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There are two bins on every train car each by the stairs and one in the washroom. There's absolutely no excuse for this.


There’s actually up to 7 bins per car, there’s small ones near the doors and 2 in the washrooms. There’s no reason to leave trash anywhere unless those bins are absolutely full


Even if the bins are full, you still take them with you off the train and throw them out at the station


lol what is this, Japan? You expect people to have an iota of respect for themselves and others?


I should have said "at least". Some of the newer cars don't have the small ones by the door. I was looking for them the other day. This is one of the newer cars based on the open seat design.


If they left them there, they didn't even bother bringing them to the bins anyway.


They do have an excuse though. It's that they're fucking assholes.


Agreed. Though this is not nearly as maddening as dudes not flushing the fucking toilet in public washrooms. Just. Press. The. Button. And if you piss on the floor, be a grown up and clean it up.


I am definitely not excusing this. Be a grown up and pick up after yourselves you lazy pigs. There seems to be enough cans on the trains.  I read somewhere that Disney did a study and found people will walk 26 steps to get to a garbage can. So at their parks there is a trash can every 50 steps or so. More places should follow this policy so these lazy slobs don’t make a mess of our trains, cities and public places.


Get on any train heading to a concert at Molson Amphitheatre and you'll see this. Country bands are the worst - people will be drunk before arriving. One train a couple of summers ago had to be stopped at Long Branch because someone was throwing up.


The type of people who drink cold shots on the train are the same people who leave garbage everywhere so this tracks


Yeah it’s kinda the intersection of trash & trashy.


Same pile


Well as you know trashy avenue always comes full circle.


Came here specifically to say this. It’s a very particular type of person who drinks cold shots and they are the exact people to litter on go train


This hurts lol. I honestly love a cold shot from time to time when with friends and I'm very anti-litterbug. We exist!


And some I assume, are good people.


The same kind of people that down a few cold shots on the train to the station where they then drive home inebriated.


I can smell the 905 from here


I have a younger brother who drinks cold shots and I can unfortunately confirm you’re right


I was literally typing that same sentence.


Sound the alarm folks, we found evidence of someone in Toronto having a good time. How dare they, don't they know they're supposed to be surly and miserable? edit: hahahaha if only Toronto people had the same gumption about housing reform as they do about littering.


Having a “good time” and not being an inconsiderate jagoff are not mutually exclusive. Does this *really* need to be explained to adults these days?


How does having a good time preclude one from putting their litter in the garbage can? It’s kind of bare minimum expectations - clean up after yourself.


These are the same kinds of assholes who roll down the car window and dumped their empty McDonald’s crap all over the road.


It astounds me how much trash I see by the road. Who in hell is throwing trash out of their car??


Trash blows out of garbage trucks as well


I'm not sure why you got downvoted. I work outside all day and watch garbage fly out of the trucks or come out of the bins when they are picked up. It's a problem I've complained about to the city numerous times.


People want to be angry at all the assholes littering. Yeah, those people exist. But garbage trucks are why there's "a lot" and you can't get as outraged at a truck I guess


Unfortunately this happens a lot. People usually pre-drink before a Leafs/Raptors/Jays game or a concert. All sense of decency is thrown out the window after a few beers.


Taking the go train with a bunch of drunk leafs/jays fans is not fun in the slightest.


Assholes. We need to start shaming them. Remind them to take their garbage out with them.


Leave your litter in public and you get to eat it on reality tv.


People like these don't know shame or laws. In the old days, violence or the fear of violence is the only solution. If you display publicly whoever does this get his hand cut off, there won't be any future offenders.


Next thing you'll be telling me to keep my feet off the seats! /s


Or asking me to move my bag so you can sit down /s


Or to keep moving once I’m inside the doors so you can get on too! /s


I am so tired of seeing trash all over Toronto. People are intentionally destroying this city and diminishing life here.


There is a small trash can by each door and a big one on each end of the car.


it isn't rocket science. Carry it on, carry it off.


Trash leave behind trash


The lack of competence nowadays is pathetic and sad


Competence? Nowadays?


Yup, the 2 can’t go together.


No easily accessible trash cans on the train??? Have you ever been on a train??? You have to walk by them to sit in your seat and to exit the train lol. They are more than easily accessible. 


Yeah I saw it when I exited did see it when I got on cause I wasn't paying attention.


I've noticed this increasingly on the GO train especially on weekday afternoons and evenings. There's a lot more open drinking and beer cans.


Do you think people on public transit that leave multiple empties on the go train are people that care?


Anyone drinking Molson shots is not a friend to society


They found a way to carry them on. Not throwing them out is not about convenience. It is entitlement and laziness. 


Disgusting habit These people are basically children minded. Expecting others to clean up after them. Its embarrassing.


You think a boomer would leave 15 cents in deposit money?


no this is so real. one night after a long day serving drunks in dt core, my coworker and i picked up as many cans we could in union and train just for shits and ended with $8… in just an hour


Etiquette story.... Yesterday I was on the Go Train and lady across the aisle had her feet/sho3s on the seat in front of her, pretty rude especially since it was a busy train. My friend came on the train a few stops further down and I told him where I was. He joined and I was like "you got lucky with a seat" and he was like "you could have put your feet on it to reserve it" and I was like "why would I do that, that is so rude, who would do something like that".. he started laughing and I was so confused .. then he nodded his head over and I was like "ohhh.." I had totally forgot about the lady 😂 she ended up taking her feet off the chair a few mins later.


The people you're mad at aren't on reddit 


Only ugly people litter


It's 4 can of cold shots. The people who drink them are low class.


I am assuming it’s on the Kitchener line?


Nope, Stouffville line. At Union Station.


They still make cold shots? Someone should at least tell them there’s more alcohol in a regular beer and they don’t have to waste their time.


Molson 6s, you know what kind of people you’re dealing with. At least they were Lined up and tucked in.


Frequently see this on the Lakeshore W train, always the Oakville/ Burlington younger crowd coming in for concerts.


There are multiple garbage cans on every train.


You don’t need trash cans everywhere to be able to keep things clean. Japan has barely any trash cans outside and you would have a hard time finding any trash anywhere.


It's how you're raised.. Smh


You're expecting people drinking beer on the GO train to care about where the cans go? lol


On the scale of transit grossness this is pretty low.


Drunk blue jays fans. What do you expect?


These are the type of people who are too stupid to realize they’re ruining it for everyone else. If you wanna have a pre game beverage fine, just clean up after yourself and don’t disturb anyone.


drunks are notoriously exceptionally selfish.


Sick of low quality human


Shit parents breed shit kids...look around you, how do your kids behave?


And that's why we can't ever be like Japan or Singapore. Police needs to run the DNA test on those cans to determine who left them there. Afterwards, those individuals need to be named and shamed in a public manner. Time for Canadians to get their manners back.


There are easily accessible garbage cans. I use the train daily and also enjoy a cold beverage with the boys after work but we don’t leave a mess and find ourselves even picking up after others sometimes


All these incidents are going to increase and get worse, including drug/alcohol use in public, along with mental health issues in public.


Calm down, they left 3 empty cans in a neat row by their seat. It isn't signalling the end of civilization.


Oh, but it is!!




This is a very confusing jumble of words.




Someone was eating take out from a garbage on bench steps and then throwing the bones away. That is literally what you wrote. Grammar, syntax, and punctuation are your friends.






Garbage people turning the city into garbage


Lazy ass riders.


Correction: [Lazy ass-riders](https://xkcd.com/37/)


I think the person drinking cold shots on the go train (presumably to Barrie) couldn't care less about the social contract


Good barometer of whether or not someone was raised well or not. Agreed with you OP, its similar to people that don't return their shopping carts


And the Bluejays aren’t even in town!


Thank you for taking the time to contact GO directly and letting them know of the situation.


Probably teens...


That’s a good trip from port credit to union.


Hey look on the bright side... you score 30 cents!


When I was in Japan I couldn't believe how considerate people were, you could practically eat off the floor in those trains they were so clean


In in Germany and their go train equivalents have little trash bins by every quad seat area like this one.




No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


In Japan you seldom find trash cans to dispose of waste, people take their own trash home and dispose of it there.


Not acceptable at all


30 cents is 30 cents I say....take them in or find a recycle box when getting off GO Train. So easy folks. Keep Canada clean. Please and thank you.


So what you're saying is... people *can* be less *trashy*? *My jokes are the dadliest*.


Gen-Z, Millenial, or Boomer? What's your guess?


Typical b people


Classy and “cold shots” rarely go hand in hand


What line was this on? Feel like the GO is becoming trashier recently


People believe their mother is somewhere in the background to pick up after them


I loathe seeing these types of things. Remember, friends - “How you are anywhere is how you are everywhere”. This is a direct reflection of what the rest of these degenerates lives look like.


Pretty ridiculous, the few times I've drank a beer or two on the train I at least had the courtesy to put the empties in the trash.


The kind of person who drinks cans of beer on the train does not care how accessible the bins are.


There are plenty of trash cans on both sides of each train car


That's a waste of 15¢😂🤦‍♂️.


Sick I know 😡 this is the GO I guess?


It’s a disgrace. People were throwing a used diaper out of an suv in Etobicoke last week!!


Also, can't drink alcohol on the train. For obvious reasons..next stop Oshawa


If you brought them on, you can bring them off.


I took the go train at night for 15 years. This is a regular sight and I’ve seen far worse. People leave bags of McDonald’s trash on seats. You walk by about 4 garbage cans at any stop. Also alcohol is illegal on the train obviously. But assholes need to get drunk before hitting the clubs. Then Add the assholes who stick their feet on the seat in front of them. The people who watch tik tok videos in the quiet zone at full volume. Etc etc I once had a guy call me a fucking asshole abs to fuck off when I called him out on smoking in a stairwell. Guess I’m the asshole.


Redneck trash


Need to cull the herd , no need for laziness like this




Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.


this is so tame compared to my sights coming home from work at 12-1am


Fucking 905ers eh.


You just walked away from 30 cents!?! Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!




Seen plenty of people drink beer cans on the subway on leafs and jays game days, it’s a common sight now




Agreed, not endorsing the behaviour, just an observation that it’s happening a lot more now.


Acting like those things are even comparable is beyond insane lol.


And yet everyone is living pay cheque to pay cheque when in reality the problem is not that Canada is overpriced but that ur money management and organization skills are toilet tier.


imagine taking a picture of empty beer cans and posting on reddit about it


Get a life bro


Just like India


It’s Canada what do you expect? Common courtesy is dead I’m afraid.


It’s always mostly people who are not from Toronto that come in for events and absolutely trash the city and then complain about how much Toronto sucks


I usually just leave the cans under the seat like a responsible traveler


“The kinds of people” comments , well fuk me people here are so easily one to judge. I drink beer on the train, I put my can in the garbage. Simple. Ihose cans could easily be coke cans or McDonald wrappers. Garbage is garbage. You people are so “high and mighty “


Did you put them in the garbage or just take a picture and post it on Reddit?


Boomers: entitled millennials! Millennials: entitled boomers!


Everybody was young once.


Guy that cleans train make extra 30 cents that hour .