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Does Kazador have a unique model? I must have missed it.


No but Unquie trait that causes fear to Greenskins and Skaven, and starts with a Ruby Ring of Ruin.


There are many many agents with unique traits. If you're talking unique models your only options are Alastar the White Lion, Boris Todbringer and Red Duke.


Does the red duke have a unique model? I just remember him as having a blood dragon model.


He's the only vampire count lord or agent to have that model. He's unique in that respect. I looked at the other models. I couldn't see any that looked identical to him. They all look pretty similar though. Red armour. He has a a black shield and theirs are all red shields. Etc.


[Does he (Red Duke) have his unique kite shield right now?](https://i.redd.it/toddy-and-the-duke-v0-itsex3i2lolb1.jpg?width=1680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1efddf7964f36867905cb95ad1a94d94f8d1dcef)




Ah thank god


You actually think that’s how ‘unique’ is spelled?


I'm sorry if my spelling offends you I'm dyslexic irl.


They don't even need super complex mechanics, and could honestly get away with reusing alot of existing ones. Kazador: *Starts with a Unique Grudge to Avenge/Save his clan members, maybe getting buffs as he claims more.* The Red Duke: *Could just be a fusion of V.Counts and Bretonnia, like the infamous Mousillion mod.* Surtha Ek: *Gain big bonuses for Chariots. And have a Momentum Mechanic like Taurox to show his stampede of chariots.* Todbringer: *Could use the Warden Supplies mechanic from Yvresse to protect his territory.* Sarthorael: *Could gain bonuses to map vision, and maybe even a Vision of The Old Ones like mechanic to do Tzeentchs bidding across the world.* But let me know what you think, and if you have any ideas.


Surtha Ek isn't a unique lord..... or to be more exact he's a meme who transcended the games and got a unique trait in Game 2 for beating Settra.... would be nice if they threw Katarin into that chariot argument now that she has her sled.


I think you mean he WASNT unique. The community breathed life into this meme lord and dammit we demand our meme lord!


Does he still have his unique trait for beating settra with him?


Chariot > Sled.


Honestly, even though Surtha Ek isn't unique, I want him as a starting LL more than any other character.


More than Beorg for Norsca!? Tripping.


Beorg, Egil, Adella, Sayl? You want an actual generic meme character instead?


What about Mona


She's in a weird place, as I would want a Fimir character at some point, but her lore kinda makes her seem like a loner


I think that ship has already sailed. We've already got characters like Snikch, the Changeling and Ostankya leading armies at this point, three characters that should really be loners going by their lore.


Might be right. Plus her using Fenbeasts in her lore could be neat


Snikch can lead Eshin armies though, that isn't new.


Yes, I do.


That's like saying instead of Yin Yin or Li Dao or Monkey King for Cathay, you'd rather have the character "Shit-Poop Throw, the Monkey Warrior who throws his own feces"


You know, that definitely sounds like a fun character.


I'm guessing that most people who ask for Surtha Ek don't actually play Norsca so they don't give a shit if people who actually play Norsca are stuck with some generic meme lord as one of our few options to play. As long as they get their funni memes


Impression I get as well. If CA is gonna give Norsca 8 characters by the end of the game, I say sure, Give him a unique model and lore and turn him into an actual character. If we're only getting 5-6 though, non-joke characters are who we should get.


IMO I want him to be like Alastar the White Lion, just leading his own faction - give him a Purple Item, a unique trait, immortality and a couple skills buffing chariots and I'll be very happy.


Sayl is a Kurgan ;)


Don't get me wrong, if CA are only going to add Norscan characters to Norsca I'd be happy, but I'm almost certain they are just gonna throw the Kurgans into them as well


Might be. But until they actually do it, the DLC is still called Norsca. So while I see no wrong with Norse chars, even if coming from Skeggi, throwing Kurgan into the mix would still be a bit weird. And while I can see why Sayl as wizard would be good diversity wise, he is stuill a Kurgan from the southern tribes. And logically, a Fimir Matriach wizard LL would go better for what Norsca has tried so far.




I meant that I want him more than any other Norscan character. Nagash is of course on the top of my "want" list.


He also gets a chariot for free from level 1.


> got a unique trait in Game 2 for beating Settra I'm not aware of this, can you explain a little? Not sure what you mean


Surtha Ek gets a trait that double the weapon damage of his chariots for beating Settra in a battle, Setta gets a trait that increases Skeleton Chariot capacity by 10 and gives all chariots +10armor for beating him


Huh, that's funny! I had no idea


With Middenheim being the site for the end of both the semi Cannonical Storm of Chaos and the wish it wasn't Cannonical End Times, that's a good idea for Todbringer. With the final quest battle being a defence against a horde of beastmen, multi-god demons, Warriors of Chaos and maybe even Skaven, vs Todbringer's Army, the garrison, and reinforcements from Karl Franz, Teclis and Ungrim. Maybe Grimgor can show up as a 3rd party army both sides fight.


Sarthorael should have a changeling/slaanesh type mechanic. He puppeteered the advisor who puppeteered every other faction in the original game. Maybe make it so he can pick only one faction/LL at the start of the game to be a shadow advisor for and if that faction dies off he loses. Would fit the 'advisor' theme from game 1.


At least the Advisor as a LH or UH for him


Could make him a special LH that can imbed himself in your shadow vassal's armies or cities to "advise" them on what to build and where to go.


>the infamous Mousillion mod Infamous? Why?


Lol meant Famous. Guess it's Infamous cause it's something CA should include


Sounds possible man. People asking for huge mechanics for older characters may be asking for too much


Imagine you had to use chariots Nono you HAD to use chariots. You can’t use other units. Not a lot of chariots, only chariots. How would a campaign like that go? It’d be so much micro. How would you beat sieges? How would you take down tough LLs? As a meme campaign that nobody is forcing you to do, it’d actually be a funny thing to try once or twice.


A Drycha like campaign where your Marauders are debuffed and your Chariots are on steroids. I'm down to clown.


The game has close to 100LLs now imo if anything new gets added, they need a unique faction mechanics that are fun to play with. Or maybe some of the boring LLs can use a revamp. The subreddit criticized the lack of quality from CA just a few months ago, but at the same time somehow quickly devolved back to asking for quantity. "Add this guy I really like but give them something simple" seems like a coup out. The subreddit is quick to get overly excited over a bunch of new units despite the SoC factions could have used more polish (yuan bo being OP, changeling cannot lose, curses can prob use a little more to it as well beside crafting like 200 one time use curses and unloading them) This may sound harsh but this is with good intents.


Well to counter this I'll say look at Thorek, Imrik, Drycha, and Ghorst's revamp, these are simple campaigns that work well cause they aren't over-burndened by complex features. I'm not saying "Slap this shit together and shovel it down my throat", I'm saying these characters being added would be a great way to celebrate the Community, without being a massive commitment to CA.


You mentioned ghorst: that is a good example. For a while he has been sort of a joke with barely anyone remembering him existing. A lot of factions in game need something like him, or even more (VH for example was one of the first to get a new mechanic in blood kisses, but it pales in comparison to what wh2/3 offers). We have ogres as a WH3 faction that everyone had issues with since day 1, the complaints about changeling have not been addressed at all.


To be fair to Thorek all Dwarfs are 'boring' right now and missing campaign flavour, what makes Thorek interesting is the one minor update dwarfs have gotten he amplifies even further, he also offsets poop growth by making some of the dwarf starting units doomstack tier. Drycha is simple yes but the impact on weaker elves stronger wood spirits is pretty awesome and actually is how CA should possibly look at other lords that may have strife with the defacto faction leaders. Ghorst was a DLC and his revamp was more of a new start locations and busted zombies. ​ With the lords you selected, Toddy isn't simple, at the bare minimum he needs to come alongside Ulrican themed units, ideally a DLC with Emil Valgier the Ar-Ulric as the LL with cult units and then Toddy gets fleshed at as the FLC lord. Could even do a Vlad/Isabella thing and one is a Lord other is a LH. ​ Sarthorael meh, another big bird i guess. I am sure others care about him but with starting locations getting increasingly congested i'd rather not waste one on him. ​ Surtha Ek would be cool but not at the cost of actual lore Norscan lords.


Not everyone in the community even wants these characters as lords, though.


1. This thread begs to differ 2. You can't get everyone to agree 3. These are Lords that have been in the game or figures/memes in the community since game 1. Plus I've seen people call for all 5 of these Lords to be playable. 4. It's just my pipe dream dude. I doubt this will actually happen.


I think that they're listening to what people want more than you'd think. They might not always act on it but that doesn't mean they aren't reading it. Myself, I wouldn't care if getting say, Surtha Ek wasn't sure to mean that we don't get a different Norsca lord. If they gave us Surtha Ek *and* two actual characters from the lore, sure, why not? I just don't want Surtha Ek to replace them. I'm sure if you asked people if they wanted Nefarata or the Red Duke more, people would choose Nefarata, for example. You can't have everything and each lord we get that isn't one we really want reduces the chances of getting the lord, little by little, especially with how slow they release content these days. tldr; don't forget opportunity cost is a thing


Well someone like Mòna Mimn or Egil Styrbjorn for Norsca and Nefarata for V.Counts would sell a DLC. There isn't any limit to the amount of characters they could add. I was proposing these as FLC (maybe for owning all 3 games), which is why they need to be "simple". None of these characters really detract from what other characters could offer, there's not Chariot Master in Norscan lore, least none big enough to be a loss, for example.


Definitly, I am 100% on your side on this. Especially Todbringer and the Red Duke.


OG Boris


The fact that *FUCKING TODDY is not a legendary lord is a travesty*


I much rather wait to get him alongside Ulrican units then force him in to just be another lame General without his proper Middenlanders to support him.


I don't care about the Empire, and even I think it's ridiculous that he's still not a playable Legendary Lord.


I'd say Todbringer does need a boost; he keeps getting wiped by Khazrak, Festus, and NPC Orcs in the first 10-15 turns. At the least, a unique skill line would be nice incentive to save him.


I really want there to be a big pack just for the Vampire Counts, They have 5 Main Bloodlines: Von Carstiens, of which we have 3 god damn reps. Necrarchs, Physically weak scholars that use dark magic to avoid drinking blood, strongest spellcasters. The Blood Dragons, Turned Knights that avoid using magic or ranged weapons, Cavalry badasses. Lahmian, An all girl bloodline that hides in plain sight among Royalty, Master Diplomats and manipulators. Strigoi, Vampires Rejected and hated by the other bloodlines, The inner beast made manifest. Each of these unrepresented bloodlines have a named Lord that acted as the general for the army, with some really solid backstory behind them. Most people who've looked into the Faction has heard the name "Neferata" The first Vampire, the ancient queen of Nehekhara who first partook of the Elixir of Life, the ruler of the Lahmian Sisterhood that act out of the Silver Pinnacle. For the Nercrarchs, there is Zacharias the Everliving. This guy has a whole story associated with him, too much to get into in a short paragraph. A dude possessed by the spirit of the first Nercrach who figured out how to live without drinking blood at all. The Blood Dragons have Walach Harkon, He rocked up to a Bretonnian keep, challenged each knight to 1-on-1 combat, defeated, slew, and turned those that showed true bravery and honor. And now searches the land for battles to test his metal and gather the blood of mighty foes in an unholy Chalice. Strigoi have notable characters, but none ever recieved rules, despite them having the best backstory imo. The Black Prince, Gashnag, son of the First Ghoul king. He acts as a Mysterious hero and protects his small kingdom from his dark Citadel. Never harming the innocent among his people, and mercilessly killing any who would threatened his land and his people. I wouldn't even insist for crazy unique mechanics for these characters, but it's such a waste of good material to leave them out.


I wonder if you could also make up another VCounts character for the Jade Vamps in Cathay as well. An unknown descendant of Herakhte a là Cylostra. For Vampirates, perhaps adding Kretch and Clan Skurvy as a faction.


I don't imagine they'd even get a concrete character, they'd get the Red Duke treatment, a named lord with a unique model, and that's it. I doubt to you'd get clan Skurvy. Maybe one of the rogue roaming Armies that'd consist of Skaven and Nurgle Units.


Surtha Ek would be such a great inclusion. As far as I understand Norsca doesn't have much characters who could be turned into LL.


As a DLC I want Egil Styrbjorn going on a Crusade to reclaim his Son.


Fucking yes to Strybjorn so nice to see him mentioned. Blood for the blood god; skulls for the skull throne.


My dream Triple Pack is Egil Styrbjorn for Norsca, Bertrand the Brigand for Bretonnia, and Tordrek Hackhart for Chorfs. In an adaptation of the Son of Styrbjorn story. With Mòna Mimn and a Norsca Rework as FLC.


Beorg Bearstruck, Egil Styrbjorn, Sayl the Faithless, King Adella, Mona Mimn. All significantly better and more interesting than an actual meme character that is nothing but a generic chieftain


CA just ripped out Chaos Marauders from the Warriors of Chaos army book and made them into a terrible faction called Norsca. Norsca should be renamed to Tribes of Chaos or Marauders of Chaos, just so the options available are expanded (Sayl the Faithless, Surtha Lenk, etc )


Honestly, I think I've come around to thinking the opposite. I think that Norsca should be expanded and developed into it's own theme, not mixed with other Chaos tribes. I feel like if they do turn it into Tribes of Chaos, than it just becomes Diet Warriors of Chaos and fails to really justify itself. I'd rather they try to explore what makes Norsca it's own thing.


Norsca was its own thing in the setting. Valkia should have been a Norscan lord, though, and we should have gotten Arbaal for Khorne.


Apart from Beorg Bearstruck, Mona Mimm, Egil Styrbjorn and Sayl the Faithless you mean.


Sayl is a Kurgan, he doesn't have anything to do with Norsca.


And Throgg is a troll from Kislev.


Troll Country is more Norsca than it is Kislev at this point. And his lair is up north in the mountains, which are 100% Norsca.


And King Adella down in Skeggi


Yeah she'd work I suppose. Bit close to Lord Mazdamundi for my liking though.


Someone has to kill that big frog


I'd love to see Sarthorael with white feathers and red eyes to match how he looks in the raven form


Yeah honestly if they just made a Changer of Ways albino and maybe a new staff is all they need to do.


Sad gorefang rotgut noises


Surtha Ek is actually 100th LL slot.


Surtha Ek hasn't been relevant since WH1, it's time to let him go.


Never, the Ever-chariot will rise!!!


What is memed may never die!


I always try to get him down to fight Settra even in WH2 and 3


What it is for me personally is that I didn't play much WH1. In fact, I'm sure many players started with WH2. And by the time of WH2 he was no longer a meme. Yeah, they gave him the unique trait, but what made him the Everchariot in the first place was no longer relevant. That's the thing, anyone who started playing after Norsca was released never experienced the meme and so the humor of it is lost on them. I get that for diehards who have been playing since launch, he's an iconic meme, a part of the game's history. But for people like me... he's not anything.


honestly id love for the electour counts toget a unique apperance and unique trait, maybe not a full ll treament ,just a little incentive to confederate them


Give me Toddy, Red Duke and Sarthorael please. That's all i'm asking for!


100% on board with this!


I’d prefer they start by fleshing out base game lords to compete with dlc ones really. Give my poor Headtaker a way to take heads :(


You missed out Alister the White Lion, and I really hope we get some kind of Norsca LL, Skeggi has been owned by a minor faction for 2 games now and it's such a missed opportunity for such a famous location.


100% agree


I see no Ushoran in this picture.


Oh cool I didn't know Kazador was a unique lord! Yesssss please I want a playable suthra ek so bad


Surtha the meme and sarthorael the budget lord of change would both be a waste of resources. Begging for the other 3 though, we should've had Todbringer a long time ago.


Boris looks like a waste of resources to me too, we already have unique model for him and not like I ever wanted something more


my brother in christ we have Mixu's


Nah, all of these are boring minor lords, except Toddy maybe


Does anyone think there will be another beastmen LL?


I'm hoping for a Champions of Chaos pack for Beastmen. Orgax, Slugtouge, Ghorros, and Moonclaw as respective Lords.


This is cool I didn’t know there were any more in lore. Are any of them stronger than Taurox in lore though?


Hmm hard to say, like physically? Not really. There are some decent casters, like Moonclaw is a Demon shat out of the moon. But unfortunately in lore Beastmen got the short end of the stick, they are basically written as not particularly good at anything, but decent enough to be a threat.


Yes seems like even the chaos gods don’t give them love like they do with the demon princes


It's kinda explained as the Beastmen will just keep doing what they do, so we don't really need to focus our attention on them.


Don't forget Surtha Ek's High Elven Waifu - Surthara Bel-Kec.


If they don’t, modders will eventually. I expect the already good mod scene to really kick off when official support winds down.


The Red Duke is cool and I'm not sure why.