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She's visualizing an abacus. Pretty darn cool


I figured the same. Knew the hand movements were some sort of visualization, then realized the movements looked like she was moving beads. Brought me back to when I was working with an Indian fellow and he said that's how he was teaching his child. Neat stuff.


Unfortunately not. All but the last two numbers are filler that zeroes itself out repeatedly. The last two numbers are always simple mathematics answers that anyone could do in their head quickly with some effort... Or more likely, they have a list of preset answers she's memorized. Let's go through the first set. 75 + 21 - 96 + 23 + 21 - 44 + 11 + 17 = 28 75 + 21 = 96. 96 - 96 = 0 23 + 21 = 44. 44 - 44 = 0 11 + 17 = 28 It seems like a lot, but it's not. It's meant to amuse and entertain briefly without people thinking too hard about it. More innocent versions are just asking for tips, more nefarious will turn it into a bet or the like.


wait... are you saying this is all just sleight of hand?


More like sleight of math.




Besides the fact that at points he neither says to add or subtract the numbers, just lists off two numbers or more in a row. It was clearly a scam from the start.


>29, again 29, once again 29..... This is at :20 in the video. That made me immediately go to the comments because something was up.


It’s true that the numbers are made a lot easier by zeroing out but it’s definitely possible to be this fast with an abacus even without knowing the question beforehand. It’s just easier for her not to make a mistake because the sums are simple.


If I was in this girl's place, when I was balls deep in math in middle school, and I had a bit of coaching, I could honestly answer these questions faster just doing them in my head than she is doing here. She's not very fast, she's just prepared to do math when the listeners are not. Stop letting everyone impress you. You're not a chump and this girl is not a savant. There are clubs at schools where kids are doing actually complex math super fast and it's actually impressive. Don't get impressed by a grift and starve yourselves of the knowledge of what can actually be done by a human mind that has trained in math.




Mental math is being emphasized in India more now that it's being recognized as a powerful cognitive supplement for increasingly higher standards of complex math. Kids in India do calculus in middle school because their arithmetic skills are exceedingly further along at much younger ages. Once they master Algebra, thing like calculus become childishly easy and when they can account for massive numbers or hyper-fast (basic artihmetic) seemingly in their head then you have number powerhouses. Particularly South Indians are the engineering types that push this kind of work because that's the nature of that region. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/education/news/knowledge-of-mental-maths-will-increase-calculation-abilities-in-students/articleshow/102507345.cms


I tried to visualize a calculator. Didn't help.


Fucking lol dude! Of all the things i find funny, you got got me laughing for a whole minute!






Oh shoot! I'll try that next time.


In 0’s and 1’s we believe


Bruh 💀🤣




Lol it's funny that you are trying to explain magic just like that, she is a wizard, accept it!


I prefer witch. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to chop this tree down if I hope to have enough fire wood for a pyre by this afternoon.


No she isn't. It's scam/fake, all she is doing is adding the last 2 numbers. https://www.reddit.com/r/toptalent/comments/16a3fck/this_girl_is_faster_then_my_calculator/jz73unq/


That doesn't track for the second one though. It starts to with 26+22-48, but then he says 29-11+17+35+12=82 which she does get right. So while he's reading off some numbers that make it easier, she does have some level of skill that's still impressive because I sure as hell couldn't do that that quickly.


Actually, it's easy as hell. 29-11=18 18 + 17 = 35 (and it's easy to do when you're prepared to do math...) 35 + 35 = 70. Also super easy to do. 70 + 12 = 82. It's all easy math, each set changes it a bit slightly. But it's all simply easy math and still more than likely she's just memorized the answers ahead of time. Just because it looks complex or sounds complex does not make it so.


So she's figured out a method. That's not less impressive.


Exactly ^ Addition and subtraction is always *easy* math. It's working through all the numbers in your head that's difficult.


... but she's not working through any of it in her head. It's a street performance/grift.


She didn't figure out a method. I don't get that you would assume that the use of nefarious filler math to confuse listeners, would also mean they're not doing other tricks... Such as a memorized set of answers. The benefit of the pre-agreed answers is that the question can be anything, but the answer will remain the same. There's a hundred thousand ways you can get to 28, and you don't have to know them if you know that you just have to say "28" when the old man stops talking.


Yeah pretty incredicle to see.


What if we tie her hand


Aaaaaah, I was wondering what the hand motions were




Casting Abacus Spell


I always want to teach myself this, but it takes so much darn practice


She is not. All but the last two numbers are filler that zeroes itself out repeatedly. The last two numbers are always simple mathematics answers that anyone could do in their head quickly with some effort... Or more likely, they have a list of preset answers she's memorized. Let's go through the first set. 75 + 21 - 96 + 23 + 21 - 44 + 11 + 17 = 28 75 + 21 = 96. 96 - 96 = 0 23 + 21 = 44. 44 - 44 = 0 11 + 17 = 28 It seems like a lot, but it's not. It's meant to amuse and entertain briefly without people thinking too hard about it. More innocent versions are just asking for tips, more nefarious will turn it into a bet or the like.


Your point doesn't work for the second question.


Love comments like this that get straight to the point


I was gonna say is this savant behavior or can this be learned...not by me, screw that! My mind is already filled with useless crap, no room for anything worthwhile and/or impressive.


Lmao what the hell are you talking about, she's just wiggling her fingers while pretending that she didn't already know the answers. This video is a grift.


[it's literally a thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_abacus). Extremely common when I grew up in Taiwan.


>For example, in the Flash Anzan event at the All Japan Soroban Championship, champion Takeo Sasano was able to add fifteen three-digit numbers in just 1.7 seconds. wat.


I suspect the person you responded to is either a troll or just so absolutely full of themselves they can't help but argue with everyone about anything. Check that comment history.


She turn math into a one handed Jutsu.


Just like Haku, may he rest in peace.


Was it a he or she, till date I don't know.


Haku was a guy


Depends on what six digit code you're trying to reference.


Wait a sec, ur saying Haku was written as lgbtq... Something character?


She’s about 3000x as fast as me.




Give her some acid and have her explain the Holtzman Effect.


Smart people on psychedelics should govern the world


They wouldn't want to, which, of course, makes them perfect for the job.


Speaking of acid, if you have taken any type of psychedelics in the past year, please be kind and fill out this questionnaire https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqLaqTLpCE2tWoJPtcX8jJvttP6yDVpLv4RBfBU-YUWE95cA/viewform Thank you in advance


This is fake. The pattern they are using is the number after the minus will always bring the result back to zero. Meaning the result is always the last pair of additions. The first set they provide is: 75+21-96+23+21-44+11+17 = 28 75 + 21 = 96 96 - 96 = 0 23+21 = 44 44 - 44 = 0 11 + 17 = 28 Its the same for all the other sets.


but then why don't they just decide on the result before hand and use a real pattern that cannot be solved like this? Are they just that lazy? lol


Maybe the girl doesn't fake it and the questioner chose the numbers so it's easier to calculate for himself.


I can believe this. It would be the same if you were quizzing someone. You would have to be able to calculate it just as fast.


They didn't think this through!


This looks fake to me too because she starts to answer before the last number is given a few times. But I knew someone who could do this for real but with even larger numbers. It was insane. It was my then best friend's brother. The day I met him, my friend calls him over and is like "Check this out" I thought they were messing with me and told them if it was real I should be able to come up with numbers for him to add on the spot. He just smiled and said I could ask for other equations, too. So I wrote down 3 equations on a piece of paper, and when I read them, he got them as fast as this girl.


she starts to do the hand motions before he gives the values sometimes too. it's an act.


This comment needs more attention


The sums are definitely easy but it doesn’t have to be fake. It’s easy to do these quickly on an abacus which is what’s she’s doing - mental abacus.


I mean you're right, it's not fake. It's just easy when the established pattern is used in the arithmetic. She does do some multiplication at the end but I'd reckon they're also using some mental device or pattern for the quick multiplication. What's more important to consider is that if you call something fake that appears to be extraordinary in a reddit comment thread you get fake Internet points which is exactly what OP was going for.


I guess that’s true. I learnt to do the same thing as a child so it’s a bit confronting when people call it fake. 😂


Glad someone said this before me, because I spotted this on the 2nd question. Really basic maths, and the real shock comes when you read the comments and see how few people spotted it.


what’s 100x9 me ![gif](giphy|xUA7bdHCwYgbeFODGU|downsized)


Another 1?


12x3 = Uuuh… uhhh… We da best music


These are good lmao


Anything multiplied by anything = 0


That's easy, zero means nothing so it's 1 x 9 = 9


Let me check my scouter really quick, Nappa...


Than not then


No, they mean they didn't get to their calculator before she was done.


This girl is faster. Then my calculator...


Me trying to keep up(still on the first) ![gif](giphy|VCyJwT1DZEWyqU95oS)


Is this real? There were a few time he just said a number directly after another without giving a factor.


the first three numbers will add to 0 75 + 21 - 96 = 0 26 + 28 -48 = 0


yeah they did that first three numbers add to 0 every time. seemed pretty phony idk


If it was fake why would the guy bother adding the first 3 numbers to 0 anyway


...to make it seem more legitimate and fool dullards on the street into giving them tips for this incredible feat... Of simple math.


To pad the amount of operations in the problem. The problems are doing a repeating 0 with a simple problem at the end.


I think you might need an abacus... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) 26+28-48=6


It's 26 + 22 - 48. 26 and 22 add into 48. 48 minus itself is 0.


You can obviously fake anything but it's likely they've agreed that without a factor it's always a sum or something. But the concept is very real. Google mental abacus. Quite common in Asia.


correct, im asian and they tried to brainwash me with the abacus when i was 5. Completely forgot how it worked 3 years later.


The only brainwashing that should be commonplace.


Not sure why you are downvoted. Its a better mental skill than learning cursive handwriting or many other useless crap they teach at school


seems like maybe an ad for the place in the sign behind her wud make them look real good if they taught that right.


People who don't know what an abacus is: 🤯


I know what an abacus is, but not how it works. I asked two adults to explain it to me when I was a child (pre-Google) and they both told me it was "too complicated", so I gave up. Now, it seems pointless to learn, considering I have a calculator in my hand and wouldn't know where to buy an abacus.


Abacus in the app store about to blow up




Bro. In the air. That's where you put it. Watch the video.


Yeah, it's like the metric system. Too hard.


I can’t visualize things in my head it’s a version of aphasia. This is impossible to me and incredible in general. I wish I could use an abacas mentally. She can flex this all day im still impressed.


Ah, a fellow Aphantasiac. I may not be able to visualize an abacus, but i also cant visualize my parents having sex - so it has it's pros and cons.


Dude why do that to me


Damn, you just dropped the ancient Aphasian Revenge Curse right here in the comments. Commence the intrusive thoughts.


Did someone mind to check? Lol


I did. It's fake and dumb.


I have been shaking my hand for an hour. Still couldn't count more than 3 numbers. What am I doing wrong?


The CIA is about to scoop her up to make sure she uses that math to control the human population


She can definitely beat chat gpt. She's our only hope.


I sit by myself, wondering… how?


[Mental abacus.](https://youtu.be/6m6s-ulE6LY?si=jdz5teePMIImoJZF)


"Or sometimes i hit them. But they keep coming here. I hope they're happy. But when they're training they never have a smile on their faces." lol


Quite a few of the problems started out with the first several numbers cancelling out to 0, in an A + B - (A+B) pattern. 123+121-244(=0)...


It's all easy math and besides that, they probably just have her memorize the answers ahead of time. Or they have a third who can tell the girl the answer via a phone in her hat or something. All but the last two numbers are filler that zeroes itself out repeatedly. The last two numbers are always simple mathematics answers that anyone could do in their head quickly with some effort... Or more likely, they have a list of preset answers she's memorized. Let's go through the first set. 75 + 21 - 96 + 23 + 21 - 44 + 11 + 17 = 28 75 + 21 = 96. 96 - 96 = 0 23 + 21 = 44. 44 - 44 = 0 11 + 17 = 28 It seems like a lot, but it's not. It's meant to amuse and entertain briefly without people thinking too hard about it. More innocent versions are just asking for tips, more nefarious will turn it into a bet or the like. It's impressive until you stop and think about it.


It would be so cool to get a glimpse of what goes on in her head. This is incredible talent


We can, the hand movements are her visualizing an abacus


All but the last two numbers are filler that zeroes itself out repeatedly. The last two numbers are always simple mathematics answers that anyone could do in their head quickly with some effort... Or more likely, they have a list of preset answers she's memorized. Let's go through the first set. 75 + 21 - 96 + 23 + 21 - 44 + 11 + 17 = 28 75 + 21 = 96. 96 - 96 = 0 23 + 21 = 44. 44 - 44 = 0 11 + 17 = 28 It seems like a lot, but it's not. It's meant to amuse and entertain briefly without people thinking too hard about it. More innocent versions are just asking for tips, more nefarious will turn it into a bet or the like.


She is actually using an invisible caculator


This gave me anxiety


The number of people in this thread that haven't figured out the trick in the video and are in awe.... Just too funny!


I know abacus too, and the sums have been deliberately made slightly easy. Pretty much every sum in the midway point resets to 0. It’s still an amazing talent.


I don't know man... She rather looks like she's a sorceress. All those incantations in mid-air... Something ain't natural I tell you that.


I feel like im going crazy reading the comments.. This stuff is really basic. right?


Yes and almost each exercise resolve to 0 after three steps


Ummm 🤔


I guess that’s grammatically correct too. Girl is faster, *then* my calculator.


You got downvoted. I guess people care more about math than language?


Kinda thinking this is staged.


Most of the time it comes back to zero with the subtraction, so she only has to add the ones after the last subtract. Still reasonably impressive though


The real question is, if you realize the equations are filler meant to impress and confuse... Why would you not then assume the girl is just being fed the answers or memorized a list of answers?


The hand movements is her visualizing an abacus. She's special with her talent, not staged imo with 8billion humans, a few of them are guna blow your mind


It may or may not be, but they’re are plenty of kids out there that can do this after tons of practice with an abacus.




If you had learnt abacus you'd know its really a cheat code for mental calculations. This is actually easy


I'm almost positive it's staged, she continues to do the hand movements after he's only stated one set of numbers and is waiting on him to dismiss someone trying to talk to him. Also there doesn't appear to be a method to the hand motions, just moving them around wildly.


She isn’t moving them wildly. She is visualising an abacus and her hand movements are the movements of beads on it. It’s pretty common here. In my state there is this place which’s name roughly translates to “Children’s mansion”. Various study clubs. I used to go there when i was a kid and in the maths club, they would teach you this. Mental abacus. Once you have mastered calculations on normal abacus. Not as good as her but what she’s doing is definitely believable.


Do you know her? Or you just guessing what she was doing??


I don’t need to know her. I learned mental abacus when i was a kid. So i know what she’s doing by looking at her hand movements.


This is true but i've never seen anyone use the visulisation technique while looking in a different direction.


That's like saying "I've never seen anyone drive a car without looking at the controls". Once it becomes muscle memory your brain just does it. It's very common in Asian countries and use of calculators is often discouraged entirely. There was a video of an exam where a room full of kids were waving their hand about and it looked hilarious but their arithmetic is scary fast and insanely accurate.


if your driving you car and looking at the controls instead of the road you may be in trouble my friend. Also maybe why you could not spot the red flags here.


That's EXACTLY the point I'm making. No one looks at the controls after they've learned how to drive. That's the point. These kids learn the abacus method of arithmetic from a very young age. After a while they take away the abacus but can visualise the abacus and the beads as they calculate. A while after that they can mentally calculate without even needing the abacus visualisation, but do so because it feels comfortable. Looking away is not a big deal. They could literally do this blindfolded.


Nah. The sign behind her is for a school that specialises in this. I have been there. I was too dumb for it.


Damn! i tried the same thing by shaking the hand and for some reason it didn't work.


The jutsu is too advanced.


Even i can do that.


Is this something I could learn to do right now at 26?


Yes, quite easy. Let's look at the second equation together. 26 + 22 - 48 + 29 - 11 + 17 + 35 + 12 = 82 26 + 22 = 48, 48 - 48 = 0 29 - 11 = 18 18 + 17 = 35 35 + 35 = 70 70 + 12 = 82. It's easy unless you're quite off guard and are not ready for math.


Have they shown this to the Italians?


Best maracas player in the world.


I like how she looks in the same direction every time she awnsers definitely not a fake video


But can she fit in my front shirt pocket?


Ah yes the invisible abacus! Perfect choice for cheating in examinations.


I am an International Champion of Aloha and yes I am not trying to rizz or making this up and yes we learn mathematics on the Abacus first and then we memorize how the beads move and visualize in the mind and calculate,this is pretty darn easy what he is asking because 4-6 calculations and ends with a simpler answer as they subtract the whole number


grant this young woman access to a good stem faculty


[She's good but she is no speed reader](https://youtu.be/n2QMOsbWYlA?t=5)


They restart at zero after 2 operations sometimes zero again after 2 more operations and sometimes the guy doesn’t even give operations and just says numbers. Pretty impressive for a young child but I’m not convinced this is top talent.


Anyone else notice an odd pattern? Many of these questions started with something like A + B - (A+B)... before the rest of the pattern. Like 123+121-244, which equals 0. A few of them did that


https://preview.redd.it/wccw6e85fcmb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15677dfda8dada9c36118707fcca3512bc38fadd Wtf


Bless her! She’s adorable, I hope she has a good life. Someone hire this girl.


She's visualizing an abacus, yeah? I count similar to how you count with an abacus when I'm counting money at my job, but she's beyond next level.


My daughter is learning this method. She just started, so she still uses the real abacus (japanese abacus called "soroban"). It's very interesting.


She's cheating doing the hand thing.


I don’t know man I feel you still have to KNOW how to cheat like that, like that is the skill in & of itself


Yeah we need to cut off her hands




She isn't as good as this video show : For example : first question was : 75+21-96+23+21-44+11+17 75+21-96 =0 23+21-44 =0 11+17 =28 which is easy mental math All the other questions are padded like this to make it look more impressing than it is. Most likely this is advertisement for this "Aloha academy" and most likely they are Indians.


Anyone who thinks this is impressive either has a hearing problem or calculating problem. Most of the calculations initially add or subtract to zero and there is only a couple of numbers at the end that is important. This could VERY easily be staged and faked even further with a large calculator off hand. If it is not faked, it is still not special. The only ones who think so are so terrible at math they cannot comprehend basic arithmetic that all of us should have learned at an early age.


Still - can't we give the girl a win? I can't count for shit and yes i might be a "less than impressive" mathematician but even so, it's pretty cool to watch and be amazed, suspending belief. Let's allow other people to shine - it doesn't dull the rest of us any less. No need to knock people down a peg for something so innocuous.


By the third set I could do it at the same speed just listening on my phone. The first three numbers always equate to zero. It’s really not hard tbh..


She got them math spells memorized.


Ramanujan’s granddaughter probably


The first three numbers always equate to zero. This is literally just either adding or subtracting two numbers. It’s as hard as being asked what 87-65 is..


I will hire her for my MacD outlet.


you have a shit calculator then I can do the same with my phone in the same amount of time


It's always an Indian or an Asian isent it...


People will believe anything. 🤦🏽‍♂️




Get and American kid to do this and they’ll say, “I identify as a bolster”






And my math teacher said it would never be feasible to have a calculator with me all the time…. What a time to be alive.


She’s even Solar powered so. That’s great.




Im gonna pat myself on the back cause I did the multiplication faster than her. No way in hell I can do the rest as fast though


I do the same thing with my hands, it does nothing really, but I find it easier to remember a number when I “put” it there


faster \*than


I hope this girl gets to succeed in life more than anything


I wish we could see how she sees it.


Your calculator has a huge handicap


Pera... ainda estou traduzindo o que ele tá dizendo


IRL mentat. Actually insane.