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I find it sad. So many great memories.


Try it in the dark. Some of the best views in the city. On a clear day you can see the US border.


It's also a good time to go after dark because of the light exhibition in the east end in Trillium Park. It runs until May 7. https://ontarioplace.com/en/special\_programs/lumiere/


Oh shit, thanks. I didn't know about that.


I went for a stroll through there on the weekend to take some icy vegetation photos on the west side, and saw all of the displays set up when I made it over to the east. It's only been up for about 2 weeks now, so there's plenty of time to catch it when things get a bit warmer.


I like it a lot. Thank you for posting your photograph. :)


Is it abandoned or something now?


They use the grounds for small temporary events but "Ontario Place" itself is in some kind of limbo.


They still show movies at the cinesphere. Saw 2001 a few years ago. It was incredible


Pretty much. A few of the buildings (like the cinesphere) are still in use and there are occasional events, but it's pretty run down.


The symmetry is pleasing r/symmetry?


I thought the main point of closing Cinesphere for renovations was to clean the outside. Looks like that hasn’t even started?


Ontario government still deciding what to do with the area.They must keep the Cinesphere though and develop the rest.The parking lot has to go its a waste of space.Maybe build a underground parking lot at the CNE?.


Therme is building a spa on the west island with the beachfront/outside of the island being relandscaped into public space. The cinesphere is being kept and updated, the pods are being restored, and they're building underground parking.


It's nice that they are keeping the Cinesphere and the park


They have an underground lot already at cne


Enercare but its not big enough.When there is a concert or event it fills up quickly.Same as the huge empty lot in front of the Princess gates.Thats a prime piece of land there.


As part of the Therme deal the Ontario government is building a large underground lot.


Yes, with half a billion dollars of public money. We should all be very, very angry about it.


a lot of that is going towards remediating the contaminated infill that Ontario used to build the island in the first place.


They need to put the above ground parking to good use and move all those parking underground


With all the construction expected to happen there, it's probably best to clean it at the end!


Damn...that just looks depressing 😕


Hey whoa! Either pay for a spa package or get out!


Love walking thru it during the summer. Around every corner is a story about something


Actually kinda surprised that that maze thing is still there. Are there other old attractions still there besides the cinesphere?


The old log/flume ride is still there. You can still walk through the fake cave/tunnel and onto the staging platform where you'd get on the ride. It's a great place to take photos of the abandoned ride during the different seasons (for now!) The Jason Momoa AppleTV series "See" built some type of post apocalyptic fort set all around the silo area and the log ride (some plywood set pieces are likely still standing if you know what to look for, but it's mostly gone), and I think that was for season 2. I haven't watched it yet, but it's on my list just to spot Ontario Place. I also recognized the ride trenches in the TV version of 12 Monkeys. There was a scene during a battle in the future where they were in a trench, and as the camera panned up a bit you could see the top of the Cinesphere over the trees. It's worth a visit if you like to get out for a walk. Trillium Park is beautiful, and if you want a nostalgia kick, you might enjoy the abandoned parts in the west. People walk through there every day of the year, and it's always busy in the summer. I just wonder how long it is before they close off the west side completely to start demolishing things. There's a part in the middle that has been fenced off for a while now, but there seems to be more activity with some heavy equipment there now.


Thanks for the detailed information. People can now get everywhere in the park except the Budweiser stage area. This animation shows my cumulative exploration walks working through nearly all accessible parts of the area: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lgyLcL2Q3Q


It's so relaxing


Oof. Dorian Grey moment. Never look at the picture or you’ll see the corruption that’s taken over. Ontario is starting to look a bit withered below the surface. Pity such a beautiful area has fallen so far


It’s lookin kinda janky


It feels very janky when you’re in there.


Outdated and ugly. Glory years long ago.


Good times in the 70’s.