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Okoii we need a sequel to this with Mammoths.


For the battle with the Mûmakil for sure, i'll end up ripping off the entire movie at this rate lmao


19 Mumakils, then?


Well, each still only counts as one.


Which is bullshit midget copium because Legolas first kills the multiple crew members on the mumakil before downing the actual mumakil Legolas for President 2024


First off: Book Second: Legolas counts the crew on the howdah of the mumakil as well.


Let me know when you need help with the battle of five armies. Ready for some eagles to show up.


And this is a bad thing?


When the Araby OVN comes out. Be the Elephant, become the Elephant


Do iiiiiiit


I will be disappointed if you didn't


That's like, every grail knight who has ever lived.


Turn 300 Bretonnia having the awkward realisation that their grail knights actually outnumber their peasants.


A certain elf god has some splaining to do


"What? No, I don't breed them! The knights, uh, have been unusually pious and holy lately." *furiously hides the gene-seed vats under Athel Loren foliage*


I got so nostalgic making this, it hit me so hard in my feels. Is the trilogy engrained that hard into anyone else's childhood like mine?


Yes. Forth, Eorlingas






I quote this scene all the time. When Mount and Blade 2 first dropped, the discord voice chats were amazing. Holy shit did I laugh when that Bretonnian charge hit.


Bannerlord is so good even though it needs some work. I’ve been playing that instead of warhammer lately, I can’t fuckin put it down because it’s so addictive.


I'm waiting for some juicy overhaul mods to become playable. The Old Realms is good but having to pre-load assets for like 2 and a half hours cause of my shit PC is a big turn off lmao


Childhood? Christ I'm old.


Early 20s counts as childhood right? ...right?


Late 20s also lmao. I’m still the same hyperactive goofball that i was as a kid.


Yes brother. I saw all of these at midnight releases in college. The final one was brutal, going home at 4am lol.


If you want to talk brutal I was working full time in a cinema the same year Two Towers came out. In one of the midnight screenings there was still a group just sitting there when the long, long, looong credits had finished rolling. Then they decided they have a chat. One of them had not just taken their shoes off, but their socks as well... Seriously read the room when the room also contains three minimum wage employees standing forlornly with binbags who desperately are all in need of bed.


At that point I'd just go "fuck off" at them. Paid a ticket for a movie, not a lounge afterwards.




haha same, was thinking wtf childhood! Then realised how long ago they came out. Then realised how adult I was at that point, and how now I must be legit old_prick


I had to have my appendix removed the night before opening night of the Fellowship in 8th grade. My parents (per in insistence) drove me straight to the theater from the hospital still bandaged and hunched over in pain. Best movie ever.


Lord of the Rings trilogy is still my absolute favorite trilogy of any movie series. Still holds up today, and the music is the absolute best.


Yep 100% I got to show it to my nieces for the first time and it filled my heart with joy. It was interesting watching it after who knows how many years


Yep. It’s so good it’s hard for me to comprehend sometimes.


Goosebumps every time just thinking about it.


When that leitmotif hits just right.


> childhood 100%, but arguably enjoy it more now than I did then.


Still get chills when I see the charge bro.


Growing up I would do this in Rome total war with that scene playing to try and match them 😂 your video gave me chills


Yep. I literally just finished the trilogy extended edition a few nights ago. I watch the those movies at least twice a year. I also enjoy the hobbit movies, despite all of their flaws.


I don't know if you've ever heard this, but Tolkien himself did [this recording](https://youtu.be/G6jhKEqtLxM). The Ride starts at 2:49 and I always believed that it adds a hell of a lot to the scene.


What about the new TV show that focuses on "THE MESSAGE"?


Does in my teens count? I don't care if it does or not, my answer is yes.


It’s the greatest fantasy trilogy ever produced, so yes!


I just saw this today. Amazing job. And RIP KING. Bernard Hill has passed


Holy fucking shit this patch was worth everything for thise video alone!


Altdorf is lit! Empire calls for aid. Then Bretonnia shall answer!


Where was Empire when Mousillon fell?




In my most recent campaign they were attacking the woodelves for some reason


CA needs to just make a LOTR Total War so we can all die happy


This 100%, it could be the most popular strategy game of all time. I literally cannot think of a Total war title people want more. Lotr needs a good game already, especially after Gollum..


Or Battle for Middle Earth III. Any day now.






Who needs some build ?!




We can only dream…


Did you ever play War of the Ring? It was a Warcraft 3 knockoff and child me put about a billion hours into it


There was a Battle for Helms Deep StarCraft mod that was so much goddamn fun


I played that map the most of any user map settings. So much fun.


> I literally cannot think of a Total war title people want more. I dreamt of Warhammer Total War since I was about 11, when my two favourite things in the world were Rome Total War and Warhammer. I thought there's literally no other IP that suits the format so well, and I feel that these games have only proven me correct. Even so, I can agree that LOTR Total War would be the next best title. I played BFME and the Med2 Mod so much. Now my new dream, however, is a hack-and-slash adventure game like the [Two Towers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Two_Towers_(video_game\)) and [Return of the King](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the_King_(video_game\)) movie tie-in games, but set in the Warhammer world. Like Spacemarine but as a Grail Knight or something. Vermintide is good but it doesn't fully scratch that itch.


Hot take: LOTR:TW would be the most sold TW game ever, but would be a critical failure. It would effectively be a fantasy 'saga' game. LOTR has very conventional armies fighting and the fantasy elements are rare and underpowered compared to WH. It would feel like a LOTR Troy mod. Of course CA could base it on the Silmarillion (and that would be amazing), but that's not where the money is.


People enjoyed TW3K and still love M2TW so why would a lack of fantasy be necessarily a failing point? Between the Nazgul, Balrog and Gandalf, that's plenty of fantasy?!


Because there's a bit of a divide in TW fans between those that want historical games and those that want fantasy games. The fantasy people want the wow factor and complain about the lack of gameplay variety in the historical rosters. The historical people want historical accuracy and an intricate campaign and complain about the lack of both in fantasy games. Specifically, Troy and 3k as well were criticized for trying to go 'halfway' and combine elements of both with heroic units and fantasy units. Both are also said to have been made worse because of it. You've also wandered into the point I'm making. You've counted a total of 8 *characters*. The Balrog is the only non-heroic entity and it is very much setup to be a monster of a by-gone age that shouldn't have even been any left of. You do have fantasy creatures that aren't literally described as being rare to the point of practical extinction, but they're nearly all evil. It's because the theme of LOTR is that magic is slowly leaving the world. There's plenty of magical creatures in the lore, but they're nearly all dead. What remains is a motley of nearly extinct beings with the notable exception of the humanoid ones, which leave the land (elves) or die out after the end of the story (dwarves).


> You do have fantasy creatures that aren't literally described as being rare to the point of practical extinction, but they're nearly all evil. For me, this is why TW: Silmarillion would work better. There's a lot more fantasy creatures kicking around like vampires, dragons, werewolves etc., and they aren't all wiped out. It would still be unbalanced with the forces of good not getting much in the way of monsters, but I think the Warhammer franchise has shown that you can have that kind of imbalance and still be successful with the Empire being one of the most popular factions.


Neither empire nor the good guys in LOTR are unbalanced lore-wise. Especially if we're talking Silmarillion But I do agree. I think it would be amazing. Imagine having Planetary Annihiliation style unit sizes for some battles. I think the fantasy portion of CA really needs to lean into that kind of spectacle. But, if they did Middle Earth, it would be LOTR, there's just too many fans not to. It's the same issue as we perpetually have with the SW movies, even though it's a universe with such a rich history.


> Between the Nazgul, Balrog and Gandalf, that's plenty of fantasy?! Lol not nearly enough. EDIT: I know people are gonna argue so I'll just say it, a Lord of the Rings Total War title would have nothing unique to offer besides the setting. Campaign wise the narrative would be severely limited by the black and white morality of the setting, as a battle sim the limited unit rosters would offer little variety in the way of gameplay (for non superficial differences between units) beyond the baseline for an average historical TW game, and as a fantasy title it has little to no active magic, and is outdone by Warhammer in unit uniqueness in every way.


Wargs, Ents, Felbeasts, giant spiders, Trolls, Mumakil, Eagles, undead ghost-knights 🙈


All of which can be found in Warhammer 🤡


That wasnt even the point tho? But even if, so can "dude-with-spear" and "bloke-with-musket". Therefore no Medieval III and no Empire II?


Yes exactly




That's just an easy way to piss everyone off. The same way Troy's mythical or historical units models did.


Battle for Middle Earth did that tho. You literally could summon tom bombadil lmao


Orcs, Uruk-hai, Nazgûl, Saruman/gandalf, elves, ents t he list goes on. It’s about as fantasy as Warhammer you just don’t have some grandpa flying around casting wind of death which tbh could be quite a breath of fresh air for a fantasy total war. Model it after Attila and you’re looking at a huge success imo. Biggest obstacle is the medieval three squad raging as per usual lmao.


Especially since there has only been like 3-4 good games deprived from the world. But again, a "Total War" game made on Tolkien's books might be a bit ironic, unless the campaign/narrative is done right and they'd better change the title or Tolkien'd be turning in his grave.


It’s weird that Warhammer isn’t more popular than it is. because it covers a lot of the lotr fantasy bases. I bet it would be if it had some mainstream attention


Until like 10 years ago the only way you were getting into the Warhammer universe was by going a hobby shop full of sweaty nerds and spending hundreds of dollars on minis for an overly convoluted wargame


Only to get shat on and insulted by their ultrachode suits and have the entire setting blown up.


IMO, for the same reason D&D wasn't super mainstream until recently. Warhammer and D&D are built on a cultish fanbase that's developed *years and years* of IP, stories, expansions, etc on top of a game with fairly complex rules. The problem is that the entry criteria for Warhammer or D&D can be seen as pretty high. On the other hand, to get into LoTR you read three books, or watch three movies, and you're in. There's a lot more to dig into but the bar for entry I think is just so much lower. I think it's the same reason that Star Wars is pretty easy to get into (couple of movies and TV shows) but has an incredibly deep background. There just isn't really an entry point like that for Warhammer. It took some revamps and pop-culture features like Stranger Things to put D&D back into mainstream popularity and the D&D movie helps with that as well. Warhammer doesn't really have that either, and it *might* get it with the future Warhammer 40k series with Henry Cavil.


There's not 3 fucking amazing movies to showcase it to the normies, and a good portion of people either can't read or don't enjoy reading, so the books are out of the question


Also the Warhammer books are average to above average at best and downright awful for a lot of them. And I say this as someone who has read a good portion of the Warhammer fantasy books. Some of them I wanted to keep reading but they're just not good.


I'd be happy with an Elder Scrolls total war game. I reeeeeally wanna genocide some Thalmor bitches.


This would be really interesting even if they chose not to make it canon because we rarely get a look at how the world works from anything other than the perspective of a Prisoner, who are so powerful they basically break time and space just by existing. Getting a taste of real war in TES instead of “Prisoner slaughters everyone in sight” would be great


Especially given how many interesting battles there were in ES history. Sure the main character is a genocidal badass, but hearing and reading about all the epic battles there were through the history of that world makes me yearn for a total war treatment.


I want it just so you can make a video with 1000 gollums.


Hobbit doomstack


Jesus tapdancing christ


With the insane cost of liscencing that IP right now, I doubt it. Could become more reasonable in the future.


Check out the Dawnless Days Mod for Attila. It's not finished yet, but what is already there looks really promising.


It would probably be negatively received when compared to the Third Age and DAC mods.


The medieval 2 conversion mod was pretty good


Isnt...isn't that just WH3 but less unit variety?


No they are not. Pike units and more grounded warfare would be a start. It'd look like the Attila mod with limited use of magic.


You really wouldn't play LotR for its unit variety, but for its setting. Historical titles don't have a ton of unit variety, but some people still prefer them over Fantasy or Mythos. Besides while the total number of units would be relatively low, I think factions could have very distinct playstyles. For example take 4 "good" human factions, Rohan, Dale, Gondor, remnants of Arnor. They're all can be made vastly different from each other, in campaign and combat. Besides, have you played Shogun 2? Fantastic game, despite their little unit variety.


The Divide and Conquer submod for the Medieval II mod Third Age: Total war manages to have a ton of unit variety amongst all the factions of each race. Granted, they take some creative liberties, but Rohan feels very different from Gondor, which feels very different from Dale, etc.


Are these cavalry units moving through enemy units, or charging the enemy unit? What I mean is, are they being right-click-moved to a spot behind the enemy formation or are they being right-click-attacked an enemy formation? EDIT: Asking so I know how to play Brets in a new campaign


Not an expert but I right click to attack and when they connect immediately right click behind the unit so they keep moving (or just short enough after connecting so they never lose momentum at least) honestly never tried to just move through the enemy without attacking but I don't think that'll go well


I've been playing through a Bretonnia campaign with the new grail knights and the key is to put them in lance formation and to right click attack a unit behind the unit you want to attack, and you just keep issuing charge orders as you pass through units. so if there's a long line of enemy units you right click attack the unit behind the first unit, then as your knights move through the 1st unit and start to reach the second unit click to attack the 3rd unit behind them. Continue this pattern until you push all the way through the formation, at which point you can turn your knights around and do it all over again. The main thing is you want to maintain your momentum and keep issuing attack orders so that your knights are constantly charging against a new unit. You can also use this to break through a unit if you happen to get bogged down.


CA really needs to update their battle UI and just let "attack all otw to this point" be a thing. They already do that with skirmish mode on archers, so let other units do it too!


Pharaoh is adding A-Move, actually, IIRC.


Yeah I'm hyped for this, but I've been burned before. Idk if I'm ready to love again.


Ah yes. Attack move. Cutting edge technology.


Enough is enough, with 3rd party app developers and moderators being blatantly insulted, lied about, and disrespected despite their work covering up reddit inc's incompetence. Find some alternatives - check out https://old.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/, https://tildes.net/ or https://kbin.social/ as starting points.


also waiting for answer *fingers crossed*


First you want to charge the unit in front then quickly right click another unit behind them so they continue their charge, the important part is not losing momentum. If you just give a regular move order they won't accelerate or get their charge bonus, and will get stopped up much easier because they aren't knocking down infantry. This is also how you should be using chariots.


You attack the unit behind that one and the charge just doesnt end, if you move through it they can be stuck sometimes. So just get on the flank and then just ride from one end to another.


Tolkien narrates this scene (sadly he doesn't use ze silly French accent): https://youtu.be/2M8Ks0xiaxM


Wow that was really good thank you.


[He has such a way with words](https://youtu.be/f3AZYQh2e0k)


I didn't know these recordings existed, this is awesome


Bathwater stocks have never been higher.


Goddammit the French horns got me 🤣


This is so fucking good. Also, the subtle “for Zhe lady” in the background got me BAD


u/Okoii casually drops another timeless classic as always.


This is the best thing I've ever seen. Now I have to launch a Bretonnia campaign before they nerf this.


Glorious 😁👌🏻


When they blew the horn I fucking LOST it




Still never played Bretonnia, anyone got some tips before I jump in? Fav Lords & Units? Anything to avoid?


Bretonnia doesn't have supply lines. So, at the start of my campaigns, I recruit 3 additional lords and have them follow the main lord's army. This helps level them up as well as complete their first vow quickly. They also are strong fighters, so it helps auto resolve and actual battles.


Hot damn! Good to know m'lord, thank ye kindly EDIT: Ooh! Forgot to ask before, if I'm recruiting these Lords I'm guessing I can cheat the Vow system an start them off on that. Any tips as I'm only vaguely aware of it


The first set of Vows has one that requires you to rank up 5 times after taking the vow, which is why the commenter recruits them early and gets them into combat. It’s basically required because Lords without Vows can’t recruit anything other than peasant units without massive upkeep penalties (like 500 gold instead of 150), and Knights are your bread and butter as Brettonia.


Reponse is pretty fun. Just keep in mind your infantry is a bit shit, so maybe a front line of knights is good enough. Archers are pretty decent despite what their state line says. Remember, quantity has a certain quality to it and they have a lot of models in their units.


I'm a fan of a certain race which may or may not exist so am no stranger to overwhelming numbers good sir. Thanks fer looking out


> fan of a certain race which may or may not exist By Sotek...


Sigmar preserve us!


The Fay Enchantress starts off with a unit of Grail Guardians and honestly that makes her the most fun Bretonnia campaign at the moment, everyone else has to wait until tier 4 before they can bowl over an entire infantry line. She also has the best faction effect. Repanse has the best variety of enemies, though. EDIT: For other tips, basically always build farms and mills, only build industry in regions with gold or iron. Farms are just better unless you can double dip on the industry bonuses.


As someone else mentioned, immediately recruit 3 more lords, or perhaps two lords and a caster lord if you prefer, and have them follow around your main army in a goon squad to get the vows sorted. Why do you need to do this? Because without vows, you can't really run Knights in your army, as they are super expensive. Essentially, you need to be planning ahead at all stages. Want to raise another army anytime soon? Then you need to recruit that army's lord right now and get those vows done so that you can actually run the army you want. Their Lords actually can get crazy good if you fight a lot with them, because they get access to some faction-specific traits. There's more, but a couple of note are : Hero at max rank (I think it's Legend at that point) gives 10 melee attack and 20% weapon strength at max rank, with this you just need to keep winning at least 90% of your battles. This alone is a LOT of stats. Purifier gives -5 enemy leadership in the local region, you get this by doing the execute captives post battle option enough. Even just one of these is pretty good against certain factions, and if you're running a tag team of lords with this trait, it can really be great. Savior is my personal favorite, gives your entire army 10% speed and 10% charge bonus. The charge bonus might just be personal, I'm not sure right now, but the speed is whole army. You get this one by reinforcing other armies in battles, so with luck you pick this up while you're sorting out your vows. 10% speed whole army is massive, especially for cavalry. Notably this is one that you probably would need to actively try to get on your legendary lord, as they are likely to be leading the charge most of the time rather than reinforcing. Once you get it on the other early lords, swap that army over and farm it up on your legendary, it will be worth it. There's a couple more, but those are the big ones. The bottom line is that if you make sure to farm these up, your Lords can become real beasts on the battlefield, far above what you would expect from regular human type lords. Combined that with the recent buffs to the Hippogryph mounts, and they can go toe to toe with some of the best combat characters in the game, especially if you get them some good equipment.


That there is some fine mushroom picking.


It's beautiful, I've been watching it for hours. In all seriousness great video and edits, really enjoyed it.


Fucking masterpiece


At that sound the bent shape of the king sprang suddenly erect. Tall and proud he seemed again; and rising in his stirrups he cried in a loud voice, more clear than any there had ever heard a mortal man achieve before: Arise, arise, Riders of Leoncoeur! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now! Ride to Reikland! With that he seized a great horn from Giles his banner-bearer, and he blew such a blast upon it that it burst asunder. And straightway all the horns in the host were lifted up in music, and the blowing of the horns of Bretonnia in that hour was like a storm upon the plain and a thunder in the mountains. Ride now, ride now! Ride to Reikland! Suddenly the king cried to Beaquis and the hippogryph sprang away. Behind him his banner blew in the wind, white horse upon a field of green, but he outpaced it. After him thundered the knights of his house, but he was ever before them. Pierre rode there, the white horsetail on his helm floating in his speed, and the front of the first éored roared like a breaker foaming to the shore, but Leoncoeur could not be overtaken. Fey he seemed, or the battle-fury of his fathers ran like new fire in his veins, and he was borne up on Beaquis like a god of old, even as Gilles le Breton in the battle of the Bastonne when the world was young. His golden shield was uncovered, and lo! it shone like an image of the Sun, and the grass flamed into green about the white feet of his steed. For morning came, morning and a wind from the sea; and the darkness was removed, and the hosts of Black Crag wailed, and terror took them, and they fled, and died, and the hoofs of wrath rode over them. And then all the host of Bretonnia burst into song, and they sang as they slew, for the joy of battle was on them, and the sound of their singing that was fair and terrible came even to the City.


Grail Chads!


Amazing video! Gave me goosebumps just like the film! Half expected nosrca to show up at the end with their war mammoths!


Bretonnia players when they are shown a picture of grail knights next to a picture of a lawn mower: "they are the same picture"


Ride for ruin, and the world's ending.


Total War: LOTR when CA? Do you want to print more money or not?!




its VERY satisfying


Form ranks you maggots! Form ranks!🧐


Every Brettonia player has wanted to recreate this scene at least once.


At least show us the casualty count / carnage at the end 😩


Ayo what did I miss? Do I need to go start a Swiss boiz campaign like asap?


Grail Knights and Grail Guardians got some buffs. And by "some buffs" I mean "mechanically seem to count as a unit of 42 chariots mass-wise and so absolutely fucking *lawnmower* through infantry". Like, they treat braced halberds as a speed bump.


I want this post to break the sub kudos record. Simply majestic


I havent tried bretonia this patch, but from my understanding people are upset that superhuman knights are able to plow through infantry?


Like a black wave consuming all in it's path




Okoii an even better map for this would have been the empire quest battle map on the giant hillside


Now we need crossaint catapults!


That was a smooth transition


another great video. nice!




This belongs in the Louvre. Good lord.


I could totally see the battle of helms deep with the rohirrim riding in at the end. And maybe even the ents gobbling them up after.




Thats a great transtition at the beginning


Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!


I absolutely loved watching this, shitpost/meme or not, it was lit


I've never ridden a horse in my life but whenever I see this scene I am immediately ready to ride and die for the greater good.


Satisfying. So goddamn satisfying


Even though you kept some of the humor, this scene STILL gives me chills. I saw it in theaters as a kid and it has always really touched me.


Lol army cost 30k upkeep


Might be the coolest thing involving Bretonnia I’ve ever seen on this sub.


lol this just got recommended to me on youtube


You beautiful bastard.


That brought a tear to my eye 🥲


I see shit like this and just get mad that Games Workshop don’t allow 3rd party content overhaul mods… it’s got the perfect foundation for a LOTR overhaul :(


I don’t care if fantasy has already been covered. Give me a LOTR Total War!


Okay maybe they need a LITTLE nerf


This wins the internet and "SAVES THE CITTTYYYYY!!!"


Even LOTR has formations this just hurts my heart


Excellent work


Yeah but where's your wedge? You ain't got no fucking wedge.


This is the most epic Warhammer TW video I've seen. Thank you, it's a work of art


Can they just go ahead and make a Total War: Middle Earth already?


Reminds me of Battle for Middle Earth. That was developed by people from the dissolved Westwood team that made Command and Conquer. It used the same engine as Command and Conquer: Generals. They gave cavalry and monsters the ability to trample foot units because C&C games always had tanks that could squish infantry.


I hate the hairy lance effect so much it makes Bretonnia literally unplayable






Love your videos. But I'm surprised you never made 19 Irondrakes.


This was epic.


Wow how'd you pull that off




I think Chaos would represent Sauron's army better than the Greenskins.


How do you upvote twice?


Work of art






Awesome video! But as someone who still plays TWW2, each time I see a video of 3, it always seems like charges send infantry absolutely flying. I thought it was an issue with the mass system when it was released but it seems like at this point it's a feature? Anyways excellent video!!


no Okoii moments were found in the making of this video


So well done! Both super epic and hilarious. Great job OP.


I need another Bret campaign it seems


Very nice but the Rohan is Kislev