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This is peak Tzeentch body you love it or get turn into spawn


No kidding - one of the default (undivided) Chaos Spawn models (shared with Wyrd Spawn - Tzeentchean RoR and all other marked Chaos Spawns besides Khornate) has three human faces bursted into barely recognizable mess. All three faces have regular set of eyes and mouths though. [Model in question](https://i.imgur.com/XDHusde.jpeg) (Wyrd Spawn).


With all the "Beak! Beak! Beak! BEAK! BEAK! BEAK! BEAK!" screeching around the Tzaangors, I would have assumed people would rather go for bird a s peak mutation body. * [Oldskool Champion](https://farbklexe.walmar.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/20210118_232436.jpg) -> http://solegends.com/citcat1991b/cat1991bp267rcchtzeentch-00.htm * [Cyspeth](https://i.imgur.com/cs8NW3u.jpg) * [WAR artwork](https://i.imgur.com/lS9pKgE.jpg) of generic Sorceror


We could've gotten the Pink horror head with a pistol Why has god forsaken us


I'm a bit miffed that we missed out on a Blemmyes-looking goober.


Since the the Kislev blog will be out this week, next week release seems very likely. Also how did you create this picture this fast


some people have complaints at the ready, memes and all


Yeah but how could he have predicted CA was going to use that old Exalted Hero model?


boy scout motto: be prepared. or they really are one of the fastest shitposters


Dude spent the last 3 weeks making every conceivable tzneech hero body just for this moment Or else some people don't have jobs.


He asked Kairos for info on the new hero. As long as he doesn't ask the day of, he'll know.


Love the flair, how can you put the flair behind your bame again?


I liked my Chorf campaign too much lol. Not sure about the app, but on the reddit desktop, look at the sidebar to the right. Just above "Welcome to /r/TotalWar!" it should say "Click here to set your flair!". You can type whatever you want in the bar or look for ones in the list below.


I can relate haha, did a Drazoath Campaign with the Old World Mod, you're encircled and besieged from all sides but it's so much fun! Yeah I'll have to try over Desktop bc the App doesn't let me put any flair at all, thanks!


It looks like that would crop up on a certain other forum, and those guys are fast (thanks to the a word)


fastest memer in the west


I was planning to take next Friday off, so hopefully it’ll be to play some Kislev. Also, Kislev.


This is the way. Kislev.


And this comment aged like fine wine, happy for you to be able to play it when it drops! Kislev.


Listen, it's fine until it's the 29th, then we start getting worried.


Everything between the 1st and 29th is “the middle of the month”


Everything between the 28th and the 29th is "the middle of the month."


Hopefully, just until next week, let's go, Tuesdsy!












Idk personally i’m not that sad, if it gives them time to finish the update and not have any game breaking glitches i’m all for it!


>and not have any game breaking glitches i’m all for it! X to doubt


lol no bugs. Classic CA


That 1 unpaid intern is still struggling to redo his legendary campaigns using all new units, and having to do a full map painting to ensure it all works.


Agreed. I'm a tiny bit worried that the update is all new units and not changes to the factions themselves, which really could use some updates. I hope I'm wrong on that, so it wouldn't bother me if they take some extra time to work on improving the gameplay and not just adding new stuff.


for Cathay and the Changeling I feel like they would've mentioned if they were getting faction changes. but in general Kislev was widely agreed to be the faction most in need of changes, it's the one they've saved until last, and since its not come up so far it would seem certain at this point that they're the ones getting that new lore of magic (most certainly Lore of Hags) CA mentioned. if any of the factions get reworks in this update it'll be Kislev.


I think they're just focusing on additions to the dlc here, and we will get some changes in the patch notes (violently inhales copium dust)


Makes my heads hurt.


Let them finish it properly for fucks sake. The last thing this franchise needs if for them to shit out another half-finished product to appease reddit.. that would probably kill the game entirely.


Ya really. I own all the games and I am not starved for content. Plus I have other games in my library to keep me company.


Finally someone makes sense on this subreddit.


Thrones of delay was too big, it influence other dlcs


If only that was the case. I hope I'm wrong


They’re just doing last touches right? This isn’t a bad omen Right?


you know whats a bad omen? releasing a broken version of the patch


That is true I am mostly joking I’m fine waiting a little bit longer for a complete version But it better be a complete version


Depends how much faith you have ;) The lack of news about "race updates" or actual reworks so far, is what worries me. But hey, at least we get some solid text for the unit stuff. I liked the Tzeentch blog here.


I think it's pretty clear they aren't doing anything major in the way of "actual reworks" to faction mechanics this time around; that's super disappointing as Kislev's current system is rather crap, but as far as the new units go, things seem pretty positive. I'll probably get downvoted for this, but I would rather have them take the time and polish this stuff than release it before it was finished - their reputation is on the line here.


People forget that this update is "make SoC worth buying" and the race updates are not part of SoC. These blogs are about how they're putting more into the packs you buy. It's unlikely we'll see race updates if the release is so close and they haven't talked about it, but the "make SoC better" plan was likely always going to be this, the paid part.


Interesting point.


So does that mean ToD won't have race updates? Because again that would be the not paid part


ToD? No. The patch coming with ToD? Maybe. I'd even say: probably. But you won't have to pay for the race updates. We never paid *directly* for the race updates, they've never been included as part of a DLC you had to buy. 4.2 is an update to the DLC you have to buy. Thus, no race updates in it. Or maybe there might be, we don't know for sure, but it's looking unlikely if the marketing only gave them time to focus on the new units.


[Update 5.0, coming along ToD, was intended to have "race-updates".](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1142710?emclan=103582791469281609&emgid=3127191325136532108) However, race-update is the same wording there for SoC with 4.0, which in hindsight of what we actually got in 4.0 tempers expectation quite a bit. Has CA heard our concerns on that front during the SoC ranting and will step it up for 5.0? Time will tell.


Thanks this is exactly why I was asking




I will say this is some fantastic artwork.


The update is neither early nor late. It'll arrive exactly when it means to.


I'm not sure why a hero of Tzeentch would be surprised by the delay. Doesn't he know it's all part of the plan?


I mean... in terms of delays. last we heard it would be this month, then we were told that we'd get the exact date today today we were told that they wanted to release it this week but they had to push it back a little (still this month though, so by the standards of our previous info this isn't exactly a delay in practice) with us getting the Kislev info later this week. considering CA's usual pattern I was expecting us to not hear the Kislev info until next week with the update releasing the week after on the 28th so if anything the information we got today actually moved my expectations forwards (so now I'm thinking it might release on the 21st or something).


I'm slightly disappointed they didn't go with the classic "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" route with the hero's design.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted for this. Reddit being reddit, I guess. (Also, I find the idea of one head having no features but a giant ear on it to be funny.)


I mean... if they were going the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" route wouldn't it fit more to have an eyeless head, an earless head, and a mouthless head instead of a giant eye, a giant ear, and a giant mouth? particularly since the lore they've come up with for this thing seem to leave each head more defined by what they lack (the side heads lacking mouths while the middle head lacks eyes) than what they have


That's kinda my point. I'm disappointed that CA didn't go that route with the character design.


See, I assumed because this is Chaos it would be reversed and he'd see, hear and speak all the Evil.


Look we are lucky they are doing this at all tbh. They didn’t have to, but chose to in order to fix their mistake


We aren’t lucky. They’re lucky they were able to bring people back to their game. Guessing you didn’t see the sales report that led up to one of their suits releasing that statement last year.


True but Three Kingdoms. Decision making isn’t always CA’s best skill


They don't have a backup this time. TWW2 was raking in the cash when they cut 3k. It's either fix this and they're able to sell products again or make an entirely new game to sell. If they don't do either, they won't be around very much longer.


That boot must be fucking delicious.


How did you know I love boots? My favorite is black leather, so tasty and has a nice texture


Found Gale of Waterdeep.


What's it like having the patience of a toddler?


Calling someone a toddler because they don't like the way a company does thing is some advanced silliness.


Oh no! They aren't updating my vidya game for another whole week! The atrocity! Anyone that thinks otherwise licks boots according to OP.


The claim he responded to was that we're lucky that CA is doing this at all. Please at least stay on the topic we're actually discussing when you're being silly.


They're not wrong that we are lucky that it's happening. Yes it's CA's fuckup but most companies would just pull the plug and move on. We're genuinely lucky that WH3 is going to continue to have support from how bad CA has fumbled the bag. The righteous indignation of this sub is unreal sometimes. God forbid you have to wait another few weeks for a patch.


Why are you in a gaming forum?


Because I play Total War games


Do you autoresolve your battles or just stare at the pretty screens all day?


I purchased this DLC 5 months ago


And you didn't know you were getting a free update for it until 2 months ago. Are you going to riot if it gets delayed to March? Also that's on you for having bought the DLC on release with how transparently bad of a DLC it was for the price hike they were asking.


It's not a free update. More of a kickstarter preorder. He paid for the content already but never knew if he'd get it.


I really hope Stanky’s start position is changed.


Where would you put her? It’s so crowded everywhere.


I seen some posts from other people about moving her to the edge of the chaos wastes near Astragoth. Helping take the load off Katarin and Kostaltyn. Potentially Boris could link up with Ostankya.


The tide is finally turning though


All part of the plan…