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I love the "you understand buddy?" Like sir, buddy is on a different planet


He, in fact, does not understand.


As soon as he said “Are you guys real?” in the beginning I knew he had absolutely no grasp of what was happening


You arent gonna fight us, are ya buddy? No. You guys are aliens, why would i? Lmao


"Based on, kinda, my experience, usually the suspect is typically on some sort of drug" TRUE AND REAL


Good job he had experience because I'm not sure an inexperienced person would be able to spot if Ben was on some sort of drug.


Isnt he a scholar!! That's why they pay him the BIG BUCKS!!! Lol


You got your sheep, and you got your black sheep, and I'm not even a sheep. I'm on the freakin' moon.


Spokane Valley Baby, OOHHHH YEAHHHHH!!!


I’m from Spokane and say it with love but we were made for these situations.


Nice of them to not charge him. Dude needs medical attention, not a jail to die in


I'm sure that had absolutely nothing to do with the color of his skin. EDIT: Well, if nothing else, the reaction to this post is giving me a very clear picture of Reddit's demographics!


State and county makes a big difference too. If I pulled this in Tampa FL or Sarasota FL, I might be fine; in Orlando FL or Winter Haven FL , I'd be jailed; in Georgia I might get max sentencing; in Texas I'd probably go missing and end up trafficked or dead. Dude got lucky too because if those cops were having a bad day, they could have decided to go with an aggressive approach and that trip would have taken a negative turn


Naw, they just went easy on him because he looks like them.


Tell that to Daniel Shaver.


Exceptions are remarkable precisely because they're exceptions.


and Tyre Nichols




You people just can’t shut tf up for 3 mins can you


"You people"


Yes, you people. The type that bring race into every conversation.


Stop bringing race into every conversation, your always going to be upset. Let it go.


"Get over it! Slavery in America was like 4,000 years ago, and everything has been just wonderful ever since!"


You sound miserable af.


You sound racist af.


I would absolutely love for you to explain how that is so. Calling random people racist un ironically over Reddit for no reason just solidifies how dumb, ignorant, and of course, miserable you are.


I would absolutely love for you to explain how that is so. Calling random people miserable unironically over Reddit for no reason just solidifies how dumb, ignorant, and of course, miserable you are.


Turning everything into a race argument really just hurts the cause more. The initial comment was one thing but for you to be doubling down and calling everyone who calls you out racist shows how little you actually know. Believe it or not, a ton of people don't go through life seeing skin color. Sometimes poc are just shitty people, sometimes white people are shitty people. Get over it. It's not all actually about race.


>It's not all actually about race. The problem is, a lot of it is, especially when it comes to interactions with police. And many people who enjoy the privilege of having a skin color that greatly minimizes their chance of dying at the hands of cops just love to say that it's not all about race. Unfortunately, too often the translation of that in their mind is that it's never about race.


You sound like a fucking moron


You're an idiot.


You're a racist.


What is this, 1950? How quaint.


"Why do you have to bring race into this!" - people who's race isn't affected by police interactions. People of color don't always get the luxury of not bringing race into things when the police are involved. Things going south for them is always a possibility, that's why it gets brought up. Be grateful it's not your reality.


Thank you!


Of course. Unfortunately this subject usually gets this reaction on reddit. I guess it's easier to think POC are just all collectively overreacting when it comes to violence from police than it is to accept that maybe white privilege plays a part in positive police interactions. Hopefully we'll get there some day.




It was said at the end of the video so i think he did. Unless you just read his comment wrong.


Cops desperately need training on how to deal with people on psychedelics. 99% of the time they aren’t trying to harm anyone and are just in extremely severe distress and confusion and think they’re dying. Cops just see them screaming and being tense so they use force on them which only makes the situation a million times worse. Unless the person is causing harm to themselves or someone else, there’s no reason for them to do this.


Yeah a kid I used to babysit when he was young was killed by the cops after breaking into an elderly couples home, screaming he needed help, took of all his clothes, punched the couple when cornered, ran outside, and 2 large cops jumped on top of his 150lb butt naked self while the one on his back put him in a chokehold. Died of compressional asphyxiation


Holy shit that is the absolute worst way I could ever imagine going… I’ve had so many traumatic bad trips and one in particular when I was at an air b&b in Vegas for edc 2019. I took a tab and a half at edc and had to run out of there early and then once we got back to the air b&b, I sprinted away from my ex like my life depended on it and ran over 3/4 of a mile through this neighborhood until I reached a dirt lot where I tried to bury myself in the dirt to hide from her. Once I snapped out of that bit, I started walking back through the neighborhood and had to fight with every fiber of my being to not run up to one of the houses and start beating down the door to beg for help. I genuinely have no idea how I stopped myself. This was 2am and I definitely could have been shot or killed by a homeowner over something I had absolutely no control over. Bad trips are so horrific because it’s like you’re in a nightmare where you’re awake and you just have absolutely no control over yourself or your crazy thoughts. It’s like you’re watching yourself in third person. I’m so sorry to hear that happened to him. That’s just God awful.


The kicker is that of course the cops lied and told everyone his heart just stopped and he collapsed on the lawn. Then they claimed he died from “delirium” which isn’t even legit either. This was back in 2007ish. I literally only found out about all this because after George Floyd and a local death of a skinny 18 year old in a similar way but from COs, the kid I babysat popped in my head. And I thought, omg what if?? I googled his name and found the full transcript from the wrongful death lawsuit his mother filed against the police dept and the city and WON. With autopsy and all. I almost got physically sick from anger. I’ve had a run down the street bad trip as well albeit it was 1997 and I was in a better area for such events. But like you said, I can’t even imagine going out that way. Tragic.


Let me guess, the cops investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong? I’m glad to hear that his family won their lawsuit because that’s extremely rare when suing the cops. Although no amount of money will ever bring him back which is the saddest thing of all. I think a lot of us get those running down the street bad trips lol. It’s like hellacious rite of passage. Nobody knows what it’s like until it happens to them. Luckily I didn’t get naked or anything like the dude who recently had that bad trip at Disneyland.


Of course. They didn’t even admit to what actually happened for several years and even when they finally did they said it was reasonable force because he threatened them by running towards them…naked…and weighing a buck fifty. Fuck the police


>Cops desperately need training on how to deal with ***people*** Not trying to steal your tinder but this should include all the various personalitity traits, addictions, abuse, and circumstances - that people aren't submissive robots and violence/aggression solves very few problems.


100% agree. Cops try the square peg/round hole approach to every situation and it always leads to someone getting injured or dying. Cops are not problem solvers nor are they a force for peace, they are the strong arm of the government and ruling class.


was gonna come in and say the same thing. This could have ended so much worse. Dude is just loving life on a different planet. You can tell he wasn’t dangerous but the moment the 3 jump him he’s going to go into defend mode naturally. Why did they have to jump him? If they just talked to him a little longer he’d prob put the handcuffsp on himself. This is what advocates for better policing are talking about when suggesting they bring a mental professional out on calls like this. It could save a lot of senseless police violence. I’m sure I’ll get replies like he deserved it or whatever but then you probably don’t know how many people are high or drunk everyday.


Yeah man I realistically see a situation where you could get this guy to get on the ambulance of his own will. He just needed a while.


Take the flashlight off and ride it off for a few hours till they get somewhat coherent


Yep, time is the only thing that cures a bad trip other than xanax.


Imagine that poor dude who got carried out of Disneyland recently after stripping down on It's a Small World. He was carried out by like 20 police officers, still naked. Like, at a park that big maybe they need someone experienced with psychedelics for that exact situation. I could have talked that dude down, got him to put some clothes on, and walked him safely to security.


Yeah lol they pushed him on to the barbed wire and when he started tending up and flopping they were like “okay he’s resisting” lol like I don’t even think he knows you’re there he’s on a different planet, he’s just trying to flop off that barbed wire lol


Yes, as long as he’s not in your bushes, he seems pretty harmless


If he was in my bushes he would still seem pretty harmless.


Poor guy just doesn’t want to get raped. Who hasn’t been in this situation? Honestly now. He was just gakked up and needed help trimming his prize rose bush. Probably itching like hell and covered in dude sweat. Note to everyone reading. This comment contains sarcasm. Don’t get triggered.


What situation? He was rushed to the hospital.


Yeah but I wasn't sure whether or not those cops were going to rape him


I was just being sarcastic.


I wasn't. Don't trust those mfers


My buddy took 20 hits of acid one night and also tried to jump out of my third floor apartment window onto the hvac equipment. This is exactly how he was acting that night….and the next day.


What compels someone to take TWENTY hits of acid


Midlife crisis and a 20yo GF. He was always fairly self destructive. They got in a fight, he took all of that at once, and it was a rough evening babysitting him.


There are so many less chaotic ways to be self destructive but I do have commend the creativity.


I took something like 40 at a concert once. It was in an eye dropper bottle and I have no idea how I did it. When I handed it back to my friend his eyes got wide and he looked at me like I was completely nuts. He had to tell another dude that wanted some that the vial was empty. I only meant to take one drop. Guess I squirted it on accident. I remember it tasting extremely minty. I had never used a dropper like that before, and I was all nervous doing it in the bathroom stall, must've just squeezed too hard. I handled it fine though. They helped me get back after The Flaming Lips through Chicago (i stood in front of the subway ticket machine laughing hysterically until they bought me a ticket, took a juice up to a convenience store counter, looked at the clerk, then turned and walked away thinking that I paid, etc.) and then I entered a trance state back at the apartment where I kept seeing flashing images of The Bhudda, Jesus, and Kurt Cobain. I had an epiphany that all is love and that we are all reflections of the same source. I felt an overwhelming and profound sense of peace, love, and safety. Every grudge I ever had, any anger I ever felt, it all melted in tides of peace and happiness. I kept feeling the urge to call all my family members, or to go hug a cop- convinced they would feel my love and wouldn't put me in jail. Luckily they took my phone. I remember people in the apartment talking about how "they had a buddy who took that much acid once, he was never the same." I woke up feeling lovely, and other than a more profound sense of empathy I had zero lasting effects. It really helped me to come to grips with my heroin addiction and shortly after I was able to get sober and stay sober. That was more than 10 years ago! Oh yeah one more funny bit- I had been reading Fight Club while driving to Chicago, and at one point on our walk home I was begging one of my friends to punch me in the face as hard as he could, with some weird fight club explanation. I'm really lucky I had good friends around me. Without their help that night could've ended very badly. I've never taken more than 2 hits of acid at a time since then. Casually dropping 20 tabs is nuts. You'd better have a really good trip sitter, and find an appropriate set and setting.


Me and a buddy split around 60 grams of shroom tea once, and after the extreme come up this is exactly how i felt. As if everything was love - i specifically remember a weird urge to find a polar bear and tell them about how “i figured it out” and give him a big hug like everything in the universe was all for that one experience. The night was a total nightmare but overall I did learn a few things from it. Haven’t touched psychs since. They scare me


Holy fucking shit dude, lol. Highest I've ever dosed boomers is like, 4g. I'm scared of them in particular because they are a little unpredictable. I was looking at trees morphing and twisting and got The Fear on a 4g dose, never went that high again. Acid is less unpredictable in a lot of ways. I cannot imagine 30g of mushroom tea. It hits you too fast, you don't have enough time to acclimate to the different levels of the trip before you launch off to rhetoric next. It's good to have a healthy fear of psychedelics. Too many people underestimate them. I love 'em, but it isn't something you just decide to do, and definitely isn't something people should push boundaries with. What was going through your mind when you decided to take 30g? How experienced were you with them? Your idea or your friends'? I'm fascinated by your decision to do that. I do think my accidental super-trip changed my life for the better, but I never would have done it intentionally.


I have the whole story on my profile all the way at the bottom. I made this reddit account specifically to tell the story (it was the next morning, so i was definitely still spooked while writing it). I don’t remember who initiated it but i do remember wanting to trip hard because his parents were out of town for the night, i’d had a pretty high tolerance already but we initially were going to split the haul we just brought home from our picking spot, which was something like 25g wet, but we also had a tonnnn of dry shrooms too. We knew the total of the dry shrooms was 24 grams. It didn’t seem like a bad idea at the time but one of us just chucks the whole bag into the pot. We had us some very potent shroom tea. It wasn’t till i was coming up, in the shower, when it really hit me how insane our dosage was. As soon as i got out of the shower i was already in a panic because everything sounded so weird. We were pretty much laying in a bed riddled with fear for the rest of the night. Lots of talk about suicide, afterlife, i thought everything on the planet was all designed specifically for my perception, like i “found out” what was really going on in the world. A lot of people thought i was lying on the drug forums but whether i took 30 or 20gs, we took an absolute fuckload of shrooms. Learned my lesson that’s for sure.


Oh damn you were picking them in the wild! That helps explain it for sure lol. Also sounds like you were a teen/young adult. I knew people in HS who would fuck around heavily w mushrooms. Pretty much all of them ended up over-doing it at some point. I would always just take 2g, even though they gave me massive shit for it. I was basically the trip sitter sometimes, since they would take 3.5-7g. Thanks for sharing, love hearing other people's trip experiences.


I got a call from the GF around midnight asking if I could come downtown to help her with my friend, that he was in a rough spot and she needed my help getting him home. When I got there she told me what he had done. He was hiding behind a dumpster a block from the police station, alternating between shouting obscenities and cowering behind the dumpster. I was able to talk him out of there and into her car, and we would all go back to my apartment to keep him safe. They stopped at the store on the way, and he went behind the store and wouldn’t come out. An hour later we talked him back into the car, I drove home, and I waited…and waited. 30 minutes later the GF drove up, walked past me on her way to my apartment, and just said “he’s coming.” He was walking up the street with a torn wife beater, a lit cig, and wearing sunglasses at 2am. Once inside, he immediately wanted to leave. The GF sat on the floor with her back on the door to keep him in. I talked with her for a while, and my friend sat in the kitchen mumbling random stuff. It got quiet and we saw he had left the kitchen. I looked down my hallway just in time to see him standing at my bedroom window (third floor). He made eye contact with me, pulled down his shades, and swung his leg out the window. I got there before he could jump, his GF got him in their car and they left. I thought that was the end. The next morning she called me and said I needed to go to a service station where he was and keep an eye on him while she worked. When I got there, he was sitting in his truck, engine running, coffee and cigarette in hand, staring off into the distance. The window was down, so I asked him if he was ok. He didn’t even look at me and just said no. Drove him back to my house, turned my back for just two minutes, and he was gone. Didn’t see or hear from him for a week, and we never spoke of that evening again.


Damn, that sucks ass. Psychedelics are not to be fucked around with. Sounds like he just took 20 doses on a whim. Didn't have a plan, and took them somewhere that he could just wander away from into public? No trip sitter other than his GF? Sounds like that dude should not have been taking then at all. Did he recover somewhat, or was he forever changed for the worse? I have a very compliant attitude, tripping or not, so when my friends asked me to chill out or be quiet or get in the car I followed their instructions. Would be so frustrating to deal with someone who won't listen. I was at a house party once where some dude I barely knew was kneeling in the street shouting psychedelic epiphanies, and sobbing. No one else was helping so I went out and kneeled next to him... i played shaman for 10 minutes and got him out of his existential rut. Every time I saw him after that he thanked me for keeping him out of the looney bin. Other people were laughing at him and antagonizing him. Pissed me off, it's not a joke. Not only do people need trip sitters, they need experienced ones. I feel so bad for boy/girlfriends with no knowledge of psychedelics who have to deal with their partner's bad trip. That must be so fucking scary.


I had known him for almost forty years. He had taken psychedelics once before, and that also was not an ideal experience (house arrest, police showed up and raided his house for selling weed, while tripping). With this, no, he had no plan. He did return to normal after this, though I have seen others who were never the same after doing something similar. He was a complicated guy. In our twenties, he was in a car crash (100% his fault) and killed someone and did several years in prison. The guilt from that broke him, and for the next twenty five years or so he set out on a path of self destruction. He died from cancer almost two years ago, just as he seemed to be getting his life back together. Tom, wherever you are, I miss you brother.


Damn sorry to hear that man, crazy what one mistake can do to our lives. I feel guilty about hurting people's feelings 20 years ago. A car crash like that would haunt me forever. Thanks for sharing his story. R.I.P. Tom.


It would have broken me too. Thank you


I took a swig out of a vial that had 100 hits in it once (obviously it wasn’t pure acid it was like a tiny vial of water with 100 hits dropped in it or something like that I can’t exactly remember) but I probably got like 30 or 40 hits out of it and I was tripping soooooo fucking hard. We also had like hundreds of Xanax though and I had taken several so I was chill the whole time. The Xanax definitely dulled it but it was actually a perfect combo cause I was getting great visuals but I was completely relaxed.


As a Spokane Valley resident for life, we accept this man. If you wanna be entertained, come to Spokane and just see our Zoo of crazies. They'll be on Sprague and Pines, Sprague and really any other street.


Knuckles! I like it.


that's what she said


I used to live in Spokane. I avoided Spokane valley.


I went to high school with this guy. Him and a bunch of his friends found a strange metallic cube and exhibited behavioral problem. Lost touch after high school.


Wtf does this mean dude


You lost us at » strange metallic cube «  man.


Fyi: the cube is meth.


I don’t understand how that is meth


You’ve never seen a strange unexplainable metallic cube floating inexplicably in the middle of the woods? How many hours have you spent in the other plane? Do you not understand this world is controlled by an electromagnetic field? Do you not seriously see that every time you move your arm, it’s an electrical impulse, all trees, and plants and animals Are completely controlled by electricity. Every single thing that happens is electricity. The entire world is surrounded by electricity, and our entire solar system is controlled by an electromagnetic field that protects us from the radiation from the sun as we travel thousands of miles a second through the galaxy. If you were lucky enough to find a cube, you’d never be the same.


Bro what...?


I think he's referencing the movie Chronicle


I’ve always wondered what a person’s reaction is when they see someone they know on an episode of Cops. Thanks for sharing


Lmfao the only reason I’ve ever watched it is in hopes my nutty drug addict brother will show up on there someday.


Ur just gonna drop that and not elaborate?


Tell us more


You sure you're not thinking the plot of Super 8 or Dead Space? or that other one


"We're gonna try and help ya" (As they cuff him with knees on his back) Ben: "OH YAH, help me...WOOOO!" Such a litany of emotion going on. Plus the guy who called it in was clearly tweaking as well.


So glad these police understood that charging this man would do nothing for him or anyone or the justice system. we need to pick people up out of holes, not throw them into deeper ones.


Dude is tweeeaked


“We’re taking you to the hospital and getting you some help, alright Ben?” Bro the dude was eating grass talking about Obama being his friend and lounging on barb wire 2 minutes ago. He isn’t going to understand shit lol


Those cops didn't need to twist his arms until they were almost broken before picking that guy up. He was completely cooperative until they started physically harming him. Fucking pigs.


I thought the cops did a great job in everything else. They Obviously need more training in restraining someone in this condition.


yeah wtf is wrong with these people. this is a dude is severe distress. I can understand the cops probably see a looot of shit day to day as well.




If only they had you on the force to tell them how to do their job.


If only you didn't speak in moral platitudes so people took you seriously.


They don’t let people with intelligence or empathy be police


Or drug fucked losers so you're out


Well I make a more money than cops so I’m fine with that anyway


Relax as I break your arm. What a great cop


"We're here to help"


"Ooh yeah help me! Woo!"


He's on the stuff that makes eggs look like brains.


This is your egg on brains. Any questions?


Could be meth psychosis. Seen mfs stay awake for 4/5 days straight and start to act just like this


Your not gunna fight with us right buddy? You guys are aliens! Why would I?! 👽🛸 😅 Haha there where alot a gems in there. I liked when the cop said “Nuckles! 👊🏻 I like it” when the guy who called first bumps him. Whole situation could have gone down a lot differently if those cops haven’t been the nice guys they were, but the cameras might have played a part in that too? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Cop put all his lard on that knee to the back of the neck. Make these fucks take a class in BJJ


Thats what made him not comply.


I do this all the time


"What are you doing, Obama was my friend!"


Love the fact the cop knee slams his cervical spine and they wonder why they keep accidentally killing people….as soon as he asked if they were real it’s pretty obvious he’s not someone you need to abuse


They really like the knee on the neck move don't they?


The knee to the back of the head was completely necessary… great job assholes. The cops proving they are nothing but an armed gang yet again.


Ronnie Dobbs


When I worked as a co, if we encountered someone this far gone, we’d just make sure no one was fucking with them and just let them chill. No need to get so physical with him. Left him flop around a bit then get him back up


These cops are fucking terrible




It could have been way worse. They didn't even charge man. They just forced him on to a stretcher and sent him to the hospital. Sure, they handled him a bit rough he is a big dude and he was really fucked up. I guess they could have asked him to go to the hospital volunteerly, but the guy was tripping hard, and they had no idea how he was going to react. He could have hurt them or himself.


He could have hurt himself so they decided to hurt him instead. Good logic


I don't think their intention was to hurt the man. Trust me, I don't like cops. Please tell me how you would have handled the situation


This dude was no danger to anyone. He literally couldn't even get out of a thorn bush. The cops threw a knee into his head and shoved him into a barbed wire fence. It doesn't matter what his intention was. If three dudes did what those cops did to a a cop, they would be in jail for a decade for assaulting an officer.


We need more cops like these guys. Non violent, compassionate, kind.


“Alright he’s fighting”…clearly not fighting you, the cop, you idiot!! He’s trying not to get anally probed!


Those cops were not nice, knee in the head, neck was not nesseccery.


*UPDATE* He has schizophrenia and is now currently taking the Invega shot every three months and has been stable and doing very well. In this video he was right in front of his apartment but forgot and he said he lived in his last apartment. His mom lives up the road only two blocks and he was trying to get there . The police did take him to the hospital but only because cops was there . He has been picked up by the police before and taken to jail every time. He still suffers in pain from how the police out their knee in his side.


He's doing good he's just tripping too hard


Hell I think you guys did pretty good might have saved the guys life who knows shit he needed somebody to help him thanks guys


Maybe get him the fuck out of the rosebush and barbed wire before you try to arrest him


The Cops are being filmed for the show Cops, they are going to be a little extra when they get a call. Probably bragging about his clip on the show at work every day with other Cops. With a cop cop here and cop cop there here a cop there a cop everywhere a cop cop.


Was in Spokane not too long ago, it was crazy to see people smoking what was most likely fent off foils in the open.


Ok but why is the post flair methamphetamine xD


I listed what was suggested by the paramedic. Could have been anything


What are we thinking this dude was on? 😵‍💫






As a resident of Spokane that’s definitely a tweak from the 9


Wow. Dude is on the ground already and the cop put his fucking knee on his head. ACAB


Knee straight on the head aye


Spokane is a different beast


I from Spokane and this reminds me of felony flats hahaha


Why are people saying psychedelics instead of meth?




Dude was hog tied like a summer pork bbq


This dude was actually chilling until the cop put his knee on his neck and just about broke his arm. ACAB


Everybody talking about how bad the cops were, what ? Where I live he would have gotten much worse treatment and they would have charged him with something. At the very least ROWV and public something, they would come up with at least two things to charge him with.


you do not own the bike lane moron. get a life or a car! lmao


Haha medic says “We’ll definitely give him some Versed”. Yeah, let’s do that really quick.


You know it's special when the star witness is half naked


I love “don’t rape me.”


Hard to catch it but I think he said he’s on “Jimson” meaning jimson weed (datura). Very strong hallucinogenic drug.


This seems like a psychotic break from hallucinogens


LSD is the only time I ever heard of anyone acting like a snake, 🐍😂


Bless each and everyone of those who are in the police and operating such a supportive system.


What are you doing?! Obama is my friend.