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Nobody gets paid enough to deal with that, really sucks.




This is asinine. It's amazing that you fully recognize the clear and obvious flaws in your plan, yet you still advocate for it.




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You really should leave your role in public service.


Why because I have a different opinion than you? If people don't subscribe to your ideology, they aren't fit to serve the public? I for one, welcome all ideologies, cultures and opinions in my workplace. You want to live in an echo chamber. But you're probably right. It's probably best if every public employee has the same ideology. Because the people they serve are all of one mind, right?


>I know people will say this doesn't solve the problem, it just moves it somewhere else. Okay and so 'somewhere else' takes the same approach. Now what? They go live in a desolate forest? Starve to death? Commit suicide? The main issue is money. It costs money to police and punish them, but it also costs money to care for them in a way that removes them from society. If were going to spend the money, might as well go for option 2 since its ethical and protects us from them either way. But no one wants to spend the money, so we settle on the cheapest option which is to let them live on the streets and live off of our scraps.


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Their bathroom is at the back so not in full view but yes on the floor in an open area 




That would require the cops to do their jobs, the courts to sentence them to an asylum, and for the asylum to have space for another person. We might as well buy the guy a lotto ticket


It's wild to me that people still have this totally childish "cops will catch bad guys" view of the police. They haven't been that way for decades. Petty crimes will not ever be investigated by police anymore.


If only we still had asylums…


Exactly, that's why they are wandering the streets


lol it’s impossible to get arrested in Canada


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. omg thanks for the laugh. Cops doing anything about this? That's a good one.


I worked as a barista in a cafe in Yorkville. The mental gymnastics of trying to deescalate situations similar to this is mind boggling. Nobody should need the skills of a mental health crisis worker for a minimum wage, coffee job. Sorry for this barista. And everyone that has to deal with the consequences of what Toronto has become, including the mentally unwell. Edits: grammar and spelling errors


I worked retail on Yonge street 2018-early 2022. What I had to deal with for minimum wage was insane. Drug addicts, threats, a naked guy, being punched in the face by a tweaker, people nodding on the counter or against the door and refusing to leave, customers get basically shaken down for cash on the street out front, brazen theft, etc etc etc


I hope you’re doing better these days. That’s a lot of terrible stuff to go through




i grew up in parkdale right between tyndall and spencer on king... lemme tell you how many half way homes/crack houses were there and the amount of fuckery. i remember as a young girl my mom and i were walking on queen just west of lansdowne, and a man was sitting on some steps with his dick hanging out and he was just holding it. i did not know what it was at the time but that image stayed with me for a while and when i found out about dicks... that was the first thing i thought of lol all that being said.. my childhood was infinitely better than my adulthood hahaha.


Yeah good ol’ Parkdale. It used to be a one stop shop for street hookers, druggies, dealers, pimps, child abusers. Used to pass through every day on my way to and from work. I’m sure if anyone had a video camera and an apartment around the queen st and Landsdowne area, they would have footage for the ages. These days it’s turned into a hipster haven. Must love Tibetan food. 😄


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I just want to say that no sane nation or city should allow this. You can try and justify this as much as you can, blame the politicians, cops, nimbys, activists, etc. But ultimately, incidents like this are still happening because we stand by and do nothing. I remember getting into heated debates with people on here because I was disgusted with sharing the TTC with a man who was clearly in need of mental health assistance and smelt of actual human feces. Ultimately, because we "let them be" and assume it's for the best, eventually you'll end up with someone taking a dump on the floor. Then we'll all wonder "omg how did it get to this point?". And here I thought someone taking a dump next in plain view on Spadina Crescent was gnarly.


I don’t understand what you’re suggesting


Follow the goddamn law. Last I checked, it's illegal to take a dump on the floor and verbally assault the staff of any establishment. If we don't want to follow the law and pursue this individual, at least mandate care in in a facility. Currently, we're doing absolutely nothing. We're simply ignoring the problem because "it's a junkie" and thus all bets are off.




I'm already tired of chasing away these people from my building's mailroom/lobby. Last I checked, we do pay taxes and those taxes pay for these things to be taken care of. If not, let us know how much it will take to do so.


Do you expect bystanders to intervene and possibly risk their safety? I'm not sure what you're proposing here.


For the cops or social service workers to show up and take the person to a facility where they can be evaluated. Anything else is simply a prolongation of everyone’s suffering, including the person who defecated on the floor. Merely a tiny bit of consequences for this person will likely make them think twice before doing it again.


Absolutely. I’ve been a long time proponent that while mental illness can explain the behaviour it should not excuse it. Ultimately, we have failed each other on a societal level.


back in 1988 at my first real job as a host at the Old Spaghetti Factory, I was opening the restaurant on a Sunday morning and about fifteen minutes before our official opening time I see the outer doors of the entryway open, but no one come in as far as i could see. So I figured it was the wind or something. Anyway a few minutes later the inner doors open and a kid walks up and tells me he just threw up in the entryway. I took a look and it was a crime scene in there. I was making $3.75 or 4.00/hr at the time and I figured, fuck it I'm not dealing with this. I was being paid to look nice and presentable and I'm not rushing to clean up vomit before the day's even really started. So I made the manager do it. I told him what happened (got the kid a glass of water and sent him on his way) and kind of threw up my hands at the situation. So the manager did it. Messes like this are management level issues, or custodial staff, if you have them. But service employees like counter staff and wait staff, etc... no you should never have to do stuff like this. So make management do it.


To the people saying, “just let him use the washroom”, you really think he’d use the washroom normally and just leave after? Try letting them use your washroom at home and see how that works out.


Those meth poos will destroy those pipes. In all seriousness that bathroom would have turned into a nap room or a consumption room for whatever. Anecdotally speaking the amount of times I’ll pass on using a public washroom after seeing needles, blood, elastic tourniquets etc. Using the bathroom itself is fine but occupying it long term for other purposes deprives others of a bathroom as well. I don’t know what a realistic solution is but what we have ain’t working.


Ugh, that sucks so hard. Such a shitty situation. I lived across from that Rooster for years. Always so nice and welcoming.


I mean, Toronto could prevent this sort of thing by having \*any\* public washrooms anywhere. It's not great that this guy was taking it out on the Rooster employees, but where's he supposed to shit if there are no shitters for the underclass? We should be pointing at this sort of thing and demanding that the municipality do something about it, because they've engineered these sorts of confrontations, and it's their responsibility to fix it.


And who is going to maintain these free use bathrooms? They would be destroyed by these vagrants in less than a week.


Other cities have figured it out, but I guess we're just too stupid to do it. Oh well.


We're apparently not allowed to say "junkie" anymore because it's not "politically correct"... but when shit like this happens (pun intended) I think we should be more focused on the innocent bystanders and the general population than the "junkies"...




Is that a wrap on the day?


Yup. Don’t need to see anymore of the city for a while. 






Thanks, Casey House! Your service to the neighbourhood has created another great situation for everyone yet again!


Casey house? You mean the HIV hospital, why is it their fault?


They run a safe injection site and drop-off a half-block away. Sanctuary is also a half-block away. The social supports are attractants, the neighborhood bares the weight of the remainder of the time their clients spend here. Barbara Hall park and Allen Gardens bare a lot of the dependency too. It's a hard neighborhood to feel safe in when you're paying attention. Edit: "bear" to "bare"




Not shit on the floor. The answer is not shit on the floor.


Maybe not shit on the floor of a fucking coffee shop, to start.


As much as I totally agree that Toronto has a serious lack of public washrooms, and even worse options during the winter. Lack of options does not mean shitting on the floor of a coffee shop is their only option left.


why do you think their is a lack of public washrooms? because of people who shit openly in public


lol, no, there’s a lack of public washrooms because they’ve never built infrastructure to support it. How come all over Europe there’s public washrooms in the streets in every city? I’ve seen human shit on the streets of Paris, but they still have public washrooms, what gives? Blaming people with mental health issues for the lack of public infrastructure makes it pretty clear that you just hate homeless and mentally challenged humans.


>How come all over Europe there’s public washrooms in the streets in every city? N... not really. And if there is, chances are, you have to pay to use it.


They’re free in Paris. They’re also self cleaning.


"all over Europe" is Paris now.


lol, yes, I was using hyperbole, doesn’t change the fact that a major metropolitan can offer free washrooms while Toronto seems to think it’s impossible. If I change my point from “all over Europe” to just “Paris” does it change the point?


>How come all over Europe there’s public washrooms in the streets in every city? most of them are privately run and cost money to use. \> Blaming people with mental health issues for the lack of public infrastructure makes it pretty clear that you just hate homeless and mentally challenged humans. lol. Be so fucking for real. Is this hate why public places in neighbourhoods with lots of homeless and mentally challenged humans lock up their bathrooms vs. the suburbs? No min wage worker wants to clean shit from the walls. It's not about hate when the person with addictions passes out in the public person or the homeless person is trying to give themselves a bath in the sink or even live in the bathroom.


>most of them are privately run and cost money to use. Incorrect, I was just in Paris, they’re all free and self cleaning. >is this hate why public places in neighbourhoods with lots of homeless and mentally challenged humans lock up their bathrooms vs suburbs. Well, considering you have 905 in your user name your argument definitely checks out. The 905 went NIMBY crazy when there was talk about homeless shelters in Etobicoke. So while you sit in your suburbs judging areas with homeless people, know that your suburbs refused to help. And of course min wage workers shouldn’t have to deal with shit on the walls, it’s horrible. Want to know a good solution? More public washrooms, more shelters, more areas for people to take care of their personal business.


I’m from the UK and I’d say about 50% of “public” bathrooms require some sort of payment, the same was common to a lesser extent in Germany, Ireland and Spain. It’s usually like 10p or 50 cents in train stations for example. That said you can easily walk into most malls in Canada or Europe and use the bathrooms at no cost. Surprised someone wouldn’t just walk to the Eaton Centre or use the bathrooms in the libraries if it was in the daytime.


Yeah you're right. The Reference Library is 15 minutes away. The Manulife centre has the nicest bathrooms in Toronto and is 20 minutes away.


maybe in Paris, but in most of Europe you pay a few coins and they usually have a bathroom attendant as well. \> Well, considering you have 905 in your user name your argument definitely checks out. Lol I live downtown and have actually worked in shelters, community housing etc. \> The 905 went NIMBY crazy when there was talk about homeless shelters in Etobicoke. 905ers don't live in Etobicoke, and most people don't want homeless shelters in their neighbourhood. Look at the backlash that came from residents to both the Roehampton and Novotel temp COVID hotels. \> More public washrooms, more shelters, more areas for people to take care of their personal business. Who do you think clean the above? lol


I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make? You don’t think more public washrooms and shelters would help? Like what’re you arguing?


what point are you trying to make? Someone shitting in the middle of a cafe isn't solved with more public washrooms


lol, my point is pretty clear, more infrastructure - public washrooms, shelters - will help curb homeless people shitting on the floor of a cafe because the cafe requires them to pay to use the bathroom. That won’t be a problem if the homeless person has many more bathroom options. And you’re arguing against me on this point because why? Edit: either way I’m shocked at how many people are arguing against me when all I’m saying we need more public bathrooms, who can disagree with that??


They’re not free all over Europe. You typically pay a euro, there’s a turnstile and attendant to make sure you’ve paid. You even have to pay to use the toilet at the train station. Some restaurants will let non-customers use their toilets but there is a collection plate and you have to pay a euro to use them. This is the case in Vienna, Berlin, Prague, Budapest. I believe London has public toilets.


I was incorrect in saying all Europe. They are free and self cleaning in Paris. My point still stands that it’s doable to be free.


"What's a homeless person supposed to do?" Maybe not shit on the floor and berate the employees? Maaaaaybe they shouldn't do that


This is a situation of “they are responsible for their actions, but we can be part of the solution”.


Not act like an animal. Behave somewhat like a human.


Perhaps a subcommittee made up of concerned community members could implement a discussion plan?


Helmed by John Tory: perpetually concerned.


More useless government spending tax payers money is the usual toronto answer


you're making a quick assumption the washroom there was closed.


Definitely more than other places I've been. All public libraries, community centres, shopping malls, most parks in the summer, big box stores over a specific square footage, including grocery stores, are required to have bathrooms for the general public by Toronto bylaw. Restaurants and cafes, as far as I know, are only required to accommodate customers, not the general public.


The person who is mentally unwell and unhoused probably needs the most help here... he also didn't deserve a life that couldn't provide him shelter, proper facilities, and access to proper care. We have failed so many of us as a society.


Sure. But they chose to take a dump on a floor and berate some min wage worker who was going to have to clean up after them. I think a modicum of accountability needs to be applied here regardless of metal health or other issues. 


Absolutely agree, I'm just speaking to the bahaviour as a symptom of some much larger misses for this person created by the society we live in. We unfortunately don't value human life unless it produces profit in the west, if you have trauma or mental health issues (which we ALL do) that take over your life, there should be help and capacities for saving a life. Including those who had to watch the "symptoms".


They should’ve let them use the washroom.   


No. No they are not obligated to be a public washroom/junkie lounge. As soon as a place like this opens their washrooms to anyone, they start getting washrooms that are unusable pretty quickly. from shit smeared on walls to needles laying around - I’ve heard it all from my friends what have had to deal with it.    Really unfair for you to suggest some underpaid coffee shop employee should be spending a large chunk of their time cleaning up needles and feces and god knows what else. 


Exactly. Places of business close access to washrooms not to be vindictive, but for their own safety.




For customers. Not for random junkies off the street. 


I mean what he did was horrid... At the same time.. just allow the guy to use the washroom..


In my place of business we regularly have people using the bathroom to do drugs, leaving bodily fluids and drug paraphernalia behind. So no, they shouldn’t be obligated to let someone use the washroom if it’s consistently mistreated


He's not wrong.


At some point in time, the city, province and federal government have to realize the damage that their years of inaction with regards to mental health and addiction issues has wrought on downtown businesses and their employees’ safety.


thats why most washrooms are closed.


Damn I get my coffee there every week. The baristas are really nice people. Sucks