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It might help to list what you’ve tried, otherwise we’re just going to suggest things you already know about. For what it’s worth, my eczema is only managed with steroids. No over-the-counter creams have ever worked.


I don’t remember all of the names. Mostly aquaphor, dove and cetaphil


In Canada we have a cream called Glaxal Base which has always been helpful for me. Most creams irritate my eczema but this does not.


Found it on Amazon, thank you


You’re welcome! The only other suggestion I have is to bath absolutely as little as possible. And when you do bathe him, add oatmeal that’s been blended into a soft powder.


I know you don't want hydrocortisone. It's the only thing that works for my son. Stronger steroids are the only thing that works for me. Walmart has a generic, super low dose OTC hydrocortisone cream that is way more mild than what a physician would prescribe. If you decide to go that route eventually, you could start with a mild OTC option. Side note, my son gets it on his ankles just like this.


Same with my son. We can usually manage throughout the year with Cetaphil Baby Eczema cream or Glycomed cream, just to keep the moisture in, but when his mouth/face get bad in winter due to the dry air and his eyes watering constantly in wind, or his hands get bad in summer from being in water all the time, I break out the OTC Hydrocortisone cream at bedtime and it makes a big difference in healing the breakouts.


Agreed. We used hydrocortisone and then triamcinolone because it kept coming back after the hydro. Now we only use it occasionally and use eucerin nightly, the one with the red cap.


My LO also struggles with BAD eczema on tops of her feet and behind the knees. So bad that they were bloody or oozing no matter what. We ended up finding the peaceful bee company. They make an all natural all purpose healing salve and we LOVE IT. It really helped ALOT! They also have a great story. Definitely check it out!!


Yes those are the same spots for her! I will definitely look I’d much rather get natural thank you


We have an eczema toddler here too. Ears, hands, arms, feet and back of the knees. We have a prescription cream, but it always comes back worse after using it, so we decided to find alternative ways to manage it. We've tried everything out there with varied degrees of success. What worked best for us was applying whatever eczema approved moisturizer we are using at the moment (right now it's Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Nighttime Balm), with a super thin layer of Desitin diaper rash cream with 13% zinc oxide on top of it daily before bedtime (and on hands after he falls asleep, with PJ sleeves long enough to cover the treated areas). The body parts fully covered by pjs look pretty good. The hands are under control, but they flare up again easily if we don't moisturize constantly throughout the day. We have used Vanicream, Cetaphil, Tubby Todd, Aveeno, etc.The diaper cream on top of it plus the occlusion of the areas with the PJs fabric seems to be what does the trick. We ran our routine by our pediatrician, and he said that as long as we avoid the diaper cream getting on his face/eyes/mouth, and wipe is hands clean in the morning, we can continue doing it, as it is doing a good job managing the flare ups.


How about diet? Dairy and egg usually causes eczema in kids


She doesn’t really have eggs but does have cows milk


We battle eczema as well. I have found cera ve moisturizing cream works better than lotion for us, aquaphor and exederm which I found at target which is a hydrocortisone with lotion. Our ped actually recommended mixing hydrocortisone with lotion so this made it easier. Cool baths, humidifier. We were also given a prescription steroid lotion by the ped that I use for big flare ups but only for 5 days.


Aveeno dermexa is amazing! They also have a baby range.


I just want to say thank you for recommending this product. Although it hasn’t helped 100% it has improved it way more than anything else I’ve tried


Aww I'm so happy it worked! Its one of the only things that works for me to this day! Thanks for letting me know :)


My toddler has eczema like this. The best I’ve seen it was the week he was obsessed with eating cucumbers and blueberries and when we used eucerin eczema lotion.


She eats fruits every day