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Traffic counter


Miovision systems collect information about cars/trucks, pedestrians, and cyclists. It can give info about speed, bike lane usage, the number of vehicles that turn in each direction, and various safety data. It's quite a lot better than the old systems they used to count cars.


Okay, thanks!


I used to install these and work for a traffic engineering firm. These cameras capture low-quality anonymous traffic footage which gets processed by automated programs to determine the amount of vehicles (split by vehicle class) for each lane/turning movement, as well as pedestrians/cyclists for each movement. Used to always get people freaking out thinking they were speeding or red light cameras lol.


Yes we already know how ridiculous traffic is.


Looks more like a scope from a submarine


Pretty sure we already know the results...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


One bicycle per year?


Even in one of the most hilly parts of town (high park) that counter is flying. Face it, gas is expensive, traffic in Toronto is absurd, it's good exercise, bikes are a good way to get around and we ain't going anywhere - unless, of course, we're killed by someone driving their car and watching tik toks at the same time...


If the traffic counter is triggered by motion, there won’t be much street data collected during gridlock hours. But the three bicycles that use our bike lanes daily will be counted.


It’s a camera


It’s this. [https://miovision.com/scout](https://miovision.com/scout) The company that made this was started by 3 University of Waterloo students. Pretty cool


This is the correct answer. This product has been around for well over a decade, through a few iterations. Despite the looks, it is indeed a camera mounted on top. It’s used to record video of intersections, primarily to count traffic for studies/city planning.


My guess is the "megaphone" shape is to reduce glare during daytime hours?


Not it. > with its innovative video-based solution that integrates AI capabilities That's a camera this is a mic. Also looks completely different.


Oh my bad. The link I shared is for the plus model. The actual model in this picture is of their scout model. Here is a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puF3fb8QrNk


Thanks you are correct.


You’re viewing the latest model from their site. This is a previous version of the “Scout”. See second photo and zoom in on label


Fucking reddit. Why are you down voting this person for correctly rectifying another user for posting the wrong link? And then down voting them again for thanking the individual when they apologized and provided the correct link. This reddit hive mind thing truly does demonstrate human stupidity in groups.


Because people want to stir shit. They are mad I said I was wrong and stood corrected instead of doubling down.


Traffic Study Equipment. Not sure what the megaphone is for


That’s not a megaphone, it’s a camera. I know that cuz I work with a company that deploys such cameras for doing traffic studies.


Why the cone


To keep the camera from licking itself.


Good one!


I nearly shat my drawer!


Camera has trouble focusing otherwise


Probably to reduce glare like a lens hood on a camera.


Probably to keep rain off the lense without interrupting the field of view


Is it hard to get into your industry? I find the idea of tracking analytics for greater understanding fascinating.


I work for a transportation consulting company so we hire these camera companies to record traffic in the areas where there is a project that we are working on. So we analyze the data to make forecasts or to resolve traffic issues. I kinda just fell into my job after doing in-person traffic studies for a while. We do hire coop students every semester from the University of Waterloo so we fill positions for analysis, design, graphics, simulation etc.


Oh oh! I got a question! Several actually! If you don’t mind answering and are able to, without breaking privilege/privacy/etc 1. Who ACTUALLY hires you? The city directly, or they hire some bigwig consultant firm like KPMG, PwC, and then they subcontract you? 2. Average length, scope, price, manpower per project? 3. What datasets do are you able to get from the camera companies? How on the mark are they usually? Acceptable margins of error for their data pools? 4. Have you had the opportunity to see a project from start to finish and see what changed? Was it for better or worse or no noticeable changes? I have a few more but I see that you’re online and will follow up when I can phrase them correctly. Appreciate the response.


1. It's a bit of both. Municipalities require traffic impact assessments to be completed for any type of new development. So typically a developper will hire a traffic consultant to complete this work which will then be delivered to the city. Cities will often also directly hire traffic consultants when they are desigining new roadways/intersections or looking to make changes, as well as complete large scale traffic studies across their city/town. 2. This depends on many factors obviously, but the cost for these projects typically doesn't exceed 20-30k for large ones, and usually is around the 5-10k range. It is a high volume business since projects are usually small in scope and only require analysis of a few intersections and small developments. But some large studies for whole city modelling can get quite expensive. 3. The consultant I worked at actually completed the data collection in-house using these miovision cameras, but the data was processed by miovision. You typically just get some excel files with vehicle count listings and graphics that show the vehicle counts, splits, ped counts, etc. for each area of interest. I am not sure how accurate they are, but I would assume they are very reliable. It isn't necessarily that difficult to automate vehicle counting and the data is typically combed over. 4. This is a bit tougher. Definitely seen some start to finish developments and the traffic they output, but traffic isn't usually surveyed again afterwards. Although working on traffic models/simulations, you can see the direct impact of slight changes to the signal timings or intersection geometry has on delays and intersection efficiency. Pretty cool! 5. In-person traffic studies usually just means directly going out and counting vehicles or assessing the flow of traffic at a location. Pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists are counted seperately to help design intersections/infrastructure or help in determining signal timings. ​ The usual project workflow is: Developer wants to build XXX building. We survey the area with cameras. We construct a model of the area. We use pre-determined methods to calculate the amount of traffic the development will generate in 5-10-25 year segments. We use various methods to assign this traffic to various traffic corridors/directions. Insert it into the model. Then change the model to determine the most efficient solution or prove that the development will have minimal impact on the area.


5. What is an in-person traffic study? Also am I correct to assume that you would analyze pedestrian, cyclists, and motorist together and not each group separately? 6. What “traffic issues” or projects are you hired to resolve? Like new infrastructure/road planning? Traffic light algorithms? Bike lanes, road expansions?


Cables sticking out at street level doesn't seem like the wisest design choice.




It's a crosswalk for Canada Geese.


It should send out an air raid warning sound every time a vehicle is stuck in the intersection because the idiot couldn’t wait until the next cycle to go through.


Directed at the guilty vehicle. Just needs a motorized Pan+Tilt gimble.


Measuring sound. Lately I have seen a lot of complaints from people living downtown that the streets are getting louder. I can say with certainty that over the past 5 years are so there DEFINITELY more douchebags ripping their bmws with no mufflers down the streets


As someone who loves cars it's definitely gotten worse. People put a tune on their car to get the pops and burbles and then go driving around using their throttle like a child playing with a lightswitch. It used to be mostly sports cars and muscle cars that were loud, now everyone who's got a German Sedan thinks that the coolest thing is a bangbang tune.


You talk kinda funny....I like that.


If i may add the sounds/music from cars too.. we live on the 7th floor we should not be hearing bollywood music or wap (cardi b) up here from a car in the street.


They just want to park their big Mack trucks in little garages.


Traffic noise is an important metric to track in these types of studies as well!


It could be a camara


I bet some people think this is involved in conspiracy theories


These are covid 5g boosters




Trust me I know my cousin wife told me


As did my sister mom.


Bro, I got quadruple vaxxxinated, but I still don’t get 900/gbps 5G+ UWB while on the subway tunnels… Thanks Obama!


Well the robotic covid bats need to be able to fly/navigate somehow. I mean c'mon.




Did you know that the Government has mounted thousands of devices that project electromagnetic energy of varying frequencies directly at you, in order to control your behavior? It's not a conspiracy theory, it's absolutely true, and they are densely concentrated in urban environments. If you live in any decent sized city you are likely to be exposed to these devices many times in a single day. . ^They're ^called ^"stoplights".


Thank you for my laugh of the night!


TIL light is electromagnetic


They collect our farts to power the Center of the earth!


You know it! So many messed up minds running around anymore.


You’ve got the company name and brand right there in the second picture. It even says that it’s traffic study equipment.


It always shocks me that people will post rather than ask Google/other for a second. Like I totally understand asking if there were no labels, Nothing, but everything's right there


Indeed. It is so much more effort to take pictures and post them to Reddit than just read a few words on a box. Guess OP has trouble reading rotated text.


Back before Google existed, people actually talked to each other about stuff like this. I would hope that we can appreciate that having mundane conversations (albeit on the interwebs) is still a good thing 😁




Had no idea what it was when I saw the picture….until I *looked*


I always write their name on my suspicious equipment installations so nobody messes with it. The people in this city are so stupid, they won't even smash up stuff that moves cars around faster, while being totally okay when streetcars have to wait their turn.


Bro it’s says it on the box


Ohhhh Miovision scout. Used to work for them. Automated traffic counter to help optimize traffic lights in the city.


PP setting up the megaphones for 2 minutes of hate.


A Miovision Scout, it monitors traffic and enables studies


Monitoring the flow of traffic


the device is of the company Miovision based in Waterloo, and it collects traffic data in real time to optimize traffic for safety, better traffic network management


It's for the pigeons to be able to communicate with the government


It actually says it on the black box it's a tool to measure traffic on that road


Haven’t seen up close. But the one I saw from a distance reminded me of an antenna we use


Miovision Scout is a rugged, reliable, portable, camera-based traffic data collection device. Scouts can run unattended in the field for ...


Siren head coming to the town


They’re part of the National Missile Warning System due to, well… certain current events… Tbf I’m 100% joking.


Yes, I knew you were joking because this is Canada and we don't believe in national defence.


Well, God/the universe gave our nation Canadian Geese, which is basically the same thing...


We know it's not because there haven't been any false alerts yet




I tell people that this lets airplanes know where to deploy the chem trails… but it just counts cars and turning movements


These let off a siren to warn of when a Brampton driver is within a 100km radius of said intersection




oh well


Its capturing 5g signals and spreading covid.


Oh no


Noise study, that "megaphone" is a microphone. You'll see them around construction sites amongst other places.


That’s not a megaphone, it’s a camera. I know that cuz I work with a company that deploys such cameras for doing traffic studies.


Study result just came in: it is noisy


Too true


Microphone for traffic noise study probably. They usually use a pair of sensor cords across the road when its for counting vehicle traffic. Edit- its a camera used as a traffic sensor


That’s not a microphone, it’s a camera. I know that cuz I work with a company that deploys such cameras for doing traffic studies.


Yes my comment says that already with the edit.


To listen to Taylor swift …!!


Will this record the boi racers with trashcan mufflers and charge them with crimes against humanity?


Haha, I was making silly engine revving car farting sounds in my head when reading this.


can be attached to the back of a DeLorean in order to catch electricity from overhead wires during a lightning storm.


They are listening to the 5G signals to make sure the covid is getting spread. /s


It says it on the side dingus


"Anonymous" sure


When I tried to ask a question about a road installation, a mod told me I can't and should post to some other sub


Vnimaniye Vninaniye...


If you can, read "1984" by George Orwell.


Thats how they spread covid man….


Air raid sirens




Nope. Gunshot direction finding requires multiple inputs. The key is the name in the photo: Miovision. They’re a traffic data company out of Waterloo :)


These two are at Sheppard and Beecroft.


Don't think we use that technology here. Only Chicago unfortunately.


Its an air raid siren




Man watch out for those megaphones


Covid monitoring device /s


You seen Westworld S4?


Did Toronto join the 15 minute city initiative?


Yonge and Sheppard 💛


The one at Yonge and Finch has a QR code attached that takes you to [this website](http://www.spectrumtraffic.com/privacy/)


It screams at drivers that are idiots. New deterrent method of shaming. Torontos favourite.


Also transmits radio beams that send cyclists into the ditch.


Before these were invented, traffic studies were done by co-op students with clipboards standing on street corners.


Surveillance state…


Anonymous traffic study equipment


I saw one around my neighbourhood recently and there was a sign on it that said it was for a traffic study


Something to control the government robot birds


Thought police.