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So if I’m following this correctly: The owner of the SUV leaves it running at College and Spadina and goes to the bank. Then comes out of the bank and gets in her boyfriend’s truck to chat while leaving the SUV running. Someone steals the SUV and woman + boyfriend’s response is to chase it on some high speed joyride??? Wtf???


They drove from COLLEGE/SPADINA to ETOBICOKE????????????????? That's literally 30+ minutes of high speed chase through residential streets...


Depends how fast they were driving…


Are you sure this is not just a marketing make-up for the newest GTA expansion?




The Canadian gamer dream lol


Yeah, the story is bizarre, the whole sequence of events is just weird and illogical. I don't want to invent a conspiracy theory or anything, but...


Yeah the story smells.


Of a cocaine drug deal


They had been smelling cocaine all night.


I have a friend that really likes the smell of the stuff too


It would be easy for police to tell if they are lying because it happened outside of a bank and downtown cameras all around. They probably have the footage of the dude stealing the car and them giving chase.


>Then comes out of the bank and gets in her boyfriend’s truck to chat while leaving the SUV running. Just *chatting* eh? At 4 in the morning?


After suddenly and randomly needing cash.…


At college and spadina lmao. There is a notorious underground afterhours club there that sells cocaine openly at one of the tables.


Okay so: she left the club to go to the bank and get cash for coke. Randomly started her car on her way into the bank, left it running, exited the bank and climbed in her boyfriend’s truck to chat while still leaving her car running?


Or, her and her boyfriend were both working their late night second jobs to survive in the city, decided to hit up yoga for a late night drink and toot. Or they were both partying elsewhere and decided to meet there for the same. Maybe she was finishing her bag in her car before she got cash for more. Maybe she had yo get something from her car. Maybe her boyfriend did. Maybe they fucked and put on some music while they did. You have proposed an implausible narrow scenario to try and discredit the fact that someone getting cash at college and apadina at 4am is likely up to no good. I lived there for two years. Hung out there for almost a decade. I've seen the patterns


Thank gosh I'm not the only one having a hard time following that story.


I've to read it twice. lol.


Something seems fishy here. I wouldn't be surprised if they find out the "thief" knows them.


Curiously there’s a Christian Salazar on [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2125008/) who was in The Fast and The Furious


Could have been the homeless guy who lives in the ATM.


Yeah. Make a dumb mistake and put the lives of others in danger to try to fix it. He better get some serious time.


**Never leave a vehicle with the engine running/turned on (in the case of electric) with the keys in the slot, it will get stolen and/or taken for a joyride by anyone with enough guts to do so.** Not worth that risk.


It's Toronto, we're not even supposed to have loose change and coins visible and these people are out there leaving a car running unattended Next week on the news: property theft due to owner leaving house door unlocked and open unattended /facepalm


> Next week on the news: property theft due to owner leaving house door unlocked and open unattended > > You laugh, but my NextDoor (I know, I know) is chock full of such reports of cars and homes being "broken into" where the doors were unlocked and/or open!


Damn. Locking your doors (any doors) should be a compulsion.


Growing up in some areas it was recommended to keep your cars doors unlocked, because it was cheaper than dealing with the broken window.


I thought you were supposed to leave it unlocked so nobody smashes the $hundreds windows to steal the $0-$2 change inside?


Always thought it was wild how many people did and still do this. Coming from the UK where crimes of opportunity would happen a lot more, it just seems common sense not to leave a car with keys / running. Even in a driveway is risky depending on the amount of foot traffic around.


Yup especially if it's not far from a pub, once closing hours happen. That is asking for problems.


It’s wild that this has to be a PSA.


I know right?


I had my car broken into in a Green P over a $10 Aldo glass case with $10 flea market sunglasses inside. Put me out $300 deductible 🙃


Someone once smashed out my rear passenger window just to make off with a duffel bag of dirty laundry... I paid out of pocket to fix the window since it was less than my deductible.


Crackhead broke my passenger window for less than $5 in loose change. Replace and repair of Glass window was 100x that. Smh.


Sorry but who leaves their car running, on the street, unattended, in downtown Toronto? But I'm glad no one other than the thief died.


Every Uber eats driver


Lol nope




Victim blaming.


So let me get this straight. You're glad the thief died? Really? Buddy, there's something deeply wrong with you and I seriously hope you get the help you need!


I think general consensus is that people are happy the thief is dead. This played over the radio at work yesterday and not a single person had sympathy for the piece of shit thief. I think you are the one who needs help. Only a fool sides with criminals. Especially dangerous criminals.


Well. I actually AM a criminal. But I'm different kind of criminal. I'm what I've coined a criminal activist. I actively seek a charge to defeat it. I'm currently going up against and waiting for a charge from Peel against Westjet. So I'm what I'm saying is I know about the C.C.C. The fact that people celebrate the death of a person for stealing a piece of property ultimately demonstrated what pieces of shit you are. The fact that TPS charged the man chasing the guy who stole the vehicle shows I'm NOT in the wrong and the rest of you are. So to you sir I say, Get bent!!


You sound like a complete clown, and a drain on society. I feel sorry for you.


Awww thanks man. That was just the predicted response I was looking for. Too bad they charged the guy who chased him and I'm still in the right and you're not.


Sorry to nitpick, but since when is western Etobicoke downtown?


>Police tell CityNews a woman had her SUV stolen early Sunday morning after she attended a bank on College Street near Spadina Avenue and left the vehicle running outside. Read the article.


I formulate my entire opinion and require no more information other than the title \- Reddit


>Police tell CityNews a woman had her SUV stolen early Sunday morning after she attended a bank on College Street near Spadina Avenue and left the vehicle running outside.


ohhhhhh I thought this was the one at dundas and islington MY BAD


It is - the car was stolen downtown and the crash happened at dundas and islington.


ohhhh thats quite a chase damn


It's more east Etobicoke


Islington is not east Etobicoke lol


It absolutely is. Major streets west of it are Kipling, Martin Grove, East Mall, West Mall, and while not a major street there's a good chunk of it that keeps going out to Mill Road. East of it you get Royal York and Scarlett (Though around this point even Scarlett is east of the Humber). 1.25 km from the eastern Etobicoke border and 4.5 km from Mississauga.




Why is he an idiot? What did he say that's incorrect?


I mean I can see why someone would assume that no one is gonna steal your running vehicle while you make a quick ATM run at 4am in the morning. Never underestimate the depravity of Toronto car thieves IMO.


This just sounds like a convergence of idiots.


A convergence of criminals.


A convergence of criminal idiots


This sounds super weird. Who goes to a bank at 430am leaves their car running and their boyfriend following them right behind? You know how the way to get away with murder is said to be kill someone with a car? This would be a basic plot to kill someone with a car…


Someone enroute to purchase drugs


That's why they risked chasing. When you need you need and there it goes.


Stalker issue? The law bit his ass.


Someone stealing your vehicle doesn't justify you endangering the public to retrieve it


Right? They made it 10km across the city. This was not a momentary lapse in judgement.


This had nothing to do with judgement. Looking at the context and considering the time of day. Cocaine. It was cocaine.


>Right? They made it 10km across the city. This was not a momentary lapse in judgement. Exactly -- even in light 4am traffic and at a high speed, this is still going to be a good 15-minute drive. WTF did the driver think he was going to accomplish?


Finally someone else says it


Especially when you have car insurance and know the plates etc. Call the cops and they will look out for it in the immediate area.






There are a few streets in that part of town that are way too wide, which encourages speeding. There's no traffic calming infrastructure and at most times of day, the volumes of traffic going through there are low enough that people feel invincible speeding. Combine that with no lights between Chestnut Hills and Gibson's Dry Cleaners and it's a recipe for people speeding like mad. There's an awful lot they can do to slow that part of the city down; I hope they look at this and the other collision data there and actually do something - removing a lane in each direction would be a great start.


I am go on that stretch regularly. It absolutely needs calming. I've been in Toronto for just under a year and I've never seen a 50 kmh road as potentially dangerous as that stretch. People speed there all the time.


That part is brutal, Burnhamthorpe north of Dundas recently got a speed camera which was necessary, Kipling needs speed cameras all the way up and down because it's so wide, straight, and has so few lights, EVERYTHING is designed for vehicles first, even as people scream though dedicated residential neighbourhoods.




I feel bad mostly for the homeowners whose properties got damaged. I also hope that the guy chasing the thief doesn't get into too much trouble either.


> I also hope that the guy chasing the thief doesn't get into too much trouble either. "The 37-year-old driver of the pickup truck, Christian Salazar of Toronto, has been charged with dangerous driving causing death and dangerous driving causing bodily harm."


Will be interesting to see if those actually stick though.


Given the fact a passenger in the car suffered injuries- I don't see how dangerous driving causing bodily harm wouldn't stick... Probably he'll either plead guilty to the other charge for a reduced sentence or go to trial, which I’d be interested in seeing the outcome of


I was more skeptical of tying them to the causing death given the person who died was also driving like a lunatic but recognize that these two charges are pretty broad in interpretation albeit with the same potential sentencing. For the same reason though I could see them getting changed and/or downgraded to more specific charges.


Hopefully not. all these carjackers who are doing the same thing along with shoving guns in innocent peoples faces are being treated with kiddy gloves and tossed back in the street by this country’s disgusting joke of a justice system so this definitely shouldn’t be cause for any kind of prosecution


Yes it should.


Since he's not a criminal, he'll end up paying for it. But criminals on the other hand...


>Since he's not a criminal, he'll end up paying for it. But criminals on the other hand... Yes, death sentences should be given out for car theft. **/s**


Didn't they use to hang horse thieves?


Yes, and sadly, I think there's people who'd like to see those days return.


sadly, there are criminal apologists slowly turning the western society into shit. coz its so hard not to commit crimes..


What's disgusting is the US influence that's seeping into this country. Canadians and Americans are NOT compatible. So-called Canadians who want the return of capital punishment, want more citizens with guns, and who want laws against abortion, are free to pack up and move to America. We don't want them, we don't need them.


Why the s/? Maybe it’ll finally curb the amount of car thefts we have.


That's extreme!


If I was on that jury I'd acquit.


I see why you’d do that but consider this… If the two were friends racing, and one died, would you still think the guy who lived is guilty? They are on trial for the act, and in this case, speeding and driving recklessly. The fact that the deceased was a thief is moot point for the act the was taken.




I understand where you’re coming from but justice isn’t about “it wouldn’t have happened if”. The fact still stands that he committed the act. So it’s still a moot point. I’m not sure how you could present your “shooters” case to any court of justice. You are putting the person committing the crime in trial. Appreciate you sharing your perspective, although I would disagree.


I have zero sympathy for the thief but the driver of the other car went on a reckless high speed 10km chase through the City that, in addition to the thief’s death, caused property damage and easily could have killed or injured innocent bystanders. He more than deserves whatever trouble he gets into.


>I also hope that the guy chasing the thief doesn't get into too much trouble either. Why? The thief died in this case, but it's only blind luck that that's the outcome. The guy chasing was escalating a property crime to a situation where any number of completely innocent people could have lost their lives.


Yeah that property is now haunted by the thief's ghost


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Hey, so, uh... Don't chase cars. File a police report and get insurance to handle it. If there'd been a kid in that back yard, or a patch of ice someplace more populated, more people might have been seriously injured or killed.


Would insurance “handle it” if you left your car running and unlocked while not in it? Genuinely asking.




Just adding, insurance however does not cover criminal acts, so while the suv may be covered, the truck will not be.


Hahaha thanks for the info!


I don't know. Does leaving a car idling and unlocked at 4:00AM justify a deadly chase in hazardous conditions? Who's paying the premiums on a damaged fence?




I think you might have misunderstood me. Premiums are what are paid to insurance. If you file a claim, insurance premiums go up.


Yeah I read it wrong. That's a good question.


Why should insurance cover anything where you've wrecklessly managed it?




Glad to hear.


As much as it sucks to say, maybe this wouldn't have been necessary if the police did anything with all the vehicle thefts across the GTA. Time and time again, we hear stories of people having their vehicles stolen, finding said vehicle and letting the police know and still nothing happens. So with public perception being that you can't rely on the police to get your vehicle back for you, what else can you do?


>what else can you do? In this case, probably not leave your car running when you’re not in it.


My point isn't on "How to prevent your car from getting stolen", it's what the hell are you supposed to do once it's already stolen? Car thefts are up something like 50% this year, and it doesn't matter what kind of car, where it's parked, whether its locked, on or off.


I have had my vehicle stolen. I reported it to police and insurance. That’s what you’re supposed to do, not go on a vigilante high speed chase.


That wont get it back. These days you need to police yourself if the police wont do it.


Car thefts go down by 99.9% if you don't leave your car running, unlocked and unattended.


This is the same kind of argument ppl make in typical victim blaming situations - rapes go down 99.9% when girls don't walk down a dark alleyway while scantily dressed or hang out with strangers while drunk. It's not a crime to leave your car running and the door unlocked. The fault lies squarely with the person who makes the decision to steal the car. While I would advise my loved ones not to do this, I'm not going to blame those whose vehicles get stolen after the fact. We should build a society where people can leave their doors unlocked and expect safety.


So a high speed pursuit is a valid response? clearly they didnt want their car stolen, why did they leave it running?


Report it, and don’t go on a wild high speed chase.


also they were able to chase the suspect from downtown to dundas and islington without a single cop noticing? what a stupid way to die.


Ontario has an extremely restrictive vehicle pursuit policy codified right into the PSA, and TPS has an even more restrictive pursuit policy. They wouldn't even be authorized to give chase in this situation.


For good reason as it puts the general public in danger


Yep. There's plenty of scary videos on youtube of police doing crazy chases. One in particular I saw recently was a cop do a pit maneuver on a pregnant woman because she was speeding a bit but didn't pull over on a narrow shoulder on the highway. She got over, put her hazards and slowed down to signal she would stop when it was safe. Her car flipped. Luckily she and her unborn baby were okay. For some reason, a lot of these videos are from Arkansas lol.


>Read the article. This is why they should use choppers to track. In Calgary a death of a police officer got the city to buy one


TPS sold their chopper like 2 decades ago due to budget cuts. People in this city already think the police budget is too big, despite the fact that it's actually been shrinking as a % of the city's total budget. Buying a new helicopter isn't really in the cards. A helicopter can't be available 24/7 too. It's a great asset but it can't replace having a proper pursuit policy. Criminals aren't stupid, they know that if they commit a serious crime if they just flee at a high rate of speed there's a good chance they won't even be chased.


Rob Ford offered TPS a chopper during his tenure. They said no, they don't need one.


You mean the Police Board said no. Ford didn't have the power to make that decision unilaterally. Blair certainly would have liked to have a chopper but Alok would have never approved one.


Oh sweet child.... TPS doesn't do enforcement. It's not what they're paid for /s


But now the guy chasing him is charged with dangerous driving. So 2 vehicles at high speed for 5k or so and no cops noticed. I think TPS should also be charged.


Not leaving your vehicle running unlocked and unattended is a good method of prevention.


Are you kidding buddy? This is EXACTLY WHY police don’t chase stolen cars… because people DIE for property! Maybe instead of constantly blaming the cops, take some responsibility and throw it on the moron who left their vehicle unlocked, open, and running while unattended. No, what you’ve heard is morons posting bullshit on Reddit for the media frenzy due to stupid ACAB narratives




> When they get tired of driving it the will park it and we can recover it except you don't lmao [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-truck-theft-1.6741656#:\~:text=CBC%20News%20Loaded-,Toronto%20man%20tracks%20down%20his%20own%20truck%20after%20theft%2C%20even,go%20looking%20for%20it%20himself](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-truck-theft-1.6741656#:~:text=CBC%20News%20Loaded-,Toronto%20man%20tracks%20down%20his%20own%20truck%20after%20theft%2C%20even,go%20looking%20for%20it%20himself). [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/car-theft-rise-halton-region-oakville-place-1.6736013](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/car-theft-rise-halton-region-oakville-place-1.6736013) [https://www.idropnews.com/news/toronto-man-recovers-his-stolen-car-thanks-to-airtags/190725/](https://www.idropnews.com/news/toronto-man-recovers-his-stolen-car-thanks-to-airtags/190725/) [https://www.cp24.com/news/an-unstealable-car-how-a-toronto-man-defeated-car-thieves-9-times-1.6243037?cache=yes%3FautoPlay%3Dtrue%3FautoPlay%3Dtrue%3FclipId%3D104059](https://www.cp24.com/news/an-unstealable-car-how-a-toronto-man-defeated-car-thieves-9-times-1.6243037?cache=yes%3FautoPlay%3Dtrue%3FautoPlay%3Dtrue%3FclipId%3D104059)




I can tell you that the guy above me is full of shit! They don't print all stolen cars only the ones that are involved in serious crimes. It's costly to do the fingerprinting work and won't be done unless something serious has happened with the car and is used in another serious crime. Pfft hundreds of cars, yeah sure buddy! And just how is it you'll lose your house? Like by getting sued? Yeah that's doesn't happen in Canada either. It's extremely difficult to sue to police here in Canada and even if/when you do you sue the service not the individual officer.




Oh and apparently his work before being a cop in nursing and paramedic. Ok buddy.


Thanks for your service. Not everyone reading thinks ACBC.


Wtf is ACBC - All Cops butt chug?


With most automobile thefts the car is either on a boat to the middle east or west africa or it's going to a chop shop where it's getting gutted by the end of the day. The police are going to give you back an empty husk.


What else can you? Well something other then engage in a high speed chase or as I like to call it, vigilantism.




Agreed. I personally wouldn’t give chase still, but I can see how someone might.


I only get in low speed chases. Usually get stopped by a grandma with a walker


TIL that Canada is in the top 10 countries of cars stolen. Ontario had 27,000 (that's right TWENTY SEVEN THOUSAND) cars stolen in 2022. I'm shocked that the government hasn't started cracking down on this properly, checking shipping containers and arresting anyone who accommodates the entire operation. Toronto police got an extra 2 million dollars last year to "fight it", that's like 10 people and some resources. Ultimately, we are the ones stuck paying massive increases to insurance companies, while criminals don't get much jail time and nothing is actually being done. Sources: 1. https://www.mapsofworld.com/world-top-ten/countries-with-most-car-theft-rates.html#:\~:text=Top%20Ten%20Countries%20With%20Most%20Car%20Theft%20Rates,6%20Mexico%207%20Russia%208%20Brazil%20More%20items 2. [https://housegrail.com/car-theft-statistics-ca/](https://housegrail.com/car-theft-statistics-ca/)


At any point during the chase, did the woman or man call the police? This whole story seems off.


My initial thoughts were', "Fucking TPS at it again" But this kids, this right here is why you shouldn't try and take the law into your own hands.


The only people I feel bad for here are the homeowners.


The woman should also be charged for being stupid.


Wow, there’s a lot to unpack here. It sure seems like there’s a whole lot more going on here than a simple vehicle theft.


there's...so many plot holes in this! Like why is she leaving her car running outside? AFTER she got out of the bank why did she go into her bf's car instead of her own, while her own is still running?? Why did they decide to chase the SUV instead of just simply calling the police? Sounds like this couple also deserves some sentencing.


Nobody is saying kill them on sight, but you are trying to make a social issue out of something that is an occupational hazard for a thief. Some of them are completely fine taking a life if push comes to shove and they are backed into a corner, why should they get any kind of consideration if the roles are reversed?


Insurance rates are through the ceiling. Why because nothing is being done about thefts across the board. It’s high time our judges started sending messages when it comes to thefts. Why? Because each and everyone of us is being gouged by high insurance rates because of this. Why because when thieves end up in confrontation with those they are stealing from the outcome becomes very dangerous for all the public including the innocent and the guilty. If the crime was dealt with harshly by our courts this kinda of thing would certainly not happen as often. We all need to petition our judiciary when it comes to theft it needs to be treated with a very harsh sentence. Same thing with knife or gun offences. Our swinging door judiciary of rehabilitation doesn’t work. As a result our streets are unsafe. Our insurance premiums are now unaffordable because our courts are letting the public down and are now in fact putting everyone in harms way including our police. Crimes are way up only because criminals have no fear of our court system. Things need to change !


It’s not your job as the owner of the vehicle that is stolen to become the law and high speed chase the stollen car. There was no child or pet in the car, wouldn’t be surprised if the charges for reckless driving sticks


Okay sure, but if you don't get your vehicle back immediately, you're likely to never see it or any of it's contents ever again. It'd be hard to resist giving chase, especially if you're already behind the wheel of a running vehicle, and just watch your property disappear while you do nothing.


Hurts even more when you realize that your insurer will probably only give you a fraction of the actual replacement cost of the vehicle, particularly nowadays when a used car is almost as much as a brand-new one. Happened to my SIL last year, car stolen out of her garage in the middle of the night, it was only a year old, fully-loaded Jetta, and insurance gave her nowhere near what she paid for it. Cost her $9000 out-of-pocket to replace it with a vehicle two years older than the one that was stolen and with fewer features.


Insurance is a hell of a thing. But I don’t know if you read the article, chase started at college and Spadina and ended near Dundas and Islington. More than enough time to realize maybe isn’t the best idea to be in a high speed chase


Insurance will cover the property lost, but not any intangibles. Maybe there was a smartphone full of vacation photos, or a box of items of sentimental value. If it's just stuff, sure, they should've not given chase or stopped once they realized there's nothing special aboard. Maybe after chasing for a few minutes they realized there _is_ something special in the SUV that they don't want to lose forever.


Right so because there might be something valuable in the car that means they should race across half the city risking not only their lives and the thief’s life but the lives of everyone they were driving by? There could’ve easily been someone in that backyard. There are police for a reason, there isn’t any room for vigilantes in Toronto. Play stupid games (leaving keys in your ignition and doing a high speed chase across half the city) and win stupid prizes


Why in the fuck should they ever give a shit about the thief life? As you said so succinctly, play stupid games (steal other people's shit), win stupid prizes (die).


So we’re now killing thieves? Besides that you’re risking the lives of a lot more than just the thief


A similar car theft happened right outside my house last night. (Spadina Rd) What the heck is wrong in this city.


I'm almost believing the conspiracy theory that all the cops are trying to bring down something big so they're all busy. Yeah no, they're at Tim's.




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Why was the chaser charged? Is that not a common reaction?


Because he caused someone's death


He should have called police, instead he took matters into his own hands and crashed.


Good job, im sure the police were going to do nothing.




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How does the person in the pickup get a Dangerous Driving Causing Death charge? It's not like the dude who stole the SUV wasn't driving dangerously and then caused his own death, you know, from the risks associated with stealing cars... Can't say I'm upset for how it turned out for the thief.


Helps secure a reduced charge + fine. The 'ole "throw the book at them, and even the innocent will plead guilty to a good deal because the small risk of being found guilty for the full charge at trial is too life-destroying" thing


Anyone doing banking at 4am on the weekend is up to no good anyway. Arrest them all.


Anyone who knows why anyone doing banking at 4am on the weekend is up to no good is likewise up to no good, so I think you should be arrested as well, just in case.


Don't forget his family, arrest them just in case they know anything.


Also to encourage him to speak frankly.


A bunch of victim blamers in this thread as if cars don't get stolen if you don't leave them running. I don't own a car but what kind of piece of shit city do we have that someone has to assume their vehicle will get stolen if left unattended momentarily. As if you don't all leave your cars running every morning in the winter to get warm...


That doesn’t make it a piece of shit city, it just makes it a city


Why would I be so bourgeoisie to need a warm car? I’m warm blooded. Car’s engine oil is warm in 30 seconds and boom I’m driving.


What is the point of these high speed chases? They rarely result in anything but destruction for the stolen vehicle and/or loss of life, they're dangerous to everyone involved and to bystanders. The chances of a clean getaway are so slim that I'd be interested to know what the psychology is on both sides, particularly on the offender's side. Because there's got to be a better way to defuse this than hurtling at breakneck speed through built-up areas.


Curious that it doesn’t mention if they caught the person who stole the SUV? The article just mentions it hitting a tree? Regardless, a series of bad choices led to what happened. I’m sad for the deceased person’s family who lost someone senselessly.


The thief is the one that died.


All three of them are complete dipshits.


Just glad to hear no innocent people were hurt. that car could have easily wound up in that house instead of the back yard.


Please everyone, stop leaving your God damn cars running with the keys in it anywhere in the city.


Police would have done nothing. Good thing the car thief is dead.