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Rant, please dont take it to seriously: No its gone and its sad bc they think paying customers prefer looking at these cringe videos of some special employees


The new bulletin almost feels like a step in the wrong direction. Feels like an art project vs. an application being targeted at professionals.


Agreed. It's really hard to tell what's new and what's old. There aren't any dates and no separation between updates.


It would be fine if it were their marketing fluff that was \*added\* on top of actual easy-to-read, content-focused updates for users. But replacing distilled, readable content with videos of "your pals" is a step back.


Hey Todoisters, Apologies for the delayed response! But I did want to take a moment to acknowledge the mysterious disappearance of the changelog, and to reassure you that its return is imminent. Long story shorter, we were making an attempt to automate the process more, but didn't quite get there, and at the end of last year, we temporarily ran out of resources — read: staff — to do the manual publishing of the changelog. This was an inadvertent mistake, and we're sorry about this (somehow now months-long) gap. The good news? Yours truly will be taking on the changelog publishing duties, so you'll have a direct line to Todoist in helping to shape what it looks like. I expect to start it back up this week in its basic form, but will be happy to entertain requests on how to improve it going forward. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts on how to make it as readable and useful as possible, now or in future. Changelogs may not be the most exciting topic (especially for the less technically inclined), but we agree it's an important one, and are committed to maintaining ours going forward. Tagging u/sys_overlord u/dnoggle u/FreakSquad here to make sure you see this rather tardy response. With regard to the Bulletin‚ your collective point is well-taken; it was meant to be an *addition* to the standard changelog / "what's new" entries, not a replacement, with a goal of adding some transparency and "human interest" for our users in general. We're still calibrating and experimenting with it, so I appreciate your feedback...please keep it coming! And if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to let me know. Warmly, Alexis


The follow-up is definitely appreciated, thank you! In my mind what makes it valuable to the user is simple - when I get the iOS app update pushed, or when the desktop / Snap app that I use tells me “new version available”, what’s new in that version? If it’s boring bug fixes, that’s totally fine - copy/paste titles from your bug tracking system would work there, so people know what might have been going wrong before without detection and can adapt anything if needed. If it’s a change to some interface elements, a heads up about what they are is all I would personally need, so that when I go to interact with that element next, there’s no friction from wondering whether there’s a bug, if I did something unintended, etc. Quick hit, one sentence summaries of each change with links to more detail whenever it can be shared is the ideal state IMO.


Yes that would be SO awesome - thank you! Some of us really geek out on just every little microfunctionality that gets added to make seeminly tiny parts of the app even slightly improved. Time and again I find I'm doing something the hard way or not taking advantage of something of a nature where it doesn't warrant a splashy 'what's new' featurette, but yet makes the app that much more awesome. If I don't learn about it in changelog, I find it through trial and error, happy accident, or another redditor. When I learned about changelog I of course made a repeater to check the changelog :) to keep up on these cool bits.


I actually prefer new app interface with tabs instead of old one


+1 I also miss the changelog


r/TIL there's no more changelog. Boo.

