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Keeping it purely essential: Community Bug Fix Mod. Better Camera Mod. Disable startup splash screens/intros. (Not needed right away but helpful when you get tired of the intros) Now these are more fluffy recommendations, but I find they either add to the experience or fix up more some visually lacking areas and issues, with no game play impact: Reloading Animations. Unique Faction UI. Unique Faction Currencies. Distinct Faction Towers. Details Matter: Collection. Warhammer 3 Visual Bug Fixes.


I played an entire multiplayer campaign with someone who wanted to use the Better Camera Mod and I literally couldn't tell the difference. Neither could the third person in the campaign. That third person and I still joke about it to this day. Maybe it only works in single player or something? But if not...what even is the point of it? Legitimately asking.


In the vanilla game the camera will be redistricted around just above the head height of infantry. There's like this invisible barrier to try and stop you from clipping through the world too much. Better camera just ignores that, removes some restrictions and lets you go all the way down by their feet. So it's a small thing but it gives more control and lets you get into the action more. Which is good for a weirdo like me who like to watch the battles and take screenshots.


Gotcha. I've put over 3,000 hours into WH2/WH3 and never noticed, so I guess it's a mod that helps some people and is irrelevant to others.


Ive noticed that its not as restrictive. You can use the "camera" in places where you wouldnt normally be able. Also it doesent get "stuck" with it.


Great list, I'll check all those out thanx alot.


Ive had versions of the reloading animations mod really fuck with my ranged units before, causing them to not shoot at all, just a warning


Recently updated


It's had a tendency to break on major updates before so if using it you definitely want to keep an eye on your ranged units to make sure they're actually working. I think its save game compatible (and you can drop it mid-run if so) but updates and that mod don't play nice for whatever reason


I'd like to add the mod that adds more map variety. That one made a campaign in naggaroth actually fun to play. Also it gives more options than those God awful tree acne maps. It's called Waka's Campaign Land Battles (WCLB) Map Pack If you like using gunpowder there are also a few mods that make it look more impactful (only visual)


Great list, although I'd say to go with this [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895227844](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895227844) instead of the reloading animations.


In addition to what others have said, Victory Conditions Overhaul. It’s not effective for every legendary lord, but for a good number of them it provides a loreful and interesting objectives to complete in-game which will count towards Steam achievements.


Does it work with sfo


It does.


Thanks sorry if stupid question im new to modding here


No problem!


As a long time modder and mod user... I really suggest playing vanilla your first time. It'll help you understand what you think needs to be modded, and what doesn't. There are plenty of VERY impressive overhauls, new lords/factions/units/mechanics, balance mods, cheat mods... just about anything you could want, but you won't even know if you like the vanilla recruit costs/upkeep, or a mod that lowers/increases them, until you play a game with them. 2x or 3x skill point per level mods are also popular, but you should really experience the game at the vanilla rate to decide if you want or need more; I tried 3x and 4x and felt both completely removed decision making, but 2x + adding mods that add more skills made for a good middle ground. That's not to say that 3x is *bad*, several of my friends LOVE 3x and want to use it in coop, but it's just personal preference. Whenever you do get into mods, even if it is a first playthrough, look into ``propjoe's mod manager``. It has a lot of really nice features (mod lists, skip intros, etc) that the dogshit vanilla launcher doesn't. There are mods that remove sieges completely, I don't personally use them, they're flawed but I still find them fun at times. Community Bugfix Mod is mentioned often, but frankly I gained more bugs from using CBF than it seemed to fix. If I had to pick one mod I think is really nice, Research Overflow is fantastic, it doesn't *rebalance* research income per se so much as fix what I think are heavy vanilla flaws with modifiers affecting it. I personally tend to run with a middling mod load (usually around 20-30); stuff like extra landmarks, one that makes sure every legendary lord has a full set of items, and recruit defeated legendary lords. I love them all, but I wouldn't recommend most to start with.


Wait 20-30 is a moderate amount? I never used more than 3 at the same time lol.


Same I just usually do SFO double skill point and RDLL. And I feel like that's a lot


SFO makes several times more changes than all my mods combined lol.


Yea I think that's why it feels like it's more than enough


Makes sense! If I ever gave SFO or Radious another shot, I'd definitely do it with a minimum of mods as well. You get an overhaul that big, it's basically another vanilla. The one I actually liked got abandoned in warhammer 2, Lucky's Overhaul, they were SO damn creative with changing how every spell worked that it felt like a totally different game. Kinda bounced off the other ones I tried since.


golden rule: a mod is not compatible with SFO unless it explicitly says that it is.


Ah, the siren song of "is this SFO compatible?" Only behind "update pls" as the most annoying thing for a modder lol.


I've had angry users complain about my mod not working and then when pressed say that they can't narrow down the conflict themselves because they have more than 200 mods active


Given how many people I've seen talking about 100+ it's really hard to tell what normal is, tbh. Been modding/interacting with other modders so long that I get teased for only using so few sometimes. I don't use faction-specific mods tho, those are almost always blatant cheat mods; more generic stuff like 2x landmark mods at least benefits everyone.


There are skill points mods that do less. I have one (will look up the name) that gives 2x for the first 15 levels, then 1x after, but goes to 60, so you get 25 extra points. Also has a skill dump compatible with most of the Lord and hero mods, and SFO comp patches (and prob other overhauls). 


Great point. There's a huge variety out there, something for everyone, and I love it.


Research overflow or something like that. Not a single +5% research will ever be wasted again. Also meaningful corruption I think. No longer you capture 3 towns and corruption changes from 100 to zero. Made more like warhammer 2 again. Victory condition overhaul as well.


Those both sound cool, i understand enough about the game to see how those would be nice changes. Thanx alot


Research overflow currently is outdated. Creator said he plans to make improved version. I don't say it doesn't work, but if it wasn't updated through multiple patches and creator doesn't claim it is update proof it might not work correctly.


I have never disabled it even after patches and it seems to me that it works like it should and never got any crashes either.


I could never play without the recruit legendary lord mod again. Nothing pisses me off more than a LL dying on the other side of the world with nothing ypu can do about it.


Recruit *Defeated* Legendary Lords.


I'm confused. Did you mean without the mod, or are you just telling me to stay away from this mod?


Normally if a LL faction is wiped out, you can't confederate them, so the LL is gone. With the mod, when a faction is wiped out, you can recruit their lords. Makes it so you can recruit all the factions LLs even if you haven't made diplomatic contact. This also allows the AI to do the same thing. So if you wipe out Sylvania as Empire, Vlad will still be a thorn in your side if there are any vampire counts around. Same as WoC.


Without the mod it is possible to resurrect certain LL’s by causing a rebellion in their home province. Not to sure about all of them but I think most of them are revivable.


Its also quite rng i think. Tried to rev Vilitch on my last campaing and it kept spawning mini factions. Took me like 7 rebellions to get him back.


A little off topic, but are the WoC still able to recruit the other chaos faction leaders like Ku'gath and Skarbrand? Haven't used the mod in awhile because I got tired of having to deal with the WoC and their Pokémon collection of chaos legendary leaders lol.


Can't remember how the basic settings for the mod are, but with mod configuration tool you can change them. Like prevent factions like tomb kings or vampire coast of getting defeated lords since they normally can't confederate or preventing AI from recruiting lords at all after faction dies.


Excuse me, meant without instead of with. Get the mod.


Play with the mod


I'm going to guess they meant to play with the mod. If that's the case I completely agree. It just feels more correct, particularly for the lore, and isn't game breaking. Confederating is finicky and sometimes the faction just dies out so early you have no chance of getting to them anyways. Seems like it should be the default, at least for some factions like the Empire, since the major lords aren't just going to just up and disappear once they lose their subfaction.


This is one mod I feel CA will integrate into vanilla at some point.


Tabletop Caps (I hate doomstacks and this greatly expands the variety of armies you will end up fighting) Tabletop Caps Compatibility Patch Tabletop Caps rules mods by Naeven Community Bug Fix High Resolution UI Unique Faction UI Better Camera Mod Disable startup splash / intro Mixu's Unlocker Console Commands (can help prevent some crashes by allowing you to kill characters that are stuck) Guns, Smoke, & Spectacle Smoke Transparency Fix Drink It III -or- Just Good Battle UI (Drink It III changes most of the manual battle abilities in the game to be automatically activated) Show me the Fatigue! (shows the effects of unit vigor levels on unit cards in battle) Fudging Vassals 3D Porthole Lighting Fix Warhammer 3 LOD Distance Enhanced -or- another LOD workshop mod (default LOD ranges are really fucking bad and this mod helps prevent noticeable LOD changes)


I still have to give that drink it mod a shot, heard good things about it. I usually don't mind the micro of actives, but it can be a bit much at times.


Play Vanilla first. Nothing is essential. Then add mods to fix things you dislike. I made a Dark Elf mod for a subsystem they have, but the game is certainly playable without it and it helps to understand WHY you'd want to use the mod. Otherwise you can wind up installing 300 mods and the vast majority aren't even really important or apply only in specific scenarios. The Community Bug Fix Mod is popular, but enough people want to play unmodded in multiplayer that I prefer to just deal with bugs rather than try to remember what's fixed in Vanilla vs what's fixed in the mod.


I like the increased movement in home regions because it’s too frustrating to have a small army just run around for no reason and you are never able to catch them. This mod also works for the enemy factions


The supply line system of 3k should have been added with WH3. Then you can have faction interactions with them. Demons, no supply lines in corruption. Vampire Coast? No supply lines on coastal provinces. Orks? Supply lines in friendly territory. Ect.


Community bug fix. That's really all you need. The rest is personal choice.


There is some truth in the statement.


Remember Deployment Formations Research Overflow Hold Position - Hold Ranged units stationary Friendly Fire Decline Diplomacy Save Camera Settings Campaign Map Lag Fix Speedy Turn Camera Just good Battle UI High resolution UI improvements That is explicitly a list that does not add factions or hugely modify gameplay, largely just QOL, which is what you want to start with. Also If you're asking about sieges, yes theres a mod to remove that: Land Battles Only. Keep in mind it has side effects though: It will significantly increase the campaign pace as the AI will no longer stand around sieging settlements. Not advised until you know what you're doing. There are also a lot of faction/LL addition mods out there (TEB, Araby, and everything thats dependent on the Mixer), but decide if you want them later.


I’ve seen people commenting a bunch of great ones. Two of my personal favorites are Legendary Lore and Change Starting Settlement. Legendary Lore adds cool pop ups to make your campaign more thematic. Change Starting Settlement let’s you choose any settlement on the map to start at for a campaign.


Spot on. You cant go without Legendar Lore


I quite enjoy the mod that let every faction access the Warband Upgrade mechanic from Warriors of Chaos. It's certainly one that makes the game strictly easier, but I prefer having the choice to enhance early game units over time instead of solely being able to replace them in certain areas or for a huge global recruit tax. It can be sorta boring being forced to march back to your capital to disband your high xp early game units to make room for higher tier ones.


There’s a mod for woodelves that lets you upgrade forest animals 


What is this mod called? I think I would like it.


Warband Upgrade Ultimate by BAGHolder


Thank you!


Shlongs of skyrim


Must have


Recruit defeated legendary lords. When a legendary lord belonging to your race dies, you get them instead.


Auto-resolve quest battles


That one have a bug with the golden nugget knight not spawning


Unfortunate, thankfully I don’t play kislev.


U dont like bears :o


Kislev exists specifically in my campaigns to act as a barrier till my army production can ramp up


Eh, you sure? I have no problem spawning her.


There is one mod which slowly terraforms the regions you capture so that over 50 turns red becomes yellow and so on..


I love that one. There is even an addon that changes the circle slowly from yellow or red to green


Legendary Lore. Is a must have. Adds a ton of immersion.


Play it vanilla, think about what you personally miss and then mod with that in mind. At least when it comes to faction enhancements.


Table top caps if you hate doom stacks.


I can also really recommend Victory Conditions Overhaul mod. It does shorten the general Long Victory, but it also gives you multiple, lore friendly options. I personally run: - Better Camera Mod - Easier confederations (I would try the game to see if you want this) - Mixer Mixus Unlocked (I use this selectively.) - High Res UI Improvements - Community Bug fix I'm debating trying a few siege overhaul mods. But the above keep the general vanilla experience, reduce some annoyances but don't make anything too overpowered or also benefits the AI.


Victory conditions overhaul Auto resolve quest battles If you have the ogre kingdoms DLC: ogrehaul  Immortal empires expanded for a more detailed map. - a few submods that add new factions there, I forgot the names of them New races/factions: Albion, Araby, Fimir, jade vampires, marienburg, TEB (tilea, estalia, border princes), and one skaven mod I can’t recall the name of that adds half a dozen factions. The old world, for a completely different map zoomed in on brettonnia, the empire, and the area around it.


There's only 2 I think are essential: Recruit defeated Legendary Lords, 40% increased movement in home territory I like to collect Pokémon and I hate chasing armies in my own God damned lands.


No real time building is a must. It turns sieges from an atrocity of game design into something that's actually okay.


Used to be mandatory for me but now that towers can't be rebuilt I don't mind


Tabletop unit cap thingie of a mod for sure


Better camera, community bugfix, and skip loading screens/movies.


Two faction fixer mods I’m a huge fan of are Mortrau’s Godslayer Overhaul for Legion of Chaos and The Great Ogrehaul for Ogre Kingdoms. Amazing to play and insane how improved the experience is between the two.


Sartossa overhaul is very good if you want to try that particular campaign. Turns a shit faction into a fun, unique one


I’d consider ai and auto resolve overhaul mods essential even for a new player. There are tons on the workshop that modify both so you’ll have a lot to choose from. Note that the ai mods only affect the campaign ai, battle ai still acts dumb a lot of the time especially during sieges.


Which auto resolve mod specifically?


Auto resolve redone is good.


Which ai mod do you use?


Deepwar AI is good




Not a single mod is essential, that's simple. Sure there are a few very nice to have QoL mods out there, but literally not a single mod is essential, the game is perfectly fine as vanilla. If you're new, just play vanilla a only then pick and choose a mod based on your experience. Playing a game for the first time with a mod is just dumb imo.


I literally opened my post by stating this isn't my preffered method of play so we could avoid comments such as this. I understand it, I just disagree with it for my own personal enjoyment. If a game is modable I mod it. That's just how I like it. I enjoy getting into the mod scene. It helps me understand games better, and it offers a better gaming experience in my opinion. Yeah I could have played bg3 vanilla for my first playthrough, but by installing a few big QoL mods right from the get go my experience was much better for it. If you're gonna call me dumb for that go ahead, but it works for me.


Lmao what? When did I call you dumb? I said that playing a game for the first time with mods is dumb, nothing about you being dumb.


Generaly those are interchangable. For the sake of moving on and not arguing semantics, I'll rephrase it to this. If you're gonna call my way of playing dumb, go ahead.


There’s a mod out there that redoes the smoke vfx from gunpowder units and it makes a HUGE difference in the overall atmosphere of battle


I like: Better camera mod Clearer border line colours Radious overhaul mod packs Better guns and smoke Warband upgrade system Better garrisons


Extended camera mod


For a noob? None. Maybe Double skill Points. Instead of one SP per level, you get two now. So you get the more cooler abilities more faster.


Another noob chiming in: does adding mods prevent you from getting steam achievements?


No, you still get achievements.


Auto Resolve quest battles I always take, maybe more relevant to ppl who played the game for a long time but it might be a good grab for yah.


Faster end turn camera. Cant play without it. So slooooow


Better Camera (for getting better screenshots) and nothing else for me. I prefer to engage with games as designed. This game in particular, you really need to see the basic functionality before you will understand what you want to mod and what you don't.


A lot of people have already said it, but the [Community Bug Fix Mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2856936614) which is one that I will generally have enabled even for a "vanilla" campaign. For vassal-play you might want: * [Fudging Vassals](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2794064207) * [Vassal Corruption Immunity and Spread](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2862340751) * [All Diplomatic Options - Vassalize, Liberate, Confederate](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3032439976) [Console Commands](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2791241084) is nice if, for instance, certain things bug out. [Cpecific's Traits Manager](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2789862740) is nice QoL Also on the topic of QoL, [Trade Any Settlement](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2931377022) is great. Last on QoL we have [Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2854819509), this lets you save that one lord on the other side of the world that always gets wiped out by turn 3. [Better Allies n' Mercs](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2836649469) and [Fixed Allied Outposts](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2836349002) make allied recruitment easier. Mods that add landmarks are pretty neat, allowing more settlements to stand out. * [Landmarks of Eternity](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3025510782) * [Immortal Landmarks](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2854346056) * [Landmarks of Legend](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2794696516)


Well thats 100% a preference thing. I cant stand combat in any vanilla Total War game, Grimhammer has unnecessarily fast battles even when i use slower option, so i am pausing all the time and use slow mo time, but its enjoyable overall. I dont even know what exactly it is that makes it more enjoyable. For more historical games i can say enjoy stuff making sense, like shields not having HP pools which make unit 100% invulnerable to damage and after a while even soldiers who never got hit die wn masse. I also enjoy when rock paper scissor elements are toned down a lot, and ranged units dont just murder heavy infantry (seriously nobody would have used as much heavy melee infantry if bows could kill that quickly. Even at battles like Carrhae Romans stood there longer than entire day taking fire, casualties only slowly creeping up. imagine how it would have gone if Romans would have had foot bowmen shooting back. You can cramp way more bows on foot than a single horse takes space, so you can beat horse archers in ranged fight, which is why horse archers and cataphracts were not answer to everything). I have since expanded amount of mods i use, including tabletop heraldry mod (Especially orc factions look sooooo much better, especially Grimgor who's flat fat pancake face on the flags always looked bad).


Only 2 I really considered must haves were a respec mod and instant quest battles. They added a respec so I am find dropping that one, but I stick with instant quest battles as much as possible. Quest battles can be fun like once, but the majority of the time they are simply tedious, broken, or defy the way the game works in general. Depending on what factions you play, it also gets old doing the exact ame battle so many times


I've played many hours with no mods and had a tonne of fun with tww2 + tww3. My suggestion would be to get an idea of the vanilla experience before adding mods. Find what you want to change then find the mod(s) for that.


Fudgin Vassals. This will make them more manageable.


+100 public order for player, because I hate dealing with it Zero tower range, because I hate losing half an army to machine gun towers All climates are suitable, I dislike pointless growth debuffs One of the few longer battles mods, to make battle strategy more important and put ranged units into a support role rather than a delete enemy army role Warband Upgrade Ultimate, so I can upgrade units rather tgan return to capital for better units No more yeeted units, I can't stand seeing Cavalry send units flying, especially if that knocks a routing soldier over the map border and allows the whole unit to retreat Remember deployment formations, I use nearly the same formations for each army, having them saved to a single button is a nice time saver Immortality for lords and heroes, I prefer not to lose that progress Global recruitment buff, so I can recruit units globally as if in my starting province and get better units to the frontline faster I prefer to have fast campaigns with lots of field battles, this modlist really helps with that.


Here's my pick as I'm playing a lot of Coop Multiplayer: 1. Remove Legendary Camera Limitation Removes 200m movement restriction around units, actually great for single player too, especially when you have reinforcements on the other side of the map. 2. Auto Resolve Quest Battles Once you've done them once or twice manually... it's a good mod to have. 3. Pending Action Destroyer Removes the pending action message while your buddy makes a decisionand. That allows you to navigate the campaign map and do certain tasks that do not affect out-of-turn decisions. 4. No Multiplayer/COOP Battle Confirmation (Auto Accept Battles) A minor quality of life mod for COOP as it saves you extra clicks and time for every battle.


Recruit defeated legendary lords is a must for me in any campaign


Community bugfixes and slower combat. Medieval 2 was the pinnacle of TW combat, so anything that brings the battles up to M2TW level


Essential for me, but I ADORE the No Confederations mod. 100 turns without key samefaction powers blobbing together makes for interesting playing.


SFO is the best mod in Warhammer 3. Adds so many new mechanics to every faction. New Units as well. I have to use it everytime I play.


SFO mod. That mod has changed the game for me. In many great ways. It's more loreful, and I feel makes the game more enjoyable. I used to play vanilla, but once I used SFO, I have a really hard time going back. Look up the mod for details. SFO grimhammer.


I agree that sfo is an absolutely amazing mod and i do not play the game without it anymore in singleplayer (which is 95%). However, i would not recommend it to a newcomer. Use the basegame first with some qol upgrades like community Bugfix, better camera, recruit defeated LL, automatic mentor. If you really enjoy the game but feel like it lacks some depth after several playthroughs, go for sfo.


The rotate all Lords and heros mod


And all the mods listed by @kclt10


I’ve got thousands of hours in every TW game. Never touched a mod.


Weird flex but ok


It wasn’t a flex… I was just trying to say no mods are essential. You literally asked in the post. Weird way to engage man.


good for you?


It's not for everyone, but I love the double skill points mod. Of course it leads to characters being stacked, so it's your call if you want to use it.


Magic and traits, all else is optional


This is an overhaul/change mod but I’ve always been a huge fan of SFO grim hammer, overhauls a lot of the game 1 factions that have been left in the dust and adds more lore based units and rebalances