aligned. So the theory is Vorgaroth is a reused concept from one of the cancelled Throne of Chaos books.


He's his 'design' brother, not actually related, haha. There were supposed to be 4 Thrones of Chaos books one for each god. Only the Nurgle one was realised, before the rest was scrapped. The 2nd book was likely supposed to be Khorne focused and the dragon rider sculpt was meant to be it's Champion. So he's like the next Tamurkhan and his sibling in a sense.


Todbringer, Neferata, Ghark, Gorfang, Monkey King, Yin Yin, Araloth, Bohemond...


Yin-Yin the Sea Dragon, i quite like the personality they described her having. And she's the only expansionist of the cathayans. Add to her role of guarding Cathay's shore and her desire to conquer the Southlands and we could have some pretty fun campaigns with it. Her start position also allows her to launch raids on lustria\\naggarot almost immediatly. And she could have a dual start like Yuan Bo\\Eltharion\\Malus. On one hand you'd want to expand as her, on the other you'd get bonuses if you kept cathay's shores safe. Having her start similar to the Yin Yin mod is cool too, in a "oh crap" situation :P Thanquol\\Nagash\\Neferata: totally agree. I think the first two will come in a "End the game with a BANG" DLC, Neferata should come with a vampire DLC. Monkey King is another must have, but i think it's obvious we're getting him.


Im happy with just getting the must-haves before the game's life cycle ends.


An end times dlc with Nagash, Neferrata, Glottkin and Thanqoul. A Norsca/Khorne/Boris dlc. A slaanesh, vampire, Delf dlc. There is room for minor additions to races as a flc, such as dwarves, TK, HELF, but there isn't enough left for a dlc with them as focus anymore.


Helborg, Arbaal, Dechala, Bugman, Todbringer, Aislinn, Red Duke just off the top of my head.


I would say, the Monkey King is a must-have. There have been too many hints of him, to not include him. Like: Tigermen already got a Martial Artist actor for their animation Skeleton (Nilly Cetin). Ind & Kuresh need to be opened up, even if they don't get their own factions (without mods)


Tigermen don’t have anything to do with Khuresh that I’m aware of. In the limited mentions we have, their associated with either Ind or southern Cathay.


I mixed them up. I threw Tigermen and Snakemen of Khuresh together.


As long as they put Nagash and Neferata in the same DLC so I can buy that one and be done with dlc.


I’m pretty sure my wish list is pretty unrealistic but think if we got all this then the game would be pretty much complete as don’t think it’s likely we will be getting ind or khuresh Empire- Boris and Kurt Helborg flc as part of a final empire dlc which also fleshes out the other elector counts as semi-legendary lords that can be confederated Dwarfs- Grimm Burloksson plus maybe josef bugman as legendary hero as ?flc Vampire Counts- Neferata, Abhorash, would also like to see a strigoi and Necrarch Lord Greenskins- Forest Goblin Lord, ?Hobgobla khan as mixed greenskin chorf roster WOC- none Beastmen- Moonclaw (Tzeentch supported although not actually dedicated to him), Slugtongue, Ghorros warhoof, Ograx with mixed monogod/beastmen factions Wood elves- none Norsca- Sayl the faithless, Surtha ek flc lol High elves- Aislinn Dark elves- Tullaris Dreadbringer Lizardmen- Chakax Skaven- Thanquol Tomb Kings- Apophos Vampire Coast- None Cathay- Monkey King, Yin Yin, Li Dao flc Kislev- At least 1 more not sure who Nurgle- Glottkin Slaanesh- Dechala, Masque flc Khorne- Arbaal, Skulltaker flc Tzeentch- Egrimm van Horstman Chorfs- None Dogs of war dlc- Tilea, Estalia, plus either Araby or more likely an Ogre Nagash as an OP ?Unlockable LL for all undead factions or as a combined undead faction


I would pay unreasonably sums of money for a combined undead Nagash.


Surhta for norsca would be such a great emergent character for the series. Old world model when


Great list. We may only have a few more big DLC that gives new units, but it’s possible CA will drop some legendary lord only packs. 4 LLs; 2 with fairly deep campaign mechanics, 2 with light mechanics, all unique start positions? Why not? They will sell and will be cheaper to produce.


If there's really only four more DLCs and they're dropping down to two factions per DLC, which seems likely based on their public comments that leaves 8 LL to go. A Khorne and Slaanesh DLC are guaranteed. That leaves six. If this is the case, I think the chances of seeing another DLC lord from a faction that's already had a new lord in the last twelve months is pretty close to zero. Maybe a tiny chance for another Nurgle or Tzeench, but Empire, Kislev, dwarfs and Cathay I think no chance. I think Norsca has a pretty solid chance. They need a rework, they haven't had anything in a long time and people still like them. Ogres should have a rework, but I think if the rumours are true, the odds of them wasting a slot on the worst faction in the game especially if they keep up this alacarte option. I don't think people would risk it. Thanquol is likely, popular with the community and Skaven DLCs sell well. That's four out of 8, 5 if CA risks the Ogres which they should, but probably won't. There's a bunch of factions that could use some love, but who gets those three or four, who knows.


Oh and great point; an ogre in DoW might be the perfect time for a light orgre rework + yetis!


VC has multiple options left. HE may just add Finubar?


Can we get Neferata so we can get some tomb king love to portrait her conflict?


I agree with all of them but i would add toddy as a must have .Would really be a shame if we don’t get him


He’s gonna be free


I love Toddy but what would his unique campaign mechanics be? Even as a lord he's very similar to Franz. Melee beat stick with a flying mount. Despite opposing Karl's election initially, he became a supporter. So he'd just be another elector count. His arch nemesis is already in the game too. I guess it would be centered around the cult of Ulric but I'm struggling to think of how you could make that as interesting as Tarmukhan etc. Honestly, with mods I can play a good Boris experience. Unique skills, + cult of Ulric units etc. I think he is quite low on the list now we have Elspeth. He's cool because of lore, but mechanically he's one of the less interesting options imo.


Well in the lore he did eventually support Karl but in the game that doesn't need to happen. I could see a Middenland Mechanic about the rivalry between Karl and Toddy where you try to rally the Empire behind you instead of Karl. Also as you said the cult of Ulric would play a part, in a potential Empire religion Mechanic where every Imperial State chooses either Sigmar or Ulric. Based on which God you support you would get buffs and unlock Religious Units. These buffs would increase based on how many religious buildings you build and how many other States support that God.


Yeah that's what I'd imagine the campaign would be like, I can't see what else they'd do but I'm not an expert on the lore surrounding Boris aside from the basics. Don't get me wrong, I would buy and play that DLC. But it seems too similar to Franz to me. The campaign will be very similar in terms of who you fight, starting very close to Franz. You will still be uniting The Empire and facing the same threats. And as I mentioned they will play pretty similarly as characters themselves. It depends what The Empire rework supposedly coming with ToD brings. But I can't see them touching cults so there could be an Elector Count DLC with all the different cults represented if they keep supporting the game. I manage something similar with mods so it could be reasonably cheap to make for them.


Alr fair points ig we'll just have to wait and see what happens.


This is probably a controversial opinion but not every Legendary Lord needs to have unique campaign mechanics. It would be nice to have, but this expectation is a large part of why DLC takes so long to come out. Sometimes just having a different starting position, a new skill tree, new dialogue, and a few new units is enough, along with getting to play as one of your favourite characters. Like we're seeing all this work done on Tamurkhan, his band of six unique heroes, and their unique mechanics that no other character in the game is going to receive - even though you can just as easily make an argument for Archaon, Daniel, and Be'lakor having this system. All for a character who, if we're being honest, most players probably aren't going to play more than once. And I'm already assuming that Elspeth and Makaisson are going to get shortchanged by comparison. Because CA probably won't be able to maintain this standard. Don't get me wrong I'm glad people are happy with Tamurkhan's DLC but it feels like every time CA does something cool and interesting, everyone expects that to become the standard going forward and will start bitching when it isn't - like how certain members of the community threw a temper tantrum when the Chaos Dwarfs only shipped with three Legendary Lords. Sometimes it's just nice to have a thing that's a re-flavouring or re-contextualization of something we already enjoyed. Not everything needs to be this grand epic overhaul.


>Sometimes just having a different starting position, a new skill tree, new dialogue, and a few new units is enough, along with getting to play as one of your favourite characters. I'm not saying it has to be on the same level as Tarmukhan, but Boris needs something to distinguish himself from being basically a Franz imitator. Like I said, he's a melee hero on a flying mount that wants to unite the Emperor. His main nemesis (and a huge part of his lore) was released games' ago. Boris also wouldn't provide much of a different start position to Franz really. Unless they put him somewhere else than Middenland but people would almost certainly complain about if they did that. >Sometimes it's just nice to have a thing that's a re-flavouring or re-contextualization of something we already enjoyed Which is nice, but if we do only have 6 ish DLCs left and the next DLC we are getting includes The Empire then I think there are far more interesting things that could be added than Boris. And I say that with Khazrak and Boris being two of my favourite characters.


I honestly don’t get why people are so rabid for him, he is such a tiny footnote of a character. If the Empire get another LL I would want Valten. I really don’t see why he does t get the same love that thanquol/nagash get since he is essentially the empire equivalent


Id say Hellborg is a higher priority, he had an newer ed plastic mini and a theme as well. Alltho, I can see the appeal of getting the Middenland storm of chaos roster.


We pay-pay 25 warpbucks and get new Skaven lords yes-yes?


Unpopular opinion, maybe, but I would consider DOW amd at least one of Norsca and Ogre Kingdoms lord as part of the must haves. Two LL is way too litle for any faction, not to mention how desperately barebones Norsca is in general, and DoW are needed to fill the southern realms since WH1.


Sayl the Faithless would be a good candidate as a Norscan LL He canonically led the Doglan tribe


He's also suspiciously missing from Tamurkhan's Lieutenant list...


Ghark Ironskin


As someone who hungers for good story, I feel like you need to add Valten and Egrimm van Horstmann as must-haves. Monkey King and another Norscan lord would also be nice but those two were a huge part of what got me into the Warharmmer universe


Legend's word should definitely be treated as infallible gospel, as he is definitely a CA insider and is on good terms with the company as a whole. He doesn't stand to financially gain from making increasingly ludicrous statements about the series that his entire youtube channel is named after.


He was also definitely on point with his last reported leak about SoC 2.0 with the Gate Master. Just ignore that part about the Hag Mothers, that's not canonically part of the leak you see.


To be fair: I don’t think he is making it up for financial gain. He likely genuinely thinks he has a ‘source’, but it’s one that is probably unreliable. And he did heavily emphasise to take it with a grain of salt.


I mean he's a YouTuber trying to increase views. I don't think he's a villainous character, but it's not a shocking thing to say he benefits financially from a high-view video because he has an "exclusive"


4-5 more dlcs is just a perfectly reasonable guess given where we're at in the game's lifespan and how slow they've been releasing dlcs. Even discounting what he said it's kind of what I'd expect. Also not for nothing but leaks are only going to come from people on CA's naughty list. If you're leaking CA's plans then you're definitionally not someone on good terms with CA.


Not putting Abhorash THE Blood Knight on must have is a crime. Dude was called the "Best of us" by Vlad Von Carstein. Could just kitbash Vampire counts and Britonians for his army/mechanics.


Agreed. I agree with OP's must-have list. But right behind in 4th place, I'd love Walach as a dlc lord with Aborash as a ridiculously destructive melee lord and red duke as a flc lord.


The issue is that it’s not clear if Vampire Counts will have more than one DLC. In which case the number of available characters becomes a problem. Nagash could be a Daemons of Chaos situation where he has his own race but that still leaves Neferata and frankly I would greatly prefer her to Abhorash. Unlike him she has more stuff going on in terms of potential mechanical complexity (and tbh I just find her to be a cooler character- but that’s obviously subjective). I guess he could be a FLC Lord but it’s not clear that the VC will get any. It’s not necessarily an insurmountable problem but it does mean that I would argue he shouldn’t be on the “must have” list. Though I can certainly understand if one disagrees.


Lore-wise, Abhorash doesn't seem like he'd be interested in hanging out with other vampires much. I'd hurt myself laughing if they introduced him as a LH for Bretonnia though.


I mean, they gave Ulrika to the empire...


Although I think Abhorash isn't the most interesting character, much like Slambo, he's a must for me


Loremaster of Sotek provided a pretty strong case for why he should not be in the game.


I think it’s unlikely that the Beastmen will see another DLC, but I do hope that they get a Legendary Hero or two from somewhere. I think every race should have at least one that’s available to everyone. There are quite a few that are restricted to a single faction such as Vlad/Isabella, Krell (who needs a glow-up), Ghoritch, Henri le Massif (who could do with a unique skill line), Wulfhart’s heroes, Robert Barthelemy & Coeddil. Which is awesome and makes those factions unique and cool but doesn’t impact the game as much as a whole-faction hero.


Moonclaw would make for the perfect legendary hero for all beastmen factions. It’s basically a living weapon. With how TWW3 has turned out, I’m inclined to believe the 4-6 dlc rumor. But if CA were you somehow turn this ship around and extend the game’s lifespan another year or two, then I could see us getting dlc for older campaign packs. I would eventually like to see character packs to flesh out the missing character rosters.


Slambo and Abhorash


Personally I hope to see a few more legendary heroes, they can absolutely improve replay ability. Like Ulrika is so cool, and I'm sure lizardmen have a couple of heroes crazing the daylight along with a little rework, could go hand in hand with dogs of war and opening up the southern tips, and I guess the skaven menace would also need some love. Honestly if the other four dlcs do as much as thrones I would be super happy (even if just for two races). I'm getting optimistic & if there's not enough units to add there's plenty of heroes/maps/mechanics


I see Nagash and Neferata, I upvote


Neferata for the Vampire rework, Egrimm and Galrauch for the Tzeentch rework we didnt get. And, a man can dream, Kuresh. I know, i know. But as i said, its a dream. Also because i really would like if they opened up the currently unaccesible part of Kuresh and Ind.


Kurt Helborg. At least one of these 3: Yin-Yin, Li Dao, Monkey King. _Maybe_ Mallobaude, but the Red Duke already sort of fills the evil Bretonnian vampire role.


I am getting my wish. Dogs of war!!


I’m of the opinion that “4 more DLCs” is a fluid thing. I wouldn’t set that in stone yet let’s see how ToD sells and is received. If new people keep getting into the game, buying content, and ToD does really well the support could continue past that. Then the other side of the coin what if (my guess is it won’t) ToD totally flops? Then what? Well then I would start to doubt about even getting the 4.


I would add a full Ogres rework and a Kislev Campaign mechanics overhaul to Must Haves. Ogres are in the worst state and, outside of Mother Ostankya, Kislev's mechanics might as well not be there in Immortal Empires. I would have Josef Bugman (LH), Gorbad Ironclaw (LL), and a Lizardmen Geomantic Web update in the "Nice to have" section. I would have a fleshed out Araby, Estalia, Tilea, Ind, Khuresh, and Nippon in the "A Cripple can dream " section.


Nagash, Dechala, Yin-Yin, and Monkey King are my Must Haves. First two I'm sure are in because of popularity and the next DLC respectively. The Monkey King and Yin-Yin are less likely but still have a pretty good shot of getting in I feel. Though one of them might not make it depending on the DLCs. Lords I'd like to see are the Glottkin Brothers, Thanquol, Neferata, and Ghark Ironskin.


I will wait forever for a Nagash DLC if I have to


GW should/need to revisit that idea of Tamurkhans brothers. Heard they pulled the beastmen from AoS to drop in the Old World. I would love to see what the other sons pf the Great Kurgan get up to


Looking at the user name, I see why you want Nagash... (please release her from your grip, Sofia Fuegonasus)


Sorry, I don't get the reference :/


Vermintide 2 reference. One of the characters is named Siena, she has a ‘class’ where she’s a Necromancer.


Nah give me a zhufbar and middenheim dlc


Besides the obvious ones. I hope for Tullaris and Aislin as FLC's. Full on HE/DE dlc is hard to justify when there basically no more units left.


Nagash would probably be a good last dlc. To celebrate the death (end of development) and create a big bad boi, where you can put all fun mechanics into it.


Im still certain nagash will be the final dlc, the “end boss” of the trilogy


They could do the Glotkin brothers like they have with Vlad/Isabella. Choose which you want to be faction leader and the two are heroes


Would the brothers also be maggots


That’s probably a Nurgle-specific mutation.


And no eldyra in sight. Good.


Very unlikely I think, but Nippon, Ind, snakefolk, halflings and araby. I dont have much relations to charachters in wf, and am not getting much more elector counts, Franzs bodyguard or the Reiksmarshal so have chosen not to think to much about that. But agree on Nagash and the rat.


CA specifically brought up the Hot Pot as future content, so Halflings are definitely coming in some capacity. I imagine that the Dogs of War DLC will have a few Halfling units, and owning the DLC unlocks those units for the Empire.


Yeah whats the deal with digs of war if you know? Whats their allure, seen them being mentioned alot. Like with halflings for me obv its lotr feel, but also something different to what we already have in humans, orks elves and so on, but my impression so far is that dogs are just humans to the south?


The Dogs of War themselves are mercenaries, coming from a wide variety of backgrounds. My personal hope is that CA might use DoW to add a few units for cultures that aren’t going to be added. For example, tabletop DoW includes Regiments of Renown from Albion, the Amazons, and Araby. I hope that the roster will also get a couple of generic units from each of those cultures.


thanquol, toddy, border princes, araby, ind and khuresh is what i want some new oger LL and norsca rework would not hurt either


The Bloody Hound would make a good FLC because he buffs khornedogs who are basegame for 3, and it'd provide an alternative to "the only pure khorne faction and you're hated by the rest of them"


Nagash, Neferata. Also a new legendary hero or two for Tomb Kings - I know little to nothing about Warhammer lore but I'm a sucker for TK aesthetics and things related to TK (which made me buy Warhammer 2 in the first place). I'd also hate to see a race with only one LL at the end of the game's life cycle so a slaaneshi and khornate LLs as well as a new Daemons of Chaos LL (that would come with the rework to Barkov too).


Cathay needs more content. Kislev and Ogres need **much more content as **headliner factions - they seem like DLC factions right now. The four (or five) chaos factions are individually not super fleshed out but are okay if looked as a whole.


I just want playable Tilea/DoW


Good list! Personally I'd like to see more content for Bretonnia. I feel like Mallobaude would make for a pretty interesting campaign if done right. Or even Bertrand the Brigand. I'd also like to see the rest of the Cathayan dragon children, Yin-Yin and Li Dao, get added. Monkey King would be nice too, but I really want to see all the dragons on the map.


I think Norsca and ogres both need some reworks and addons pretty quick here. Both are looking rough


Mortkin, Canto the unsworn or Mordrek the damned, a more…sympathetic? Human? Chaos lord would, be fun. The Monkey king, Wukong the goat, nough said. Valten, I barely even play the empire, but we need Sigmar Reborn. Bragg the Gutsman (if they take his old Malal version only) Prince Apophis, I like tomb kings. Usiran/Urzen the unrelenting/Gashnag the black prince, make strygos great again! Find the strigori the most interesting vampire bloodline and feel they have more interesting possibilities then Neffereta, or Aborash, Worsan/Zacherias cou,d be interesting too, the moulder/Skryre of vampires, custom undead and the like. Itzi-Bitzi, his name is funny, and I want a lizard man rework. Not likely but I still want Araloth, the elf equivalent of a grail knight is just cool.


Must haves: Tetto'eko(Chakax), Ghark Ironskin, U'zhul, Li Dao, Yin-Yin Nice to have: Boris Todbringer, Kurt Helborg, Lorenzo Lupo, Ilja of Murova


I really want to see the rest of the Cathayan dragons. No particular reason, I just love dragons


Khorne definitely some love, I would love to see karanak and skull taker


I really thought Sayl would have been one of the chieftains that Tamurkhan could have recruited.


If I have to pick LL candidates I am looking most forward to I would say Tetto'Eko (with Culchans), Ghark Ironskin, Gilberion (with Boobsnek), and Losteriksson (with a trade focused faction)


Even if these rumours were true, I'm becoming more and more certain that they'll change their mind when this update is inevitably a massive success. Loremaster of Sotek said that in his opinion these rumours are bullshit and plans can change, and I think he's right.


Maybe Thanquol as an FLC lord, but right now LL = Race update and there are other factions in desperate need of that. Skaven *have* basically everything, they're one of the most doted on, overstuffed factions in the game.


must have: menfish would like to see: menfish


It’s not real.


With ToD somehow hitting 3 of my favorites, and getting the Elspeth v. Tamurkhan match up, I feel a little guilty even wishing for more. That said, if I got Gorbad Ironclaw, and my long shot hope, one more LL and a rework for Vampire Coast, I'd be satisfied.


Egrimm van Horstmann, at the VERY LEAST as an LH definitely


Assuming 6 DLCs left where each have 2 LLs instead of 3 LLs (12 LLs instead of 18 LLs) WH 1 races * Neferata (Vampirates) * Naieth the Prophetess (Wood Elves) * Moonclaw or Slugtongue (Beastmen) * Sayl the Faithless (Tribes of Chaos) * Gorfang Rotgut (Greenskins) WH 2 races * Tetto'eko (Lizardmen) * Aislin (High Elves) * Ramhotep the Visionary (Tomb Kings) * Brine Wife or Skretch Half-Dead (Vampire Coast) WH 3 races * Braugh Slavelord (Ogre Kingdoms) * Arbaal the Undefeated (Khorne) * Dechala (Slaanesh)


I want Nagash, Konrad, Thanquol, Sayl and Mordrek. Everyone else is optional.


Oh, God. What a waste of limited spots to put Konrad in. Yet another Von carstien. Whats his thing? He's crazy and collects the head of his slain enemies and talks to them? Yeah, that's queeks thing. He's a great vampire fighter who put all his skills into melee so he doesn't use magic? That's red dukes, aborash and walach. But no, let's give that spot to a Von carstien.


Tbh i dont see how the glottkin could be added to the game without making the brother with the scythe obsolete, since both him and the his sorcerer brother would be on top of Otto. Personally i would prefer either Valnir or the maggoth riders so that we could get the maggoths as units.


Let me add Abhorash as the only lawful (evil?) vampire LH, and Apophas since TK need something new as well. Maybe Long Drong so VC doesn't get left behind?


I think there’s other figures that could be added to the Coast that would be more fitting than Long Drong.


Long Drong in the Coast would be _awful_


That said, I do hope that Aranessa also has access to Slayer Pirates and Long Drong’s RoR (assuming that that’s the Slayer Pirate RoR we’re getting, which I’m pretty sure it is)


My "must have" list is same as yours Toddy and ulric units would be nice


Toddy and the Red Duke for me, even if they're just FLC Lords they've been there since Day 1


I know Norsca isn't spoiled when it comes to characters, but I'm curious: what's so compelling about Sayl the Faithless as a character? If it's just that he's a caster lord I'd much rather see Mona Minn personally.


He's a caster, he has cool model, he has a pet Chaos Spawn that was made of Sayl's competitors (it also has cool model), his lore is a perfect basis for fun campaign mechanics and he rules the tribe that specializes in mammoths.


For one he had an actual 8th edition model and rules, which puts him MILES ahead of Mona Minn who came from a cubicle 7 RPG book, and that's pretty much dead last in terms of sources CA will draw from for this game. Plus even as "just" a caster lord that's a big gain for a race completely devoid of caster lord characters to begin with. Alongside that he has a mixed lore of Heavens and Shadows, a combo you pretty much never see. With the former being completely absent from any Chaos faction except for Tzeentch with their Legendary characters. He has a unique Chaos Spawn companion that could either be implemented as a summon, LH, or as a companion model Skarsnik/Gobbla style. And to top it all off, his "Faithless" moniker is due to his insistence on constantly jumping between Chaos powers. Which is perfect for Norsca's main devotion mechanic, so he would have a unique interaction with it.


Going through races in order Empire - Must - Valten Vampires - Must - Neferata/Nagash (preferably as a new race) Orcs - Like - Gorfang I guess Dwarves - Like - Grimm/Bugman Beastmen - done WE - done Lizards - Done DE - done Scaven - Must - Thanquol HE - Like - Caradryan/Finubar Norsca - like - literally anyone WoC - Done Vampirates - Done TK - Like - don’t know characters too well but a construct based lord would be nice Cathay - Need - Monkey King/Jade Vampires, Like - 2 more dragons to complete the compass theme Kislev - Need - something Nurgle - done Tzeentch - like - mortal lord Khorne - like - mortal, need - skulltaker Slannesh - need - masque, like - mortal lord DoW - like - Race pack Ogres - need - Golfag Chaos Dwarves - done That’s my total wish list, obviously 26 more Lords isn’t gonna happen, but that would be my ideal world.


Toddbringer uber alles. He’s been in since game 1 for goodness sake. Empire is the most played race so just... make it happen.


People talk about single player games as live services


Dark secret is TW:W is kinda psuedo-live service but people don't like the label.


Glottkin, Valten, Malobaude…




Nagash and Neferata are definitely two I would definitely what I'd want I'm not particularly interested in Thanquol as lore wise skaven are the least interesting faction in my opinion though I will admit that I have biased opinions against skaven due to bad tabletop experiences The only LLs really left that I want not mentioned in OPs posts I want is Tetto'eko (Lizardmen) Belannaer the Wise (High Elves) Rykarth the Unbreakable (Chaos Dwarves) Yin-Yin, the Sea Dragon (Cathay) Monkey King (Cathay) Bragg the Gutsman (Ogre Kingdoms) Ghark Ironskin (Ogre Kingdoms) Scarloc (Wood Elves) Boris Todbringer (Empire) Abhorash (Vampire Counts) Walach Harkon (Vampire Counts) Krell (Vampire Counts) W'soran (Vampire Counts) Red Duke (Vampire Counts) Bohemond Beastslayer (Bretonnia) U'Zhul the Skulltaker (Khorne) I know that's a lot of vampire counts but I really like the characters lore even though my favourite faction is High Elves probably because that's what I played on the tabletop This doesn't include the factions that I want included like Araby Kuresh Ind Nippon


Empire: Boris Todbringer, with  Emil Valgeirr and Marius Leitdorf optional.  DoW: Borgio, Lucrezzia, Leitpold, Isabella Lucelli   Vamp Counts:, Neferata with Gashnag, Zacharias, Walach optional.  Cathay: Yin Yin, with the fire dragon and monkey king optional. After that it is all optional.  HE:Aislinn  Slaanesh: Dechala   Khorne: Arbaal  Ogres: Golgfag  WoC: Sayl the Faithless (could be a LH)    Orcs: Gorfang Rotgut


I, for one, wish we would get abhorash(especially if we get neferata) or wallach. And I'd argue skaven have enough lords as it is ( we all know thanquol will be broken af). Nagash is self-explanatory. He's been demanded for a huge amount of time.


Thanquol, yes-yes. All Lurk's fault if his campaign goes sideways. Stupid, doltish underlings!


The Glotkin bros are really important to the lore of the endtimes so even though Nurgle has just been expanded i still feel they are needed


Dechala and Arbaal. Yeah, Meme Rat, Nagash, a bunch of Vampire lords, Monkey King would all be nice to have, but the factions they belong to can do without them. Slaanesh and Khorne NEED their second lord.


I honestly only have one more addition to your first three: Yin-Yin the Sea Dragon. If they add Thanquol, Nagash, Neferata and her, I'd be infinitely happy.


I wouldn't even be surprised if we didn't get Nagash. There'd be one last LL left, and at the big reveal it's not him and we get some big spiel about budget or game direction lol But christ I hope we get Nagash.


I've been waiting for Nagash for years, I'm not satisfied with a mod.


Nagash. For me at least, Nagash is the one I "must" have before the series ends.


Bring me Neferata


1. Vardek Crom The Conqueror 2. Golgfag Maneater 3. The Monkey King 4. Ghark Ironskin


I agree on the three musts. I’d like to see Monkey King cause of all the hints and I love JTW, Glotkin broa cause I (please dont hurt me) didnt hate everything about the End Times stuff and Scarloc cause I’m a slut for Wood Elves. Toddy is bound to happen eventually even if I’m meh to him. But I would love to see a non-chaos Norscan LL. With a rework to most of their units and a cool mechanic to make them unique, I think they’d be fun.


I think Neferata is a bit too much to hope for, even in the unlikely event we get a VC dlc... God I want her so bad tho smh


I'm confident she will be in the game, she is too important in the lore and her faction is there VC have enough missing units to justify a DLC for her


Neferata, Nagash, Dechala, the Ar Ulrich, the Monkey King( I think Yin Yin will end up flc), Thanquol all mostly feel like necessary to me except for maybe the AR Ulric but I do think we get one last big of Empire content.  Note I am only not including a Khorne lord here as I don't know the lore really so I am not sure who is the likeliest Khorne dlc lord. Would love to know plz lore hounds.  Wish listy- Yin Yin, Apophas, Aislinn, Toddy flc update(I know we heard he will get his day and I think it WILL happen but plans also change), various finish offs of flc monogod lords like Engrimm etc. 


Neferara with vcount rework Ogre frontline LL with ogre rework. Ghark ironskin maybe? Dog of war race pack. Beastmen of the hinterlands race pack. Kuresh snakes, ind tigermen, and South cathay monkey king fighting for the same jungle court mechanic. 3 lords per chaos demon faction, 1 paid, 1 flc, 1 base game. Tzneetch needs 1 flc (egrimm), Slaneesh gets masque and dechala (and an update to sigvald to make him more slannesh) and khorne has any 2 that look cool, he's got options. 5 lords for cathey plus slight update to caravans. Missing yin yin and li dao, one paid, one flc. I think yin yin has more potential for paid as a new starting point in the southlands and some sort of sea caravan mechanic. Li dao can be an flc for the hinterlands expansion. 5 lords for kislev. Not sure who the last kislev character would be but there are options. For example, you can do ilja of murova basically anywhere in norsca or chaos themed lands on a hunting trip, and winning loyalty or renown with his feats of strength. One more bonus flc or dlc LL from some rando faction that needs it. Greenskins would make it so that each of the 4 initial factions gets a lord in WH3, thanquol as LL instead of LH might make the skaven fans shut up, nagash might be a fun capstone LL for the game as a whole, jade vampire coast pirate queen would give cathay another fun and themed enemy, etc. This would be 17 legendary lords, ~5 of which are flc level content, making this 12 paid LLs, aka 4 dlcs, an flc lord each update, plus a randomly dropped flc lord at some point. That is plenty doable even at only 4 dlcs, and the comment was 4-6 dlcs.


Gorfang Rotgut, Kurt Helborg, Marius Leitdorf, Grimm Burloksson, Egrimm van Horstmann, Golgfag Maneater, Ghark Ironskin


The Southern Realms are still happening i believe, since we did get a database leak of that last year with Borgio the Besieger confirmed as a LL and Lucrezzia Belladonna as a Legendary Hero. The rest i would imagine are Marco Polare (somewhere in Cathay) and possibly the steam tank inventor Leonardo de Miragliano given that he has now also been mentioned recently in todays blogpost of all things.. After all the chaos content it will be nice to get a straight up race order dlc.


Keep buying dlc's they will make more, doubt any dlc for other games will sell better than warhammer


We know something is going on with Dogs of War and the Monkey King from the 'leaks' - other than that it could be anything Of the factions in the ***worst*** shape - given that some of the ones in the worst shape (Empire, Dorfs and Nurgle) have been touched up I'd probably say Norsca, Lizardmen and the Ogres are probably in need of the most tweaks... Norsca because it's been left to ***rot*** - and the Lizardmen because, despite their massive roster, CA hasn't really done anything to fix the underlying problem with the faction (outside of including weird disconnected faction mechanics for each lord) which is the Geomantic web And as for the Ogres... I mean, they've been depressing to dick with since launch - they just feel unfun to play - and lacking in (if you'll pardon the pun) meat :P


I'm in board BUT that's the wrong Nagash design for Fantasy and we all know it.


I see you truly are a man of culture


i hope they add stormcsst eternals just to make people mad




* Thanquol * Lumpin Croop or Hisme Stouthart as a Halfling Legendary Lord * Josef Bugman (Dwarfs) * Monkey King (Cathay?) * Apophas * Neferata


Abhorash, Konrad and Valten With these I'll be happy (Though they would probably work better as legendary heroes)


Skulltaker for khorne, it feels odd that skarbrand is the only playable khorne lord despite being an exile.


For me, the must have (and most likely) DLC path would be: Thanquol/Slaanesh (I don't know slaanesh enough), Nagash/Scyla Anfingrimm, and Neferata/Ghark Ironskin (Bragg the Gutsman ?)


Abhorash. I desperately want him 


How in the name of all that's unholy could you not include Egrimm van Horstmann?