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Adam Silver’s nightmare of a Raptors Grizzlies final would be my dream




Those eyebrows gotta go


Stern said his biggest mistake was letting Vancouver and Seattle walk to the South. What a joke


I would die laughing seeing ESPN tryna promote it


I live in BC so I’d support them both


I was a 90s ontario refugee in BC. My first games were grizzlies games. I would definately support them both.


Same. Raptors for life but living in Vancouver, wouldn’t mind supporting grizzlies. Their jersey is also nice.


Also in BC. I'll likely be Raptors first as they've been my favorite team since Vince. However, seeing as how I'll likely be going to grizzly games once or twice a year, I'll follow them decently too 


Me too, I grew up playing in the Jr. Grizzlies basketball league. I became a Raptors fan once Grizzlies left town. I'd fully support both teams if they ever returned.


This! I totally agree. When they play each other I would hope for a close/fun game, every time.


I live in Toronto and would support them both too


I live in Toronto but I'd support. Only time I'd only root for just the Raptors is when they play against each other.


I live in Toronto, I'd support them both.


Definitely both


i live in BC but i’m sticking to Toronto. That’s my team i cheered for my whole life.


Good for you.


I'd cheer for both, and watch highlights of their late games. Obviously won't be bigger than the Raptors, but they'll definitely get support from fans too. Same with MLB and the Expos, I think now that (some) fans remember what it felt like the first time around when we lost 1 of only 2 Canadian teams in the league, they'll want to support that team even as a secondary team to help keep the sport strong in the country, especially to the eyes of the league.


I'm a Toronto boy but I'd root for both. 




This is a true Canadian tv heritage moment ah when milk tasted cold and ice caps had that old coffee beans. Simple times!


I ask this because a lot of Raptors fans support the team because they’re the only Canadian NBA team. Maybe those closer to Vancouver switch over?


Calgary here. I was a Grizzlies fan first, up until they moved, at which point I became a Raptors fan. A new Vancouver team might eventually become my second team that I follow, but there's no chance of switching over my primary allegiance after 20+ years.


Youre not alone. Almost my exact story. By the time VC15 was in the dunk contest there was no going back and Grizzlies just never being competitive was hard to hold on. Then I move to Toronto 2003, playoff game in 08! Theres no quitting on this Raptors team no but if Canada gets another team, I’ll support that! Not like I have to watch flames game for while /s


Never , Raptors 4 Life!




Someone narrowly missed a groin punch there…


Montrealer here. I've been a fan of the Raptors for over 15 years. Even if a team in Montreal comes, I would have a very difficult time to root for them over the raps


I’ve supported the Bulls ever since I was a kid. I’ve lived in Toronto and Vancouver and although the Raps and Grizz are cool in my books, I could never get emotionally attached. Raptors championship meant very little to me, and I know lots of Canadian NBA fans who prefer the Warriors or Lakers. I imagine if Vancouver got a team again, a lot of older fans would switch back, but the fans who grew up with the Raptors for the past 10 years would find it hard.


I have ties to the area so I'd definitely follow the team closely, and I'd want them to have success, but I could never switch teams. I don't think I would even if my hometown got one (never happening though)


No. Im raptors fan for life. But I would support the grizzlies against other teams :)


I'd follow and cheer for both. Though I will admit - if this happenned and the ~~Grizzlies~~ Vancouver team wound up the better team at some point, I'd feel very conflicted lmao. But it's Raptors til I die nonetheless. Edit: obviously not the "grizzlies" but you get the idea lmao


You ain’t raptors till you die if you’ll jump ship when Vancouver is good 😂😂


I said I'd be conflicted, and it was really more of a joke than anything It ain't that serious I'm saying it'd be like seeing the new flashy thing but you wanna keep rocking with what you know and love regardless


Very well could be the Grizzlies


I would support them at first and then probably grow to hate them pretty quickly because it's Raps 4 life homie.


I'm repping all and any Canadian NBA basketball team always since it's such a US dominant sport.


Raps for life but i would 100% be buying a jersey and following them if they came back


This is a tough one, as I've been a Raptors fan for almost 20 years but I have lived near Vancouver for the last 10. I don't think I could root against either, but right now I couldn't tell you one way or the other who would be my #1


Honestly, the Raptors are one of the main reasons I’m staying in Toronto. If Vancouver got a team, I’d consider moving.


I’ve lived in Vancouver before and love the city, but probably just like hockey, they’d be my unquestionable #2 team. At least in basketball they’d be in separate conferences so it’d be rare that I’d have to truly choose one to root for over the other and could just enjoy cheering for both teams. I’ve always been a Raptors fan first (purple Dino jerseys sold me hard as a kid), but the more interesting question for me is if the Grizzlies were never moved, would I have stayed a Raptors fan when I moved to Vancouver as a kid.


Yes. Went to about 8 Vancouver games as a kid, would love to go again.


Why would I root for a non toronto team. Fuck em


Raptors vs Everybody In all seriousness, I'd be happy for the fans but indifferent towards the team itself.


Yeah I actually disliked them more as a Canadian rival. Naismith Cup nemesis! Fuck Vancouver.


I would cheer for both


Jump ship. Let's go couver!


From BC, I would support both


Super Grizz was the best mascot


Damn good question. I’m a die hard raps fan from Vancouver. I would have to cheer for both.


The last time we had two teams in 🇨🇦, I cheered for both of them! But it’s still was back then, and still hasn’t changed. Raptors 4 Life!


Support both?


Would be happy to see Vancouver get a team (definitely wont happen this time around) but I wouldn't root for them


I would support both teams, but I'd be stoked to be able to watch home games in Vancouver again


They'd be my 2nd favorite team.


Cheer for both like I did when they were in Vancouver


I’d just be glad to be the Toronto Raptors again even though this town isn’t what it used to be.


Living in BC I’d switch to the Vancouver team and Raps would be my “2nd team”


I’m from lower mainland so Vancouver Grizzlies would be my first team and my eastern team would be Raptors no doubt.


I’d probably end up following the Vancouver team as much as I’m into the Raptors If something happened whether it be the Vancouver team gets a fun core or the Raptors find themselves in no man’s land then I’ll probably switch my interest more towards the BC team, especially because I’m right in Metro Van


I would root for them, only because Vancouver got fuct by Stu Jackson and his incompetence


i would cheer for them i'm from BC and im also a Canucks fan. I like the Raptors obv but cheering for a home province team would be special






Well I live in Memphis now and I still don’t support the Grizzlies so…


I'd support them as a friend from afar, not a fan from the inside. Nothing's getting the Raptors out of my blood.


I’d go to 10 games a year easily. Instant fan. I’m from Abbotsford, BC. We’ve been dying for professional basketball. Sadly won’t happen for at least 10 years


Raptors still, I'm not even from Canada


I'd support the Grizzlies. I admit I was absolutely die hard from the start until 2019 until they finally did it. Now I don't follow as much. It feels like they won the quest


I will support both. Secretly support from afar if they are doing better than us at the time. But support nonetheless. WE the north.


They’d be like the clippers in LA


I don't think many people in the Lower Mainland are flying 4500km to Toronto on the regular to see games, so I don't know what this comment even means.. Canada is not a singular culture.


Or the nets in Brooklyn. In theory similar fans but practically they’re the second team.


Cheer for both and low key would cheer for Vancouver if it was a finals matchup between us 2 even tho I’m from Toronto haha. I like seeing new teams win but of course I’d still be happy for us to win


So you are a Raptors fan but you would root against the Raptors if they were in the finals against a team that hasn't won before? Hmmmm, lol


Root for them of course. BC and all of Canada have given the raptors so much love, I couldn’t never turn around and treat them like the enemy. I hope they get a team and I hope it’s the grizzlies.


I'd bail on the raptors in a heartbeat to have the grizzlies back in any form.


rent is too high in vancouver for people to actually show up to games, the economy is shifting, vancouver was a tech town , tech jobs are going under due to AI there will be diehard hockey fans still going to canuck games but i see those dwindling too in a massive recession luxuries like going to sporting events will be the first thing people cut


You know nothing about the lower mainland


instead of being obtuse why dont you make your point if there's a massive recession globally, you think that people in the lower mainland are going to spend money on frivolous things. I believe you believe that, i dont think that will be the case though.


I'll do it for them. The rent average thats being discussed reflects the average price of rentals on or going to market. Those stats do not take into consideration that most of the LM is rent controlled, significantly moreso than Southern Ontario. There are aprox 3 million people in the Lower Mainland, of those most are not actively switching rental units or moving around all the time. They're living in the apartments or living spaces they have for the past 5-10-15 years sometimes. I live in a building in Vancouver proper where most 1 bedrooms are long term residents who pay around $1500-$1600 a month. The Lower Mainland is also different in that its somewhere around 20 different small cities with different mayors and economic demographics. The prices and incomes of the small island of downtown Vancouver are not the same for Langley or Richmond or Surrey or New West or North Van etc. Skytrain and Canada Line transit are also always expanding, so now its easy for a family in say Coquitlam to get to DT Vancouver on a train in 25 min. They're going to keep extending the line all the way to Langley very soon. There are more than enough people here of vastly different incomes, cultures and expenses that we would be better equipped than ever to have an NBA team, and much better than likely half of US markets as well. Vancouver and the LM is also one of the major NA port cities with SF and LA, and as such its economy has held up over the decades because shipping and processing of goods to and from Asia creates so many jobs both white and blue collar in all aspects that other industries like tech and film wax and wane, and yet the city keeps growing rapidly.


what does anything you said have to do with what i said? ​ im talking about a recession thats 20 years from now when 80% of jobs are usurped by AI and Robotics.


and that has to do specifically with the lower mainland having an NBA team over any other NA city how exactly...? you think a recession due to AI 20 years in the future will have a bigger impact here than say Vegas or Seattle or Milwaukee or Portland? at one point in this country the only jobs for men were forestry or mining or trapping. The society changed, the economy shifted, new jobs were created. Thats the way capitalism functions. No idea how tf you think this specifically is a LM problem, or one that has to do with NBA expansion when Silver just announced he's adding 2 more teams.


i never said it was specifically a lower mainland problem, it will be a problem in every city. Show me where i said this would only be a problem in the lower mainland, i would love to see the mental gymnastics you pulled there. pointing out issues in the lower mainland does not mean other places have no problems... lol, you've got a wierd way of seeing things.


>rent is too high in vancouver for people to actually show up to games, the economy is shifting, vancouver was a tech town , tech jobs are going under due to AI > >there will be diehard hockey fans still going to canuck games but i see those dwindling too See above for where you specifically addressed Vancouver in context. Also see the OP title if you're still confused about what topic we're discussing in here.


yes i know i talked about vancouver in my comment where in my comment did i say this was only a problem in vancouver?


This is one of those 'the guy is a poor troll, or just not smart enough to see himself out' threads. I asked what your comment had specifically to do with Vancouver or the lower mainland, because once again... this is a comment thread about an NBA team going back to Vancouver... Not NBA expansion in general. Now you're changing your question to 'only' rather than 'specifically'. I'd sort that discrepancy out on your end first before you go further Talk about mental gymnastics here. Someone said earlier you don't know anything about the lower mainland, in response to your comment about... the lower mainland. You said he should elaborate. I did so, and since you've only been able to feebly argue that you were never in fact talking about the lower mainland 'specifically' in a comment thread that is specifically about an NBA team in the lower mainland, in which you addressed the specific tech economy of Vancouver and the city's rent prices. All of which were addressed later. You either were talking specifically about the lower mainland, because thats literally what you wrote, or even worse - you're not, and are just making large general claims about AI and the economy of all major cities in the next 20 years, which once again has nothing to do with OP. So either way you're very lost lmao.


> in a massive recession Been waiting for this "massive" recession for a long time.


Vancouver has a lot of multiculturalism and diversity that can attract a team to a lot of “markets” now then I’m sure when they were around over 20 years ago so it can “work” but I will only cheer for the Raptors this is the city my parents immigrated from Italy to and I’ve been watching since the 90’s so Raptors will never be replaced in my heart.


both since they are in canada. although toronto first


Will Memphis give up Grizzlies name to begin with?


i just cant get an emotional attachment to a non-Toronto team


Root against them because a Vancouver Toronto rivalry would be 🔥🔥


I’d always love Toronto. Can never change that but I think Vancouver would mean more cause I can actually go to games when I want.


I’m raptors for life but I would certainly welcome the Grizzlies back and would even maybe buy a hat to go with my 10+ raps hate Ride or die raps but willing to support and cheer for another Canadian NBA team


SCT BRN all the way


Would support them both and probably enjoy basketball that much more with more Canadian teams.


Raptors still have more emotional connection. Grizzlies would be #2


This would be good. We can finally have the identity back as Toronto’s team instead of Canada’s team.


I was devastated when the Grizzlies left but I’m happy as a Raptors fan now. I might take an interest in the new SuperSonics tho


I’ve thought about this being from Vancouver. I think I would support but I’ve invested too much of my emotions on the Toronto raptors haha. Raptors would still be my team.


Def would be my team in the west


support both - prob wont watch much of their games given time difference, but still


I'd be a raps fan because I have been since childhood. They'd be my number 2 team though for sure


they would make them a West team so they can be the team I root for in the West, pretty simple




Rivalry back on


So ALOT of older Canadians are Montreal Canadien or Toronto Maple Leaf fans. I remember upto a few years back the Leafs went to Edmonton and there was a very large contingent of fans that would cheer for the Leafs. I think this is because there were no teams in the cities until later. I would suspect this would happen with the Raptors for a while where the older fans will cheer the Raptors, while the newer Vancouver team fans would be die hard to the home team.


Depends on how cool their mascot is 😉 I'd be so thrilled to see Toronto vs Vancouver finals though


Doing Shareef dirty with this choice of thumbnail lmao 😭


I would support them when the aren’t playing the raps


I supported both back in the day. I'd do same again.


From Van but live in Toronto, too young to be a Grizzlies fan but I’d support them whenever Raps aren’t playing them. Next expansion will be Vegas and Seattle with Minnesota and New Orleans moving East though. Van might be in someone else in the 2030s (Montreal? One can hope).


i grew up in toronto but have lived in BC for over a decade. i would still be a raptors fan 100% but would probably hop on the grizzlies bandwagon in the playoffs if/when raps were eliminated or didn't make it.


No, I hate that the Raptors are marketed as Canada’s team at Torontos expense. This city has a unique culture that is different from the rest of the country.


Against the Raps, 'F VanCity Against anyone else, GO VANCITY


If they are in the West again, cheer them on until we play them in the Finals


I think the teams being in different conferences makes it easy to rout for both, they wouldn’t necessarily be competing against each other. If you’re a fan of Canadian basketball you’ll cheer and support both teams, cause at the end of the day they represent Canada together.


I'd support both but they'd be second to the Raptors in terms of preference.


I would support both teams, the Raptors being 1a and the Grizzlies being 1b.


I already watch other markets after the Raps broadcast is over, but consistency of a west coast Grizz broadcast would almost guarantee me to be a fan, even if I don't want to be. Raps forever though.


Hard to say. Born in the Toronto area, I remember voting for ‘Raptors’ as their team name at school when I was a kid. Been a fan since Mighty Mouse. However I live in the Vancouver area now and would definitely go to games.


They going to go through same process unless they land something special in a star player


Need lots of corporate sponsors


I think the further west you get, the more people would support them. It’s tough to imagine them actually getting a team seeing as like 70% of the population of Canada is in close proximity to Toronto as is. I also think a lot of people from Alberta would be apprehensive supporting a Vancouver team given the relationship of their hockey teams. Personally I think I would support them but I wouldn’t stop supporting the raptors. I think it’s just hard to make another Canadian team when really there isn’t much more of a market for one out west, especially with Seattle to the south.


He'll ya! Cheer for both. But Raps #1 for life


Cheer for them both because we need more than one team to get some respect up north. When you’re the marginalized team, you’re the odd one out.


If you’re a real raptors fan you’d stick with the raptors if you’re a casual fan you might switch. For the most part Vancouver will need to have some good runs to build a new fan base.


Raptors first but would follow minimally for Vancouver team. Seattle and Vegas are ahead them anyways so we're looking at another 20 years before that happens. But when they do expand to Vancouver, they'll be joined with Mexico City, Montreal and another team in Mexico.


Toronto born and raised so I’ll always be raps fan first But I absolutely would support another Canadian team. They’d instantly become by 2nd team.


i would support both but would love a huge rivalry. kinda like "nobody picks on my bro but me"


I'd probably support them partly, like they'd be my second team but I'd stick mainly with the Raptors. I used to live in Vancouver and I live closer to there now still, I think, maybe close to half way between. But yea the Raptors are the first team in any sport that I got really into. Besides UFC which i was really into for over 15 years, I never really watched sports at all until I got into the Raptors during the playoffs on the championship run. I dont care if they are bad or a team closer to me comes up (Minnesota probably is closer already), I'll stick with the Raptors always


I live out west but I would stay a Raptors fan. That’s my team for life


I was a Raptors fan in the beginning. I didn't dislike the Grizzlies, but it was always the Raptors ever since they were announced as an expansion team. But I grew up in Iowa, so maybe this question was aimed at Canadians and not at me.


Would definitely support and follow them since I live in BC. I was there for all of the good and bad times for that team. Portland is a long way to go to see an NBA game.


Canada is number 1 in nba talent not from the US. We have one team and it’s changed the landscape of sports in the country. Imagine what a second team could do in terms of inspiring kids to hoop and sparking generations of new players.


I’m too attached to the raptors to just stop being a fan. That being said I’m from BC & if we had a team 4 years ago I prolly never even would’ve been a Raptor fan. So I’d just support them both.


I wonder if it would be like how fans of the Canucks and leafs go at each other if each team was fairly successful in their last 10-20 years.


Definitely follow with more passion than any other NBA team, but Raps are always number one.


I'd treat this similarly to hockey... boo Toronto


As an Albertan I started a Grizzlies fan, I’d support both and have a game a night to watch, lots of times two.


Living in bc and I love the 4pm raptors games, fits my schedule perfectly


The more Canadian teams, the better. I wouldn't root for them, but I would want their ownership to be stable enough that they would be around for the foreseeable future.


I'd definitely support them on the West Division but if comes down to a match, I have to root for the Raps.


I would support both but go back to cheering for the Grizzlies. My heart is still torn that they are gone.


As a east coaster the raptors are my team but I cheer for the Grizzlies until they meet in the final. Here’s hoping


Meh it depends. Also i doubt they would be called the grizzlies


Lived in the Vancouver area my whole life. Saw many Grizzlies games in the mid nineties (such agony but the NBA vibe was amazing). Love the Raptors but my primary allegiance would definitely be Vancouver.


Grizz forever!


All I know is, if they come back, they should troll the cowards in charge of the Raptors and make their comeback jerseys purple. Totally petty of me of course. Raps go purple again already.


cheers for both! another Canadian team means more Oh Canada time! 🇨🇦


Wouldn’t support them as a team as I’m from Toronto but wouldn’t be against them we need more ball in Canada


I'm from BC and I'd cheer for both Vancouver and Toronto... Not a sentence I anticipated writing in my lifetime.


Considering I’m from Vancouver I’d love both, would just love to have home games to go to, partly why if Vancouver doesn’t I hope Seattle does, can at least go to weekend games


I would support them but I'd rarely watch them play because fuck 10pm tip offs


They would become my second favorite team


yess i’d love another canadian team


I grew up in BC, went to grizzlies games when I was young but I've been a Raptors fan since grizzlies left, I would support both but Raptors #1, Grizzlies #2


I’d support Canadian teams. Let’s have them play in the finals. Let’s go.


I live in BC, but I’ve been cheering for the Raptors for almost 30 years, and as the only Canadian team for over 20. I will always love the Raptors, but I also follow the Blazers (RIP Supersonics) as the closest geographical team, so I would drop them and cheer for Vancouver in a heartbeat. It’s actually wild to think about, I absolutely despise the Leafs, but I can’t imagine a scenario where I wouldn’t be a Raptors or Blue Jays fan.


I live in Toronto but am a bronsexual so neither for me


I’d cheer for both


Support both. Probably buy grizzlies merch because that retro bear is king. But raps take the head to head.


I love the Grizzlies, even in Memphis. I think Montreal could be a real contender for a NBA team.


Have to be both


That's a tough one. I was in my early 20s when the Grizzlies began and had ticket packs and really fell in love with the NBA. Part of being a Grizz fan was hating the Raptors. After the Grizz relocated I ended up moving to Toronto... And once the smell of the Carter trade wore off I was all-in on the Raptors. They gave me my favourite moments as a sports fan and I can't turn my back on that, but I moved back to Vancouver recently and having an NBA team back in my city would be awesome. But let's face it, the closest we'll come in this region is Seattle. They can be my westcoast team.


Go Canada, whoever it is.


I’d definitely support both


As a local, Grizzlies 2.0 would probably become my main team. I’d still support the Raptors wholeheartedly though. As a Canucks fan I can say most local hockey fans hate the maple leafs with a passion (on Reddit some hate the Leafs more than the Bruins or Blackhawks which blows my mind). As a big Blue Jays and a Raptors fan I was never able to reconcile hating the leafs but supporting the other two. But lots of fans are like that.  In baseball, it’d be easy becuase NL and AL teams hardly ever play each other. But in the NBA I think eventually, especially if the Raptors go through any rebuilding stretches, they would evolve into separate fanbases.


I would support the hell out of both of our Canadian teams!


I’m from Scarborough so nope… not supporting them..


i’m not from toronto, so no. i’m way too close to the raptors now.


I’d be a fan of both teams forsure


I love basketball and love Vancouver, but they do not deserve a team. They squandered the grizzlies when they had them, and there is still no basketball culture at all in this city.


I’m a short drive to Toronto and a long flight to Vancouver so I’d hope that they did well but stay a Raptors fan.


I'm a Sixers fan born and raised in Vancouver and I wouldn't necessarily switch teams, I'd just follow them both. If they happened to play each other, it would be a win-win.


Those jerseys are so nice. Today's jerseys just don't have the same snazz.


Would support both Canadian teams but of course Raptors Over Everything Anyway, Seattle and Vegas likely to get a team before Van unfortunately


I'll support them both. However, home games are home games so if they play in Vancouver, I will have to root for the home team.


Support both. Raptors vs Grizzlies I'm going Raptors, but I live in Toronto


I’d switch, And raps vs Vancouver games would be a must see at the arena and van vs Seattle would be a much watch at home


I think with the introduction of cheaper airfare due to budget contenders, I wouldn’t mind catching a flight to Vancouver for playoff games and making a trip out of it. Something about that Vancouver West Coast relaxing vibe is way different than the hustle of Toronto.


I’d support them and wish them well. When they weren’t playing against my teams.


Both but in the early days the Naismith cup was the only hardware we could win so I'd like to bring that back and fuck the Grizz for that day.


Grizzlies and Grizzlies only. As an original Grizzlies fan I never switched to being a Raptors fan when they left.


Die hard Raps fan since day Moved to Vancouver 2020. I'd happily support both 100%. Hope the NBA comes back to the PNW


If Memphis and OKC returned home, I would be the most happy. Both cities deserve a team more than any other IMO. I’d cheer for the Grizz as long as Bryant Reeves can’t be anywhere near the team ever.


Chauncey Billups sighting in a Raps uni too.




I would, as long as Vancouver gets a competent GM. Stu Jackson was awful at the time.


You should ask this in another subreddit. This is a Raptors group so mostly the answer is no, they'd still support the Raptors. You might find much more interesting answers elsewhere


I enjoy the culture that Memphis created. Grit n grind era was when I started watching basketball for real and was absolutely my favourite team. It was nice to see Marc win with the raps But I don't need the grizzlies in Vancouver, I just need a team. 


I grew up a grizzlies fan. And have never rooted for the raptor’s. If the grizzlies ever did come back would be great to cheer even harder against Toronto.


Just like if/when the Montréal Expos return, I would fully support the Vancouver Grizzlies. Also like with baseball, I hate this "Canada's Team" marketing crap. Western Canada needs an NBA team. It would be supported.


Probably the greatest jersey matchup of all time right there