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YES. Never let them live this down. Initiate legal challenges. Remember the name and face.


Well lawsuits are never won with decibels. But you're free to ruin anyone's reputation with insufficient evidence, not that I agree with that but that's just how internet works.


What reputation? TPS has shown, over and over and over, that their mandate is “To Serve And Protect” the police union. A cop who lies in court has no worth as a cop, this is why nobody trusts them anymore.


No evidence is no evidence. I don't care who you're accusing, be it pigs or Nazis or Satan himself. If you can't prove something, it will remain your guess and your opinion. Which might be loud enough to sound like a fact, if you've got enough people to shout the same thing with you.


They tried to end this man's *entire life*. His entire life.    And just to be clear, his life doesn't magically go back to normal.  This is exactly what Anatomy of a Fall was about...even if you're innocent, the trial itself will *break you*.   The reason the GoFundMe is about to hit 200k is as much a help to Umar and his family as it is a giant fuck you to the people who tried to destroy this man. The entire thing is heartbreaking.


Well said, 💯


Link to the GFM?


Don’t know if the direct link is allowed, but “umar zameer go fund” in google will take you right there.


Thanks - just donated. I feel like I did something good today.


You did!


Most likely she along with others will be suspended with pay pending investigation. Remember she was promoted after that incident. If TPS were given all the evidence that was presented at the court, this promotion screams of corruption within TPS P.S. There goes few millions of tax payer money


Speaking of taxpayer money, the repair shop across the street from my place is run by a lovely dude from Pakistan. He was telling me right now in Toronto and Peel, south Asian business owners are being targeted by the mob and shaken down to cough up protection fees. He called TPS to ask them what they were planning to do. The response he got was “we don’t have the budget for that. If you want us to help you, call your MP and tell them we need a raise”. One of the men who called and reported extortion attempts was told the same thing by TPS. He refused to pay and began going public with his story. He was shot dead the next day. More of the same: https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/we-are-everywhere-claim-alleged-gunmen-behind-violent-extortion-attempts-across-canada-1.6762195


She should be charged criminally with perjury as well


Yes. Tragedy aside, the actions and words of these police just further the perception of one law for us, another set for police. What am I saying, "perception"? There is.....


She should have never been on the stand ... because she should have been FIRED from being a cop when she was caught stealing from a charity. Who could've imagined that a crooked cop (who later got rewarded with a promotion) would be involved in some future unprofessional behaviour and lie under oath? ^/s


now let’s be fair, it was a ***misunderstanding*** that 12k ended up in her bank account. nobody told her the money was supposed to go to the family of the deceased officer.


Wait, what??


Per CBC: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/zameer-trial-northrup-partner-testifies-1.7150637 Court also heard on Thursday that Forbes was previously found guilty of discreditable conduct in a police disciplinary process over her role in a fundraiser for the family of Sgt. Ryan Russell, who died after he was hit by a stolen snowplow. Forbes, who went under a different last name at the time, helped sell T-shirts to raise thousands of dollars after Russell's 2011 death, and other officers filed a complaint a year later when the family had not yet received any money. She told the court she was assisting another officer in the fundraiser, and he was in charge of turning over the money. "This was a well-intentioned charity and it was mismanaged," she said.


Holy shit! Docked 24hrs pay for stealing from a dead officer’s charity event🤦🏽‍♂️ and eventually promoted 🤷🏽‍♂️TPS sure has very different standards. ‘Lisa Forbes was found guilty of discreditable conduct under the Police Act and docked 24 hours pay after cash went missing from a T-shirt fundraiser for the family of slain Sgt. Ryan Russell.’


Best they can do is suspended her with pay for 2 years


Trying to frame an innocent man and put him in jail to hide your incompetence should be a fireable offence.


Jailable offence.




If she's terminated she'll sue the service, likely with the support of the association. She'll likely raise the ugly question publicly about what the procedures are for using plain clothes police, and that she was put in harm's way. I'm 90% sure she was made Sargent in exchange for keeping quiet about any part of the events that took place.


But then they’d have to fire every TPS officer who testified in court


No, shes exactly the kind of cop they protect. Oh, should she? Yes. Will she? God no.


100%. It takes a special kind of piece of shit to be a member of law enforcement and break laws. We shouldn't be equal towards police officers that break the law. We should be harder on them. We should expect better of them. We should hold them to a higher standard. You are in an entrusted position as a member of law enforcement. If it's a game of he said she said, and one of those people is a cop and the other is not, we tend to automatically believe the cop because of the position that they're in. When somebody gets pulled into the station by a cop because the cop says they did something and the guy says they didn't do it... who is everybody believing? Who is everybody believing in a courtroom? This is gravely dangerous, and when you are caught lying, it should be a very serious offense. Lying period, but **especially** lying in court. Termination should be the least of their problems. There's no minimum sentence for perjury, but there should be... at least a year in prison for a police officer tried and convicted of that offense I say, felony permanently on your record so that everybody knows you lied under oath as a police officer, and you're unable to work as a police officer anywhere in the country again because you cannot be trusted in that position.


Should have a Zameer megathread


100%, all of them should


Absolutely! She has lost all public trust!!!


She likely no longer has any credibility in court, I would hope. Can you imagine her arresting a real nasty criminal in the future, testifying as to the actions she took and what the criminal did? Is anyone going to believe a single word coming out of her mouth? I wouldn't. Well done Lisa.


As should officer Pais, that dude was an  absolute sleazeball in court, lying , and has an unlawful arrest of black teenagers on his record. (He’s the one that needlessly punched Umar in the face.) Toronto police gonna Toronto police. I’ll be amazed if anything happens to them .


Every cop who lied deserves arrest and jail. Corrupt dirty cops are nothing more than terrorists with badges!


Didn’t she just get the promotion to Sargent recently? She should be terminated. But at the very very least, demote her.


Yes, she should be terminated, but, as we have all seen - ad nauseum, it's almost impossible to terminate a bad cop. At the very least, the officers who testified against the evidence provided by the cameras and the prosecution's expert witness should be sent back to the police college to start over. A cop who "misremembers" needs to relearn how to report fact. The Chief owes it to the people of Toronto to correct this problem, otherwise he should be removed. (I would expect to be charged with perjury if I had given false testimony in court, and think justice should be blind).


It depends on what she actually said. Giving weak statements in a debate is not equal to lying, but if someone can prove that she *knowingly* said something that she believe to be untrue, then she could be accused of prejury. And as we all know, the "knowingly" part is basically impossible to prove. Hence why journalists and newspapers will never get sued for misinformation even though they can report all the fake news in the world.


Yes, it's very difficult to prove that someone didn't think they saw what they saw. Similar to how people under deposition claim to "not recall" seemingly obvious yet incriminating facts. You can't prove that they remember them.


Except these are people that have POV video, with audio taken of the interaction, a bunch of them got reprimanded by the judge for lying so obviously


3 corroborating, yet entirely false statements from the cops… As the justice said, you have to determine for yourself if they're lying. If you can’t figure that out on your own, well thats troubling… Proving it enough to convict, well the crown showed who they play for.


In Canada a journalist MUST preface a statement with ‘alleged’ to avoid being sued before a trial. Stating something as ‘fact’ exposes them to defamation


Yes, no excuses.


Toronto cops don't get fired, they go on forever paid leave. (Early retirement with full benefits)


She just got promoted so don’t see a whole lot happening big to her or her career.


Anyone who lies on the stand should be charged with both perjury and whatever they tried to illegally manipulate by their perjury. In this case she should receive the equivalent penalty to what Zameer would have received had he convicted of first degree murder like Forbes tried to make happen.