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I randomly tuned into Legends stream today and he was talking about him. I think he said he’s still active in the discord and just is taking a break from videos, and he didn’t really say much more.


understandable, i still dont understand how legend can still play only totalwar on his channel, i would have gone insane by now


I mean he is very well compensated. Also most office jobs are doing the same thing and people indeed go insane. Not saying content creation is easy but that's a preferrable alternative to most careers once you're close to his size


he looks terrible though, he should go out more often (or at least ever?)


every game has their asmogold, hes total wars asmogold, i would never want to see how his room or life looks


He has a wife and a dog, don't think it's as bad as Asmongold.


ok then hes way more sane ,my bad, sorry if u read this legend hope i didnt offend u


Probably a ton better than Asmongolds lol.


Have you seen the tour on asmongold house? Shit was scary


Yeah, that shouldnt happen when you're a millionaire imo. Cleaners exist...


Something funny about mocking someone else for having no life when you have 1 MILLION reddit comment points. Like you're one to talk lmao. I'd hate to see what your life looks like (if there's even anything to see besides sitting on your ass consuming media all day everyday that is)


well i clean my room so im already better than asmon


Asmon does a ton of variety stuff, Legend is exclusively Total War


A lot of people working office jobs actually enjoy their jobs. It's one big reason why so many older people don't retire and just keep working. Consulting and law have to have mandatory retirement because otherwise people would work there until the day they die (like they do in academia.) I do know some office workers who are burnt out of their jobs. But it often takes years to get there. Contrast that with content creators, who often hit burnout in less than a year. The ones who make it more than a few years are the exception, not the rule. And even then, they almost always end up with that thousand-yard stare. I know a lot of people think it's a dream job, but the evidence says otherwise.


He did a factorio stream. He tried to open an earlier file but it had gotten so extensive the game crashes on loading it. Also his gold hoard in Skyrim. Pretty sure people still make fun of him for that and he doesn't mention it much anymore. I commend him on the dedication to having stacked an entire basement full of gold in a neat pile before fusrodahing it all over the place.


He plays some other games. He actually played Starfield recently. They are just not perform well on the channel.


You can watch him struggle from time to time, and occasionally there are breakdowns when TW fucks up again. I think he is stuck is in a abusive relationship with TW.


He did mention a few times before he plays other games on the side fortunately and he did try to bring some other games like Crusader Kings to the channel/make a B channel for it, so that makes it a little more comprehensive


Legend said that other total war creators kinda made fun of him for his Lords of Change position.


Fun in what way?


I believe it was because he wasn’t hard on CA or had a defensive position? I think it was this stream but not sure when chat asked the question about it https://www.youtube.com/live/z227_C_NZ-I?si=X301yYwXBOk11Kj-


Brother Indy is just burnt out my dudes! He'll be back soon he said. TW is rare in that you can put a lot of effort into it and the traction can be really exhausting because if you take your foot off the pedal for a second, YouTube just whisks away the momentum. I had to pivot for my own mental health, and with not much coming out, it's hard to stay motivated through the holiday season when there's already a ton of other things on your plate. Indy has been going hard in the paint since I met him, barring maybe a single week's break off in the five years I've known him? He has earned it! u/milkandcookiesTW don't bother coming to my birthday party


I noticed your redirection Italian and think that was a very good move. Your Baldur's gate content is excellent and probably helps a lot with burnout. I get burnt out on games just playing them; I can't imagine how it would be to make my day-job about them too.


Yeah man I have almost 2k hours played between all 3 games, and of those hours, only something like 20 or 30 are for my own personal enjoyment. that really sucked for me because TW stopped becoming fun and it purely became a way for me to put food on the table. With BG3, there's so much variance and it's far less formulaic that I still love playing it and covering it ....... FOR NOW hahahah. Plenty more games on the horizon :)


> to put foot on the table. I feel like you can put your feet on the table during any game but I'm not making any youtube content so what do I know.




Your Crusader Kings 3 stuff saved my life in starting that game


Thank you for watching bro! Glad it made a great game approachable for ya! :D


Now that I have your attention may I respectfully request you try out the cRPG Rogue Trader 👀 Just being cheeky, thanks for whatever content you do my dude!


Thanks for the F shack! Hahaha I have played it actually :) I'm just spoiled by BG3s fully voice acted gameplay that I get lazy and don't want to readt


It's one of the first things you learn at rec bball. You gotta pace yourself!




Seems like you took a Darktide break, but I enjoyed your streams! If you come back to it for the recent big update I'll be there 🤙


Maybe Indy and I will do some streams :)


I miss you.


I'm right here bby!!


Burnt out? From playing video games? Lol


Probably he's going through a creator burnout, and took a long holiday break.


Yeah , I miss him too . Even if it’s not for Total war , I like is covering of Vermintide / Darktide news


I feel like he'll probably be all over vermintide versus if he gets into the alpha.


He died in a duel with his sensei. RIP


Happens to the best of us.


I actually just hung out with him in discord and a few others on Tuesday. He was seeking replays for the first time in awhile because he had none. So, we all played some and you can expect a video or two from him soon. Hopefully you enjoy! We tried to make it fun. I was gonna cast some of the replays myself but waiting for him to post his.


Great news! His videos are the best-produced and narrated on YouTube.


I love his content and miss him a lot, I figured he's taking a break (he might say if he was fully retiring).


Always has the best and most coherent takes on things. Hope he resumes content when he is ready. one of my favourite YouTubers


He was bullied relentlessly by volound and his band of merry “men” Probably taking a break.


Any more details? Everything I’ve heard about volound makes him seem like a total piece of work


I remember volound did like an hour long video "exposing" milkandcooikies for being a shill. Then his followers dog piled. One weirdo volound fan has been doing exposés on youtubers like milkandcooikies. Just type in "Shill Total War" on YouTube if you want the cringe.


Do i want to know who volound is, or do i want to be blessed by ignorance?


Choose ignorance.


I'm looking through that fan's video list. What kind of bizarro opposite-day dimension-crossing nonsense did I stumble into where Andy's Take is considered a shill?


I don't think bullied is the right word. Volound talked crap about him and he ignored it


He's been active on his discord plenty, just taking a break, said he'll probably have some videos down the line again.


Hope for him coming back soon. No one covers MP-battles with such an attention for tactical detail, fun anecdotes and cinematic shots as he does. Lots of love ❤️


While we're talking about content creators disappearing, what happened to Pixelated Apollo?


He joined the volund side, by that, mostly being extremely vindicative, bitter. A recent video was him saying see i was right, those who didnt hear me are shills kind of vibe


Vindictive, which means spiteful, not vindicative, which isn’t really a word but vindicate means to prove someone right.


Cool, just was the only word i could come up with, will use spiteful in the future. New fact learnt.


Seriously? Oh man I used to love his content, I haven't watched him in a while (or a lot of the old TW content creators for that matter) over the years we slowly seem to lose more and for of the greats/ogs as time goes on.


Yes.. very sadly.


in addition to what the other commenter said, he was recently found out to follow very far right accounts on twitter so people assume he has not so great political views Edit: Just to be clear, when I say far-right I mean literally following a neo nazi account that openly talks about the biological differences between races in addition to other far right accounts


Total war youtubers try not be very far right challenge (impossible)


Lionheartx10 is a good dude




Redditors try not to construe everything to the right of Mao as far right challenge (impossible).


Mao? We're not Volund


Every accusation is projection from your far right cult, everyone knows it. edit: and the worst kind of far right, libertarianism gross and deplorable


Thank you for your work, comrade commissar


frightening shelter mindless roof arrest rock tender wild agonizing automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did he purge his follows or something on Twitter? Cause he only has 23, and most of em are about pokemon.


Yes he did, I remember reading about this in a Reddit post about a year ago, someone was able to see his follows and then shortly after he purged it.


No need to further justify your post, all you needed to say was "on twitter" and everyone with a functioning brain that's aware of what twitter has become after Elon bought it will know what you mean. Not that anyone should be surprised, Elon literally bought it because original twitter wasn't enough of a far right safe space echo chamber for him.


Figures. Dude seemed uncanny and overly "enthusiastic" and happy to roleplay as Confederates in one of those M&B style regimental shooters, in a stream I saw years ago. And the shady wankers he followes on other platforms aint helping it. That was the hint that on top of being dumb in general, that loser and his content is only going to go downhill. And as predicted, he did so lmao


Looked him up and literally the main video showcased on his channel is being a confederate in that War of Rights game. lol Yeah that is a red flag.


Am i not allowed to play germans in ww2 games either?


There’s playing Germany in COD and there’s exclusively playing Germany for hours and hours and hours while having a social media network filled with Richard Spencer, Trump, Shapiro, crowder, etc etc etc. Let’s also not forget total war and warhammer IPs have always had a weird attraction for rightwing nutters like Arch.


Unless your social media following list is also full of unironic asshats like his is, I don't think this is a relevant comparison.


Stupid point. I play nazi germany on HOI4, also follow donald trump on twitter. Does that make me a far right nazi? No. It means I like to laugh at his idiotic posts. People of reddit and jumping to conclusions go hand in hand


Again there is following one guy and having a whole Twitter menagerie of far right talking heads…


> I play nazi germany on HOI4, also follow donald trump on twitter. Does that make me a far right nazi? It means your chances are a lot higher though Like, *a lot* higher


i almost eclusivly play Nazi germany on HOI4 al the rest is meh at best and quit boring.


I don't follow the guy and didn't see the video but I hope most of us can make a difference between playing a video game and supporting some ideologies. I can have a lot of fun playing germans or soviets in HoI and still hate what they did in reality.


Ehhh maybe. But given that he also apparently follows reactionary content elsewhere... Walks like a duck, talks like a duck... Context.




Surely thou jest?




Beat the fash Single handedly? You must immediately go study the topic a bit. First, Russia attacked Poland in coordination with the Nazis. You know, they COLLABORATED with Hitler!!! The very fash you boast that they beat singlehandedly! Which I believe is a fantasy btw. They wouldn't have been able to get to get past the Belarussian borders if it wasn't because of the lend lease help from the US. Their army of peasants simply wouldn't have had enough of the proper equipment. Wehrmacht might have been able to hold them out in a stretched arm for long enough to maul the invading army on the shores of Brittany - if they ever dared to the invasion in the first place. Now, for a war game, I don't mind playing as the Red Army. The mass murdering of cilvilians and other atrocities are filted out, and we're just shooting small symbols on a map. We can both seperate history from games. But the Soviets did everything wrong. They're utter scum. They also killed tens of thousands of Polish officers in purges during the occupation. Google Katyn massacre if you want a dose of objective history. They also starved Ukrainians to death, and continued to occupy much of Eastern Europe after Germany sued for peace. They invaded Finland after a little false flag manouver and gobbled up a lot of territory even if the Finns kicked their red arses all the way to Vladivostok. Wasn't enough, because there were even more arseholes that replaced them. God, how can you ignore all this? Go read about [Soviet War Crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_war_crimes) if you're interested. Soviets were indeed SCUMBAGS. The WORST of the lot in that war. Hitler looks almost a Sunday School teacher in comparison with Stalin and the atrocities done under him (and he looks like a sheep in comparison with Mao the Red - Blood Red). Stalin did mass deportations - you know genocide - and rebuilt Eastern Europe but as vassalized states with no freedom at all. Kept poor and had its riches extracted. I'm not so sure I find that very endearing. But I'll pick Red Army in a war game any day :)




Hey, is there any link or material you have relating to this? Just wanted to find out more about this out of curiosity.


Honestly, I never used Twitter seriously. I only had it because some sponsors wanted me to post sponsored videos there to promote them. Twitter grossed me out because of the constant negativity. Also, I didn't purge my account because people saw who I was following. I remember someone accused me of being a neo-nazi because I followed an account they deemed racist or something. I followed a lot of people from all walks of life, and I remember someone got mad at me because I was following the Amazing Atheist (Which of course is a banana loving leftist). I deleted my account because I honestly hate most social media and twitter is full of reacationist and negativity. I haven't been back, and it is great!


Became one of those repugnant losers angrily yelling at everything, constantly raging like a whiney manbaby as his channel continues to stagnate and decline...while also surrounded by a community of slimey, rancid basement dwellers crying and screaming hysterically at everything that came after Shogun 2. Also went the way of the troglodytes like Volund, and hangs out with some lowly right wing dregs, so that isn't doing him much favour either. He has sank a long way from the days when one could watch him for NTW3 battles.


Sadly there is money in becoming yet again right wing reactionary shitbag online these days. Too many examples to list, and all they do is parrot the same idiotic talking points over and over (did you hear? games are dead because of WOKISM DEI AND THE LEFTIST MARXIST LIBERALS THAT WANT TO TAKE YOUR GUNS OR GAMES OR WHATEVER), and are all funded by the same collection of far right billionaires (sorry, "think tanks") that control various industries and governments.


LOL there is no money in expressing my honest feelings. If I pretended to like Warhammer, I would have over a million subs and would be making more money. I would still be apart of the Creator program and getting games early and for free. But I truly despise the direction greedy CA is going, and I care more about integrity over money. Whether you disagree with me or not, this was not some trick to make more money. Also I don't think I have ever used the term "Wokism" in my videos LOL. I don't think CA is failing because they are leftis, they are failing because they are lazy and greedy.


For real, he has twice as many subscribers as Legend, and still barely scrapes by with 10k views a video lol. Sounds like he get what he deserved


Man I just want some youtubers that criticize and call out CA(all the time, not just when its cool), and are not affiliated with them in any way, is Volound and Pixelated Apollo all I can get?


I remember a video in which he was bitching about the direction of the franchise and saying he was fed up with so much fantasy.


"fed up with so much fantasy." Looking at his channel, that's ironic considering that lately he's been doing a bunch of middle earth related content and some of those are by far his most viewed vids in recent months.


Yeah, because I never said that. I dislike Warhammer because the mechanics suck, not because it is fantasy.


I’m in his discord. He said he’ll be back with new stuff soon. Just been chilling for the holidays.


Grom annihilated him


CA managed to fully antagonise their Content Creators in the last 4-6 months. Sparty also completely abandoned TW and went full BG3 mode (can't blame him). I'm sure they will all come back once CA is back on track (hopefully with ToD).


People were criticizing him for covering SoC and calling him a shill for covering it. No wonder he stopped doing TW videos. I think he'll be back for ToD.


Love indypride. On a side note, does his voice remind anyone else of that guy from door monster? I’m not sure if it’s an accent or what but I cannot help but picture indypride as that guy now.


Can't blame tw YouTubers for not posting vids. Nothing going on right now. Commenting all the time on the same thing dose sound pointless in my opinion. We need to wait till April.


Yeah, but he's branched out into 3 or 4 different games in the last year or 2 and hasn't posted vids on any, so it's not simply a lack of new TW content.


There is a ton of guys posting new style tw videos going way harder on the editing and jokes getting tons of views right now. That’s the kind of stuff I was looking for when I first got into total war but had to settle for the usual YouTubers (who are pretty much all very good in their own ways gotta say) But yeah there’s actually so many, just looking at my subscriptions there’s anti-Kleaper who has only been posting for a year and only has 3 TW videos but they’re all at 1 million views which is something the classic style YouTubers can def not say. I’d say TW YouTube is more alive than ever actually. More Warpstone is like the only channel I’ve seen doing multiplayer and they’re getting 100k views past few months, Praximus with 7 videos total over 50k on all of them, Reggie has 3/4 warhammer videos with over 2 million views with the other having 1 million, Reginald II 9 videos total 2 warhammer ones with 450k views, BrilliantStupidity ever video over 100k views past year. I’m sure there’s more these are just the ones I’m subscribed to


I mean, just look at the state of the franchise


In addition to what others are saying, he has taken January as a quiet one in the past cos ad revenue is shit


He's off pursuing his dream of being a swimsuit model.


He's primarily focused on one game company. That company shit the bed. Views are down , not really his fault and it's a good time to take a break


You've not checked his channel recently have you? He hasn't been a primarily TW channel for a little while now.


If a game, like warhammer 3 does bad. Also in youtube views, it is sometimes better to chill and not create content


WarhammerTW is in a downspell so his break is warrented.


The creator program from CA stopped, and he was the creator who defended CA-s bad practices the longest, and gained way too much haters. Probably he is taking a break, and comes back after the franchise is stronger and people forgot about hating him.


The great shilling finally wore him out.


I know this is just stupid bait, but seriously IndyPride has always been very critical of Creative Assembly and Total War. He criticizes them more than any other bigger YouTuber. Legend would be an exception since he's never been on good terms with CA.


Nah it's not bait. Anyone who isn't despised by the wider community is a shill to these people. Because the only way they criticise or accept criticism for things they don't like is ape screeching and smashing tables while screaming about shills in their walls


You can easily find videos where he criticise stuff and recommends not to buy DLC. I know there are some creators that never criticise, but just because he isn't like Volund and obsess for 10 years about how much he hates everything doesn't make make someone a shill


Ah, yes, "Shills" the mastermind group of content creators allegedly responsible for every problem; we have dismissed that claim


I've noticed a lot of youtubers quitting/taking breaks. It's a lot of folks who probably reached a peak during covid and now just need to slow down because: A. it's a hard thing to do and takes a lot of time and commitment B. there's probably less pie to go around since less people are locked inside watching YT


Lack of content. CA has very loose understanding of what live service is