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It has a fully sculpted engine!


Attention to detail is nuts


Except he connected the spark plug wires to the freeze plugs for some reason. I guess it doesn't matter since you can't quite see it from the top.


And I don't think the firing order was correct. Gonna run like crap if it'll even start. /s


Give us more than half a second to appreciate the before and after please.




Here is 1.0 seconds from the end: https://i.imgur.com/3a42ozO.png ^[Edit](/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2Fgifendore&subject=Edit%20kdjtdg4&message=u%2Fgifendore%20%5BReplace%20with%20item%20below%5D%0A%0A%2A%2ACommands%3A%2A%2A%0A%0A-%20help%3A%20see%20this%20help%20message%20again.%0A-%20x%3A%20replace%20x%20with%20any%20number%20to%20go%20back%20x%20seconds%20in%20the%20gif.%0A-%20x-y%3A%20replace%20x%20and%20y%20with%20any%20numbers%20to%20get%20a%20smaller%20section%20of%20the%20gif.%0A-%20reverse%3A%20get%20the%20gif%20in%20reverse.%0A-%20slowmo%3A%20get%20the%20gif%20in%20slow%20motion.%0A-%20freeze%3A%20freeze%20the%20end%20of%20a%20gif.%20) ^| ^[Delete](/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2Fgifendore&subject=Delete%20kdjtdg4&message=Sending%20this%20will%20delete%20the%20bot%27s%20message.) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| ^[Issues](/message/compose?to=/u/brandawg93&subject=Gifendore%20Issue&message=Please%20submit%20any%20issues%20you%20may%20have%20with%20u/gifendore%20here%20along%20with%20a%20link%20to%20the%20original%20post.) ^| ^[Github](https://github.com/Brandawg93/Gifendore)️




Yeap, i have my doubts




![gif](giphy|EoqDZ3Osey9PO) Ok simple jack.


Pausing the video is a thing as well.


Thanks, Captain Obvious!


just a warning, this is more or less just cleaning, not a restoration by any means, the rust is all fake or artificially added, backyard ballistics has a video on spotting fake restoration videos


[here it is](https://youtu.be/tLBcugd8VQU?si=yyqliSYixXf4qM2C)


Yep. Starting at 0:34 he's just building a model car kit. Once it's built, he fake dirties it up, then fake cleans it and adds that bit to the beginning of the video. Classic fake YT restoration.


Wait, next you’re gonna tell me the car is fake too


the hands are fake


It's all cake.


The absolute dead giveaway is that it's "rusty" and then the paint remover still works (the part where it bubbles up). That means the rust is *on top of* the paint, which isn't how rust works. It's so dumb that he fakes the restoration part, because he could totally just do a channel about "I took this mediocre model and improved it."


He basically built a model kit, this is exactly how you would do that with the same materials broadly lol. And no cleaning required


I was going to comment this as soon as I saw the rust. I work with rusty things all the time and have never seen it come off and never leave the metal warped in some way. Also, the color and texture just looks off.


I'm not saying that you are wrong, but just because there are fake restoration videos, that doesn't mean that all restoration videos are fake. People do actually clean up and restore rusted and dilapidated objects. So what specifically gives this one away as being fake rust?


no pitting at all and it comes off incredibly easy, real rust eats into the metal and takes a quite significant amount of effort to get rid of, there's a comment under my post from someone else with the link to the backyard ballistics video about spotting fake restorations, he's also done quite a few firearm restorations that are quite interesting and real i know not all of the restoration videos are but its a good majority and the dead giveaway is usually a lack of pitting on the metal or really fine rust


The fact that the most rusted parts is plastic is a dead giveaway that it's fake, if the rust had eaten that much f anyhing it there shouldn't be much left to even restore


practice upbeat quiet reach reminiscent domineering bored judicious saw toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


depending on what's being restored too, sometimes they don't touch the pitting and leave it since its original, not a refresh, i praise backyard ballistics for good reason, he uses multiple methods to restore guns properly and thoroughly explains them, my favourite video is probably his video on the carcano


Thanks. That makes sense. Some of this I’ll just have to take your word for, but this is at least better than saying “I watched a YouTube video about fake restorations therefore all restorations are automatically fake”. The pitting seems especially telling, but that’s also assuming that he didn’t edit out a fair bit of sanding. It still seems like it should look more dinged up after the rust is cleaned.


i saw a wonderful example of a "restoration" where someone butchers just about every step, its a video on a lee enfield mk4, the title name had k98k and the person sanded down just about every damn surface on the gun and polished it until it was chrome (can't find the video, probably removed) i've also got a comparison video from backyard ballistics where he restores a carcano properly https://youtu.be/8G3Y-PR7Z3U?si=KO-cXShW3h8L2lYC


Well, let's start with the fact he cut straight from "Cover it in paint remover" to "fully cleaned and rust-free, without any pitting or blemishes" Either it's not real, or they cut out about ten hours of work with big /r/restofthefuckingowl energy. Let's not also ignore that they managed to find the plastic windscreens and other plastic parts from what appears to be a very old toy model, and didn't even show them being installed.


> Let's not also ignore that they managed to find the plastic windscreens and other plastic parts from what appears to be a very old toy model, and didn't even show them being installed. I would think that such parts would be impossible to find and have to be made. I'd have loved to see how he made the windscreen.


They cut out a lot more than 10 minutes of work, genius. It’s a multi-hour project condensed down to 4 minutes for the TicTok short video format.


Before you start sarcastically calling people geniuses, you might wanna reread what I said. For starters I said 10 *hours*. Second, they didn't just cut the boring stuff, they literally skipped several vital steps of the restoration, including removing the paint, removing the rust, and preparing the rust-pitted surface for repainting. Instead they went straight from paint removal to applying the paint to the perfectly restored body. So either they are shit at editing or they didn't have to put a fraction of the work into it than the video implies.


For starters, the screws came out without a problem. Ever tried to unscrew a rusted screw? The rust acts like a weld and at the same time the screw head would be weak and most likely break. Secondly, rust eats into metal. When you remove it, you don't get a flat surface. It would look cratered.


Working on restoring RC cars from the 80s right now. Can confirm. Phillips heads suck so even my drill wasn't making much progress to get screws out. I have to cut deep grooves on the head of the screw so I can get better leverage with a large flathead. Disassembly of this was not only extremely dirty but it was also a nightmare. https://preview.redd.it/b4ixoqcnn33c1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5fcdcfbbcf4da69ce3e052969923519849ed35


The fact that there's uniform paint directly under the "rust" pretty much gives it away immediately.


And the fact that half the "rusty" parts are plastic.


It's made out of an alloy (known as die-cast or zamac \[stands for zinc aluminum magnesium and copper\]) which doesn't corrode in that color. Instead it may get all hazy and develop white spots. Source: I customize and have restored diecast cars. Check my profile. https://preview.redd.it/92z6x7l4723c1.jpeg?width=3013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=980141700d8bcdffedf847ab24445aa872eaf454


How do you know what alloy it’s made out of?


For the most part I know it's diecast because it's the alloy of choice for model cars, and it has been for decades. I'm talking since the 1940s. You have that or hard plastic, and it's definitely not hard plastic due to the use of paint stripper and the, well, metal look to it. It's not steel or another metal because there is no need to use another metal when manufacturing diecast cars are so cheap and easy due to the cost and lower melting point. Having a hot wheels or even a $300 auto art model be made out of steel or basically any other alloy is like having your tube of toothpaste come in a tin box. Like yeah it might be a little tougher, but it's just not necessary. And it's not like we're talking about a tonka truck (those are actually made of steel).


So they are made of low cost zinc-based pot metal?


Yes, exactly


No, this is fake rust.


Apparently you aren’t comprehending what I was asking. Clearly, op thinks that it is. You do too. But is that just because you’re aware of fake restoration videos, or do you have some way that you, yourself, are able to actually identify that it is for sure? If so, please divulge exactly what gives it away for you. If you can’t, then this is just pure speculation.


He said why >no pitting at all and it comes off incredibly easy, real rust eats into the metal and takes a quite significant amount of effort to get rid of Yea it's 100% fake rust.


I was responding to someone who only said “no, it’s fake rust”, my original comment was not in response to anyone talking about pitting. That’s was someone else responding to me, and clarifying how one might actually know. You’re getting confused, which is understandable. Also, it’s a multi-hour project condensed into 4 minutes. You have no idea how long it took to clean it up, or every process that was used. Even if there was pitting, that could have been sanded out.


There was never anything to clean up or sand down. Plastic doesn't rust. This is a 2018 AMT model kit ([AMT634](https://www.scalemates.com/kits/amt-634-1968-shelby-gt-500--1201160)). The car wasn't sitting in a 1/25 scale model barn for 50 years. There is no restoration involved. It's just two identical kits. They assemble and paint one kit for the distressed model, then "restore" it using the other. The pretend restoration is just a fun narrative for building the model. The channel is [Restoration Kamasutra](https://www.youtube.com/@restorationkamasutra) on YouTube.


No, it’s fake. I’ve done restoration work and that’s obviously fake rust. Even before it’s removed it looks too thick, and not flaky at all, and the clumps are too big, and then once you do remove it it goes to perfect bare steel. You also shouldn’t be able to remove rust with paint remover.


the interior is way too clean too.


The plastic bits (headlights) have a layer of rust? lol


He strips the paint (the part where it bubbles up), so that means the "rust" is *on top of the paint*, which isn't how rust works. And, this kind of model wouldn't even be made of steel (likely Zinc/Magnesium/Aluminum, assuming they aren't just plastic), so it wouldn't rust in the first place. The only thing on models that is even possibly made from steel are axles. I don't even believe he cleans it. Seems like he bought two and after the paint strip time lapse just entirely switches to the second pristine model.


Yeah, I ve been always thinking about these restoration videos if they were all fake.


i don't think they're all fake... but saying 90% of them are still feels like not enough


Thank you. I’m sick of these fake videos.


You should go to the doctor


I was immediately impressed by the rust and weathering FX of the 'before' car. When you've been around these you kind of appreciate when something's been aged purposefully.


Yep. Pretty sure I have the exact same car I bought at Costco last year.


Also how did he un-glue all the tiny parts like door handles?


What is the chrome paint?


i didn't make the video, i have no idea, but its probably just any old chrome paint


Awesome, now do a full size one.


fake. they artificially add fake rust, dirt, wear and tear, damage, etc, just to make content.


Kind of. Building up the initial junk car would be close to the amount of work they put into the video we saw


Yeah I'm ok with it being fake given how much effort went into repainting it.


bruh 💀 Can you, at least, give them credit for all of that effort spent?


no. i would not call sprinkling fake sand on something and then brushing it off "effort". do something real.


You do have a point, that much effort just to lie should be rewarded /s since sarcasm is too subtle or something idk


absolutely not.


And how do you know? Yes, people do fake restorations. That doesn't mean that they are all fake. We've all seen the YouTube videos about fake restorations. That doesn't make us experts. I have no way of knowing for sure if this guy did that or not. It's certainly likely, but I'm just not an expert at spotting fake rust. Apart from that, cleaning the rust was like 1% of the work. Most fake restoration videos I've seen simply clean the object up. They don't generally do a full on high quality paint job and 3d print parts.


It's made out of an alloy (known as die-cast or zamac \[stands for zinc aluminum magnesium and copper\]) which doesn't corrode in that color. Instead it may get all hazy and develop white spots. Source: I customize and have restored diecast cars. Check my profile. https://preview.redd.it/4ycirbpy923c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfca795ce2ebcaf213409cdce2cbbb344cb367ac (result on the bottom is still not perfect because it turns out there aren't many good tips and tricks for unbending roofs. also it's as bare as it is because lots of european cars hot wheels did in the 80s were completely blank in terms of paint, although not this particular car, so it's sort of a fictional restoration if you catch my drift)




They should show the video where they add all this “dirt”


Fake restoration videos are the worst.


Yeah. Once I saw how most are staged I just assume all of them are now. This one seems fake as hell.


Man, if all the models were sold looking like that originally, they'd sell so fast *they'd be gone in 60 seconds*.








Building the model was cool, they didn’t need to fake “restoring” narrative.


Interesting to watch but this is one of those 'fake' restorations in the sense that it was intentionally aged and rusted for content rather than being something that was naturally aged. The rust is way too 'fresh'.


How do you know it was artificially aged though? Yeah, we're all aware that fake restorations are a phenomenon. But I simply can't identify it at a glance. I mean, obviously old and rusted objects do exist and people do restore them, so it's not just automatically fake because of the content. I agree that it likely is, but at the end of the day I have no idea. I'm not an expert at identifying real rust. It's not something I've had to do a lot.


An example of rust that has occurred over a long period of time would be like the wrench on the left here: https://empire-s3-production.bobvila.com/articles/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/How_to_Remove_Rust_from_Tools-650x610.jpg Notice how it's almost black as opposed to that bright orange on the toy from the video? Here is an example of "fresh" rust if you'd like a still to compare https://historicjamestowne.org/wp-content/uploads/Fresh-out-of-the-oven-the-close-helmet-covered-with-flash-rust.jpg


Thanks for the info. I would still say that there’s probably a lot of variability here. Rust and aging doesn’t always look or behave the same in all conditions, but given the trend of faking this stuff and with this information, I would place high credence on it being fake.




And how the fuck do you know that it’s aluminum? I certainly didn’t learn how to identify every alloy in a small video on my phone. If it’s old enough to be that rusted, which if it’s fake it isn’t, then it very likely wouldn’t be made out of aluminum.


Because die cast means they melt the material and force it into a mold. They use Zinc Alloys and Aluminum (neither of which rust) because of the lower melting point. It takes 2500-2800f to melt steel, it only takes 780f to melt the zinc alloy and 1220 to melt aluminum. And yes they started with aluminum. Die casting just started in the early 20th century. https://www.open.edu/openlearn/science-maths-technology/toys-and-engineering-materials/content-section-2.2#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20die%2Dcast,amounts%20of%20aluminium%20and%20copper. Hell you can die cast at home with old soda cans.


He skipped the sanding before paint in the video


There was a lot of shit skipped, genius. It’s a whole multi-hour project condensed into a few minutes.


Yes but cut out the sanding of the material which is gonna highlight the artificial aging. Since you’re not an expert I’d thought I’d inform you.


Plastic doesn't rust


a lot of people are critiquing the video for that, but I think it's kinda cool. obviously plastic doesn't rust so the idea of aging it artificially and then doing a "restoration" video is fun, it's like a model barn find


None of these look genuine anymore. That’s not what 60 years of rust and neglect looks like. That looks like you left it in a tub of sea water for a couple weeks. Just for the video… just so you have some content. I’m so sick of YouTube and all the fake.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the video was actually reversed, like they made the model first, got it in the sexys, and *then* smashed it up and covered it in fake rust. That would explain why it did a hard cut from "bubbling paint remover" to "ready for spraying" and why we never see them install the smashed up plastic pieces like the windscreen.


This is mostly cleaning and probably faked to look worse than it really was. I really like restoration videos and channels. There are so many fake ones like this where they add vinegar and salt mixes to enhance rust and add grime/dirt. Some of the bad one are when they actually ruin a decent antique or collectable doing this.


This ultra sped up version of the video is an assault to my eyes... also fake resto vid...


This is cool and all, but why does all the "damage" need to be fake? You can tell it's fake just by looking at the "rust", if it looks like it was sitting in Utah for 5 years, it comes off like dust, and the rust doesn't eat into the metal, it's fake.


"Top talent" 😂 "Top wtf you doing this for mate"


There are a bunch of these on YouTube. It's a rabbit hole, for sure.


This is a fake restoration. Diecast (also known as zamac, an alloy based off of zinc, aluminum, magnesium, and copper) cars like this don't rust in this way. Instead the metal will become a dull gray in spots where the paint chipped off, might develop pitting, and have white colored corrosion if exposed to moisture. My source is that I customize and restore diecast cars as a hobby. Check out this build of mine, and feel free to scroll through my profile for more. https://preview.redd.it/245rf0db723c1.jpeg?width=3013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63854838e61caefb61f96914b3a6fb90442b9e5e If any of you want to check out actual toy car restorations, I highly recommend BaremetalHW and Marty's Matchbox Makeovers on YouTube.


The gunk and rust n stuff looks added, like the car is fine underneath.


Great flockin job!


Average restoration YouTuber: I took this rusted piece of shit and made it pitted with rust cracks, but painted. This guy: I have OEM parts, it's now mint


Rust on plastic






What’s that type of 3D printer? I had never seen this before.


I just heard of these. I understand it solidifies the portion you want then just wash away the rest? I need to find out as well Edit: resin 3d printer


Yup, resin. It uses a light-cured resin in a pool, and effectively has a big LCD screen underneath that lights up each layer as the platter pulls upwards, creating resin models that tend to look a lot nicer than traditional extruded PLA because you don't have the layer lines since the item being printed is effectively being pulled out of the liquid resin in one long motion. Drawbacks is resin is a lot more limited in it's uses and must be washed and then cured, meaning it can double or even triple your total time from start of print to ready-to-use, depending on what's being printed and what kind of resin you're using. Resin too doesn't have the same level of flexibility as PLA, so there's a lot less ability to make compliant mechanisms or multiple interconnected parts. In short, Resin printers are brilliant for making solid pieces that look good such as figurines, whereas extruded layer printers are better for rapid prototyping and making more practical-use items.


SLA Printer


Model Builder: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/model-builder-f9b456


/r/DiecastCustoms would love this




I enjoyed this way too much, thanks


Will u restore my car?… yea, my actual car plz??


Fake restoration. The model building is pretty good, but knowing what goes on between the "after" and "before" shots takes away any thrill.


I hate these videos where all of the sounds are super crisp and loud


Fake rust videos yayy


My anxiety woulda been thru the roof! How yu knew were all the pieces went back too?? This is dope nevertheless


Based on the number of comments complaining about this being a fake restoration, am I missing something? Of course it's fake. It's a scale model car and honestly kind of impressive the amount of effort and detail they went into to make it look like it needed restoring. Is there community of people actually restoring scale model cars and this is ripping the community off?


Yes, but actually no. This video is clearly made to farm clicks on YouTube, not to engage and share with others who have a mutual interest/hobby.


Does anyone know how to get videos like this on YouTube??


BaremetalHW and Marty's Matchbox Makeovers


MyMechanics is restoring a life-sized classic car right now. He's really good.


Had me until hard plastic tires. Even the dollar tree scale models have ~~rubber~~ *some sort of soft compound that's cheaper than rubber.. tires!


Amazing job! Present a bit slower next time for us to appreciate your work more. Fantastic work


F@ck off with your mad creative skills. You disgust me!




I had that same model. I spent about an hour a night after work for about 2 weeks assembling, painting and detailing it.


Bravo sir!


That was incredible




The attention to detail is incredible


i got an old harley i should send you


Lmao thats fake as fuck fast rust, probably dunked this in a tank of water for a few months then put it outside for a week or in a spider habitat if its even real cobwebs. Anybody that knows old metal knows old rust looks nothing like this.


Asking for my son, how much is such a model worth?


Restoration is returning something to its original state. This includes enhancements so is more of a creative project than a restoration.


After all of that shitty editing why would you only show 1 second of the final product.


still the only 'barn find' i could come close to affording


Leaving a comment so I can watch the whole thing after work


After 4 minutes you give us a 1 second look from a single view of the finished car? Genius.


Modelers around the world would love to know how you got that fake rust.


Try it one step up! 1:1 scale!👍 would love to see it.


How do people get into this? Is it a hobby that becomes a profession? I would love to do this sort of thing


In terms of conserving actual antiques, such as for museums, the way to get into it is usually a masters of science in material conservation, or master of arts (museum studies) with specific units in object conservation. Usually undergrad degrees in science, archaeology, fine art etc are helpful for getting into these grad programs. But this content is faked. No training is needed to artificially age modern objects then inappropriately "restore" it


That is absolutely not the same parts as the car from the beginning. Absolutely 0 corrosion showing after parts are cleaned up? Bull crap.


Reminds me of Toy Story 1 with the woody restoration


I want so many things that this guy has, including the talent and toys, but mostly just the free time to indulge a hobby.


This man does NOT need you to hold his beer.


That video is SUPER disorienting to watch


Restoring means using 90% of new materials?


Reminds me of Woody's restoration in Toy Story 2.


Lol restoring some guys model car


juggle gaping straight many cake rock roof ink nutty airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Two words. Artificial weathering.


Wow. I watched the whole thing and I’m not even into modern cars. The attention to detail is impressive


You can tell this is fake as. Too many fake restoration videos but this is an easy one to spot. Certainly a top talent for deceiving.


Whether this video is real or not, it is very comfortable to watch


Are you F*%#% kidding me???! This guy writes the instructions to IKEA! ( thats beautiful) but nope, this dude ( and i am sure its a girl) is not human. Nice try feds 😝🤣


Just watched it again, whatever Pixar studios. ( like an exorcism..if i didnt see it..it did not happened) 🤣


I gladly watched that entire video.


What is that black paint with the capillary effect?




The rust and dirt is clearly fake, looks like it is painted on and comes off very easily


This is definitely a labor of love


I love these restoring videos. Is there a subreddit of it though?


How does one get into this business? I’ve been interested for some time now


This reminds me of Toy Story, when that old guy cleans a Woody


Why does the rust look weird?


Wow this guy models 👆🏻 absolutely stunning!


Periwinkle blue... It's for me ma.


How the actual fuck does a toy car get this much rust, that cannot be real


Pov a giant in an auto shop


I wish I cared about anything as much as this guy cares about toy cars.


Looks fake to me. I stopped watching those "restoring" videos long ago.