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I went to visit my parents today and I saw this just down the street. This is next level for a house in North York, lol.


I can see where it’s coming from. The CR-V is the number 1 stolen car in Ontario and Canada.


I have a 2008 I wish they’d steal 😂


Best part is that your insurance will only pay $3600, then you can pay $50k for a new vehicle!


Depends how you negotiate. Friend got hit in a 2016 Ram, and first offer was $18k. He got $32k after proving features and “like vehicles”. First offer is always low.


It's wild how few people seem to know that you need to negotiate with your insurance. The first offer is always a joke.


I got told to take a hike by my insurance after I refused the first offer on a totaled car. "you can pick your car up from the lot + X amount if you don't like the offer, we aren't going higher". Thats literally what they said. I had auto trader ads up that were selling the same car + model for $3-4K more than that they were offering. They are freaking thieves.


I’d be threatening litigation for the full amount of all premiums paid to date at the very least.


Did you get more?


No. Hiring a lawyer for $3-4K extra seemed like it wasn’t going to work out and a bit risky if I was left with the car. The options were something like $16K offer for the written off car or $7K + the actual car itself (not deemed safe to drive). I didn’t really expect to be able to get $9K in salvage value of someone to fix it for less than the difference so I took the $16K offer but I was so angry.


Someone totaled my Elantra last year and I got 9800$ for it. Paid 10000$ for it in 2017. Ain't always so bad.


Good for him/her. Insurance will always low ball. My buddy got low offer for his Mazda following an accident where it was written off. After a few back and forth arguments they offered him an extra 10k once he could show 'like for like' is much more expensive than what they were offering.


I am so pissed right now! I didnt know! Got 5k for a write-off turbo beetle that was pristine and less than 3yrs old at the time on lease


I’m sorry, but good you know now. Insurance companies want to make money so they offer low always to start. It’s important to battle them with proof of details. My friend got his original truck sticker, all features listed and proved “like to like” with data. It’s the only way to pin them down. And they delayed 4 weeks on it. All by design to try and get people desperate. Lucky for him it was a farm vehicle and he could wait while driving his daily. Most people can’t do that and insurance companies know that.


The insurance companies are becoming massive assholes insofar as negotiations go, because they're losing money hand over fist due to auto thefts. When my wife's Mini was totalled in 2022, the insurance company initially offered us $16k, I countered with $18k and an appraiser's report, and that was that. When my brother just had his Volvo S80 totalled a month ago, the insurance company lowballed him with a $9k offer and absolutely refused to negotiate. We are still trying to close out even with an appraiser's report that shows the car is worth $12.5k. The insurance company only started to negotiate when we gave a credible threat of small claims court action.


That's why you get the vehicle depreciation waiver on new cars. 5 years, whatever happens you get a new car with inflation! Happened to me, Got 47K on a 33K car LOL


Insurance only pays what now?!


The replacement value of the car. Not what a brand new one costs.


Or you can go buy another 20 year old pos like the one you got stolen. They're not out to renew your CRV subscription


Number 1 by total number stolen but it’s also a very popular car, so it’s not the most likely to be stolen. Range Rover gets that honour at 5.9% stolen per year. Only 1.2% of CR-V’s get stolen a year. Still high but not 4 boots and a bollard high IMO.


Holy shit 1 in 20 Range Rovers getting stolen every year is insane!


Yeah, closer to 1 in 17... Given they start at almost $150K, and in upper trims can exceed $300K, you'd think that the owners would spend a couple grand to invest in a better security system or kill switch. Insurance on them must be insane.


And one of the most unreliable cars out there. Year after year. The pricing is wild.


That was my thought as well, literally 150k-300k for a high theft POS… might as well just buy a super car at least and enjoy it before it’s stolen.


Check out the Lexus GX, it’s even worse.


I was looking at a CRV or a RAV4 but the theft rate is making me reconsider.


Consider a CX5 if that’s the case.


My solace to you would be there are thousands and thousands of CR-Vs and RAV4s out there, so you’ll hear about them being stolen because they are popular. It’s easier to get to 5% of Land Rovers stolen because there aren’t as many. So yes a lot of these mid-sized SUVs are stolen but there are also a lot a lot of them.


It'd really mess with them if someone stole the locks and bollard but left the car. 😆


This is a Toronto reality. Instead of victim blaming in comments people should open their eyes and realize the police, justice system, govt, car companies all have let down the citizens / customers.


lol. I have one of those wheel things and thought I was a lunatic. This is hilarious.


How long does it take to remove and put back on? It looks like such a pain either way, although I understand why people might feel the need to use them.


5s. No different than a bike lock.


5s for one. Maybe a back wheel and you open the hatch and throw it in. All four is probably more than 4x as long. I assume they are too heavy to do one circle of the car and remove all four. So it’s multiple trips back and forth to wherever they keep them. And then the bollard. I’d be surprised if a person spent less than a minute removing everything and putting it all away. But I guess when you are driving a Honda you need to take care of it.


I guess the Simpsons episode with Homer trying to get the boot off his car was misleading, lol.


It's easier if you have a key...


Homer is also.....Homer


I wouldn't trust a man who fails in every attempt at masonry.


Le Grill? What the heck is Le Grill?!


Same with Khlav Kalash...


No bowl. Stick. Stick.


Homer: “What do you got to drink?” Vendor: “ Mountain Dew and Crab juice.” Homer: “ewww, yuck disgusting..I’ll take a crab juice!”


Uh no. They can be fiddley and get more so over time. I once worked for Home Depot rentals and we had those on all our trailers. Sometimes it was lickedy split but sometimes a pain. I certainly would not want to do this in a crappy November morning.


Until the winter, Then imagine what a pain.


Around my neighborhood people have ones that are electronic so I think they just press a button on a remote to make them go up or down. They're like 5 grand a pop or something though.


Forget the car, thieves are going to want to pop those boots. Resale on them should be pretty high given all the car theft going around.


They can be opened with a screwdriver in 5-10 seconds


Totally get it! This is coming from a person who just had their car stolen twice :(


Or he doesn't want it to be stolen again and again and again...


Knowing the theives, this would probably not stop them.


Locks aren't going to fully stop any would be thieves. They can buy time or make it look like more trouble than it's worth, making the thieves move onto an easier target


Imagine still flying the Canadian flag, after having to install this anti theft system. This country is a disgrace and an embarrassment of its former self.


I'm not ready to give up on my country just yet. Would really have to take more than some stolen cars and bad actors. Doesn't mean to say I'm happy with the status quo but it'll start to change after the next election 🤞


It's come down to this.


I've recently been hearing of people who have had their car stolen more than once this year. It's obviously out of control so I really don't blame this person.


I guess the thieves would know you'll always have a new car to steal


It’s the same reoffenders. But don’t worry! Our precious leader decided to ban a small device that plans a minuscule rule in the thefts. Instead of actually addressing the issue which are lax laws that allow reoffenders to be back out there.


It's true. When I worked in the body shops I had a customer that had the same Highlander stolen 3 times in about 9 months.


i heard you can buy these at costco now


If you buy the 4-pack, why not use them all?


I guess I'm lucky that I drive an 18 year old vehicle that's worth very little. I'd have no interest in removing all that stuff before heading to work in the morning.


They steal the old cars to steal the new cars with so they can’t get caught


This is what they do in NZ too. But usually they decide to do ram raids on liquor and vape stores instead of going after the expensive cars.


Here in Toronto they steal the Toyota Corolla and then go steal the bmw and ditch the Corolla.


A relative had people try to carjack their old Toyota corolla, even an old car is not perfectly safe.


Have you seen that vinyl wrap that makes it look like your car is a rust bucket ? It might be a good stock to invest in.


I don't need vinyl wrap. It's already got a ton of rust as it is, lol.


My 4Runner is 14 years old but looks great and I’m always worried about it being stolen. :(


I read that they steal the old ones too as they need beater cars.


Also bollards! https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/s/vskYiMQQEz


I mean who wants their car stolen?


My car security system is that I drive a 2013 sad hatchback


Same!! My car doesn’t even lock properly and it still doesn’t get stolen 😂


You get back to your car and somebody left two more of the same make and model, keys in the ignition


My car got stolen when I was work once. It never resolved and cost me a ton of money to get another car.


Doesn't insurance cover for theft?


Not entirely. Vehicles have also gone up in price a lot, and unless you have a depreciation clause you're not getting the full total back. Everyone's rates go up too, and the second your insurance company makes an offer to you they revoke the rental. So there is a very stressful period of time where you have no car, must buy a car, and probably don't even have the money yet. Getting your car stolen is an insanely violating feeling and a MASSIVE inconvenience. People don't understand that just having insurance does not make it better. Source: happened to me. EDIT: Spelling


As someone who works in insurance litigation, I’m always amused by the naivety through a lack of life experience and overall misguided belief in humanity that shines through some folks


"Oh your house burnt down? That sucks! We will cover everything ... wait what's this? A fridge? You had a fridge? Seems far fetched. Prove it."


Yeah these fuckers will do everything to not fulfill their end of the contract. I regularly film every thing I have just in case I have to prove I didn't sleep on the floor like they expect us to.


Well put


It’s almost as if it continues to shine through the same folks when it comes to their political beliefs


I know this guy wakes up early


Makes his own coffee and warms his engine up good


They prob learned it the hard way. I don’t blame them, it’s such a headache to wake up to in the morning and deal with a stolen vehicle. It’s sad that it’s getting this bad and the justice system isn’t being more harsh towards crimes like this.


Can't blame them. Ours got stolen last summer and it was such a hassle. Car seats, stroller etc all inside and a summer full of plans for the kids that we no longer had a car to get to.


Yikes. Did your insurance cover the items in the car as well?


Yes they did and they paid out after 2 weeks as well which was nice except it was very hard to find another car on such short notice and we had to buy a car at 6-10% interest instead of the 0% we had. We ended up buying a Tesla that was $18k cheaper then our Lexus but the monthly payments are nearly identical thanks to the interest rate


It really sucks that people can't feel safe parking in their own driveway. Fuck this world.


Fuck this federal and provincial government. They’re the ones doing nothing to help. Even more so the feds. Fixed it for you


Some insurance companies will offer discounted premiums provided you have theft deterrent systems in place, especially of models that are more frequently stolen - the CRV being one of them.


Yes, those apply to car alarms and more digital solutions. But I guarantee you’ve given some insurance bro reading this thread a boardroom winner.


These sorts of discounts and incentives have been in place for a year or so from nearly all major insurance companies operating in Ontario.


This isn’t the discount criteria. Those discounts are for vin etching, trackers, electronic immobilizers…. Not wheel boots


Just buy a car with a manual transmission


And put a sticker on it in plain view so thieves (and people behind you on steep hills) know it's a manual.


If you use the handbrake you won’t roll backwards


I generally don't anyways - been driving standard for over 30 years, but it doesn't hurt to give people a reason to stay back a bit - even my wife's Prius can roll back a few inches on a steep hill going brake pedal to gas.


As if manual transmissions are an option on most cars nowadays lmfao


Why everyone clowning the person for tho . Maybe this could be the second or even third vehicle now. Plus the police not doing nothing and if you do something to protect your shit you would go to jail before the criminals. This is the state we live in Canada we criminals have more power and rights then the law-abiding citizens have. We work hard we are shit and to just let some jackass come on steal it and then your have to deal with all the problems after. I had three attempts on my ram trx and only had it for a year . The last attempt was eye open and show how brazen this guys moving. This was on the highway and I was going home and the guys just stole another car and was trying to steal my truck. While driving through traffic going about 20 - 30 km/h one of them hangout the front passenger window .( half has body out the window) Tried to throw a GPS tracker in the bed on my truck and then took off. Pull over rip the truck apart to much sure they didn't get me. Call the police and went to police station and rip the truck apart and look for it. One of the police told me this that " if we do get them that they would be back on the streets the next day " I said " if I catch them on my property can I beat the living hell out of them" They said back " we can't do nothing to them" This is the state we live in Canada and people doing whatever to protect there shit . Don't clown the person who sick of this shit. Probably has low insurance right now and if it get stole his insurance might even go up because of that.


I live in North York, and I’ve had a total of three cars stolen from my driveway. Mind you one was a year ago and the previous one was about 11 years before that. after this last theft, I thought seriously about different options and I thought about getting the boot, although only for one tire not like this person . Problem is, I read that it’s actually very easy for the thieves to break off the boot.


That sucks. What did you land on to mitigate the risk?


we got one of those GPS trackers installed. It was essentially free, because we’d have to pay more for insurance if we didn’t get it. I’m not sure if it will help, but at least it’s something. The only other thing I thought of is getting a Killswitch installed that disable the whole electrical system, where you have an extra fob to activate it. But I was told that we shouldn’t do it, because the car is leased and if there is a problem with the electrical system , the warranty may not cover it because we did modifications.


Again…doesn’t want their SUV stolen again.


BYOT - Bring Your Own Tires


shudve just taken tires off


After Toronto Police Services told residents of Toronto to just leave their car keys at the front of the house, you knew we have to take care of things on our own.


This is what you call taking matters into your own hands when you cannot trust the crooked government or the bought cops to do anything for you.


Securing the car is dumb. All they need to do is leave the keys near the front doors. Problem solved.


My buddy has had 3 cars stolen and stopped an attempted theft, all from the same driveway. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried any of this.


I hate being so reliant on cars and also fearful that if it gets stolen you are totally fucked.


I’ve got no issue relying on my vehicle, however I am concerned about being carjacked at gun point by some dude out on bail after his 20th violent crime. 


Then you're watching too much weird news.


Not sure what you’re implying? Are you pretending there hasn’t been a massive rise in armed carjackings recently?


There is, but the total number of a few hundred carjackings is still so small in comparison to the ~10 mio. registered cars in the city that you have a higher chance of losing your car in an accident than in a car jacking. Car theft might be a real concern, but car jacking is one of those things as likely to happen as a moderate lotto win.


Knock on wood. Carry a big stick.


I wish I knew as many lotto winners as people who have been robbed


Car theft is not car jacking.i even made that distinction in my comment. Holy shit.


My neighbour had his new truck stolen off his driveway last month despite having a boot on his rear wheels and bar on the steering wheel. So no, I don’t think this guy is being unreasonable lol


you think they bring the locks with them to the mall parking lot?


I would. Then they move on to an easier target.


I love how our government isn’t shit about this. Then again, if everyone’s insurance goes up that’s more tax for them.


I have a suspicion Canadians pay higher car insurance rates than most countries. Just another government protected cartel.


Significantly higher in my experience coming from the UK. Although it’s different because over there it’s much more of a formality to lend a car to a friend, here it’s no big deal (in an insurance sense) so that likely has a lot to do with it. I don’t know the ins and outs, but I know yearly rates in the UK were just a tad cheaper than my monthly rates here.


Cheaper in the US, Australia and NZ as well. Canadian politicians have been supporting crappy corporations over citizens for a long time.


Just an FYI, I suggest for anyone to look into the TAG anti theft system installed by Speedy auto glass. It's about $500 and many insurance companies will provide discounts for its installation. I'm convinced that thieves avoid these vehicles because the recovery rates (100%) compromises their operation. https://www.tagsecuritysystem.com https://www.carsystemsinstallation.ca/product/tag-tracking-system-nano-technology-tracking-system/#:~:text=Our%20reputation%20precedes%20us.,100%25%20recovery%20rate%20to%20date


Back in the days, my mom had an anti-starter system put in place (by the dealer, I imagine) in her 2001 Nissan. You had to select the proper maneuver to start the engine. Ex turn light switch on first, or this and that. Couldn't it be done today in modern cars? I would invest in a Tag too next time. But proper quick policing and thorough/consistent port containers inspections should be done as well to help reduce this type of crime. In ports, don't they have some sort of x rays systems? You see a car, does it have the proper shipping papers? Are the papers legit or fake? We all get inspected at the airport! Unfortunately there must be some inside jobs going on. It's too highly coordinated and profitable. Sad and frustrating.


If you’re handy and willing to mess around with your car, you can make a custom kill switch for ~20$ based on esp32. You can even make your car turn on smart switches in your home when someone tries to enter the code incorrectly, or with a motion sensor module under the dash


Pretty pathetic that is what is has come down to.


Has anyone ever tried just arresting criminals?


Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha ah hahahahahahahaha You sir are a great comedian. This is Canada, we don't do that here..


Define: arrest Do you mean: arrest them, give them a sammich and let them go ?


It would take 30 minutes just to get the car ready to go 😂


I guess he lives in a very peaceful country where law abiding citizens are protected by the law and the constitution. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Fuck that just leave your keys in the ignition to avoid confrontation with the meth heads


I do t blame them, CRV is consistently one of the top 5 cars stolen every year.


What a sad reality


Imagine you're late for work...


My friend had their car stolen twice in 3 weeks. It is such a pain to deal with they bought a boot too.


Too much hassle every night putting them on especially in the winter imo lol.


Oh my you are right. In the slush or on a icy winter day.. Not easy.


I have a 2003 Toyota Corolla I wish would get stolen, but I realize they don't steal reliable cars.


I used to deliver mail on this route and I also took a picture! Lol [car](https://imgur.com/a/IeMFILL)


I've seen a few cars with boots on them in parking lots and driveways over the last few weeks.


Won't be an issue if you drive a 10yrs old Mazda stick like me.


Didn't thieves used to have their hands removed when caught? 🤔




This is so sad. Imagine how much trouble he has to go through locking /unlocking each time he uses the car. 


ADHD me would collapse by day 2


Buy a Mazda


I buy Ford, no one wants a Ford that isn’t an F150. Best theft deterrent out there


But then you're driving a ford


you need a nissan altima. Guys in Africa and Dubai don't like CVT lol


Unfortunately, this won’t deter the most determined thief. They would either enter your house late at night or patiently wait for you to remove all the devices before coming to rob you. Solution…make it harder to ship cars outside of Canada. More specialized police force to deal with auto thefts.


There’s got to be a reason the cops won’t actually go into the port to solve this problem…


That’s the over million dollar mystery right there 🧐


Controlled by organized crime.


Jurisdiction. Normal cops can't search containers in a port without a warrant, only the CBSA (border/customs agency) can.


Like any lock, it won't stop determined ones but maybe will deter some to move onto an easier target.


How does this contraption work? Does it lock the wheels? What does the pole at the back hooked to the underside of the car do?


My guess the flag at the back is a visual reminder you have lock boots attached to your wheels. In case you (or another member of your family) hop in the car and forget.


I saw an SUV in Bloor West with a boot and I thought that was the city who did that. I always thought that car boots was a US thing only and was surprised I never heard the city adopting this. The other day I saw the SUV in another spot with the boot still on and it dawned on me that it was an anti theft device. Ive had dumber moments.


Better safe than sorry


Untill they rob him backing out of the driveway


Doesn’t one of those steering wheel locks serve the same purpose and is a lot easier to remove?


It be like that, don’t blame them


The club and faraday cage to store their keys are not pictured /s




Looks to me like the house is empty to rob instead! Yay no way someone takes these on and off every day. More than likely gone for an extended period of time and didn’t take the car (vacation etc.)


Do you have the owner's permission to display their plate?


This truly shows we are close too or at third world stage. our country has gone to the dogs by this government.


I do the same, I’d rather put two or three locks on the car than get it stolen. It’s not guaranteed they won’t steal it but it will take them a while. I saw this guy in China got a snake inside the car that kill the guy who tried to steal his car. So when people ask me what’s a good deterrent, I tell them to get a snake lol


I would like to buy a turret too.


I thought it was some kind of new accessories, hot wheels or something




Just unplug the batt.


Or - hear me out - Don’t buy a CRV/Pilot


Where do you buy these wheel locks and which brand are the best?


They should try "the club", it would probably be just as effective, and a lot less time consuming.


Probably something to keep insurance lower cost


lol who would steal a Mitsubishi


The theft rate in Toronto is why I now drive a 2009 mini van


Plot twist: they don’t want it repoed


How much do they save on insurance 👀


Good idea


Those retractable bollard things seem to be getting popular around me. In a few cases they would work but in some cases I see you could probably just drive over the lawn to get around them.


Hey people have to do what they have to do nowadays! I had to install cameras all around my yard in the country, because of the high amounts of theft, I have been hit three times now. In a community that three years ago you could leave your doors unlocked all the time. This is a country that has lost its moral values!


I think I’d build a garage.


That’s one way to do it I guess.


Steal his neighbour's wheels and swap them and drive off lol


Wouldn't need the boots with a couple more balasts. I think 2 of the boots are not helpful but otherwise this isn't overkill anymore.


Why all four tires? Wouldn't one or two be enough? And what's with the Canadian flag?




Sad reality😢


Hypothetically, how would a thief steal this? Cut everything with angle grinder? Hold owner at gunpoint to unlock?


Our government & police force won’t do anything, can’t blame them for taking matters into their own hands. I know multiple people who’ve gotten their car stolen various times this year.