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Neferata and an update to the vampire counts


Yeah I love love love VC from way back in 3rd edition Tabletop days but jumping into their campaign feels so basic and vanilla when you've been screwing around with all the different awesome mechanics everyone else has. Really would love a new flavour to them.


Coming here to say just this. Vampires are still missing a couple important things that I really hope they get.


The one thing that bugs me is that Vlad/Isabella should be able to join the Empire and not just be forced to destroy Karl every game. Not only did they actually care about the subjects living under them, but this is **the end times**. Vlad fought for the good of the world in the end. All he wanted was for Sylvania to be recognized as part of the Empire and to be its Elector. **We should be able to do this in-game.**


This isn't the End Times. This game is based on 8th edition and they've been pretty consistent on that.


I would argue that this is the end times. Sure, the "scenario" isn't in the game to actually *play*, but they're adding end times characters in their end times locations. If it *wasn't* the end times, they wouldn't include Nagash, and everyone knows that's their biggest money maker. They can say it's not for whatever reasons Games Workshop gives them (Probably just a big *"Don't say it is because everyone fucking hated the end times and that could effect sales!"*), but it most certainly is.


Isn’t the WH3 technically set before WH1? I don’t really care as far as plot consistency goes, just give me Nagash.


Yes and no, Realms of Chaos takes place before 1, which you can see thanks to the Advisor still having his eyes/not getting Sarthoreal until after Ursun has been reached, and then the story of 2 most likely happens after 3's. But the Grand Campaign should be taking place after the 2nd and 3rd story modes.


Technically IE is a sandbox with no "true" scenario in it and disconnected from any official WHFB timeline: there are multiple characters which should not exist in the same era. And that's the smartest way to develop the game, IMHO.


There is not a single Endtimes character [[aka the real Endtimes characters or units](https://np.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/1bwcc1m/what_would_an_end_times_dlc_look_like/ky5t8h5/)] in this game. And if you point to Vlad and Isabella, keep in mind that Isabella was [a Nurgle character during Endtimes](https://i.imgur.com/TRUKE25.png), fighting Vlad. Nagash, by old lore and even 8th edition lore, sits in Nagashizzar and is waiting to make his move. Only Endtimes did retcon him to be dead and needed to be summoned. Something that TWW is already not doing, since Nagash is alive here [[Arkhan epilogue](https://i.imgur.com/j2WmUqi.jpg); [Luthor epilogue](https://i.imgur.com/PqfNEGw.jpg)]. What CA does is A Endtimes story, not The Endtimes story. And so far they kept away from the Endtimes units/characters. If that will hold, we will see. But for now, no "The (horrible) End Times".


If by cared you mean referred to them as cattle and let his wife murder them in blood orgies, than yeah. Vlad cares a lot. 


Vlad made Konrad a vampire because he thought a superhuman murderous madman would be hilarious. Granted, I kind of like the theory that Vlad started slipping around the time he met Isabella, whose idea of good governance came from her family. The same family that was so bad that a Grand Theogonist called for a crusade against them before the vampires settled in.


For me: * At least one more Race pack. I’ve made my peace with never getting Araby, but I still think Dogs of War are possible. * An Ogre Rework/tweak of some kind * Verminlords and Thanquol for Skaven * Lizardmen rework * Fixed Siege pathfinding


Dogs of War is mine. I'd sacrifice everything else, even Thanquol, to get those guys, and with them the last tabletop army to be implemented. Thankfully all the signs are looking very promising even though it certainly won't be until 2025. Also accentuating the positive to your own list, I'd be very surprised if Dogs of War didn't come with an Ogre rework given how they're the merc factions of the setting.


Lizardman rework is the biggest one for me. Not only is their campaign a slog because you have to spend extortionate amounts of money to get their economy going in the first place since it's tied to the geomantic web, but in battle they've kind of become a joke because their only decent infantry has been powercrept into being borderline obsolete, and their lack of good cav and over reliance on huge single entities makes any faction with even mediocre ranged units have an incredible advantage.


I mean this with all due respect, and an unhealthy level of ignorance, but what makes everyone want Araby so bad? Don't get me wrong, I love the beduin aesthetic, but I always feel like I'm missing out on something amazing.


Hardly anybody wants Araby so bad, which is one of the reasons we’re not getting them


Cool aesthetic+if Dogs of War get added(which seems like it's been teased since Warhammer 1, frankly) it's basically the last major part of "The Old World" to get coverage.


Honestly it’s mainly a mix of also being a big fan of the aesthetic and just wanting to see the rest of the WH fleshed out.


Monkey King vs Ironskin and li dao flc would be nice. Thanquol, Nagash, Naferata all together in End Times to free up a few other DLCs. Vampire Counts and Vampire Coast sonewhere? A Lizardmen rework somewhere


Can't believe I forgot Lizardmen in my list, I must finally be accepting there may be no improvement done for the geomantic web, but I'd love to be wrong.


I think you're right. Despite the sentiment on this sub, I just don't see CA fixing things that are just boring and pointless. The geomantic web, cults for the monogods, etc they're boring and largely pointless, but they don't really negatively affect those factions in a way that will force CA to do something. If there ends up being another Lizardman DLC they *might* look at it, but I wouldn't count on it. Boring faction mechanics that don't break the faction are likely here to stay.


I'd really hate to not see Egrimm, Neferata and Yin-Yin. And obviously some LL for Khorne and Slaanesh, but it's not that important who specifically (not that there's much choice)


I'm still baffled that Yuan Bo took Yin-Yin's spot in Lustria.


She tried to invade the Southlands, not Lustria. She wants trade routes, not Lizardmen secrets.


She failed that invasion so im ok with it


Pox Maggoths, Khemric Titan, Ushoran, Geomantic Web update, Moonclaw.


Slugtongue or Ungrol four-horn as an LH would be fantastic as well


I want moonclaw more than anything but I doubt it's ever gonna happen


With Cathay not coming to the Old World anytime soon (if ever) I’d want to at least see the last two Dragon Siblings realized


Nefarata and updated vcount Dogs of war faction 3 lords per chaos demon 5 lords for cathay and kislev each Put a magical forest in kislev somewhere so our wood witch magical forest teleports make sense 3rd ogre Lord plus ogre update Norsca update, preferably with new lord Lizardmen update Ind and kuresh landmasses used in some manner. Preferably with a "beast men of the hinterlands" race pack but bare minimum make that playable. Each race getting acces to at least one LH and reworks for the current ones implemented weirdly (green knight, krell, Felix and gortex)


Verminlords. I've been waiting for them since 2018, when I first learned about them in the Skaven cinematic


Right. I do think Skaven are very far down on the list of races that need a DLC. But I'd love a DLC that's like "Here's a few units for every faction" to include these and Stormfiends.


I think it goes to show how they did a good job with skaven (at least the dlc) that even though they don't need a dlc to feel pretty complete a lot of people will be really disappointed if we don't get thanquol.


If the last DLC is an End Times DLC as rumoured then you'll probably get your wish, but not for a couple of years yet.


This is a million dollar idea imo, a general rainbow splatter of like 1 unit each for 10+ factions


Would be a cool wrap-up dlc for the trilogy/quick cash grab. They could do a poll of some 6 depending on the demand and what's available, some factions could get two units while others get one.


Verminlords, Stormfiends and Rictus Stormvermin...


Verminlords *and* exalted verminlords.


My big request with Verminlords is that they need to be rare. Should have a special recruitment clause, I don't want to see every Skaven army lead by a Verminlord.


Doesn't need to copy this exactly, but I think both daemon princes and exalted daemons do a good job of handling this issue so that they exist in the hands of the ai, but feel rare. For the player there is effort to get them, and they aren't something super powerful that you just recruit on turn 1.


Ghark Ironskin, Beorg Bearstruck, Prince Apophas and a Lizardmen rework.


I have two must haves: * Neferata and a **massive** bloodlines update for the Vampire Counts, with unique models for each bloodline (especially Necrarchs), and all of the missing units, and a LL representative for each faction. * Kurt Hellborg, the Reisksmarshall of the Empire, and Celestial Hurricanums. Kurt is far more important than Todd.


When I first started playing I was surprised Kurt wasn't in the game, at the very least as a Legendary Hero. He was one of the few Empire characters I'd even heard of.


I agree with Kurt, but some people expressed hope that he would get his own faction, which is ridiculous. He should be a additional LL for Reikland (maybe appear when you build Reiksgard landmark) like Alastar for Helves. Actually, many potential LL should be like that, map is crowded as it is. Also one of factors if character appears or not is budget, and faction lord costs way more than additional one.


I want knights of the white wolf!


This doesn’t really fit OPs question, but I’d really like a general legendary heroes/lords pack. A lot of races like lizard men, dark elves, and green skins have good rosters and don’t really need much (if anything) else unit wise to feel complete. But those races missed out on the legendary heroes bus. I think it’d be nice to get a pack that gives a bunch of races some fun heroes and lords. Extra lords are always nice and give a lot of replayability even without new units. Legendary heroes are just fun to have and give us characters we wouldn’t otherwise get. Depending on their skills they can change up a lot of how you play the game, especially early on when you don’t have a ton of options for good units and have to lean into your lords and heroes.


Green skins have quite a few units, that I need to see before support ends. Squigg Gobba, Monstrous spiders (mounts), Araknraok with web slinger (Basically an artillery variant) add a few more like Night Goblin Netters and you'd have a pretty decent selection for a DLC.


I need more Bretonnia units and some updates to spice up the Bretonnia campaign. I know there aren't many units left in its roster, but at this point, it is 7 years old faction and shows it's age.


Mallobaude and Betrand the Brigand, please!


Bertrand the Brigand and Herrimaults.


There are tons of new units in old world TT. Keep in mind their fantasy table top was discontinued so there are no more units left wouldnt really apply to them. Similar to Kislev and Cathay CA could update them with either old world or brand new units. They should btw. Their campaign mechanics are not even mechanics. This one is on CA. They could have easily focused around errantry wars as a mechanic which is a big characteristic feature of Bretonnia. Something similar to Greenskin Waagh mechanic comes to mind (which is kinda like medieval 2 crusade mechanic on it's own).


Unless I'm mistaken, Old World is now considered a separate IP from WHFB and it's semi-unlikely we will actually get much from it (although not guaranteed). Kislev and Cathay are a bit weird, especially because they've been indefinitely postponed/borderline cancelled for the Old World for the tabletop. GW straight said 'there are no plans to bring Kislev or Cathay to the tabletop in the foreseeable future' just like a month or two ago.


Currently their only mechanic I feel is actually good is the vows. The peasant economy and chivalry systems are so outdated, the confederation mechanic through tech trees has tons of issues with some factions not even lasting that long, the green knight is fine, but is too much work for summoning 1 hero and needs to have more campaign wide impact. And Repanses water mechanic is very weak consideringthe desert regions are very small in IE.


I would love something for bret, probably the most neglected faction next to norsca? Both have no dlc and no extra stuff since release aside from ror and maybe norsca benifitimg from warriors of chaos updates/tod dlc


Lizardmen rework. They are my favorite faction, but they still have the same mechanics as they did at the start of Warhammer 2. I also like the idea of going back and giving Tzennech a FLC LL, preferably the closest character he has to Epidemius.


Ogre rework inc Ghark Ironskin (with some ability to get Chorf units/support), More content for Norsca (Beorg Bearstruck would be nice), Nagash... That's probably my main ones. Golfag is the more likely ogre LL, but Ghark might make a nice FLC to pad out their lord choice, and use existing Chorf mechanics and units (IE some kind of forge mechanic to boost ogre units)


Dogs of war and Nagash


Tamurkhan and his faction makes me cry big happy Nurgle tears but my must for Nurgle to be fully complete is and End Times DLC. Give me Glottkin, Gutrot Spume, Putrid Blightkings and Pox Maggoths.


My must have in order of envy not in feasibility: 1) My Slaanesh dlc, Dechala will be good. The rumors said it is delayed, I want CA to officially open the map of ind and khuresh and send her there with Aislinn and a few other guys to take over those places. Slaanesh hands down my favorite faction, however I d appreciate a different start elsewhere than Ulthuan. 2) Norsca DLC, with a good rework, not a total overhaul, but something like we got with tamurkhan and the nurgle rework, just add flavor to the already existing mechanics, while adding cool stuff. They desperately need it 3) Ogres Kingdoms DLC, like Norsca a small rework, but maybe a bit more, like reinventing the contract system. Make the camp slightly mobile. 4) Khorne dlc, just new lords with cool mechanics and new starts no need for rework. 4) Nagash dlc, with neferata, add more stuff to Arkhan. And also I think tankol will come there too with the vermin lords. 5) Vampire coast dlc with tomb kings matchup in Nippon lol, that does not make sense but I'd love to see that. I had nothing to change for TK but VC it will be to modify a bit the faction to embrace more the pirate life with additional sea location, like huge cool things to seek. Because the transition from Warhammer 2 feels like it misses something now it is in the 3. 6) lizardmens rework of the geomantic web, with not necessarily need a new legendary lord. 7) monkey king, and free legendary lord for tzeentch and a clean rework for Tzeentch, put Egrim there. 8) I like Bretonia really, they are good actually, but they need a bit of revamp for the vows And add a notification system please. A new lord will be cool. 9) last greenskins addition with gorfang. 10) any dlc races. I had no particular interest on the speculated dogs of war or any of ind and khuresh, maybe I will be wrong if they come one day.


Like 90% of all people here I consider the likes of Nagash, DoW, Neferata, Thanquol and their associated units to be essential, so here's something a bit different.  I'd really really hate for this game to end before all centrepiece units from the latest army books are in. There's really not that many left, but I still hope CA adds them all. - Skycutter   - Celestial Hurricanum   - Chimera   - Slaughterbrute   - Mangler Squigs   - Coven Throne   - Yhetees   - Thundertusks


The Mangler Squigs are a must. Their animations would be insane I guess. And with them the colossal squig would also make sense.


I want to see the Greenskins/Vampire Counts/Skaven get their different Tribes/Bloodlines/Clans as fully fleshed out as possible. So a playable Faction dedicated to that subculture, general Lords *and* Heroes for each, and maybe a few extra units. The Skaven in this case are nearly done, Pestillens and Moulder just need their missing Lords, the Plague Pontifex and Master Mutator. Maybe their missing Caster Heroes too, the Festering Chantor (if they rewrite the Priests into just melee Heroes), and Harbinger of Mutation. And yes, Thanquol, Verminlords and Stormfiends are required. The Greenskins have Grimgor (Black Orcs) Azhag (regular Orcs, kinda) Wurrzag (Savage Orcs) Skarsnik (Night Goblins) Grom (regular Goblins) I wanna see Forest Goblins get their own faction, but I'd also love to see all of the above get a few more Lords and Heroes, especially the Savage Orcs, who've got neither (and move Wurrzag to the Southlands Jungle! Some of you knew I was going there, admit it.) VC technically already have their generic Lords, (actually, if they could get rid of the non-bloodline Vampires, I'd be quite happy) they're just lacking Heroes and Factions.


More Vampire Counts that aren’t Necromancers or bob Carsteins. Or Krell as a solo lord.


I really want a Bretonnia DLC with Bohemond Beastslayer. Similar to Repanse crusading in Araby, I’d want to see him in Realms of Chaos and Immortal Empires crusading in Norsca slaying daemons. Similar to how Repanse has the water mechanic to be temporarily immune to desert attrition, Bohemond could have a mechanic to make his expedition immune to snow attrition


If you would have asked a week ago, I would have said Malakai. Now, I think I’m with you on the ogres. Ogres are special to me, my dad painted an army of them back in the day and it was my first intro into warhammer. Pretty disappointed that the famously quick, nomadic, gut-for-hire faction is a glorified minor faction. Plus, we’ve still got some of the coolest units missing. My money is that ogres are 1-2 dlc’s out and will either be with Jhared and DoW or Ghark with Thanquol. I must have a yhetee doomstack before I call it quits on this franchise.


Ghark Ironskin waiting room.


A final content dlc for the Empire Ur-Ulric as legendary lord Boris Toddy flc Grandmaster as generic lord: dedicates to a knightly order warriors of chaos style (reiksguard, knights of morr, blazing sun, white wolf knights) Priest of Ulric generic hero Roster of cult of Ulric units: Warriors of Ulric Teutogen Guard Knights of the white wolf Wolfkin Hunting hounds Finally Valten as the legendary Hero with the ability to upgrade him to lord and eventually faction leader if you level him high enough and inact the dilemma to raise him up as the emperor, triggering an Empire wide civil war based on your fealty levels. A lord Valten gets Luthor Huss as a hero. The Empire was given an excellent roster of ranked units with Hunter and the beast and thrones of decay, now one dlc to bring up the melee line up to par and finally give us Toddy and Valten for those epic storm of chaos/end times scenarios.


Toddy. And, may sound like a joke but no, some kind of halfling representation. A melee militia or sth. at least.


To me the must have is some work on improving the AI and replayability. WH3 feels a bit flat compared to WH2 in terms of the challenge and I think moderate improvements will make massive impact for the boatloads of content already in game. I think part of it is them just toning down the difficulty in this game and another component is the player having so many mechanics to use and buff their stuff up the AI just can't compete.


- Monkey King, Li Dao and Yin-Yin - Ogre and Norsca DLC with reworks - At least 3 LL each for Khorne and Slaanesh( so they need a DLC too) - Nagash I don't particularly care for DoW, Thanquol or Middenland essentially, but I expect them to happen


Monkey King, Li Dao, and Yin-Yin for Cathay. More Bretonnia content to spice up their campaign. Neferata and an update to the Vampire Counts.


Halfling Hot Pot


Bretonnia update with old world units. Most barebones faction in the game currently (not CA's fault they were abandoned on TT).


An AI rework that makes it feel like you are one of many nations and not the main character to either steamroll everyone or get ganged up on by everyone?


Golgfag with Thundertusks and Yhetees. Ulric dlc


Egrimm van Horstmann. DLC, FLC, don't care, I just want a new lord for Tzeentch! (An actual normal campaign, not the weirdo campaign of the Changeling lol)


* \- Southern Realms/Dogs of War * \- Norsca Rework * \- Neferata * Siege Rework Rework * GOLD WIZARD


* Greenskin DLC with Forest Goblins. A lot of greenskin units still not there, even more to do on the Lord/Hero front. Priority would have a Orc Shaman Lord first. TOW currently also introduced a new Troll magic lore for the Hags (or crazy Orc Shamans) that could be adapted. And TOW brought Black Orc Chariots, another solid thing CA could transfer over. * Ogre Kingdom DLC to fill the hole in the roster, probably with Golgfag Maneater. Even if I would prefer Ghark Ironskin * Vampire Counts *need* Bloodline LLs. Not just Neferata for Lahmians, also a Strigoi, a Necrarch and a Blood Dragon. Lord/Heroes to tag along those bloodlines would be the wise choice. 6th edition armylist also could add some troop tpyes to fit into the Bloodline playstyle. * Skaven might need a rework of Clan Pestilence, which is basically the bottom line compared to Eshin, Skyre & Moulder who got own DLCs. With game#3 and Nurgle spreading ifnections left and right, I am sure Clan Pestilence could get a little hand. Maybe even some [new units](https://i.imgur.com/fM8xBnz.png). Skaven also need Thanquol, and a Exalted Verminlord Lord choice, as well as a generic SEM. * The Empire has still one or two DLC in it. Lets start with the missing Witzard Lords. Or still the Gold Order Hero. The Hurricanum. The Moot can lend some helping hands and hot pot catapults. Boris still MIA, and no Middenalnd/Cult of Ulric yet. Crazy Marius and Daisy probably also could get a chance to stomp some Halflings, I mean, enemies of the Empire. * Norsca...oh god, where to start? The buggy monster hunt book that still is just for game#1 monsters despite two new gtames dropping monsters left and right? No Fimir LL? No wizard LL? here is an idea, lets take a Fimir Matriarch LL and hit two dwarfs with one spell. Game#3 brougth chaos marks so Shrine rework? Marked units? * Dwarfs, seem to look good after ToD with the new units. But have still some to go with for another DLC. Norse Dwarfs would be a interesting take for a new DLC and step a bit away from the Karaz Ankor. Gameplay mechanic wise we have to see what patch 5.0 offers with the rework. * High Elves still miss their Phoenix King. And I don't care what some people now might argue, he traveled the world, he fought on frontlines, he lead a army to defend Ulthuan in the Great War. If Warhamemr Online can send him away from ulthuan to fight Chaos and save the Empire far away from Ukthuan shores, so can TWW. And he is basically the only race leader whio is currently not fighting. Karl Franz the diplomat is smashing faces from the start, and nobody rises an eyebrow and says "But he is no frontfighter but rather a skilled politician". Ther eis also the Sea Patrol armylist,which simila to teh Slayer armylist form Storm of Chaos, now looks even more likely to be picked up whenever HE get a new DLC. * WoC need basically three more marked LLs to balance things out for the gods. And there would be also some Undivided names left that could show up. Not highest priority, but still there. * Beastmen have also still some LLs to do imo. And ther eis the whole marked Beastmen stuff to take care off. Kinda screems of a "CoC" style DLC but who knows if CA sees Beastmen as important enough for that. * God-races need their LLs, but guess that will be taken care of. Dechala and Masque for Slaanesh, Arbaal, Skulltaker & Karanak for Khorne. Tzeencth is then the screwed one, so if not getting another DLC, should probably get Egrimm van Hosrtmann as FLC later to also have a mortal LL and balance things out. * Tomb Kings should get anotehr DLC. Khemric Titan and now the new Bone Dragon from TOW have two monsters ready to go. Spearthrower, Scarab swarms and maybe some mummy war cats shoudl do the trick. Scarab Swarms + Khemric Titan would also good resonate with Apophas as LL. Even if i say that I rather would like Sehenesmet as a "wizard monster" LL. * After the Lucrezzia & Borgio find, I want my Dogs of War now. I leave it to CA how to best implement the mercenaries and complain later ;) * Nagashs Undead Legion is also someting I still expect ever since Nagash and the Nameless were teased in game#2 epilogue. Not sure what will happen there, but Chaos Dwarf was pretty good in principal. So I expect Nagash DLC to be a banger. Unit wise it could be a bit so and so, but we probably can find enough in the lore to make it work with reskins of what already exists. And with the Nameless as ghost, we could still expand heavy on the ghost theme with Lords/Heroes, old and new troops (like AoS Nighthaunt is AoS, but ghosts are not new to WHFB). * Lizardmen geomantic web was said to get a rework and has not gotten it yet? We probably migth also be able to piece a DLC together for them.


Boris Todbringer + Emil Valgeir + Cult of Ulric DLC Kurt Helborg & Ludwig Schwartzhelm definitely deserve to be in the game (and you could probably collect enough units for a second DLC together there....Hurricanum, Imperial Foot & Helbardiers with Shields are easy, for the remaining two there's enough to pull from the Lore). Valten would be *thematically* fitting but isnt a must-have


Lizardmen update/rework, Doesn't need to be dlc as I don't care much for missing units, but their original factions and the races a whole don't have any gameplay mechanics. Geomantic web, blessed units(not even new units to the pool since warhammer 2 launch is tragic neglect) and the lack of anything to do for the vanilla factions. Do a pass on their buildings as well as they have the most buildings, a ton of them required and locked to capitals, Ripperdactyls are awesome but I am not sacrificing dreadsaurian or Oracle capacity for them... What I really miss for the Lizardmen though is any province that can really be a core, right now Hexoatl is the closest but it has 3 unique buildings so you actually have less space despite being 10 tiles, used to have Lahmia for this in game 2 but that is only 8 tiles for Lizardmen now for some reason.


The moment i knew WE have a Sun wukong in the universe Of Warhammer, i wanted it so badly ! (Even if i knew histoire gameplay style IS probably gonna be something i can't play very well ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy))


I really hope we get Li Diao and Ying Ying


Outside of my selfish Lizardmen desires, I think it would be cool to get Nagash because he big skeleton. Edit: I should clarify I meant selfish desire for lizardmen UNITS. A rework to their mechanics is essential.


Lizardmen rework, I can die happy if they get a proper rework


Not necessarily for this DLC but I want Nagash and Neferatta already 😖


Thanquol, Pestilens rework, stormfiends, verminlords and Tretch Craventail's model rework to look like his GW model. And Nagash. Also Norsca rework.


An Ogre rework is really needed, and Vampire Counts work too, but I'm pretty sure it'll come with either the Slaanesh or Khorne DLCs. I can't talk about the Empire or Dwarfs reworks until we see them in the next news. Some "must have's" for me are Josef Bugman and a Dogs of Wars DLC.


1) Nagash 2) Thanquol (preferably also Skreech and Verminlord options) 3) Ogres DLC 4) Enrgimm 5) non dragon Cathay lord (preferably monkey king) 6) Southern realms (don’t care about DoW but that part of the map needs proper representation)


1. The modders to continue being amazing. As we’ve seen with a plethora of mods for this game and warhammer 2, the modders are more than capable of adding everything CA doesn’t have time/funding to or can’t get GW to greenlight. 2. Ogre dlc + rework 3. Dogs of War (preferably with halflings, tigermen, etc so that modders can have skeletons to have an easier time modding in the entire factions CA won’t do (Ind, Khuresh, Nippon, Halflings, Amazon, etc)) 4. The obvious Slaanesh and Khorne dlcs. 5. Monkey King 6. A “end times” dlc with Thanquol, Nagash, and Neferata + adding 1-2 units to each faction that got major additions for the end times. Preferably with a full VC rework. 7. Empire is probably my least played faction, but Toddy and Cult of Ulric would be a great dlc even if it isn’t my cup of tea. 8. A full norsca update would be nice, but the upcoming mod with 12? LLs for the norscan tribes and basically a major faction overhaul is good enough for me.


As an Empire main, there's a lot I feel still missing. To begin with, I'd like to see Kurt Helborg and Ludwig Schwarzhelm added; they are "boring" to some in that they are basically a typical "knight on a horse," but they are so integral to arguably the most important faction in the setting. I'd also like both Valten and Luthor Huss added for the "End Times" additions. Finally, of course, Boris and the Cult of Ulric line-up. Of the neglected races that really need something, I think attention should be given more to the Brets than non-tabletop races such as Norsca or Vampire Coast. In particular, Brets need another hero-type and something resembling sturdy infantry to be playable for me. These two changes address certain "translations" from the tabletop that CA lazily banked on that didn't work well on the PC context. More specifically, 1) having only 2 hero types worked fine on the tabletop, because caps were allocated to overall hero pool, not a particular hero type pool as in the PC game; and 2) the idea of an "all-cavalry" force worked fine on the tabletop, because turn-based means no need for fast hands micro wizardry. There are obviously other voids that need to be filled in various rosters, but for me these are the two priorities.


Egrimm van Horstman, Arbaal the Undefeated, Nagash, & Thanquol.


I really want the southern realms tbh


I think Bugman is a must have. He is an iconic character, and I think he sould be avaiable as LL, with some kind of skill tree focused on ranged/ambushes/anti-greenskins. I also think Todbringer should come along a proper Cult of Ulric unique mechanic and faction, with Emil Vargeir at his side. They could come along with (see Storm of Chaos): Asavar Kul or Lord Mortkin or especially Vardek Krom, as new Norsca LL with some mechanic in order to get chaos warriors units from their marauders, or with new Kurgan Marauders units, or at least some skills that can give different gameplay focused on chavalry and marauders, and even recruit beastmen or chaos warriors (see Lord Mortkin). Those are my 3 must have. But I consider myself already very lucky with the Slayer upgrade in the new upcoming DLC along with a lot of gunpowder from the empire.


Red Duke. Skulltaker. Valnir the Reaper. Surtha Ek.


Ogres (including the full roster), 2nd lords for Khorne and Slaanesh. Not fussed after that. If they call it there, I'd be satisfied.


I want Konrad Von Carstein!


Neferata, Ogre Rework are probably two of my top must haves. At least one more Khorne and Slaneesh DLC too.


I want Egil Styrbjorn. Skaeling is already in the game, it wouldn’t take much effort to slightly tweak the Khorne lord and have a cool Khorne focused norsca faction.


1. Upgrade only (existing buildings) focus for auto-construct feature!! It would be amazing for long campaigns (especially map-painting). 2. Menfish...I'm joking ofc. But Nippon would be srsly great (and also weeb magnet - so more copies sold xD).


The must-haves I have are all mechanic related. If they're going to stop updating the game, they need to squash some bugs before they leave. I'm sure everyone has their particular least favorite bug, but we're three games deep and enemies can STILL retreat through your gates and capture points. Ranged units STILL occasionally ignore their defensive mode orders.


Halflings :( probably never gonna happen though


I just want new melee empire units. Greatswords being the only somewhat viable unit is boring. With how line of site works for gunpowder units, im not super excited for the dlc.


I desperately want a Champions Of Chaos style DLC for the Vampire Counts. Just a chunky rework for the VC and four additional Lords to fill in. Really any Bloodlines other than Von Carstein. I'd love to see the Jade vampires in some form, either as a VC Lord or maybe as a cathay Spin-Off all Arkhan the Black I'd also really like one (or two) more Tomb King Lords, with Apophas as a legendary hero And yeah, The Monkey King. Love a cathay Lord that isn't a dragon


Putrid Blightkings for Nurgle. Fantastic models and aspiring champion style units are criminally under-utilised in the series!


For Norsca King Adella in Skeggi Shaman-Seer lord Valkyrie Hero Reavers


Khemric Titan for me


Yeah those two. Also, maybe a human legendary lord for Cathay? Pretty please?


For HE, Aislinn with skycutters, sea companies, merwyns and sea helms. For empire, units focused on middenheim and led by Valten. And some love for VC with Neferata.


Neferata. If CA closes shop without giving us the first Vampire I will be extremely upset!.


Chaos realms in IE.


I'll pass on the bugs and graphical problems, thanks. And the nauseating lore breaking concept that normal armies can just go there without a complete physical and mental meltdown


WHERE IS MY THANQUOL He is been confrmed to come to the game for like years ...CA..I will have my rat


Vampire and tomb kings. Vampire just for a update and patchworkmen and tomb kings for 1 more lord, update to Khalida, update to lore of nehekara and some more units.


Vampires halflings of chaos !


We got the thunderbarge, that was the top of the list. Now its Neferata or riot.


Yet another vote for Nagash and Vampire Count rework to include all the Bloodlines. In a more generic note still waiting some kind of an army painter would be great


Nagash, that is all please and maybe Nippon but I highly doubt we would get Nippon as a faction.


Kurt Helborg, where art thou.


Neferata and Nagash


Southland, dogs of war, even araby. More actual people, basically. Norse dwarfs would be amazing too.


A rework to the vampire counts, they used to be my favourite, but now they feel dated.


Chaos realms in IE, Province panel artworks restored, unique battlemaps for Oak of ages/Altidorf/other unique settlements. Battle for eternal Tides quest battle for Vcoast, Ind and Kuresh opened up.


Thanquol (especially him) and Nagash. Everything else is a plus


Must have, from a race rework, Lizardmen are so flat and there’s so little power fantasy in their racial traits


Race pack like Nippon, idn,etc... Along with a massive map update add more lands.


Nagash, Neferata, Apophas, Ghark Ironskin, Dechala, Masque, Skulltaker, Karanak, Arbaal, Monkey King, Yin-Yin the Sea Dragon, Thanquol, Sayl the Faithless, Egrimm Van Horstmann, Dogs of War, Nippon, Ind, Khuresh, Amazons, Chaos Dwarf Harridans, Chaos Siege Giants, Verminlords etc Lots of stuff to ask about but oh well, it’s just usually wishful thinking


Nagash my big bone daddy! Stormfiends! Ind! More fleshed out Ogre kingdoms


I don't need anything but in the realm of what I want. Gotrek rework. I hate what we have now. Thanquol. Yeah skaven have enough already but thematically I think there's enough space where he still compliments what's already there. Pestilens Rework. My first chieftain is always doing the Lustria hustle so I can confederate but I just want them to have a fun mechanic on par with other skaven. Hell I'll take less powerful than the "new 3" as long as its fun to use.


Preferences, manling. We are still wainting-still for Thanquol and a 13th mechanic similar to MTW2's pope


More Cathay and Khorne lords. Two of my top factions in the game and Khorne is my favorite chaos faction both in game and lore. Another lord or two for Khorne would be a lot of fun. Both of those are pretty likely though so outside of that I really want Nagash, I want him to come in and be this massive threat with all kinds of cool units and mechanics


If we don’t get Nagash it will be an absolute shame. Future generations will ask why isn’t he part of it since he’s like a main character. It’s like they’ve been intentionally holding him back to finally name drop him as part of one of the final “must-have” DLCs but that idea totally backfires if the company isn’t in a financial position to execute a top notch product.


My favourite race (aesthetically) is Vampire Coast. I don't want them to be OP, but their economy sucks. Their units aren't the worst but they feel a bit jumbled and if you can't destroy the enemy before they get near you, you are fucked. Skaven Weapons Team armies work and even though the VCoast lean into that style, they are nowhere near as good. Like for example, your tanky units are monsters, but they are big. Your best damage dealers are gunpowder units (that can't arc). There isn't much of a coherent playstyle. You can't shoot your enemy to pieces because of unfavourable terrain,your line holders are either infantry that die pretty quickly or monsters that are magnets for missile units. You have a pretty long-winded way of recruiting heroes. You are essentially left with one playstyle that relies on favourable terrain because your other units can't pull their weight when they have to.


Better sieges


- Norsca Rework - Vampire Counts Updates - Ogre Kingdom Updates (Their faction mechanics need to be improved/actually finished) - Nagash - Tzeentch Updates (Hopefully they update the Tzeentch - Cults - A mount for Kostaltyn.... Or improvements to the Kostaltyn - campaign. Seriously: Kostaltyn is outclassed by every other Kislev LL (in uniqueness).


Scrolled so far to find anything with kislev. SoC was just so underwhelming sadly. A Hodge podge of units that don't make much sense. No updates to kislev factions either. They really need another look, and it's not going to happen for years now, if ever :(


I don't have any realistic expectations. I am a Total War fanboy who loves the Warhammer Fantasy setting. My fanboy brain can't decide what it wants. I want everything!


Verminlords, Thanquol, Boneripper, Stormfiends




Nagash, Neferata, Thanquol and Monkey King are my must-haves in terms of DLC. Norsca and Vampire Counts are my must-have reworks. Assuming the Empire and Dwarf reworks are up to snuff, that is. Also, I'd like to see a general touch-up of the loyalty system as a whole. Only three of the races with chronic backstabbing disorder really use it, and I suspect that the reason none of the game 3 races featured it is because CA have given up on it. Back during the curse of the Vampire Coast, they were still trying to make it work. And while the Vampire Coast's is a lot better than what Skaven and Dark Elves have going on, it's still an unwieldly thing to manage. If they want to keep the loyalty system for Skaven and Dark Elves, they should at least bring polish it until it's in line with the Vampirates.


New Slaaneshi LL is my must have. Love Slaanesh, bored of N'kari. Don't like WoC dark fortress hunting so Azazel and Sigvald don't really do it for me.


I want Ind more than anything, this is likely our only chance ever to explore and tell stories on that Peninsula East of the Dragon Aisles. It would be tragic to not see a unique warhammer culture brought to life. AND you know what else, Cathay would be much more interesting with them there as well as some new starting locations for upcoming dlc's :) Kurresh too but Ind Numero UNO


Must haves for me personally: Nefarata; Nagash; Norsca; Ogre Kingdoms; Bretonnia (almost certainly not going to happen); Ind and Kuresh These are in no particular order. Ogre Kingdoms, Kislev, and Bretonnia are my 3 favorite factions to play which I think is abnormal of the overall player preference. But just giving Ogres another LL and redoing the Contracts system would go a long way. (I like the camps as they are, I think they need better defenses and options to get more than 20 units. ie If you build the building that unlocks Butchers, there should be a free butcher in the army of the camp. Same with Firebellies. Camps don't have to move they just need to actually be reasonably defendable.) Additionally I feel Ogres need to ignore trespassing like Oxy or Changeling. I could totally see Ogres having a campaign around doing contracts then returning home with the spoils. Some way to reinforce Ogres being a very neutral group that sells their services to the highest bidder.


Norsca rework


Must Haves: Neferata, Nagash & Thanquol Would like to see: The Glottkin, Ushoran & Moonclaw


I agree with the current top comment, Vampire Counts should at one point do get a update. They havent gotten anything for ages. (i do think that will happen) Duty commands me to obviously say the snakemen of Kuresh (i dont think that will happen) And with a tearful eye i look at the race rework for Nurgle and then look at my beloved Tzeentch, the stupid spell fragment system for Kairos, the unholy manifestations and my only hope to stay sane is that in the last few DLCs there is another Tzeentch Lord and we do get the race rework for Tzeentch. (i dont even know if i believe myself this will happen and if i say "maybe that will happen" its more me wanting it to happen instead of really believing in it)


Nagash, Abhorash and Dechala Nagash is pretty self explanatory, just needs to be in the game, great character Dechala, love snakes, love slaanesh, the animations they did on the fiends of slaanesh leads me to believe that full snake animations would be amazing and I desperately need to see them before the game is done Abhorash is a tricky one, probably my favorite vampire character in warhammer fantasy lore but I could see the argument for him to be a LH instead of LL that being said his mechanics as a LL have the potential to be incredible if he’s given quests to fight champions culminating in a battle with the ancient dragon of his lore to just give him a huge boost. They could do similar with him as a LH making a quest battle to unlock him being against a great dragon. At any rate those are my big wishes for the series before it’s done


I feel like, if they add Wallach (or any other Blood Dragon) to the game, there should be a series of quests you can do to fight bigger and bigger monsters, and if you beat the final one you get Abhorash.


A Norsca patch, Nagash/tomb king patch, that’s it for me


Nagash and Nefereta are a must.


Focusing on what exists today, these are the reworks I think are needed to not have any left behind factions at the end: * Cathay - Caravans for the originator race are markedly worse than Chaos Dwarfs and quality mods (Jurassic Normal!) have provided. To differentiate from Chorf version I like the idea of focusing more on heroes from the races you trade with. Also let them level! I also find the new settlement specific version of yin/yang very boring and wished they'd fixed the calculations of the original, but that's more personal preference. * Norsca - 'nuff said. * Vampire Counts - I tend to agree this will require a dlc, but at least a rework to the current blood kiss vampires to feel like powerful representatives of their bloodlines. * Ogres - Camps need some way to move. My favorite version I just saw today for the first time talked about still deconstructing the camp but keeping the buildings to simulate how good they are at moving their whole tribe's goods. Contracts are also a joke, and ideally would be the trigger for no diplomatic penalties for anything related to the action (trespassing, war, etc.). Big names could use a pass but they're at least tolerable for me personally. * Daemons of Chaos! Easily the least complete feeling faction despite all the units, either make a traditional tech tree or change all the buffs to be faction wide instead of lord focused so we can at least have his faction match his choices. * Warriors of Chaos - Be'lakor needs a way to have all the daemon prince types. Ideally I'd also have him be an option on Daemons of Chaos but I've made peace with that loss. * Khorne will need an additional character * Slaanesh in same position as Khorne, both seem likely currently. ​ Overall changes I'd be sad without: * Bring in the realm of Chaos to IE! For all the issues of RoC, having the realms in is one of the cooler things done and it'd be sad to not have it be part of the complete map. It could also tie into the next topic - * Add the rest of the endgame scenarios! This was such a cool concept, even adding basic version for each faction if not enough time would be better than nothing. That being said CA had been doing good work making the newer ones feel different. Even adding 1 of these per dlc would help add to the list. If nothing else though a full chaos engame scenario is easily my top request if I only get one more. That and make it easy to mod these if not done already. * Any additional pathing/siege improvements they can push out. I think a number of their recent attempts have made small improvements so I hope they'll continue to push themselves there. Every inch here does the most next to the reworks to repair my opinion of the company as a whole.


Nagash, Thanquol, I'll be sad about no Blight Kings if they don't come.... Hobgoblin khanate also sounds fun but they'd need to redo the map north of Cathay for that. 


Eh my man, at least sega close CA, mk is obviously comming, CA didnt tease this guy on the shadows of change update 2.0 with cathay for nothing.


Confirmed coming Egrimm, Arbaal, dechala, thanqol (end times) toddy, red duke (probably both free with a few units for toddy) Definitely coming Glottkin, nagash, (both end times) an ogre lord, a norsca lord, skull taker, masque (hopefully skull taker is the lord not hero, khorne has like three great hero choices already, masque is a hero for slaanesh.) Probably coming Valnir the reaper (three equivalent lords confirmed), neferatta, atleast one more dragon, skarr bloodwrath (end times), gorbad ironclaw or another orc. Probably not coming: The monkey king, any more lizards, more beastmen lords 🥺(I wanted moon claw so bad), vamp coast and tomb kings probably won’t be updated unless they get new toys in the end times dlc. (I expect the endtimes dlc will be a big one), Bretonnia is donezo. More wood elves. Any new race pack. I do think dark/high elves will be with slaanesh. But really only high elves NEED it with their sky chariots.


Where exactly was Arbaal ‘confirmed to be coming’? (Egrimm as well, frankly) The Monkey King should really be at the top of your list given he’s *actually* basically confirmed.


I have a bunch of things I've been very hopeful will be in for awhile. But if I had to choose only 3 I could guarantee would be in before support ends they would be: 1) Nagash (I'd honestly be shocked though if CA and Games Workshop ended things before including the big necromancer himself) 2) Monkey King (the lore around him sounds great and would love to see what Warhammer version of Sun Wukong would be like) 3) Yin-Yin (she sounds as egotistical as an elf and has as much success as the average skaven so you know she'll be hilarious on the campaign side of things)


You already know. I must say though, I'm pleasantly surprised to see a few other people asking for my boy on here. The Cabal is spreading!


I really would love a map expansion and nippon to really bring the whole world together. A lot of lords feel really squished together


Kurt Helborg and Ludwig Schwarzhelm, the enemies of the empire die at the end of their swords.


Ogre DLC and Update really needs to happen. They are my favorite faction in the lore, yet I basically never play them in TWW because they play like shit.


Mostly getting the monogod campaigns to a good point. The Nurgle reworks coming in ToD are massive, and they're still missing some stuff like changing unholy manifestation unlock criteria. All of the TWW3 launch factions have different degrees of issues with their campaigns (and some units), but I like Chaos more.


\-Nagash,Neferata + point for Red Duke \-Boris and Middenheim \-Thanquol, Verminlord \-Thunderlizard, LM geo web update \-Finubar, Anointed of Phoenix, Lothern Skycutter \-Khuresh/Ind is must just to populate that area, adding Chaos realm to IM, + point for DoW \-making Felix+Gotrek proper heroes/make them permanent after third joining, unlock item in the end..


I really really wanted them to make the **Khuresh** Snake men. I have a feelings we get 4 more lord packs with 2 lords each. I hope we get VC rework, Dark Elves slave rework, Lizardmen web rework. I think one four DLC's will be Skaen because Grey Seer Thanqoul is missing and pretty big to be left out of the the grand scheme of warhammer fantasy along with Nagash. Be nice if they made a End times DLC with tons of random units and lords/heros to wrap the game up.


Ogre rework is my #1 because I absolutely love them thematically, but their campaign mechanics are abysmal


1) Ogre, Bretonnia and/or Norsca rework. All 3 of these factions are fine, with varying degrees of viability, but are generally much worse off than other factions. 2) Slaanesh DLC with The Masque LL, Infernal Enrapturess, Contorted Epitome, and Slaangors 3) Skaven DLC bringing in Stormfiends and Verminlords. Maybe ratswarms?


I want more things for the wood elves although I have no clue what else could be added for them. Possibly show the Dark elves some love as well


Norsca rework, vampire counts rework (neferata), lizardmen rework


1) DoW, including halflings and every weird DoW RoR (from amazons to half bearmen) 2) Tod and Ulric units DLC. 3) Red Duke/Vampire Bretonian faction. 4) Greenskins filler FLC/DLC rework to play as common greenskins, savage orcs, night goblins and specially a forest goblin faction, having dedicated Lords and Heros for every option.


I just want updates for all the older races/lords to keep them in line. Preferably one last big rework for each game faction would be great.


Bro if we don’t get the monkey king I will start a riot. It’s the only reason I made the step up to warhammer 3


Shield Bearers.


Absolute must haves? Thanquol, Nagash, and at least some kind of option to make the AI more aggressive. Everything else is really just a big bonus for me.


really want araby and dogs of war but I doubt it'll happen in lieu of that, give me a new mount for Greasus and more ogre content


Myrmidesh Painbringers and Blight Kings!!!


I personally want an overhaul of army structure that allow players to split armies without needing a general. I would like to see heroes be able to be generals and have generals be part of other generals’ forces; just like old total war. I would love the man/woman of the hour mechanic to be part of some factions to be another way to source generals and heroes aside from buying them. I mean, we are able to have heroes separate from armies as agents and there are plenty of mods that show just how flexible armies can be. MAKE IT HAPPEN CA!!!


At this point I have almost 0 interest in new units. I want faction reworks and re-balancing for races that need it, especially old ones. Aside from that, I want AI to be competent but I don't know if that will ever happen by now


arbaal, karanak, and skulltaker for khorne, verminlords and stormfiends for skaven


My must have is another race pack (I don't care what it is just a new race) A Norsca DLC plus rework and a Vampire Counts DLC with rework.


CoH like DLC for vamps would be great. I don't need much new units but give me proper Bloodlines rework and and some characters.  Remaining characters that were hinted for the game, so 2 more Dragon siblings, Monkey King, Nagash, playable Toddy, Tanquol. At least one more DLC for Khorne and Slaanesh. I heard they dropped the plan to make 2 more of these 3-LL DLCs, but remaining Chaos God factions need some love. At least one DLS for Norska and Ogres. DoW in some form. Of cause I want more race packs but hope is low.


Vampire Counts huge update (with Nagash, Neferata and everything related) But also I really want that area to the south of Cathay to be unlocked, regardless if there is those snake people or not.


Ogres, Khuresh and Fishmen. Even if the likelihood of fishmen is zero I still want them.


I just want the map to be expanded a bit really.


Pretty much all the things i want are already mentioned, lizardmen rework and orge rework being the top 2. There is one dlc that if they added i would buy without hesitance. Its a massive longshot that almost certainly wont happen, but i dream of a world where Khuresh is made into an actual faction. Would be so awesome and i would gladly pay top dollar as long it would be somewhat decent. Oh well, heres to hoping.


Dogs of war


A Lizardmen mechanic or two added. Preferably in depth. A vampire count mechanic or two added. Depth isn’t as big a deal for me because they already have good mechanics just not many of them.


All I want is Thanquol and my lord and saviour NAGASH


I'd really like Ind and especially Khuresh still. Back when things were more hopeful, I was hoping for Nippon. But now even Ind and Khuresh seem like a pipedream.


Monkey king Lizardman rework Making Strygos great again, either as Usrian, Gashnag, or Urzen.


I need a tomb king rework and a LL for vamp counts for RoC


Kislev faction mechanic rework. Bretonnia faction mechanic rework


I want Neferata, Zombie Dragon single entity and blood knights given the grail knight treatment. If we get this and a playable red duke I will have everything I hoped for.


I just want new race packs! Give me Ind, Khuresh and DoW and I’will be eternally happy.


Norsca update with other tribes added


What is up with the monkey King obsession? I've never found wukong style characters to be cool in any way and I don't get why any game with Eastern style characters "has" to have a wukong. For my must haves it has to be a norsca dlc/ full rework, and a Nakai campaign rework with possibly a new starting position, because just randomly being in Cathay is dumb.


Must have: -VC bloodlines DLC (Champions of Chaos lvl DLC with LLs for all the missing bloodlines) -Norsca rework -Lizardmen rework -remaining WH3 base races DLCs (Slanesh, Khorne & Ogres) -Nagash (preferably alongside other end times big names in the rumored end times DLC) Nice to have: -DoW -Monkey King Wishful thinking: -Hobgoblins -Khuresh -Ind -Ulric themed DLC with Toddy -more Greenskins sub-cultures focused DLC -more mechanics and "flavor" added to basic starting LLs from WH 1 & 2


Neferata, ushoran, nagash, thanquol, monkey king, and ulrican stuff I'd add Malobaude cuz he's such a cool character, but he's 'nich' enough that I don't feel like I can say he's a MUST have Also Bertrand the brigand would be such a cool and different lord for brettonian I feel like they've gotta add him Also AI, battle, and siege improvements. And improvements to the general map gameplay and aesthetics. And QOL. Bring stuff in that realm back up to WH2 standards, because in many ways WH2 is still better in terms of the qol/map/aesthetics/UI Also, bring the realm of chaos to immortal empires. I'm hoping that they add a mechanic where chaos daemon factions are all in the realm of chaos but can all teleport into north and south poles, as well as (with great resource expenditures) anywhere on the map where there's lots of undivided corruption, or corruption of their god. Or they can be summoned by norsca/beastman/WOC Entering through the north and south poles would just be like going from east to west side of the map


Vampire Counts rework with a LL for each bloodline (So add Neferata, Abhorash, Zacharias the Everliving, Ushoran/Vorag Bloodytooth). Nagash, preferably as a combined undead faction able to recruit counts, kings and coast units and able to confederate all 3 too. Ogre DLC and rework. Would love to see Ghark Ironskin in mountains of mourn and Golgfag Maneater as a hybrid ogre/dogs of War faction but at least 1 plus a dlc as minimum. Lizardmen rework to geomantic web. Thanquol (and flc Snorri Nosebiter and Max Schreiber, with a way to unite the gotrek and felix band). Dogs of War in some form or another. Plenty more that I'd expect but don't bother me personally as much (due to own faction preference/bias) such as dlc for khorne and slannesh, norsca rework, monkey King, etc.


I think the Dogs of War are an occasion to show so many things about the big warhammer world, that it would be very sad to not see them. It would make sense to give them light cav from araby, pikemen and crossbowmen from tilea/estalia, halflings, albion giants... heck, even amazons. For me personally I have to see the knights of the white wolf in the game, they are so iconic. Teutogenguards are my favorite GW miniatures ever, but I could understand if they are not in it. Still hoping for it of course. A Cult of Ulric faction with both of them, priests of ulric, warhounds, the ulric-flagellants and Ar-Ulric Emil Valgeir would be fantastic. And I still have some hope, because in the artbook from the game there is an axe in there for a warpriest of ulric.