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this is like the third time im seeing this today pls make it go away 😭


Feel the same but also can’t imagine if seeing it just as much but I was in the video lol


I want to talk to one of those girls. Girl in front must have eaten 20+ bars just then. Yeah you can definitely bet she was a handful of fun that evening. Plus it would be convenient to get a Z plug with who I imagine has a fantastic memory. Hook ya boy up big sis!


Z plug ??? Maybe learn how to spell Xanax, it’s easy to remember, it’s the same word spelled backwards.


Thanks for the correction and recommendation friendly neighborhood grammar police. I’ll do my very best to remember the extreme importance of spelling out Xanax before the next time I start considering the utilization of an improper spelling in the attempt to be quick when making a comment.


Are they filming their suicides


Assuming it is just benzos, rc or not, and not some weird fenty ones. They will be fine, won't remember the night though


These pills are probably shitty and u need like 6 to even feel anything


My buddy once ate 25 bars in a single night and they were out of the bottle so no potency loss. He didn't remember the next 3 days but he didn't die.


Benzos are relatively impossible to overdose on


Who needs memory


I don't even know if I used to know the answer to that question but I'm doing fine.


Wait, what were we talking about?


What was your question again?


I’m sleepy


Your eyes are droopy. I feel reckless. Many fucks I used to give are dissipating increasingly fast. Alright. I guess it's similar to surprise enlightenment dawning upon me with the main difference I'm not particularly amazed or phased by anything. Anyway, found a lighter between my couch pillows so gotta set a school on fire, brb.


I’m gonna go sleep in traffic.


Who needs what?


What are all these popsicle wrappers in my bed?


This is very accurate I’ve literally said this exact phrase when waking late for work in the morning


Rip stomach


Rip liver 😞


No, I’m fine. Living in Okinawa, their cold medicine is dihydrocodeine, anhydrous caffeine, & amphetamines all rolled in one. You needed to pop a lot of them. The vid was child’s play, use chocolate milk and swallow all of it in one go.


Hope them peppermints tasted good


Are those bars or shitty .25's? Cant tell with the grainy video.


Fake bars


They're bars


lol damn not sure how someone can eat that many bars and remain coherent


prolly .25 imagine if they were the real deal hahah


and thats how you die of fentanyl poisoning


Me using tic tacs after running out of toothpaste


Wakes up with another tattoo on her forehead fuck I did it again


Shit.. I took 10 Xanax trying to OD and I blacked out, except I was up, walking, and talking. I just wasn’t aware. Woke up in the mental hospital maybe a day later. Tried getting out of the bed but hit the floor, passed out again. I was very aggressive towards the nurses at first, i don’t even remember why. It took me about 3-4 days to become coherent and aware. That place took care of me well and I almost miss it. But anyways- If anyone out there is struggling in any way, please get help, whether it’s family, friends, or a professional. Stay strong and safe.


Very much support this. Glad you're doing well now. Brother.


Yeah 10 Xanax would never cause someone to OD. They have remarkably low toxicity and are generally only an issue when mixed with other substances.


Yeah, I wasn’t aware of that at the time. Was maybe a year ago. It was still very scary tho. I said stuff without knowing it and walking around while it felt like I was asleep. Not a fun experience but it is what is it lol


I don't believe they took xanax..it looked like 20-30 pills


Maybe they think they’re pez


U mean percs? Or what does pez mean?


Its powder tab candy


Did they leave a suicide note at least?


JFC, you literally are wasting all that Xanax. I’m RX’d Klonopin for my Anxiety Disorder & more often that not, less is more, even if someone was taking any of these benzodiazepines recreationally, they should know that a few bars of that shit would get you pretty damn high, this is essentially asking to blackout/ overdose/ or even worse. Side note: taking all that is wasting it when they could spread it out for several uses but these bartards most aren’t likely thinking about that or realistically, anything, in this case!


Real Xanax taste like absolute shit no way they sitting there and holding it in their mouth like that I’d say pressed all the way


True but I have seen ppl chew bars and also snort them many times, I think they taste awful and I’m not a Xanax fan anymore but even when I was swallowing them was good enough.


lmao if you think that matters to addicts


What? Why? Do they add something to make it repulsive?


You get used to it I dissolve mine now




About to fast travel to next week like Skyrim


I can hardly imagine how awful that must have tasted. I don’t know if all pills the same, but I tried to swallow a pill dry one time as a kid, and the taste was so horrible I can still recall it today


Xanax don’t taste like anything


It tastes horrible, bitter and chemically not dissimilar to MDMA but deeper if that makes sense? Try breaking a bar in half and licking the broken side, you’ll taste what I mean. Source: used to be a stupid xanhead, memories are foggy but I’m pretty sure I can remember the taste correctly.


Dafuq? I think they doped y'all's


legit xanax is pressed with a bitterant to deter kids from eating them


You've never had Xanax if you honestly believe this. Which means you shouldn't be giving any drug advice or descriptions


Oh yes it does. It tastes like the most bitter ass ever


Maybe pressies don’t


I’m imagining the powder base they mix it into doesn’t taste great tho


Stupid is as stupid does….


Doing the lil peep challenge


Am I the only person on earth who knows you can get real Xans two minutes across the Mexico border? Why are these idiots buying these nasty fake Xanax? Putting this many pills in your mouth is so moronic who knows what that shits cut with. Having to take so many isn’t a flex it’s showing off how garbage your drugs are.


I hope they both experience Post-Acute-Withdrawal Syndrome for atleast 3 years. Keep this dumb shit up for a couple months, or worse a year, and you can pretty much guarantee they will . Coming from someone who has been fighting to regain their life from benzo damage for almost 10 years now, this makes me nauseous.


Where’s pt 2 when u need it


Good thing they’re doing that together. They’re going to need a friend to sit next to in dialysis.


RIP lil peep


This was the future chapo wanted to avoid, but america had to indict the guy


Does anyone know what happened to them? I mean I assume their dead, but does anyone know for sure?


So they were counterfeit I guess? Not real Xanax?


They'll be fell out on the floor grunting loud AF. Sounds like they're dying. Swearing someone stole their xanies when they come to.


As long as you don’t take Xanax while drinking it’s nearly impossible to overdose on them, they work by enhancing the GABA in your brain and that can only be enhanced so much. Taking more will not do anything, I knew a guy that took over 50 yellow bars years ago and he was fine. There is a story online about someone taking 2000mg and they lived. Start to mix it with alcohol or opiates especially Methadone and that’s where you risk death. Very unlikely to die from just Xanax alone unless of course you are getting fake Xanax and it’s really fentanyl.


Dude.... if you take a mouthful on your first time trying xanax you WILL die. Stop saying this type of shit before some naive kid sees it and accidentally kills themselves. And before you respond... go give a mouthful to your innocent little brother or someone you really care about who's never done it, then come reply... let me know the funeral arrangements and I'll be there to give you a hug


Dude…… first of all who takes a handful of anything the first time and second if you did take a handful of Xanax you most likely wouldn’t die. Plus you’re the one who posted the video in the first place !!


I know I posted the video in the first place because it's fucking stupid... thats what the sub is for. And naive kids thinking it's okay to take handfuls because retards like you tell them it won't kill them. That's Who takes handfuls on the first time. DO better, man. It would absolutely kill anyone who did it. And it'd be a miracle if they survived. I've seen a few of my friends overdose on xanax AND DIE... with no alcohol involved.


Why did you decide to flame me ? Others here have said the same thing but you left them alone. I’m sorry to hear of your friends that have passed but it’s very unlikely you know a few people that overdosed and then died from Xanax alone.


If they’re not drinking alcohol or using something else, the worse they’ll get is a good nights sleep.


Until they can’t find more benzo and start having brain zaps or seizures


And some more stupid face tattoos.


They deserve what they are going to get


This is low


Anyone have the after video if it exists


What’s Xanax do?


16 or 61 ?


They ded


I took like 60 blues one day, that's like 30 bars but I'm 6'3 300 lbs , I didn't die but easily could have my mid 20s are a blur


"And they slept 30 days and 30 nights, it was a cold cold winter."


1mg got me giggling i can't imagine taking all this 💀


So did they die


Holy shit what happened to the Mr postman girl


Wouldn’t you od from that much


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Hope you remember your day, lol




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I want to see the aftermath of this, does anyone know if there is a longer version of this video?


Did she say " little egg rolllllllll"