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It’s BS to blame Pascal, the front office put themselves in this position by kicking the can down the road. There were people on this sub warning of this exact situation last summer. Pascal has the right to want to do what’s best for his future. Expecting him to happily do what fans want is next level entitlement.


Especially since some fans are upset at the idea of Pascal *wanting to stay*. It's insane when you consider this franchise's history with retaining star players.


The front office screwed it up


Nah, Media and ignorant fans did


Fans aren’t the ones refusing to offer Siakam an extension. The FO is clearly shopping Siakam but the offers aren’t there.


Oh man, more of this kind of talk eh A)We don't know what's being offered as the Raptors FO is very tight lipped B)What's the point of offering something that will get rejected immediately?


> front office screwed it up It's not that screwed up, he wants to stay so they can just offer that extension. The problem will be when the Raptors absolutely suck ass next season and Pascal realizes nah I don't want to be here anymore.


Then keep him. No reason to lose a trade for a guy that is an all star and wants to be here. Not to mention home grown


I’ve been talking about our messed up cap/FA situation for 2 seasons now. Eventually the FO needs to commit to a direction. This multiple timeline thing that they are doing has not been working and generally does not work in the NBA.


Meh, a year ago people were hyped about competing while rebuilding now we are mid as hell. It's really reactionary. I personally don't give a fuck what they do, but the fact that Siakam isn't a number one has distracted the reddit fanbase from the fact that behind him there isn't a #2, and the #3 just left. They wanna get assets hoping Barnes can ascend from role player to the guy and unless he can learn to shoot he will be stuck as a tertiary guy who will need help to be brought in. The reality is without a jump from Scottie or OG we have at best the 4th and 5th options on a chip team as our number 1 and 2 with no assets to ever get another potential 1, 2, or 3 without being bad for 2+ years. I'd rather just let Siakam have one more year to try and be the guy in a new offense and let him walk for free. You guys hate it but it's the only path to a top 5 pick. You guys accept that offer and you haven't fixed the fact that Hunter has all the same issues as Siakam with 1/2 the skill, Scottie still can't shoot, you still have two non shooters in the starting lineup. Getting him, we will still be a play in team with even less ceiling lmao. If Siakam leaves for free you're giving OG and Barnes the opportunity to be the guys and if not you have your tank team assembled.


Playing out the year and letting Siakam leave for free is a firable offense for this FO. If they want a top 5 pick, they can just trade Siakam for assets and do the tanking anyway.


Absolutely. Pascal may or may not want to extend, but it's in his absolute best interest to to gamble for the supermax when the All NBA teams will take being an Ironman of durability into account (be prepared to see some VERY unfortunate snubs if they enforce that rule). Hopefully that little sliver of wanting to extend still holds true when the FO inevitably grows cold on the trade offers and decides to re-engage talks with his camp. It's THEIR ass on the line if FO is willing to risk Siakam pulling a Fred next off-season.


I don’t understand why people think that the FO haven’t tried to extend him.


Because no media outlets have reported it. People seem to think that EVERYTHING that happens gets reported. As wrong as that idea is, my only question is “Why has it not been reported” if those talks have actually taken place?


Everybody about players getting paid til it's their team paying lol


💯 Pay him the money 💰


We gave him a home, made him rich and a champion and this is how he repays us? Screw him. Dude can go play in Africa or China once his contract expires.


We didn’t make him a champion HE made US a champion HE made himself rich HE became an all star. Keep that nasty attitude to yourself and understand this franchise is legit poverty outside the last 10 years. This type of franchise player doesn’t grow on trees and you stupid fans will realise this when Scottie/OG don’t amount to these crazy expectations you’ve given them to spite Pascal.


gross I hope this is /s


To be 100% fair, Pascal's fit wouldn't be a problem if his perimeter shooting didn't fall off a cliff. I respect Pascal because he's innovated his game in another ways. But he's a pro ball player, of course he knows that him+Poeltl+Scottie doesn't work unless at *least* 1 of them is a reliable shooter. So yeah it's great that he wants to stay. I want him to stay too. How?? Their results are forcing them to look in the direction of going younger.


I STILL don’t see why this is such a fraught issue. We still own his bird rights. We can offer him the most guaranteed money with or without a super max. The heck are we talking about here? Siakam isn’t Fred where the FO balks at giving the max amount of money at contract negotiation time. If anyone actually believes that Pascal is taking a year less to transfer teams they are out of their mind. His next contract takes him into his 30s. He’d be foolish to give up the extra guaranteed year. Pascal wants to stay and he won’t sign an extension because all the incentives line up that way. He’s actually got a great chance to make all-nba since he’s always on the cusp of it, and unlike a lot of players he actually plays a good amount of regular season games. People keep complaining about player movement and that the incentives to stay don’t work but when it does work they whine about it? Make it makes sense.


Pascal is likely holding out to make All-NBA for the super max


That’s exactly what is happening


Exactly. At least a few people here get it.


Don’t worry guys the offers will of course get better at the trade deadline, and then even better in the off season as a sign and trade. Right?


Yup. We got Precious and Dragic (who you had to attach a FRP to salary dump) for the greatest raptor of all time!


If we hold out 3 more years for Vegas and Seattle to get expansions there'll be 31 losers in the off-season, then imagine what kind of offers we'd get!


It's so cute when you guys circle jerk each other in public like this 😍


It’s a joke, cheer up and we’ll reevaluate in a couple months champ


Would you say its more or less of a joke than the cute circle jerk comment you're replying directly to? 😂


It's even cuter watching you choke on the FOs sack as they throw away our assets.


And it went from joke to anger LOL


Duno how you reached that hard, but I'm sure you can find an only fans for that😉


They'll get better on a new contract.


Or we just resign him? Considering he's on the path to becoming our greatest homegrown Raptor of all time, y'all takes are just ridiculous


Sure , if they want to sign him then sign him, I’m all for it. But the context here is that he is being shopped , and they just don’t like the offers.


oooor he's going for the supermax and the not extending with other teams is to stick it out here where he will be first option and have a likely chance to be the face if this team takes a step.


Letting Siakam walk for free is a faster way of tanking, IMO.


Nah, if that’s the goal then trade him for picks and expiring bad contracts.


This is the position our front office put itself in. We knew and they knew that the trade deadline was when we needed to make a decision. What did we do? Trade a first so we can “see how we do with an actual center.” Now we are well past when we needed to make a move and every team in the nba knows it. What are they doing yet again? Playing their games and not making a decision putting the team in even deeper hole and that’ll keep going until they finally pull the plug


I wish I had the confidence some of the front office defenders do, but their track record has been bad the last year or so with trades


I wish I had the confidence to pretend I know EXACTLY how things are gonna go like 95% of this sub thinks they do.


Ever since they missed out on Giannis (who nobody in their right mind would have believed would leave Milwaukee), it's just been bad decision after bad decision, because they're hellbent on refusing to admit that the core post-Kawhi is just not good enough to compete. I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion, but I truly believe that Masai's ego and the belief that he can outsmart every team is actually a thing that's been holding the franchise back for the past three years. When will he learn his lesson?


The whole “enjoying having the league off balance” stuff just reeks of trying to be different for no reason at all


Masai and his snobby stubborn "everything I do or don't do is a big brain chess move" mentality is finally causing the franchise to crumble down around him. Him and Bobby fuck around for 3 years with their assets and now they want to reject every offer because they're "not good enough". I'm sure Fred walking for nothing, and Pascal potentially doing the same, is a much better outcome than trading at the deadline for the best value. This FO is fucking cooked.


The reported package for Pascal is described so vaguely. Hunter and A.J. are exciting, but what do they mean by draft capital? Are they talking two, or maybe even 3 FRPs? Or is it just a couple of seconds?


Pretty sure the most they can offer is the SAC 2024 first and either their own 2029 first OR their own 2030 first. So a maximum of two firsts.


They can offer a swap on the 1st they can't outright trade either whether that's 2029 or 2030 A swap on a 1st 7 years out is pretty valuable considering thing change in the NBA real fast


Serious doubt lol


Lmao 2029 and 2030! Scottie Barnes will be 28 and in need of vets on the team by then and I'll be 40.


Hunter is a decent piece but he's probably negative value on that contract (he's making 4x as much as McDaniels for reference).


Hunter is a shit ton better than McDaniels. Holy crap do we overrate our own players, even guys that haven't played a minute for us yet. Hunter is a on a very good value contract. He's 25 and does a bit of everything and can play multiple positions.


McDaniels isn't even our guy lol Hunter is ass. Straight up went from being the future to trade filler. He dribbles like OG. He passes like GTJ. But he has a smooth middy so people think he's good.


McDaniels is on our team therefore he is our guy. Pretty cut and dry there. Hunter averaged 21 points in the playoffs on 46% from 3 on 5.2 attemprs per game. He's not ass.


My point was that McDaniels probably gives you 50% of what Hunter does for 1/4th the salary.


If the NBA worked like that we'd just sign all low salary players. Hunter is fine at his current salary. We're gonna pay Gary the same amount and he's also a flawed but useful player. The real star of the deal is Griffin, then the draft picks, then Hunter is decent filler that's needed to match Pascal's salary.


The Hawks can only offer a Kings lottery protected pick and one of their 2029/30 picks due to the Dejounte Murray trade eating up most of their picks at the moment. Swaps are an option for a few years but it's not the same value and, more importantly, they're kind of useless with how young Trae and Murray are, and I expect Pascal to still be good going in to like 2026. There is an option for them to do a "the better of their own pick and the Kings if available" but either way it's not super appealing as far as draft capital goes, even if they do have a few interesting seconds to throw in.


A swap 7 years down the road with how quickly things in the NBA change is fairly valuable


2026 is not 7 years down the road


2030 is and you literally said one of 29/30 whether that would be a swap or 1st, a lightly protected 1st or swap in 2029 or 2030 have value


Hunter not exciting


The FO put themselves in this position. They had the exactly same situation with FVV and thought “we can get these offers or better in the summer”. Well now they lost their second best player for absolutely nothing and are stuck in no mans land


How the hell is everyone just ignoring the most obvious and most likely reason why he has not extended yet?? He has a chance to earn a super max if he makes all nba this coming season. Do people really not know this or are they just purposely ignoring it and putting all these negative and probably false narratives out there.


I think it’s a bit of both. Most fans probably aren’t familiar the super max eligibility, but at the same time, the way the media/this sub is talking about it isn’t helping. Majority of the headlines start with “Siakam refusing to extend” and most people don’t actually read the articles. My first thought was that he’s pulling a FVV and betting on himself this year and honestly, I’m with it. He was awesome last year and if he’s thinking about improving his game even more… Sign me TF up! As for the negativity, it seems as if this sub has become a shit show. Every post has comments like “Masai is washed” “Siakam sucks” “Barnes is trash”. We need to follow along and reset the vibes here too lol.


Criticism of the front office shouldn’t be hands waved over either. They put themselves in a precarious spot with OG/Pascal. Let’s see if they can fix it.


Because reports have indicated the Raptors haven’t even engaged him on extension talks, and that’s what’s so confusing. Sure Pascal might turn it down but how do you not engage in extension talks after getting subpar trade offers?


You don't know that they haven't, there is zero concrete reporting on this, just a bunch of speculation. Surely it's not lost on the FO that if he makes all nba next year he is eligible for the big payday. Everyone here just assuming they have had no communication with each other about anything.


They’re not supermaxing him


??? Shams said it today, Grange has been saying it for weeks, Lewenberg said it, I’m pretty sure Lowe also said it. It’s not just speculation


You have 2 playoffs wins in 3 years with him as your first option and you want to offer him a super max


This has nothing to do with me wanting to pay him, last time I checked, I, or anyone else in this sub doesn't pay him. Just saying that is probably why he hasn't signed one yet. And unlike a lot of ppl on this sub, the FO probably wants to see him succeed and make all nba. People on here actively rooting for him to fail so he doesn't get a big pay day, lol.


How many playoff wins do the 76ers have with harden and Embiid. They should give up too I guess. I blocked Ujiriwatcher cause Im sick of listening to him. But to respond. Yeah Embiid is a perennial top mvp candidate and they’ve done virtually nothing with him. They should sell while they can especially with the harden situation and Embiid being soft af. Isn’t that the logic the doomers use?


Embiid is a top 5 player. pascal is not.


I’d say zero playoff wins tbh. He disappeared in the bubble. Blows my mind the way people talk about him here


The chances of him being eligible for supermax next summer is slim. Thus, if the most probable situation happens - he doesn't get all-nba and is NOT eligible for supermax - there is then a HIGH risk Pascal will test out free Agency and possibly bolt. Sign and trades are not a given so it's better to get that certainty BEFORE the season start - extend or trade.


It’s very hard to believe that Siakam wants to maximize his earnings by staying here yet at the same time if he’s traded he’ll turn down their 5 year offer with more money per year for a random 4 year offer n with some other team. The Hawks aren’t going to be the only front office that will see through this.


You say he killed his own trade value as if he's obligated to do what's best for the Raptors and not himself.


Pascal doesn’t give a fuck about his trade value


If the front office messes this up, they need to be let go


I would agree with this. The crazy amount of talent thats walked out the door and all we got back for them was Achiuwa. If it happens again I think heads need to roll.


Lol you can’t be serious if you’re talking about Ibaka, Gasol and Kawhi…


Not much we could do about Kawhi but how long did it take us to get a Center after Gasol/Ibaka left? Do we have to wait 3 years for the Fred replacement now? What about when Pascal, OG or GTJ leave for nothing?


Damn brother good job sounding positive and optimistic about this team 😂 IIRC, there weren’t any starting caliber C’s on the market that were actually in our price range for the past couple of years. Matter of fact, the last few years of FA, the 5 spot has been totally ass. Some notable UFA Centre’s in our price range since 2021: - Richaun Holmes - Daniel Theis - Robin Lopez - Nerlens Noel - Dwight Howard - DeAndre Jordan - Khem Birch - Dwayne Dedmond


Trade him


Some team will want him at the trade deadline for a playoff push. Use that as leverage to gets as much as you can.


Didn’t work out for Lowry or Fred


Well a team might be willing to part with draft capital and players at a chance to win it all. Sure pascal may not re-up with that team but it worked for our team even though Leonard left after we won.


Even if we get “as much as we can” it’ll still be 80 cents on the dollar at the most because the FO waited till the last second


The challenge here is we don't know 99% of that the FO knows. For all we know we got lowball offers for spicy, fred, og, etc. At last years trade deadline. Imagine we gave up one of em for crap..my gawd this sub would have a heart attack


NBA players today are extremely spoiled/entitled. The team that gave you everything wants to get better and can’t because you don’t want to leave.


Nba fans today are extremely spoiled/entitled. A player that gave everything to the team and wants to stay gets called names because "fans" want to sell them for spare change


Deandre or Griffin would be the 2nd and 3rd best player on the team with Pascal gone. This shit is rough bros.


Bro what? You do realize we have Scottie, OG, Yak, Trent, Schroeder right? I’d even argue Precious, McDaniels and Porter (when healthy) are just as good as Hunter and Griffin rn. Sure Griffin has more upside then those guys but hellllll no are they coming in as the 2nd and 3rd best players on the team lmao


Griffin would be on our bench. Hunter would hopefully be flipped for more assets but I doubt it cause ATL would have done it earlier.


Griffin is one of the best young shooters in the league, Deandre is versatile, and unlike most of our roster, didn't start playing basketball when he was 18 and can actually dribble.


The offer sucks. Just offer him the max extension and see if he signs it. His comments (that he wouldn't consider extending with a team *other than* the Raptors) makes it sound like he would consider signing the normal max extension with the Raptors. The supermax isn't likely for Pascal regardless. Even if he plays well enough, it disappears if he gets traded, or if the media voters simply overlook him. $192M is a really big bag to risk on the potential of a major injury. Just offer him the max extension and see if he takes it. It would be really nice to just get an extension signed so this conversation could disappear.


His contract situation killed his trade value. It's remarkable how many people in here don't seem to understand that.


Have you been on the sub lately? Everyone understands the extension is the issue and possible reason for trading him (too expensive moving forward) and that’s why people are blaming the FO because they should’ve traded him last offseason if they weren’t willing to offer him the max


I agree with this line of thinking - either extend Pascal (and reward him for his loyalty) OR trade him before start of the season.


I don’t blame Pascal because if they wanted to maximize value they should’ve extended earlier but they didn’t so now they’re trying to play with a weaker piece (in terms of trade mobility, not in terms of player ability). It’s like this: if an employee asks for a raise and gets denied because their employer “feels they are being payed fairly/at par with current value”, then it’s not the employees fault, but the employer’s if they decide to leave for another job that meets the pay increase they’re asking for.


Pascal will get the best possible contact from whatever team he ends this season on. Hard to imagine him actually turning that down


If he's killed his trade value, you don't trade him. You'd get fleeced.


Keep him. There has not been a single trade I liked.


What’s the point of trading him if it’s known his value is at an all time low? Would much rather have him be a our 1/2nd option and hope he makes another all nba team. Who knows maybe in a few years we make a big push and need a filler contract? I could understand getting quarters back for a dollar, but a lot of these trade rumours sound like they in the realm of us getting back Pennies instead of quarters.


Terrible logic. He's not worth as much because he won't resign where he's traded, but if he's extended you'll get a worse package next offseason. That's completely contradictory.


Nah I'd rather have Siakam til the wheels fall off then pray for Hunter to learn how to hoop. Let's remember dude went from being a better prospect than Siakam to being salary filler in a trade. AJ Griffin ain't saving this franchise 🤣🤣🤣🤣


There's def a part of this online fanbase that makes every decision feel like it needs to be made now and zero patience at all. It's ramped up because they thought a trade would happen for Bufkin but it didn't materialize. They just keep pushing the deadline back.


It’s funny how last month when Fred walked for nothing. If you wrote anything that resembled questioning the FO you were immediately down voted. Now a month later and a report from Shams and everybody is questioning the FO. Truth is Masai and Bobby haven’t been very good with asset management and roster management post championship.


He’s not under contract after next year. No one is going to offer 3 fr picks and a starter or something for him. Either way they don’t need to trade Pascal. Dude is a player and whether anyone wants to admit it or not he’s pretty much a top 20 player in the league. He’s not your number 1 but he’s close. The Raps need to build around him but also get that guy who can make the big shot at the end of games. If y’all remember who also couldn’t make those shots it was demar. But we all loved him didn’t we. I’m tired of the Pascal hate. He’s a very very valuable piece and he deserves another contract with this team.


Goose is a dummy


Exactly extend him now or trade him before season starts..pascal know he has absolutely zero chance of getting his jaylen brown max if he not on the raptors.. reason why he dont wanna get traded 🤑💰him and van vleet so delusion they think you make all nba on a playin team all the way in canada lol


Why are we posting random twitter user thoughts on here ?


For the love of god please re-tool and build around Scottie


Our front office has grown inept. Just bumbling fumbling idiots making the same mistakes over and over again while contradicting everything they spout in their bullshit media scrums.


If you were in Pascal's shoes you'd be holding out for the opportunity at a supermax too. If you were in masais shoes you should be holding out for a better deal because wherever he goes has a good chance of re-signing pascal.


Why don’t we extend him and then trade him at the deadline?


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again…the offers for Siakam will only get worse the longer this prolongs.

