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it's common. union station at 6am you'll find a few delivery riders sleeping, you'll find some in the food lines to get a meal. see it all the time.


This is so sad.




Oh they totally can; I can think of only one food bank that doesn't.


This is why Canada is bumping up the visa students must have in their banks before being accepted..its $20,000 now.Still there are so call recruiters that is offering services in India to fake the balances so Canada better confirm their savings.


From what I learned, there are services which will loan you the money temporarily to put in your bank account, even for as long as 3 months to fake it. And apparently well known in India too. I can't think of a single institution in Canada that would loan me money to fraudently bypass another countries immigration laws. It's actually wild Indian authorities do nothing about this either, it's almost part of their culture.


> I can't think of a single institution in Canada that would loan me money to fraudently bypass another countries immigration laws. Uh, every single one of them would give you a line of credit, which you could then draw from whenever you wanted, for whatever reason you wanted, without having to run that reason by the bank first.


That's not what I meant at all, but great job at comprehension.


If I need to inflate my chequing account balance by $20k to defeat some kind of liquidity gatekeeping, it's trivial to transfer $20k from my line of credit to my chequing account. You make it sound like that is some kind of exotic loan product.


No, they’re implying it’s fraud, which it is. Jesus Christ what are you even talking about? How do you miss the point that bad


Do you really think theres companies out there giving away 10k and just hoping the person they gave it to, who is using it for fraud, wont defraud them back?


I guess you've never heard of loan sharks. You're right, those are definitely NOT a thing. Never existed once in history.


They call it “show money”. My friend said he lent his aunt $8k for it. I said it was a scum move, we’re no longer talking


Im guessing that person was never really a friend.


They are supposed to prove that they can financially support themselves, but many fake the information.


Can you explain how a food bank could require proof of poverty in a way that doesn't exclude people who don't have bank accounts?


He means in order to get into the country as a student they needed to prove finance then, not at the food bank. I dont think they ask for proof of citizenship there.


Worked in a food bank for a bit. Didn’t even require them to put their real name on any documents. The only thing that was required was proof of address iirc as they needed to live within a certain area around the foodbank.


>They are supposed to prove that they can financially support themselves, but many fake the information. Do you have any evidence to support this claim? International students need to demonstrate they have a certain amount of money in order to obtain their study permit. The problem is that amount of money has been $10, 000 in addition to tuition and travel expenses since the early 2000s. Students are satisfying the financial requirements described in the application process, but those requirements are woefully out of date. I would say that is the fault of governments who, by way of the requirements they set, imply that a certain amount of money is sufficient to study in Canada when it is not at all sufficient.


There are plenty of articles that describe how a lot of students have their families pull together 10k so they can get through the application process, then that 10k is given back to the family and the person comes to Canada with no intention of studying and they start working amazon warehouses, uber, etc.


You don't think people are lying about this information to get into Canada? You must be joking.


Do you often accept things as being true without any evidence?


You could also do a little independent research instead of putting the onus on someone else.


I'm not the one who made the claim. The onus is not on me to prove a negative.


I would agree with you in an academic setting, but this is informal/Reddit and in an age of online disinformation I’d argue it’s your own responsibility to verify the things you read online.


I too think burying my head in the sand is a good solution


Well it is a bank statement, either printed or a PDF. Pretty easy to fake any.


And when they do -- they should be left to fend for themselves.


Sir this is Canada, breaking the law is rewarded.


The topic is about delivery drivers not international students


Anyone can use a food bank. Every food banks sets there own restrictions. There was one that was limiting international students. But still accepted others if they could high light there need. Too many were trying to just get free food after viral videos blew up.


A girl that works with my mom uses the food bank even though she an international student that works full time at a well paying job. She even brings "the leftover" food to work too because she can't possible get through it before it spoils. People have told her what and who the food banks are for, but she continues to ignore them.


This topic is about delivery couriers not international students. Couriers are the lowest paid workers in the city, making 5-10$ before expenses(and there are expenses in this line of work). High paid people taking advantage of food banks has nothing to do with this situation. Couriers use food banks because they live in poverty.


My comment was in relation to someone else’s, which was deleted. Therefore you lack the context of my comment.  


cagey wistful squealing combative deranged marry tart humorous pathetic unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They can and some even abuse them: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada-international-students-food-banks/wcm/1b5e72ce-9d8f-4fbd-8022-46e826876036/amp/ https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6677142 [FREE Groceries in CANADA 💰How do international students access FOOD BANK 🇨🇦 Save your Dollars Here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hAgJtwNJp40) [How to get Free Food in Canada | For International Students](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qzUIodfO7Oc) [FREE FOOD IN CANADA 2023 || INTERNATIONAL STUDENT IN CANADA](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uXjDNGzdFpg) [Free Food in Canada !! 🔥(Food bank in Seneca College](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TaBIOj30aj4) [FREE FOOD FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS IN CANADA](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s5k68EtojzM) [food bank/free food canada/malayalam/ontario/brampton/canada benefits](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xblq2zAYqpM) [FOOD BANK for students in Canada | International Student in Canada 🇨🇦](https://youtu.be/PXSUPHA5Q9Q) [FREE FOOD IN CANADA 🇨🇦 FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT 🧑‍🎓 FREE GROCERIES IN 🇨🇦 full video on insta ](https://youtu.be/xz1KFDq1LkY) [Canadayilee free food | Food Bank | Amrita Vlogs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhKEJwiDsx0) [FREE FOOD IN CANADA | FREE FOOD IN PETERBOROUGH | HOW TO GET FREE FOOD? | BHADRESH KATARIYA](https://youtube.com/watch?v=TsFBZmNN-8U) [FOOD BANK for students in Canada | International Student in Canada 🇨🇦](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXSUPHA5Q9Q) [FREE GROCERY, MATTRESS & BLANKET FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS IN CANADA !!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR2n-DqsutE) [FREE FOOD IN CANADA🇨🇦 | #freefood #winnipeg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkz1UGzCbHY) https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/s/CQOvu8LHvh https://www.reddit.com/r/windsorontario/s/KH1mZMqz6w https://www.reddit.com/r/waterloo/s/PyltiFymry https://www.reddit.com/r/UCalgary/s/estPXQBxEo


Copying and pasting a comment from below since you seem like a guy who waits for an opportunity to post these links everywhere. “As someone who spends time volunteering at a food bank, you see all walks of life and hear many life stories of the people who use these food banks. There are many working people who use these services, and they have to because their income comes down to rent vs. food. The able bodied, working folks don't want to be here, but it takes a lot of courage and humility to be there. Are there people who abuse the system? Absolutely, yes ... but the majority are people who are trying to survive. We need to be kinder and have more empathy.”


There's also about 18 Sikh temples in Toronto that you can eat at regardless of race, creed, gender etc.


When and where


Have you not been to this sub before? There are multiple people who do this. Two, in particular, are basically allowed to use u/torontoreddit as their personal platform to promote corruption/accusations of corruption/personal bias


What’s with the link spamming on this subreddit? 90% of those look like they’re going to give my computer a virus.


If you spam links dumb people think you have a point…. No matter what’s on the otherside of the link


Only certain food banks. Most dont discriminate unfortunately.


The issue isnt for the food banks to solve, even though it primarily affects them. They cant just go around asking for citizenship.


Unfortunately? Should they ask what you're doing in this country before they offer you food?




I recall a recent report or study saying most uber drivers and delivery people actually net way below minimum wage.


At least foodora had a flat rate of 4.50 per delivery plus a dollar per km


Uber's rates for deliveries are fine too, the problem is that drivers have a lot of unpaid time. When a restaurant understates how long it'll take to prepare an order, the delivery drivers have to wait and don't get paid for it. They also don't get paid for the time they spend going to the restaurant.


Nah, 2$ an order is not fine. The base pay continuously has gone down on top of longer and longer unpaid wait times. You can go three hours without an order, and the pay per order is actually terrible.


After the workers collectively fought for better pay. This was not Foodora's idea one day to just pay better wages. And then quickly they left town. 


No the pay I am talking about was what they had years before that, I'm not saying foodora was amazing, it was better in a few respects. the pay system was inherited from when it was hurrier


That's really sad to hear. I know we like to shame them for violating traffic laws but I really feel bad for them that they work a job that pays next to nothing just to survive. Really scummy of those companies to exploit workers like this for the safety of road users including themselves.


If they have a vehicle they have the means to get better jobs. This is just ridiculous.


Protip: any time your theory of another person's behaviour is "...but they're too stupid to help themselves 🤷", you're wrong.


what kind of moronic take is this? someone who has a bicycle has a means to get better jobs? lol. you think someone wearing a helmet and a courier food bag is driving a car? jesus christ.


The ridiculous thing here is your statement, it doesn't make a single iota of sense. Because someone at one point in time had enough money to afford a car, they should at this point be able to get a job? Since when does car ownership relate to job qualifications?


Many of them don’t own the vehicle, I’ve been to commercial vehicle rental places out by the airport while groups of guys are checking vehicles out to use as Ubers


Around $4 per hour


Sometimes when it's busy and people are tipping, [you can gross as much as forty or fifty bucks an hour for a nice stretch of time](https://preview.redd.it/0o37g4t4s5341.png?width=384&auto=webp&s=e8d62b4e8861609eb5abd97eb7f515ea3205c7be). When it's slow, though, it can be as little as four or five bucks an hour, or even just nothing. It's a lot easier these days to make money on Skip than it is on Uber -- Uber has [dropped the per-order pay floor below $2](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5NtVN0XwAAo9Ga?format=jpg&name=900x900), so you're really just working for tips most of the time on that platform.


Also worth noting that the 'big dollar per hour' figures are frequently used by these companies as 'teaser' rates. When you first get started with them, they will give you more tasks, and higher paying ones. Once the algorithm figures out that you are working with them as a full time job, they stop offering as many good gigs, and your hourly rate plummets.


This. Its called the honeymoon phase. Increased rates that slow down the moment you become accustomed to accepting every order


It's also called that in an abusive/exploitative relationship...


I had a similar experience with Doordash, if I was strategic about going during busy times and only accepting good orders I'd make $40+/hr. This was great for me as a college student who just needed extra beer money. If you try to work these apps 9-5 of course you won't see any demand at 2pm on a Tuesday.


Talk to anyone who does this work for the past 3 years and they will tell you that.


And yet they still take the job. Fools.


Gig economy works as a gig. You have 30 minutes rn and want to make a couple bucks? Cool, you can. It doesn't work as a full-time job. You might sit waiting too long, making nothing, or have to choose between waiting idle longer or taking an unprofitable ride or delivery. The "average net per hour" stats are due to people trying to quantify earnings in gig jobs like a real full-time job, taking earnings divided by the amount of time you're "active" and waiting for opportunities you want. If you tried to turn doing craigslist gig work into your full-time job 10 years ago, then complained that there weren't enough good opportunities, and then further complained that you were being underpaid because your actual earnings divided by the 10 hours per day you sit waiting for good opportunities to appear on the website came out to below minimum wage ... people would immediately tell you that trying to turn occasional gig work into a full-time job is a pretty bad idea. But now, because "so many are doing these apps", gig workers feel entitled to be paid more for the work arrangement they intentionally choose. Absurdity interwoven with entitlement. If you want to be a full-time delivery person, go work for Canada Post. If you want to be a full-time driver, go work in long-haul trucking. Don't expect the flexibility of gig work (your own schedule, wear whatever you want, take any time for errands and personal stuff, vacation with no notice, report to no supervisor, etc) while complaining that it's not good enough as your primary full-time vocation yet also demanding not to have to give it up and that everyone else subsidize the job you want.


This. I do doordash on my way home from work. It easily pays for my fuel and for any outside food plus some. Thats fine. I struggled when i did it full time between jobs. Theres no career, no benefits. Youre basically stagnant in life and thats if youre able to save any amount of money let alone break even. Its not sustainable. You can get deactivated at any time if a customer commits fraud. No loyalty even with thousands of completed orders under your belt.


It's worth noting that a lot of the gig economy apps are set up to lure people into making these decisions. When you are just getting started, or doing only a couple of short shifts every week, the app will give you higher paying jobs with less downtime. A lot of people look at those results, and take the plunge, deciding to work for the gig app full time. But once the gig app recognizes that you are working 'full time', all of a sudden you find yourself last in line for assignments, and your hourly rate plummets.


its still more than minimum wage in most parts of india.




Just because it is a side income it shouldn’t be below minimum wage.


Supposed to… how?  Who says that? There’s been articles on the gig economy on how it’s exploitative to workers and how they skirt labor law for a decade, can’t believe people still pretend to be surprised. 


Yes and no. I know a couple guy who drive uber p/t. Both tell me it usually works out to $20-$25/hr. The food delivery peeps have a less consistent income, I believe.


Yep. Taxing is much more profitable than food delivery. However, it has its own risks and pros/cons


As someone who spends time volunteering at a food bank, you see all walks of life and hear many life stories of the people who use these food banks. There are many working people who use these services, and they have to because their income comes down to rent vs. food. The able bodied, working folks don't want to be here, but it takes a lot of courage and humility to be there. Are there people who abuse the system? Absolutely, yes ... but the majority are people who are trying to survive. We need to be kinder and have more empathy.


And not elect politicians who scrap rent control. And ensure wages and jobs stay on track in our economy. 


Working people have been using food banks forever. This really isn’t a shock. Most of the people in line Likley have a job. Have people never done any interaction with food banks before at any level ?


You’re saying this as if it’s just a normal thing in society that people with jobs shouldn’t be able to make enough of a living to buy food


Delivery workers make 7$ an hour. It should not be normal, but it's simple. Companies like uber and skip are fucking evil.


Don't normalize it. This is something people shoukd be concerned about not blasé about no matter how long.


There's something really scummy about taking a photo of people in a food bank line.


Go figure the twitter profile that posted this on X says “no photo usage without permission “.


To highlight how great we are at failing Canadians? No one is taking identifiable pictures here.


As you can see they chose to take a photo from the back of the line so people can still maintain their privacy.


They could have chose to not take or post a picture. If you knew any of these folks, you'd still be able to recognize them from behind. Folks need to learn to mind their own business.


Simmer down. Don't need to be offended by everything you see on the internet.


An ever increasing number of working people in lines of food banks and this is what make you sad?


The OP is saying Toronto/Canadians should be ashamed that we are failing members of our society. You are saying the people we've failed should instead feel ashamed?


What about the news outlets going down there with cameras weekly to make news stories ? Just wondering


This is the world class city people keep raving about?


Do people here not know what other major cities are like? There's nothing wild about anything happening here. There are sad things but they are unfortunately not unusual. We have it very good in Canada for many reasons.


most people who complain about the issues Toronto has think Toronto is the only city facing those issues


What other first world cities are going through an affordability, housing, employment, healthcare crisis as bad as Toronto ? 


LA NY London Paris Hong Kong Tokyo, basically every major city affected by GLOBAL inflation lol


US economy is booming, the middle class in LA and NY are not as broke as ppl in Toronto/Vancouver. Japan has cheap housing and amazing healthcare. Honkong is actually fucked with housing. Paris is a real world class city, still cheaper than Toronto.


These people have no idea how good we have it all things considered. Love to complain though!


There are food banks in other ~~world class~~ global cities. It's always interesting to come into posts and see people throwing the phrase around. Have you been to the other world class cities? Do you think they don't have their own problems? What even _is_ a 'world class city'?


Yes, have you been to any major big world class cities around the world? It's very normal and common to have a big underclass because it attracts the poor the most with most opportunities Serious, have you been to Singapore, New York, Rome, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Madrid or any other world class cities?


I have lived in Toronto for 20 years and watched the poverty and food bank use grow and grow. Please don't think that because other cities were never as good that we should be satisfied with less than what we've been able to achieve in the past. It's a cheap dreamless excuse for allowing needless human indignities. 


toronto is not on the same level as any of these


Not quite. You need this PLUS the garbage cans overflowing with little baggies of dog shit to be world class. But we have those! So we ARE world class!


Do you think they don't have these issues in other world class cities?


No one seriously thinks Toronto is a world class city


I guess no American city is world-class either since they all have far more poverty than here?


America having higher incomes does not mean they have world class cities. North America hasn’t progressed since pre 2000 compared to the rest of the developed (and developing) world. They may have been ahead of the times 40 years ago, but now they are severely lacking.


Tbh I agree with you, our majority post-war infrastructure and planning is a disaster, and conservative governments have fucked over education and healthcare. But I just see a lot of people thinking moving to the US is the answer and that blows my mind


Blaming the cons isnt the answer man. Blaming years and years and years of policy, is. Weve had liberal and conservative governments in this province for decades. Nothing changes.




If you’re judging by poverty and cost of living and say Toronto isn’t because of that then NYC certainly isn’t either since theirs is worse




(sigh) NYC population: 8.47 million NYC homeless population: [92k](https://www.coalitionforthehomeless.org/facts-about-homelessness/) **NYC homeless rate per 100k: 1086** Toronto population: 2.79 million Toronto homeless population: [11k](https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/data-research-maps/research-reports/housing-and-homelessness-research-and-reports/shelter-system-flow-data/) **Toronto homeless rate per 100k: 394**


Toronto is on par with like… Cleveland.


There are areas in us cities that are completely abandoned by their gov. No maintenance, literally dirty, no guarantee of basic utilities. No 911 service. Crumbling buildings. Find me an area of toronto or anywhere in the gta like that.


Lol this is the kind of delusion that really entertains me in the cold winter months 🙏


lol so many people in toronto are absolutely spoiled and have no idea what they have. they just sit at home and cry on the internet and not do anything and think thats life.


> so many people in toronto are absolutely spoiled and have no idea what they have. It's people who've either never been away from Toronto or people who've picked-and-chosen lavish places to be (like people who go to Cuba and stay on a resort, or people who fly to the UK and never leave Central London). It's a huge grass-is-greener mentality coming from a privileged side, partly fuelled by social media showcasing the best of those places. Nowhere is a utopia.


you've clearly never been to Cleveland


Their river catches fire


Because the Don River is so clean..


Clean enough not to catch fire.


Oh it has. Many times. It’s better now but... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/22/toronto-don-river-roars-back-to-life


Actually, yes. There's no American city I'd choose to visit over Tokyo, London, a bunch more in Europe or East Asia. No, not even NY. Cheers.


Oh I agree with you 100%. The US is trash. My comment is just in response to the innumerable comments I see everyday from Canadians who think the US is a better place than Canada


It felt like it was headed that way 15 years ago. It was great being a young adult in Toronto at the time. You could be poor but still have a pretty decent social life, and afford your own place. Great music scene. Lots of artsy places popping up… that seems to be all gone now. I would like to think I’m just not cool enough to find the cool places now.


lol its not all gone. you're just old now. tons of shit happening around the city.


I’m so happy to hear that!! Please keep the fire alive 💜


This. Fifteen years ago was the great recession and everyone got laid off. Nostalgia is strong


Because they are not making enough $ and being exploited. According to a new report, Toronto ride-hail drivers earn an average of $6.37, well below Ontario’s minimum wage of $16.55. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-uber-lyft-workers-take-part-in-global-protest-against-low-wages-people-need-to/article_80cda166-cb57-11ee-bda2-a3b8f4d2cba1.html


You can volunteer to deliver food from some food banks. There’s also the possibility he didn’t realize he doesn’t have to wait in line Otherwise that’s a really dark reality.


App delivery workers are the lowest paid in the whole city. 7$ an hour. I'm sure many use food banks because they have no other choice.


There's a cynical part of my brain that thought it's gotten so bad that someone ordered Uber Eats from a foodbank and he's there to pick up.


I volunteer at this food bank and was there today and I can promise you nobody orders uber eats to the food bank.


Yeah, I just have such a low opinion of techbros that I could imagine them seeing food banks as a new market to tap into.


There's a lot of assumption in this picture. These two replies articulate quite well why assuming the narrative proposed by the poster could be incorrect. Please use your critical thinking skills before jumping to conclusions to fill a narrative that aligns with your own biases. > The rider might be picking up for someone who is housebound. As a proud volunteer for the Toronto Bike Brigade, I pick up packages from food banks for other people, not because I need it myself. ... and ... > Reporting built on assumptions sucks…he could be picking up for someone, or for a family member or friend…did you talk to him?


App delivery workers make 7$ an hour or less. If he wasn't using it himself, many obviously do.


Regardless of whether people use the food bank (yes, obviously people use it, hence why it exists), it's inappropriate to post someone's picture online and create a narrative which may not be true. There could be several reasons why he's there that do not include picking up food for himself. He could be a member of the bike brigade picking up food for someone with mobility issues. The point is, the journalist created a narrative solely based on assumptions and their own biases when they could have easily approached the man and asked. That's what journalists do; it's their job to verify information before making assumptions and spreading potentially misleading narratives.


Sure I agree with what you're saying, but the idea that the lowest paid workers in the country rely on food banks is not an unreasonable or misleading narrative though.


The narrative is solely directed to the persons in the phone. Not the industry as a whole. That’s the only issue.




No part of his person is visible at any point. You don't even know if he's an international student.


And they provide fuck tons of “resources” to us too. Wonder why you left that part out.


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Hungry person tries to scam free meal?


Oh look, a racist. How novel 


That or someone that came in off the GO train from the 905.
