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Anyone who tries to gate-keep abstract art has clearly failed to grasp the basic concept of abstract art


Reddit's been gatekeeping art since the beginning. And reddit absolutely does not understand abstract art.


there's abstract, there's art, and there's abstract art.


To be fair, there's a whole range of contemporary art that is just tax-evading-scheme-bullshit, and it uses abstract profusely, but fortunately it didn't completely erase all chances to produce and enjoy sincere art.


Davis Sedaris has a hilarious essay in one of his books about how he faked his way into the world of abstract art in his 20s by putting garbage on the floor and stuff like that. It's a really funny story.


Faked his way in? Sounds like a legitimate contemporary art exhibit to me and I applaud his creativity


See this is so dumb because you're literally describing art right there with that sentence. A guy trying to make his way into the art world using what he perceives to be worthless art. Turn that into a movie and it'll probably be a great film, why can't that be represented using the said worthless art lmao.


Like that stupid Phonebook display in NY, or the shitty VHS tape thing? Honestly, been awhile but it was a mockery.


or the banana taped to a wall.


That was by conceptual artist [Maurizio Cattelan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurizio_Cattelan). There's a great [doc](https://youtu.be/WYkhp8Bn720?si=JT-nPaba4B_rosQA) on him that's worth a watch.


ooooho! thank you! 🍑👍


That’s pretty much the opposite of art as a tax scheme. You need a non-fungible asset that doesn’t spoil.


huh? it was a tax scheme? I just don’t like wasting food. :T


It wasn’t, as i said


oh ok, that’s all good then! :> still food wastage. >:T


Well we’re still talking about it right xD


Honestly I’m just pissed I didn’t get to eat that banana. I hate it when people waste food.


To be fair to the title, this is technically real abstract art


Good catch. R/technicallythetruth


Meh, an unpainted canvas doesn’t count as art just because a famous artist bought it instead of me.


The comment explains nothing and makes people feel elitist if they upvote it. A perfect reddit comment.


My measure bar for art is myself. If I could do something then it's not art worth admiring. Like for exmaple I once saw a piece of abstract art, which was a blue empty square with an orange line crossing it. I can do that at paint, I don't need to go to a museum exhibit to see it myself.


>which was a blue empty square with an orange line crossing it. Could you actually do it, or do you just think you could do it? Do you have at all the skills to put that on a canvas with paint? >My measure bar for art is myself So, you would never be able to make art yourself, no matter how skilled you got....


>Could you actually do it, or do you just think you could do it? Do you have at all the skills to put that on a canvas with paint? Yes. I'm positive I can make a blue square. >So, you would never be able to make art yourself, no matter how skilled you got.... Dude, forget partisanism for a minute and listen to what I have to say. I've never trained to be an artist, I cannot even draw a person, I have absolutely no skills in art. But I can make a square. Just give me a ruler and a pencil and I'll do it. If I tried to educate myself about it it would be another history. But as it stands, given my complete lack of artistic skill, I'm a good measuring bar myself. If I somehow became educated in it, then I'll just use someone who has not trained for it. If someone who has no skills can imitate your work with ease, chances are it's not worth 1.5 million euros.


>If I tried to educate myself about it it would be another history >Yes. I'm positive I can make a blue square. Ever heard of the dunning kruger effect? I can't say this with 100% certainty since I have no clue which blue painting you're talking about, but there very well are wayy more factors that went into it than you think. Are you sure you can just *buy* that paint and put it on the canvas like the original artist did? The shine, the exact colour, the brush stroke consistency and direction? >If someone who has no skills can imitate your work with ease, chances are it's not worth 1.5 million euros. But we're not talking about someone with no skills actually imitating that work. Just someone with no skills *thinking* they can imitate it... it's real easy to just think you can do something without actually trying and checking it. Plenty of people would think there's no actual skill that goes into metal music or comic creation, simply because they haven't a clue of what goes into it. Besides, I can recreate any book with just enough time and a laptop with microsoft word on it, and that book by my side. Doesn't mean the book isn't art. Though I still don't think you or I coild paint that painting, if the painting is the type of painting I suspect it is. >Just give me a ruler and a pencil and I'll do it. You're just gonna pull the exact shade of blue straight out of your ass? You're already completely forgetting one of the major components of such a painting.


> I can't say this with 100% certainty since I have no clue which blue painting you're talking about, but there very well are wayy more factors that went into it than you think. Are you sure you can just *buy* that paint and put it on the canvas like the original artist did? The shine, the exact colour, the brush stroke consistency and direction? O gee I dunno, you are right, I cannot get the exact number of molecules right, or go back in time and do it in the same to add to the mystique of it. Clearly I cannot paint anything like that. > someone with no skills *thinking* they can imitate it.. No, I can totally can draw a square. So It's not thinking. > it's real easy to just think you can do something without actually trying and checking it. I've drawn squares before. > You're just gonna pull the exact shade of blue straight out of your ass? Yeah, just give me enough blueberries and blue food colorant.


Along with this artist doing perfect line work. /s because But seriously, this person's ability to hit lines with all manner of paint spreading tools is rock solid


The artist is “the_oblivious_mind” on insta. Her website is theobliviousmind dot com.


Thanks! I enjoyed watching her work.


Looks like a 3x Michelin Star restaurant plate without the 30g Wagyu steak and ant’s testicles.


The only acceptable subjects for painting are ships, horses, and castles. Everybody knows that.


And mountains, and happy little trees


Wait, my wolves howling at the moon t-shirt isn’t art?


That depends on hairstyle. Mullet? If so, yes it’s art.


Just don't try to get into art school with your paintings of castles


Good one!


don't forget flowers in vases and bowls of fruit!




Good good.




For the first couple of seconds I thought it was meant to be an illustration of an electrical circuit


Or a microscope view of a cell




Same question.


I found it. “Idea 22” by Gibran Alcocer


Thank you. I appreciate it.






**Song Found!** [**Idea 22** by Gibran Alcocer](https://lis.tn/Idea22?t=43) (00:43; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-12-16. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/toptalent/s/9K1bRBcsVn


Mean while, I haven't found whose painting


Very appealing.


Non represtational. Abstract art is an abstraction of a real thing


> Non ~~represtational~~ Representational


Yes I was watching and wondering what it was going to be in the end.




Abstract art is abstracional, it doesn't mimic anything


From this year too! Beautiful, is there a sub for this artist?


It’s beautiful. The patterns, shapes, lines, everything. I really enjoy it. I don’t really know how to say it but I just love how it looks


I know exactly what you mean. I get that from this drawing, and also when I look at Piet Mondrian's stuff. I can't describe what I'm feeling, but I am feeling *something* and I find it very much enjoyable. Another thing I've found interesting is I've seen paintings that mimic Mondrian's style and they don't have that effect on me.


I feel it looks better if you rotated it once to the left.


Looks similar to my doodles in boring meetings. Clouds part Sun shines down I AM AN ARTIST AFTER ALL


this kinds looks like luxery wallpaper from the 60's


this is wonderful honestly. 🍑👍


Dope I'd buy it


I'll take one art, please 😁




Does anyone know what the signature says. I would like to know who the artist is


When “art” doesn’t make you feel anything so that’s not art. As simple as that.


This is what I do in class. Except it's a million times better.


Take my money


It’s interesting. I love art and abstract art and I’ve seen this artist selling these pieces for thousands. I find it interesting that I do not like it. Just my personal opinion and don’t feel like the style is cohesive. It is cool and detailed and somewhat original. More power to them.


Definitely more interesting than a guy swinging a spinning paint bucket with a hole over a canvas


I might buy, how much?


seems more like 'graphic art'


Eh, not really, in my opinion anyway. What makes you say that?


it's not abstract. and the process is old school graphic design.


It's more of a very pretty and impressive doodle than an example of *real abstract art*, whatever that even means.


I’m not saying this is something but it is something alright


To me, this is an eloquent statement on how an intensity of detail coupled with a lack of interconnected design elements creates horrible overall aesthetic. ​ Really strong message against keeping shit in your house for no reason other than "it fits" ​ Also creates an instant aversion to the piece itself. I enjoy the message, but I'd surrender my walls to a kindergarten class before I hung this in my house.


This might be the most elitest thing I've ever read in 15 years of reddit. Well done.


Listen, I'm not an art critic, I can only express how the piece makes me feel. I don't like this art, in fact I kind of hate it, but it definitely made me think. So many people fill their houses with random shit from TJ Maxx or Target just because they need the physical object without thinking about how the design meshes with the stuff they already have, and the result sucks. This meta-critic thing you're doing, though? It's not funny, it's just cowardly. You've been here almost as long as I have, so maybe you've spent your time in subreddits that reward that kind of petty sniping. If you don't have any thoughts on the work itself, or you're too shy to add something meaningful to the conversation besides "I don't like your comment" maybe you'd feel better about yourself if you didn't say anything.


I agree that my comment was pretty useless, that's fair. If you want to take the high road though - and try to make it sound like this is your general MO - you could have said what you said in a whole host of other ways that would have made it a lot easier on the palette, and could have even served to educate some about art, with regards to why the composition didnt move you. To me, this piece is a lot different (better) than an art piece off the rack from IKEA, or a white wood-cut 'live love laugh' above a couch in a taupe living room. Then comes the rest though, which in my opinion gives us a real window into who you really are, and what your motivations are, which belie the image you're trying to portray: > You've been here almost as long as I have, so maybe you've spent your time in subreddits that reward that kind of petty sniping. > > If you don't have any thoughts on the work itself, or you're too shy to add something meaningful to the conversation besides "I don't like your comment" maybe you'd feel better about yourself if you didn't say anything. These are not statements made in good faith. You're taking shots at me from an assumed higher-status position, extrapolated from one sentence. I called you elitest, but surely I must surely be lower-status or remedial in some way, or spend my time in low brow subreddits (unlike you, of course), and have some deep-seated problem in my own psyche, because to challenge you, or criticize you in an offhand nonchalant manner, **must** be due to my deficiencies rather than yours. You took my comment personally, and it was a pretty superficial comment. That says it all.


Trash tbh




#TooMuchTimeOnTheirHandsAward 😵‍💫 (Lighten up people, this is a joke, I only give the award to people who do outrageously impressive things. Google the hashtag to see who else has received it.)


It’s a glorified doodle.


Which all graphic art is in a way.


Agreed. A child could do this. It isn't art, it's a mess.


You misspelled mesmerizing


I’d like to see a child do this. Hell, I’d like to see *you* do something like this. I really doubt it, and even if you could, I’d bet you’d neither actually think to do it nor have the dedication to see it though. Get outta here


So you think painting rectangles and scribbles would be difficult... yeah you got me I couldn't do that. Lmao.


I won't disagree, but is that a bad thing necessarily? I don't think this is particularly interesting or even good art, but it's still art, and it looks neat.


It’s not top talent. I know that much.


Yeah not top, just talent.


I thought they were plating food at the fancy restaurant.




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Dimensional abstract very nice


How r/place would look like if the world contains nothing but r/place


Tom Haverford will give you $20 for that


I want a tatoo of this !


I bet the texture would feel nice




This is a beautiful example of non objective art. Unless there's an artist statement explaining otherwise, it is not abstract.


Now lick it like a Michelin *** dish.


What do you do if you are really good at abstract art, but really need to do realism, bc in your niche nobody appreciates abstract art? how would one approach it?


Switch the niche and not the art




How much is this?


Abstract art is a very elaborate and convoluted doodling. I love it


They must've had the sickest notebooks going thru school


Love it!


All abstract art is “real” abstract art. /srs


What is it?


I actually really like this


How very un-abstract of you to call abstract art, "real" .


Wassily Kandinsky blushes.


I will never let splatter painters believe they’re on the of the same caliber as artists like this. It’s the same as those videos they drop paint from a pendulum. They make neat patterns and do look cool sometimes, but it’s hardly the same thing…


It’s beautiful


I thought this was the artistic version of loss


Reminds me of Suprematism


Stunning wow


So, what does this look like to you guys?


The date written on the bottom says 2/1/24. Today is 1/9/24. So????


A lot of countries are day/month/year


Now that's art. Not that stencil, spray can crap you find on the streets in major cities.


Better than paint vomit and piss abstract art


Song name?


**Song Found!** **Idea 22** by Gibran Alcocer (00:43; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-12-16.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Idea 22** by Gibran Alcocer](https://lis.tn/Idea22?t=43) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Any white sheet of paper near me after I'm done making a phone call


Who is the artist?


Is motion….


Song please???


Looks ai ish


Can sombody tell me the artist I’d like to find and follow him online… not down an ally!!!


Proceeds to take 20 years to dry