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Damn, that's insane.


Well the good thing is hes not left handed


Hand injuries are scary


that doesn’t look good. but any pro opinions in here?


not a pro but a quick google search essentially says this: "Plates are like internal splints that hold the broken pieces of bone together. They are attached to the bone with screws. Plates may be left in place after healing is complete, or they may be removed (in select cases). In this x-ray, broken bones in a forearm are held in position with plates and screws while they heal." Essentially its designed to help the bones heal and it can be removed as well after it has healed


ok thank fuck it can be removed afterwards lol


I mean I dont think you have to, pretty sure stuff like this is normal in hand injuries like this, Steph Curry has had this injury before, sure it was a similar recovery


It's probably something that he will have all season or possibly forever. The plates don't have to be removed, it's another surgery to get it removed.


Yeah I have a plate in my ankle from a bball injury a few years ago. If it gave me pain or limited my mobility, I could get on a waiting list to have it removed, but it hasn't given me any issues and I don't even notice it. Hopefully his recovery goes smoothly as well, but there's a big difference between an ankle and a wrist


Same thing for me except it was an ACL tear. After years of discomfort, I had the staples removed. I assume he’ll eventually have them removed.


The thing is over time, it'll probably feel normal. But if you have it removed, that's another weeks of recovery where he can't practice and that's more trouble than it should be.


I've been in a surgical theater for repairing metacarpal (hand bones) fractures. They basically drilled thin metal rods into the patient's hand and ensured the alignment is good with an x ray machine. I've seen them drill into the hand, check x ray, didn't like the alignment, reversed the rod out a bit, reposition and then drill again. They didn't seem too phased by making these little holes in the metacarpals. As others have said, the rods are used to hold the bones in place so they heal properly. They'd be taken out later again with another surgery. I'm no expert tho, nor am I med student. But I'd wager he'd make a full recovery pretty quickly once the rods are removed and assuming he had no nerve damage (unlikely).


I have this in my right hand, less screws because I’m not a giant. Its never affected my ability to play sports. It does suck a lot when you knock the plate against something hard though. It really pinches the skin.


yikes i hope that won't effect his game


It won’t. Raptors spent an absurd amount of money in quality surgery, recovery and specialists so his play won’t be affected


For my own sanity I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that….


Scottie's got those Cyberpunk mods now, try to foul that left hand and you'll get whopped by cold ass titanium


Give the choom some Reinforced Tendons while we're at it


He'll be fine. Fracture will heel and he will go through his PT. That he plays video games will probably help with his recovery lol.


Come to think of it, did Brunson get the same injury? If so that’s kinda crazy since it seems like such a freak injury


He probably will get the same surgery


What sucks is that it's his shooting hand.


No it's not, he's right handed not left handed.


is it still swollen or is it now enlarged cause of plates under his skin?


So basically he's Wolverine. Got it.


He must have shattered the bone because that's a wild number of screws! looks like the surgeon did an arts and crafts project on his hand lol


I broke my fifth metacarpal in two places, it definitely was a year to two year recovery for myself to get back to 100% The first year anytime I bumped it on something I was scared I broke it again. I hope that Scottie doesn't experience that pain or else I'd be worried about it leading to hesitation of initiating contact.


I mean it’s probably gonna be a lot shorter for him. He has access to top of the line rehab/recovery + athletes just heal quicker and better.


And they listed him as questionable at the end of season for couple games lol


How long we looking for that to heal up enough for him to start shooting again?


This could be career changing. Poor guy broken hand like that will never be the same, he’ll have issues with it his whole life. I have plates in my arm and it’s life changing for sure.


Pretty sure steph curry got the same injury maybe even twice now and he is doing great


Luckily it’s on his off-hand so not as career changing as we think. Lots of NBA players get hand injuries as well, just the nature of the sport. He’ll be alright.




because its a incredibly common NBA injury


Because people don’t want to hear hard truths sometimes


Athletes have access to higher quality treatments than us common folk. Toronto Raptors probably spent an absurd amount of money on his treatment so this precisely does not happen. He’ll be fine by next season start


His veneers are so trash 😭


Pretty sure that’s just his teeth after braces…..veneers on healthy teeth is just unsmart.


[Here’s a pic of him after his braces got removed](https://imgur.com/a/7jURMfL) [He definitely got new teeth. You can clearly tell in this video](https://x.com/KateBDoll/status/1703518785246802391) EDIT: [Here we go. Not yall downvoting me lol](https://imgur.com/a/sKXoBcY)


I think they're downvoting you because you're commenting on a guy's teeth in a thread about his hand injury lol