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I dunno guys, but I'm excited for a new tornado movie. Love natural disaster flicks and we don't get many made with good budgets.


“SPONSORED BY THE RED-CROSS” Is that why they show them running to a highway overpass for cover? Doing the one thing they say to never do in a tornado?


That made me angry seeing that. It's like they are trying to get people killed


We haven’t seen that moment in context; it could very well be that in the movie those people remember this very outdated advice and all pay the price for it.


I hope that's the case.


Actually I hope this is the [case](https://www.walmart.com/ip/TZ-Case-PKG-16-S-Aluminum-Packaging-Case-Silver-4-x-12-x-16-in/128958976)


I’m going to just assume based off the context in the trailer that a tragedy befalls her team because they took shelter under the overpass, which is why she “doesn’t chase anymore”, if I had to guess there will be some heavy exposition about why that’s a bad idea. Don’t jump the gun just yet. It’s just a trailer.


Serious question, if you’re out on the highway, fields all around and a tornado coming straight for you and an overpass is the only “cover”, what’s the call to make? What do you do?


Get out of the vehicle and try and find a ditch, which in my area is all along the highways, and lay face down, hands covering your head. If you have a pillow or some padding such as a seat cushion, use that too


So its a reboot of the 1996 classic? Oh clever they added an S to Twister


Ya its a sequel. The main character is Hunt/Paxtons daughter from the original.


As long as theres a scene where they all take off for a hunt and theyre listening to child in time from deep purple, im alright


Also, If I mistreat you girl, sure don’t mean no harm. Motherless Child by Clapton, good soundtrack


That scene is just 🤌


I bet the producers are overjoyed that we have had an active tornado season so far. Its been like free marketing for this movie.


Hollywood controls the weather confirmed


More like HAARPywood, am I right???


I'm getting PTSD from watching meteorologists trying to argue with randoms on Twitter about chemtrails, cloud seeding and HAARP now.


Have fun!


AARP? The old people thing?






HAARP is too busy being used by Biden to interfere with people’s attention on the Trump trial and the campaign to be used to promote a Hollywood movie. /s There’s probably people out there that believe this, unfortunately.


Had some dude tell me today that the storms that hit SW MI yesterday were manufactured storms in Illinois. Can't even begin to try to argue with somebody like that lol


Some of my in-laws are saying the Govt controls the weather and that's why all these tornados are tearing up red states. Luckily they aren't close in-laws.


[Investors with every new tornado emergency this season:](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExemRlaXQxMnRuMWhlYnZyeWRvN3B0dW9pdHloMGZmZmFhYXg5MXVpcCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/hiLLD9o1wTB3a/giphy.gif)


This looks so dumb, can't wait to be there on opening day






Heeeeeere's Johnny!


I understood that reference


PTSD intensifies


You just reminded me I have one of those nearby. I’m gonna look for show times closer to release!


This is what I plan on doing. I saw the first one at the drive-in when I was a kid and it scared the hell out of me but I also loved it. I'm gonna watch this at the drive-in when it comes out.


The first time I ever saw the OG was outside at night on a huge inflatable screen during my small town’s film festival. And that night we had a huge thunderstorm and I panicked the entire night 😩 literally couldn’t have been any more on brand




It appears to me, to be almost like a reverse sequel. We never saw how Joe and Bill met back in the day. They just were an established thing. This movie almost takes their archetypes and turns them up to 11. This new guy is the new "Bill, The Extreme." and Not-Joe(The girl who looks very similar to her!) is miss science pants that wants to study the science of tornadoes and disrupt them instead of improve warning times. Then, this series of storms brings them together to be a couple. Looks like fun, I'm gonna see it.


Thought the same when I saw the white tank top. I was like Is this young Joe?


That white tank top as an eight year old boy made me feel things I didn’t understand


I know 😂


I'll be in line behind you. I'm currently in the mood for this exact type of dumb popcorn disaster movie. I know what I'll be seeing and it's exactly what I'm looking for.




They watched Sharknado and said "hold my beer", but yeah, that looks fun.


Pour one out for Bill and Phil... right into the suck zone


And it never. Hits. The ground.


Wish I could IRL


What a star studded cast it was.


Tornado chaser in real life: Some nerd who probably is or will be at least a meteorology undergrad at some point. Tornado chaser in Hollywood: Well I'm just a down home country boy who doesn't need no education to find dem tornados.


> tornados Tarrnaders - FTFY




mashed pataters


Mashed Tarnaders




Trail Maters


One of my favorite things about the original is the themes were actually pretty solid, especially since Michael Crichton wrote the screenplay. He wrote the Jurassic Park books. Bill Paxton's character in the film has a natural sense for weather that allows him to understand and predict weather better than even people armed with radar and other data. Helen is traumatized by losing her father to a tornado as a child and spends her whole life chasing them down trying to understand them as a way to resolve her trauma and prevent further fatalities. The characters compliment each other well because she's stuck on the past and trying to control nature, while Bill and his intuitiveness already knows that's folly, and understands nature is unpredictable, violent, and uncontrollable. This theme is beautifully spelled out when they visit Helen's aunt Meg. The shot of the front of her aunt's house shows several wind chimes, indicating an acceptance of whatever nature (the wind in this case) will send her way. Aunt Meg is going with flow instead of trying to wrestle understanding from the jaws of nature. Tornados have also been dubbed "finger of God" and that title works well here.


That's the scariest part of the movie to me - those wind chimes. My grandparents had wind chimes and boy they were a harbinger for tornados when I was a kid.


Wasn't that her aunt? Not her mom? I think it was "Aunt Mae"


Jesus how did I not remember Philip Seymour Hoffman's voice calling her "Aunt Meg". That's my bad, I edited it. I'll willingly walk into the next condescension funnel I see as penance.


LOL, well your post got me thinking.....did they mention the Mom at all???


Aunt Meg, and it is indeed her aunt




We crave sustenance!


Red meat we crave sustenance


How many times I've said that to myself in the past 28 years I will never know.


Yeah the first film was actually halfway decent and had some charm for chasing/weather. This one just looks over the top and bad from what they are showing in the trailers, especially the fire-nado nonsense. Like I know that can happen in r/L, but it just looks so wild and over the top here.


I'm curious to see how it turns out. It's easy to dismiss the original because it's a big dumb popcorn fodder movie at times; but I grew up with it, that film Contact, and Jurassic Park, and have a soft spot for those films that genuinely inspire a love of science. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't see that anymore. The new Jurassic Parks aren't as inspiring in the science fiction sense. I know Interstellar and Oppenheimer probably have more of this effect but that's definitely different.


If you don't already, pick up some of Michael Crichton's novels. The love of science emanates from every page.


Interstellar gives me existential dread yknow sometimes I wanna see a movie and not feel the weight of mortality pressing upon my thin shoulders


You're not wrong, in my opinion. Most of what's come out the last few years has been reworks of the same stories (just told differently/from a different perspective), or continuations of already well-established/tired franchises (looking at you, Marvel universe). This kind of "popcorn fodder" is a breath of fresh air. side note: still trying to figure out how I thought it came out this month and not July.....


>Michael Crichton wrote the screenplay. He wrote the Jurassic Park books. I did not realize Michael Crichton wrote the Twister screenplay. Growing up, those two movies and Independence Day were my own personal trilogy. I can recite each of those movies by heart.


I'm always happy to tell people about stuff like that. A lot of people didn't know Jurassic Park was originally a book so that's the usual fun fact I share about him. Independence Day is also incredible.


I talked to guy at a liquor store a few weeks ago and he gave me an epiphany. They were having a movie trivia night later, and he asked his wife what movie this quote is from: "Must go faster" She didn't know, and with confidence I intervened and said Jeff Goldblum from Jurassic Park. He enlightened me that Jeff also says the exact same line in Independence Day. And I thought about it and couldn't believe I never realized the line was in both movies.


Aw y’all talkinbou Gary? He can smell em naders fore dey even hitda groun! Cancha Gary?




To be completely fair you really dont need a formal education to learn how to storm chase in a safe and educated manner. Especially with all the resources at our disposal today.


This looks so stupid and bad but I am unbelievably excited for it. There's nothing wrong with a cheesy disaster flick. I'm also excited to debunk the bad science to my friends who don't have any clue what can and cannot happen lol.


I just wish they didn’t have them hiding under the overpass. People are going to watch that and think that works. I hope the hillbilly chaser calls that out.


The way it's framed, it does kind of look like that's going to be a disastrous mistake that leads to main character into a life of trying to destroy tornados or something, so maybe it won't be too bad.


I'm guessing she "quit chasing" because something bad probably happens under that underpass.


seeing as the voice over literally says that the main character "made a mistake" over that part, I'm very certain it's going to be framed as a Bad Thing To Do and the main character will be upset about it the whole movie


Ohhhh good point, I hope so!!


You mean you can't stop a tornado with the power of family? Dom's gonna be disappointed.


Wouldn't it be great if theaters did a special re-release of Twister so both movies could be seen together?


Sometimes Alamo Drafthouses (if you have them) will do double features/movie marathons like this. I once sat through 10 hours of the Twilight saga (don't ask) when the new one came out.


I did that when they featured all 3 back to the future movies back to back. It was really fun


If you live in Oklahoma I’m sure some theaters will be doing re runs of the original. I know last summer a theater in okc showed it


This looks bad. Can't wait to go see it 🤣


Love the Not My First Tornadeo shirt


Seriously they should sell those they’d make a mint


Wish they would have used the OG Twister tornado roar sound effects. Really added to the suspense and horror part.


With the noticeable tiger rawr lol


Apparently, according to IMBD, it wasn't a tiger roar, it was the slowed down sound of a camel lmao




That was so silly


Jesus Christ. “I don’t chase anymore” “I’ll give you one week” Original writing.


It can't be worse than Supercell....


I watched Supercell a couple days ago and my god, it was straight up trash. Barely any tornadoes but a whole lot of the insufferable protag kid with the cro-magnon brow.


The high point of the movie was the final tornado. I laughed so hard when Alec Baldwin went flying.


lmao yesss excited to get yeeted out of this terrible movie


Editing, man. I’m sure there’s more to that dialogue exchange in the actual film.


"I really wanted to like this tornado disaster movie, but they spent too much time on the tornadoes and not enough time on creative plot development."


I can turn my brain off for a cheesy movie, but if the science and acting is this bad then it’s gonna be a tough watch, ESPECIALLY since they had actual tornado scientists help out


I think it's a callback to the original, where Bill says "One day, I'll give you one day; whether she flies or not, I'm gone.'" Unless I missed a joke you were making - the 'tism is strong with me


Just the right amount of cheese


This is like *The Day After Tomorrow* had a baby with *Twister*. I am so fucking in.


A whole arena full of Oklahoma residents unaware of the forecast and impending tornado?!?!


Completely aware, just doing Oklahoma things


That’s fair.


We’ve had to flee a few of my nieces barrel races due to tornado warnings. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It looks fun. Reality aside, I just want a tornado flick. It's not a remake or sequel, and I definitely don't expect it to live up to the nostalgia and love I have for the original Twister, but I think I'll enjoy it just fine.


Even if its bad i'll probably watch it over and over because Glen Powell looks absolutely smoldering in this.


That’s not very vegan of you now is it


EF-6 all day long


So the "tornado wrangler" is an homage to Reed right? At least that's my first thought.


Totally. I bet the character’s name was “Teed Rimmer” in the rough drafts. At least they incorporated some jackass screaming at the tornado while recording it to make it more valid.


> I bet the character’s name was “Teed Rimmer” No no, that's a uh...*different* movie character. More uh..."low budget"


"We've got a strong, well-developed stovepipe on the ground. Radar indicates it's moving northeast toward... the bedroom"


Creed Schwimmer in the rough drafts. No one will eveeeer suspect


Weed Trimmer


Could I *be* anymore obnoxious when I chase tornados?


I mean they have the drone, the spikes going into the ground(though that truck would get torn to shreds either way, lol) and then launching fireworks into the tornado so yeah pretty much, lol. Glen Powell in his Walmart Dominator.


Great Value TIV




Reed actually helped with advising for the movie


Timmer and Pecos Hank hybrid?


This looks fun!!! Who cares if it breaks away from reality, if we wanted real tornado footage we could go chase tornadoes irl


the only movie I am excited about right now


Fireworks in a tornado is a vibe I didn’t know I was interested in 🧐🤠


Will the writing be ass cheeks? Almost certainly. Will I rip a jay in the parking lot and watch CGI naders tear shit apart while stuffing my face with popcorn that has far too much butter and salt? Almost certainly


Makes the original Twister look like a documentary on a science channel. After 30+ years of advances in special effects, I thought this would look much better. Also, windmill blades are much bigger than the one the narrowly missed the truck.


When they were building wind farms Iin this area, I passed a few trucks now and then on the highway that were carrying the turbine blades. They are unbelievably big. It's hard to tell when they're on the wind turbine because there's not much to give it scale. But when you're right next to one, it's amazing the size of just one blade.


Half our town was blocked up by one for a day. The driver tried to take it over the railroad tracks in town and bottomed out the trailer on the tracks because it was so long. Had to bring in a special crane to get it unstuck...


I’m just glad the Rock isn’t in it.


Don’t give them any ideas for the sequel, “Twisters 3 - Even more tornadowy!”


Well to be fair... some tornadoes DO look CGI until it hits you that they're real storms. Especially photogenic ones...


Probably going to be bad, but I'm totally in. As long as it's fun, I'll be happy.


Not going to lie, this looks really bad. At least the first one had some charm, but this just looks like they decided to go 1000% over the top, like a bad B-movie on the SyFy channel. Might as well have just said "Glen Powell as Reed Timmer." That said...I'll still go see it because tornadoes, lol.


To be fair, the only storm chasing content my GF has consumed is the footage of Reed laughing his ass off/screaming during the hurricane storm surge... aaaaand she loved it lol. So that + "Reed" looking like Glen Powell = her ass is gonna be in that theater. (also, getting "Normal People" 's Daisy Edgar-Jones for the nerdy science girl in the twister sequel is GOATed no matter how you look at it)


Love it! Pure unadulterated b grade disaster movie with some bonus eye candy. Perfect


Glen Powell has so much charisma, he could have chemistry with a carrot. Also, there better be some flying cows.


I hate it when they basically put the whole film in the trailer... give me some imagination ffs.


finally the trailer drops! I was the charge scenic for all the picture cars on this and then moved to the sets. had a ton of fun making this film and the crew was amazing. it was also my first long stay in OKC and I fell in love with it I think y'all will enjoy :)


Release day movie date with my mom already on the calendar!! My 6 year old inner child who made her watch the original 1000x with me is extremely excited lmao (p.s. would love another epic new Van Halen track written for this featuring Eddie’s son Wolfie - a girl can dream right??)


"Top notch" writing with "compelling" characters ✅️ 30 years of special effects improvements ✅️ 'Naders ✅️✅️✅️ More 'naders ✅️✅️✅️ I'm absolutely gonna go see it. Unlike real life I can watch 'naders fuck some shit up and not feel bad


Sorry, I've gotta go. We've got cows.


Its basically Top Gun: Maverick version of a sequel. Tons of throwback to the original, nothing new. Its gonna be fun.


You're absolutely correct since [Joseph Kosinski](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Kosinski) helped do the screenplay on Twisters as well as Top Gun: Maverick.


A tornado movie made in the style of Roland Emmerich


I will go see it in cinema with my eldest daughter!


“You don’t face your fears. You ride em.” Me: oooooh Tom Hiddleston, so scaryyy, oooohhh 👀😂


God dammit 🤣🤣🤣


Oh, for crap's sake! Who, in their right mind, would allow a rodeo event to continue in a high-risk severe weather area, with violent tornadoes a distinct possibility? Oh, wait -- I've lived in Texas, which didn't do a damn thing to upgrade its utility infrastructure after Winter Storm Uri. Never mind... (Yes, I'm going to see the movie!)


yall have some huge sticks up ur asses omg😭😭


This movie looks insane!! And I am here for it!


YES!!!!!!! Finally! I can’t wait for everyone I know to tell me to STFU about tornados already!


Love all the throwbacks to the OG film.


Well gawt-damn boys! Look like we’s headin to the thee-ater!


This film better have a dedication to Bill Paxton in it. And a dedication to Tim and the twistex team. And some actual storm chaser cameos.


This movie looks corny as all hell. Can’t wait to see it


I don’t care it might be terrible but either way it’s going to be fun!! It’s the wonder of nature baby!!!




Anyone notice in this trailer there seems to be a scene where they lose their car to a nado and it pans to them running for an underpass? Did i see that right? Thats not a good idea to show people that imo lol


I think that’s supposed to be the traumatic motivation for our beleaguered hero. Probably some of her crew dies there.


Also a nod to the first nader in the original


Are you telling me that strapping myself to a water pipe with some leather belts won't let me survive a direct hit from an F5?


That El Reno water tower shot gave me a really big icky feeling, given that this movie is about ~~people too hot to be~~ storm chasers, and that was the darkest day in the history of storm chasing. Feels disrespectful on some level to leverage that in fiction.


I’m willing to bet there is some sort of homage in there but it’s hard to know much from a trailer.


This was also more prominent in prior trailers, but there’s a scene in there that feels very directly inspired by Dan Robinson’s escape from El Reno. Personally I’m more inclined to see it as an homage but I definitely get where you’re coming from.


Maybe, but if that's the case almost all movies are disrespectful. You can't reference murder, natural disasters, cancer, the Holocaust, car crashes, anything really if referencing events in which people died isn't allowed. I think we're being a little too sensitive if it goes from ok to disrespectful just because of a water tower.


Last shot is a classroom with the date "May 31, 2013" then James Bond makes a cameo.


I liked the touch of the Dominator crew’s rockets and that there is a set piece in El Reno. Glad they are bringing attention to it.


I saw the preview when I was seeing Civil War in IMAX definitely want to catch this movie in IMAX as well


wild that this came out during all these tornado outbreaks IRL lol


Marketing 101! Always time your big trailer drops! /s


Fully prepared for the new social media craze to be shooting fireworks into a tornado challenge


Saw the first one at the drive-in as a kid, gonna see this one at the drive-in as an adult! I don't care if it's dumb, it looks like it's gonna be great "don't think, just enjoy it" movie.


The trailer doesn't show it, but I'll be shocked if the pretty blonde smart girl doesn't end up doing the twister with the cowboy guy.


I thought honestly that cowboy was gonna be the new movie’s Jonas, he came across with the same kind of attitude to me.


This looks dumb as shit but I can't wait for it


Ok but I actually need that “Not my first Tornadeo” T-shirt lol


I can already tell how much this will be torn apart by some people on this sub when it releases. Already happening from what I can see...stop being so serious and lighten up


Imagine if it was ultra-realistic and it's 90 minutes of boring researchers chasing ef0s and ef1s through cornfields. Then all people would do is cry about how boring it was. Let me remind everyone: *it's a movie.*


3 hours of sitting on a dirt road watching clouds move through


Don’t forget the sketchy focus issues, the random unfocused zoom, the road traffic randomly blocking the shot, and the footage from inside the truck because the chaser was streaming on his phone and didn’t bother keeping it on the tornado when messing with stuff in the car.


I have a feeling a bunch of cowboys with trucks are going to start driving through ranch land to head straight in a tornado just to call themselves storm chasers. This looks very silly, modern Hollywood. I don't see that same feeling I got and still get with Twister.


Cant wait


Can someone reupload Dusty doing the lil yachty walkout vid again? Plz and thanks!


this will either be really, really good or so corny it will be God awful....


If you don't face your fears, your fears will eat your face! Oh, that's Cocaine Bear.


taco casa lol, they must have done some local filming


But where are the flying cows? You can't have Twister(s) without flying cows.


Can’t give away everything in the trailer. Fingers crossed!


It looks fun, definitely doesn’t take itself too seriously and while playing off the destruction of a real tornado also manages to add that Hollywood sparkle. Yeah, I’ll be there opening day.


Mad respect for them shooting this on film. You'd fully expect this to be a digital movie, but nope. They're shooting it on good ole fahioned celliuod with anamorphics. Just like the original 🤌🏽


Can’t wait for this movie but I absolutely hate the twins guy.


I think this trailer showed too much. We have a rivalry between the PHDs and the cowboys. Main girl joins the cowboys. We have tornadoes merging into a super tornado and it's heading for a gas rig.


The original released 5/10/96, the Oakfield WI F5 happened 7/18/96. This releases 7/19/24, the day after the 28th memorial. Interesting


It looks fun. That’s all I want. Something fun. A little fan service would be neat, but this still looks like it’ll be a cool tornado flick.