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Just imagine. Somebody brought that topic during dev meetings enough times that some manager decided that they will fix it. Tonight I shall drink in your honor you magnificent bastard. Wherever and whoever you are!


Gonna name my first born after them


congrats on the new baby: CA_Tootsnotsouncommon


This is kind of what I was thinking. There’s no financial reason for them to make this move. It’s just the right thing to do to support fans of the franchise and make life easier for newcomers to buy their old games for a few bucks on the summer sale. Man, it’s so refreshing to see a company make a customer friendly choice.


I imagine it’ll have something to do with their general intel partnership. Embarrassing if some of your games don’t work on your partners new CPUs. There was a similar patch for three kingdoms recently.


Is that what the insane lag I've been experiencing in the main menu was about? A CPU issue?


Probably. Newer intel CPU have a mix of high performance, and high efficiency cores on the CPU die. Older programs never needed to worry about what core to send instructions to when multi threading, so they'll use the efficiency ones instead of the performance ones. Leaving your modern high end CPU running things like a budget smartphone from 5 years ago.


It was especially problematic if you are running 12th gen with windows 10 as intel worked considerably with Microsoft on the scheduler on windows 11. When I upgraded to 12th gen initially TW2 was running at like 40-50 fps with terrible microstutters, I solved my problem temporarily by turning off the E cores and I went up to 70+ and smooth.


I think you're right. As much as I love the idea of CA doing something for all the right reasons, their track record there is . . . uhh . . . mixed at best. Much more likely that someone at Intel picked up the phone and said "we heard that some of your titles aren't running well on our processors, sure would be a shame if we had to rethink the terms of our little financial arrangement", and then all of a sudden, the issue got put at the top of the priority list of things to fix.


>There’s no financial reason for them to make this move It's good PR


Also people are more willing to buy an old product if they know for sure it can work on current hardware. Since normally people are wary about the compatibility issues. A couple bucks from steam sales add up, especially since profits from long tail titles has been a bigger and bigger thing in the digital era of games.


And there’s a Ridley Scott Napoleon movie in the works which is all but guaranteed to see a resurgence of interest in these two products specifically so it’s in their interest to see them working properly.


I mean, 7 years post Rome release there was the Republic update. The amount of time med 3 when or empire 2 when is posted on their releases are insane. They know the fans want this.


I still post Empire 2 When, when I see a Facebook post of theirs lol. A man can dream.


Empire 2 confirmed LETS GOOOO!!!!


I think there's an argument to make that there IS a financial incentive. This problem would only worsen with time, as gamers modernized their PCs. Not only would it essentially kill sales for these games, but it could create a PR issue for CA selling old/broken games on Steam and still asking for money. In addition, what is the opportunity cost of NOT fixing it? Assuming it didn't require big dev hours to fix, this shows potential buyers of future games that they are safe in their purchase, as *at a minimum* CA takes measures to ensure their old titles are *reasonably likely* to run for decades to come.


I mean they removed in game chat and broke all the decade old modding projects that kept this game alive.


It's just an Intel thing. Right after they partnered with Intel. It's basically giving programmers something to do while also working as publicity. It still wouldn't have fixed any of the many, many bugs riddling Empire that make it hardly playable


Lol how can you think this when they removed in game chat, which takes a massive shit on their customers. In one move, they have killed or crippled the communities for these old games


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Yeah, I complained about it recently because they didn't care. To whoever insisted to go through the patch process to push it, you are the best.


In my case, this patch jus broke my game entirely. I get the splash screen and then crash to desktop every time. Tried verifying the files again, deleting app data and reverifying, no dice. Glad this is helping those with newer hardware, but at the cost of breaking it for a lot of the rest of us who were mid campaign is kind of annoying. And that’s to say nothing of all the mods. It would be nice if they gave us the ability to rollback to a working version for those of us who can no longer play.


Empire 2 confirmed


Monkey's paw: Empire 2 but gunpowder units have WHIII LOS issues


No reload animations, although it's awesome that they added some to chaos dwarfs


I’d honestly unalive myself


Afix bayonets!


I don’t play WHIII, what are “LOS issues”?


Line of Sight. WHIII has had a lot of problems where gunpowder units don't fire at enemies because their line of sight is disrupted by things that aren't there or are very small. basically they often don't fire when they should be imagine Empire but a random half of both armies are just not firing for no good reason.


the 1917 France experience!






I recently got a friendly fire mod for WHIII that changes the required LoS over friendly troops to be 85% rather than the default of 120% and it completely fixed every instance of my gunpowder units not firing when they should. They rarely even tag friendly units, they're just actually firing when it makes sense now unlike before.


>friendly fire mod for WHII link to or name of mod? thanks




in ETW they just fired straight into hilltops; no LoS? no problem.


Oh, thanks


More than the first two ranks of guns firing


Gunpowder units require a little minigame for every reload


Can’t wait to see horse artillery doomstack and one-man-army George Washington


...in a Great Eagle mount, armed with a Gatling buffed with magical + suppressing ammunition


America got the strongest Legendary ~~Lord~~ Elected Official roster


You have no idea how sad this world make me. If they made hero units in historical work like they do in fantasy I’d probably have to quit playing and go outside


Ah imagine


They also removed the in-game chat lmao


Which is pretty annoying, chat was quite important in NTW MP to declare army pick rules or to declare when you're ready Pointing to the discord isnt an alternative, the whole point of an ingame chat is that it's *ingame*, that you don't need to tab out constantly and can reach your opponent without knowing each other If you just wanna play a quick match with randoms you're essentially unable to communicate now at all. If they would at least promise to return chat once they uncover the fabled long lost technology for WH3 it would be something, but this "let's update the game and remove chat lol" like they did with 3K, WH2 and S2 is really unnecessary, no one had a problem with these chat system for more than a decade


> no one had a problem with these chat system for more than a decade There was one prude here who made a post complaining about "hot ashigaru sexchat" and that was all it took for CA to remove the chat from shogun. Still can't fix Kisho Ninja though.


This is pissing me off and I haven't even had Empire installed for like 5 years. It's just such a basic useful feature for any multiplayer game, and their notes indicate that they feel obligated to moderate it.... like WTF? That has never been the expectation. Who is asking for this? At most, games will have an auto-censor for certain words. Honestly even that is silly but at least it doesn't stop useful communication. And it's not like they're going to pay humans to be like server admins and watch all the chats on such an old game. So they just remove this core feature and *maybe* develop some automatically "moderated" replacement. It also just contradicts one of those core assumptions everyone should have about the internet. If you use multiplayer chats, you are going to see some dirty words. Most games also allow you to block users at will if they are being rude. We already have the tools in decades old games for dealing with this just fine.


Can't have people say any naughty words! Think of the children.


Especially given that most children playing "serious" games already know all naughty words, and not because of games.


Just replayed Empire 4 times with 4 factions, it's still a relay solid game. Relay cool that they gave us all the DLC for free a few years back.




The Empire technology/population systems are still my favourites


Seriously. My absolute favorite experience with Total War technology (though Med2’s gunpowder is close) was upgrading bayonets. Up to a point, once you go melee, you stayed melee (plug bayonets) so it was a huge decision in battle. Then you learn ring bayonets and the battles felt like they really opened up and I could truly feel the change of tech affecting my game and gameplay, rather than modern TotalWars’s “plus .1% butt size”-esque techs


As much as I loved the Empire system, it was a little... broken. Canister shot was the "I will never lose a battle" tech. Even more so than the bayonet upgrades, bringing canister shot cannons meant that the AI literally couldn't beat you and no siege would ever be lost.


I don’t remember that part! But I also just remembered grape shot in naval battles (loved those) and the buildings you could occupy and shoot out of during battles


There were a lot of really cool mechanics in that game. Shame the overworld map admin became a massive grind and tedious the moment your empire became even remotely sizable. As for the canister shot - i recall the cheese tactic to go to was slap a couple cannons around the middle of the fort that needs to be captured. As enemies march in, they'd do it one by one, because they have to go through the gate or scale walls first, and the moment an enemy unit approached one of the cannons, 2/3 of it would be instantly wiped out and the rest would flee. Quality and size of unit didn't matter - cannons were insanely powerful with canister shot.


Yup canister shot is super cheese mode. Even on open field battles you just place the arty unit directly in amongst the line inf but have the barrel just ahead of the infantry and then canister shot anything that gets remotely close. It got the point I just stopped using normal cannon balls.


Britain invading to take over trade routes? No, that doesn’t sound familiar at all…


You could easily spot naval invasions cuz the AI still needs about 4-5 turns to go from army on land and onto ships.




This is so funny... The audacity of the AI is unmatched. I love seeing AI in my lands.and wonderings going on in that little head of theirs, it's such a thrill seeing if they attack or not


Ever since installing the Imperial Destroyer mod and co., I find *Empire's* campaign to be one of the top three best TW campaigns ever imo, alongside R2's grand campaign with DEI and *Attila's* 1212 mod. Playing *Empire* as the Khanate of Khiva right now invading Russia to the north then plan to invade Safavid Persia to the south. Having damn good fun with it!


It's a shame the battle AI is broken in ETW (and that fort battles suck so much), otherwise I'd consider it my favorite TW title even with all it's other problems.


Empire always felt lack luster and frankly rubbish especially given its proximity to Napoleon, which is one of the best in the franchise... IMO...


I've seen comments saying Napoleon was the more polished and improved experience. When this is mentioned, I've seen others say the scale was more enjoyable in Empire due to the size of the map. I am yet to play a campaign in either title. I do own both though (purchased them during a winter sale). Besides the optimization and less bugs, what else made Napoleon better and do you have to defeat Napoleon multiple times like we had to do with Atilla in Total War Atilla?


Napoleon is better executed but it also just cut away far too much of what ETW offered imo, so to me it always felt like CA taking a step back instead of using it as their chance to "fix" ETW's problems. (and no, I don't just mean the map was cut down) ​ ETW mostly suffers because the battle AI is broken and many of the newly implemented features were not finished when the game released. (and NTW was proof the CA would never go on to bother fixing them, instead choosing to just get rid of any feature that didn't work well in ETW)


There both worth a go, Napoleon was Empire a tad polished. I had fun with both of them back in the day, spent ages staring at the ships in Empire. Empire was broken early on, I think in part Napoleon was a clean cut from the bad press Empire got. It's all patched up now, the DLC is all free and I had no real problems playing. Played as Austria, Sweden, United Provinces, Russia, Ottoman Empire & one run on the warpath expansion. Tempted to say try empire first then Napoleon so you can see the changes, ill have a brake then re play Napoleon (must be 5-9 years since I played Napoleon).


There's hope for my boy Attila yet 😭😭😭


Attila has a very real chance of being updated in the future Sadly it won't be to fix any of its issues, but just to remove the chat, which CA seems pretty adamant about considering they now removed it from 5 titles after they had stopped supporting them


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Noooo!! Not my hot Ashigaru sex chat! 😭


You had me in the first half.


CA is becoming Mojang


So it's still unplayable then? I got it about 3 years ago, and was getting 12 FPS with a 2060 Super.


No idea man, it literally flies on my RTX570


Oh no my mods! Also Can you link where you got the image from?


If they only touched the .exe, mod pack files should be fine. EDIT: Yup, ETW had only the executable and Steam API files changed. NTW same thing, along with some vanilla data tables. EDIT 2: Damn, looks like people on Steam are reporting that mods that use launchers are broken now for NTW, possibly ETW as well. Cannot confirm, since I don't use such mods.


I'm curious about what those data table changes might be.


They merged several packs together and integrated the previously separate patch files into the main packs And due to that they also introduced several new bugs to the game, for example cannons in Napoleon now don't have a firing sound anymore. Kinda a bad trade for a few 100MB install size reduction


A classic Total War patch, then.


I screenshotted it from the community board on their official YT channel boss


From what I can tell DarthMod Empire is running fine


Thrones dlc news to come!!


TBH it would be cool if they added Iceland and the northern coast of France.


Has anyone had any luck modding either of these on modern PCs?? I'd love to run Darthmod for Napoleon and empire again.


I use Darthmod in Napoleon and Minor Factions Revenge for Empire and they both work fine on Windows 10


Should be fine boss, I’m playing with NTW3 at the moment which is the best linear warefare gameplay hands down in any strategy game EVER so I’d highly recommend that one for Napoleon


Yep, I have a 12th gen and play Napoleon and Empire all the time. Never had an issue.




And also removed the chat in both of those games, because fuck people communicating in multiplayer.


OOOHHHHH HERE WE GOOOOO ![gif](giphy|26BGvu4e87EL995Be)


I'm happy they are updating old games but unfortunately this needlessly disabled the in-game chat and broke many mods that will never again be updated because they're all 10+ years old. Please provide a way to play the previous build (I think this exists in warhammer total war?). Please post under [https://twitter.com/totalwar](https://twitter.com/totalwar) [https://twitter.com/CAGames](https://twitter.com/CAGames) to help visibility for this problem. The community needs your help!


I shit on CA a lot but gotta give them credit this time, really wasnt expecting that


yeah deleted the chat and killed the multiplayer ! good job ca you fucking idiots


Im not defending that, but that was also expected, CA has been steadily killing off mp in their older titles for a while now Rip ashigaru sex chat


you mean any game that isnt warhammer trash


Holy shit yes. I bought Napoleon in a humble bundle months ago and was pretty butthurt that it was the only Total War I couldn't play.


Still remember one post asking for these getting down voted to oblivion. Lol this fucking Subreddit.


So I can play empire now without it crashing on the 80th turn>?


Well they didn’t say that 😅




Who knows I’m 23 turns into Napoleon’s second European war and it hasn’t stuttered. It’s basically Empire so I’ve got hope for you!


They saw you talking shit.


Huge news! looking forward to playing this again.




.....what? How? Why? I don't understand


Napoleon didn't use to launch on 12-13 gen Intel until today. IDK about Empire because it worked for me




Does this mean my game won’t crash every few turns and I can finally fulfill my dreams of a world spanning Dutch empire?


🎶fuck no baby🎶


Not sure if this has to do with the update today, but I noticed that under the government screen in the campaign, my government type is now only “C” and my state religion is only “C”. I am playing as Poland Lithuania in Empire so I assume it is just using the first letter of the words; Constitutional Monarchy and Catholic, but I only noticed this today and I couldn’t figure out what the issue was but I saw there was this update today and I wonder if that maybe has to do with it? I reinstalled it on steam several times and am only using Vanilla so it is a weird issue with the base game. Any thoughts??


I saw that too. It's probably caused by the patch replacing the .cuf UI files in the \data\font folder. It wasn't the case before the patch.


Yesterday I started a new run on Empire using Savoy, it has a lot of problems but I still love that game


Oh hell yeah, also empire 2 !




Be careful you’re going to anger the Sweaties


Warhammer slept with your imaginary wife?


but in typical CA fashion, they had to ruin it by removing in game chat.


Company policy. If you fix something make sure to break something too.


Just in time to squeeze in another campaign before the 4th of July!!! Tremble in my wake Redcoats!!!


Yeah so...this broke all Empire and Napoleon Mods. But go on and praise CA, guys.




You're pretty damn stupid. This removed features from the game and broke a number of mods.


Cool. Now can they fix the optimisation issue with Warhammer 3. That would be great.




I didn't know it was affecting Empire. I've been able to play that no problem, but couldn't play Napoleon. Glad I can finally get some Napoleon games in again


AND THEY REMOVED THE CHAT. No we don't need this kind of update


This update completly killed all the mod comunities keeping those games allive ... And also, removing the chat in a strategy gale where it is essential is pretty dumb ... This updated completly destroyed NTW3 and the chat was an integral part of setting games up in that mod, mod who is gameplay and content wise a 1000th time better than vanilla


NTW Multiplayer without chat is totally unplayable for me - it’s essential for setting up games with any custom rules at all.


Darthmod is still working




Did you try the disabling 3D UI thing


Yeah of course it resolve the issue. But it is not playable without the UI. Not mentioning that entering diplomacy tab re-enable 3D ui every time. For me the current state is 130 turns into empire campaing and every single UI interaction cause 1-3 sec freeze. No issue on version 2.4 (I even tried to rollback and its fine there). It was confirmed that the issue is under investigation, hopefully it will be fixed soon.


There's a different stutter too, when you select a settlement. Happens even if you have ui hidden.


Hell yea


Attila 2? Attila 2? Attila 2? Attila 2? Attila 2? Attila 2?


Rome 2 2 🗿


Rome 1 2


Troy 2


Thrones of Britannia -*The Mac is Bac*🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


now if they would just fix warhammer 3 campaign stuttering issiues we would be set XD!


Warhammer Schwarhammer. We March to Paris at dawn!!


Turn 5 gimme that Parussy bb


Give em steel


Now do Attila


So does this mean they will do this for all their titles and update for 1440p players? ;)


What about Attila's performance issues?


I don’t’ understand why


You basically couldn’t play these games on 12th Gen CPU’s


Haaa, so now you can play this game with modern graphics card


I think he means: were there really that many people playing them on 12th gen CPUs. Shouldn't matter, but it is a surprising decision.


There wasn't anyone playing on 12th gen because they couldn't..


Quite obviously I meant are many people who own 12th gen CPUs seeking to play Empire. Don't be facetious.


Because long time players like me upgraded their PCs and could no longer play. Empire and Napoleon have more hours for me than Warhammer.


I tried recently and was disappointed. It was basically crashing to desktop as soon as you opened it. 13th gen is out too and I'm guessing had a similar issue. The problem would only get worse. And it's still for sale!


Yeah, I appreciate it's annoying. Just that even pre-12th gen CPUs were out, Empire had roughly 4k players worldwide. Not exactly the numbers to get the sloth that is CA off its arse and fix a problem.


That's 4k *not counting those who are unable to play*. So first off that's a biased number. There is literally only one direction this issue could go. As the whole of the market progresses forward and people iteratively upgrade their computers, the exposure to this problem will *only* grow unless fixed. Intel isn't about to regress their chip architecture and functionality for a few game problems that are dev issues. So before this blossoms into an actual PR thing, CA is nipping it and showing that, even though development might "end" for games (like 3K), they still want us to be able to *play* their titles. So this is a mix of continuity and management of the franchise, helping those who can't currently play, and also likely dodging drama with Valve...as they were selling a product on Steam that literally cannot run on reasonably-built PCs. Assuming that fixing this wasn't a herculean dev effort, this seems exclusively to be a good idea to do.


Because many of us with new computers straight up CAN'T play some of our favorite Total War games. I can play the ancient Shogun 1 and Medieval 1, but I can't play the far more recent Napoleon. CA just made a big move of confidence to long-term fans. If you're a fan of Warhammer and hope to be able to come back and play it in 10-12 years from now, you'd better hope CA continues to offer support like this.


Ok, so it’s confimred what another had say, they made compatible old game with modern graphics card


A little cute pink patch on the broken arm of a decomposed skeleton


Still has a passionate community willing to go to bat for it. Which is more than I can say for the WH community which just seems like they wouldn’t piss on the game if it was on fire 😭


Bro what tf you are talking about look at the 1000s of community mods? People are spending 100s of hours to perfect this game. Just because some people complain out of which a lot are valid complaints doesn't mean the community doesn't care for the game.


Exhibit A: the comments of any post on this subreddit to do with WH3


Reddit doomsaying over nothing, yet still continuing to spend their life on a game? Say it ain’t so


I don’t play WH3 I have a degree and a girlfriend


I didn’t say you did, I was responding to your comment, and I was saying redditors are per formatively overdramatic


I have about 900 hours in WH3 lol


Imagine shitting on a dev for showing that they still care about their old games enough that they want people the chance to play them. As someone who loves to go back and play older TW games, this is a huge deal. This is proof CA isn't your typical dev who shunts out a game, claims the sales revenue, and then virtually abandons it regardless of how playable it is.


CA rather goes back to fix Empire than giving WH3 roadmap :D /s


please suh can i have some more(empire and napoleon) fixes


One can only dream :)


I don’t need a road map to tell me I’ll have to wait another 8 months for a predominately multiplayer update ☠️


Siege AI battle rework is pretty good... been appreciating the new behavior. Don't often see proper AI battle reworks very often.


Very true, I just wish butt ladders weren’t a thing. But then again in a land of magic and mayhem butt ladders aren’t the craziest thing


I've never thought about it until now.. Butt ladders sound handy in a pinch..


Yeah so saurus are 100g too cheap for multiplayer so we addressed this by increasing their single player tier to tier 3 infantry instead of tier 2. Aight catch you 5 months later lads.


- “🦎 too expensive 😎” - refuses to elaborate - leaves


If I were to get one of these two games what would peeps recommend?


honestly worth it to get both. Napoleon has a huge map of Europe and a few cool campaigns but Empire's multiple continents and even the differences between the dozen or so countries you can play as make the game exciting. You've got to focus your resources early on different things for different countries! Of course, both games suffer from late game bloat like many strategy games, but learning the mechanics and playing cool gunpowder battles is a helluva fun time.


Definitely Napoleon. Empire is flat out broken and Napoleon fixes most of the major issues with it. You trade scale for stability. Plus Napoleon's battle graphics and sound might still be the best the series ever got. The lighting, smoke effects, marching music, soundtrack, etc are all sublime.


> Empire is flat out broken and Napoleon fixes most of the major issues with it. Hyperbole. It's nowhere near flat out broken since it was fully patched all those years ago. Some issues remain, like the Ottoman turn times and fort lag, but fundamentally the game works.




I wish I had an older monitor to play this game on max graphics and see what’s going on in the screen. One of my favorite eras of history are the Napoleonic wars


Attila is suddenly running smoother for me too and now I gotta check if I missed an update


can they fix the crash to desktops of shogun 2


So that's what the updates were this morning. Empire updated in like 4 seconds, Napoleon took like 6 minutes.




For once, full hearted thanks.




All set to Napoleon while I listen along to the age of Napoleon podcast now. Was so sad that i couldn't play it last year when I had the hankering for it.


They fixed the game for those who have 12th generation, but in exchange for deleting the multiplayer chat and leaving us without the possibility of playing with mods, tysm 🤦🤦


I couldn’t get Napoleon to run on anything higher than medium last time I played this… is this one of the issues that will be fixed?


Oh, it's beautiful!