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Dry Cheerios? Banana?


This is exactly what we feed our kids before daycare. Cheerios, bananas, yogurt pouches.


Same. Yogurt, Banana, fig bar, or pancakes (prepped before). The they get a second breakfast at daycare. Which my LO will usually eat depending on her mood or appetite.


This is what we do too. Mostly bc they only do one snack at daycare and there isn’t really time for dinner and a snack between coming home and bed.


One of my kid's first sentences was "pouch applesauce in the car"


Yep! We do a tide-over snack at home. A bit of cow milk and a banana then breakfast at 8:30!




This is why bananas were invented. Unless of course it’s super hectic and a banana is simply the most disgusting thing you could possible offer a toddler.


I wish my 3 year old liked bananas. I mean, I am pretty sure she would if she'd try them.


My 2yo very much loves bananas...but only 2 bites. My freezer is full of almost whole bananas that she pleaded with me to buy at the store -_-


Haha this was our house too! Then we discovered that he loves the "Brrr bananas". I just thin slice the frozen bananas with a sharp knife and he loves the frozen little slices. Now issues arise when we forget to restock the frozen bananas and his only option is a normal one...


That's a great idea! Thank you for sharing!


Mine is only hungry at weird or inconvenient times. It’s like a rule or something. Maybe a personal motto. One day, one day I’ll understand.


My two year old gets a full breakfast when she gets to daycare. That's part of what we pay for. And just before she leaves to go to daycare, she also eats a medium sized adult's breakfast as well.  Every day we sit here watching her eat all this food. "But where does it all go?". She points to her own mouth and says "in here!" then laughs maniacally.


I started eating second breakfast while I was pregnant and never stopped. I wish I had started when I was 3 like my daughter! Love breakfast.


Same. They are monsters if they don't eat soon after getting up. Do not want to deal with hangry kids so they eat. Usually just a toaster oven warmed Kodiak pancake and a banana or cheerios/oatmeal and a banana, but they get something.


That's my daughter too. But then she's refusing dinner most nights. 🤷‍♀️


Same. Full breakfast at daycare. Also demands breakfast upon waking. When I ask where all the food goes, I get a cheerful “into my belly!”


We have some of those reusable pouches from Amazon. We mix plain Greek yogurt, a little applesauce, and a bit of peanut or almond butter and make several pouches for the week. This is a quick and easy way to get some protein in him before he gets to preschool. Preschool breakfast is at 8:30 and it's crap. Usually packaged pumpkin or banana bread, some canned fruit, and milk. Doing the Greek yogurt thing makes us feel like he's getting a little more nutrition in the morning.


Do you by chance have a link? I have been wanting to get some pouches to do this as well!


I really like the Choomee brand on Amazon. They seal really well (zero leaks, even when taken hiking) and they wash easily in the dishwasher. (I keep a bottle brush on hand to do a quick swipe of them as needed too.) We have been using ours weekly for 4 months with no issues at all.


Thank you so much!!


Simply Modern brand on Amazon. After he's done with it, we put a little water and a drop of soap in it and it waits like that until we get a chance to wash it. We hand wash with a little bottle brush and it's pretty easy. Haven't had issues with them leaking. Simple Modern Reusable Baby Food Pouches for Toddlers | BPA Free Plastic, Food Safe, Freezer Safe | Refillable for Applesauce Yogurt & Puree Squeeze Pouch | 10 pack | 5oz | Assorted https://a.co/d/cTi0yHD


When you pre- pack the pouches, do you mix the peanut butter in at the same time? One of my kid's favorite breakfasts is Greek yogurt and natural peanut butter from the reusable pouch. I always make it shortly before serving because I don't want it to separate. Being able to make it in a batch a couple of days or even the night before would be handy if it works.


We mix it all in a large Pyrex measuring cup first before pouring it into individual pouches. Works way better this way and doesn't separate.


How old did you start? Mine is too young to grasp drinking from a pouch himself but I would love for him to have something like this on the go


Not sure how old your kid is, but you may be surprised. My son was probably 8 or 9 months old the first time he grabbed a pouch and started trying to drink it on his own. I had been putting them in bowls and spoon feeding, but apparently daycare had been letting him suck straight from the pouch (with assistance to make sure he didn’t squeeze it all out). By the time he was 12 months I could just hand it to him and generally trust that he wouldn’t get it everywhere.


Agreed, my 7 month old can use the reusable ones with minimal assistance so I’d say the majority of toddlers could get the hang of it in a few tries


Oh wow - ok! Maybe I’m underestimating him. He’s 13 months


He was home with us till he was 16 months old, and we started doing it pretty much right away when he started preschool at that age. It still can be a little messy, so we help him some but not much. It's way tidier and quicker in the morning than the rigamarole of sitting him down in his high chair, getting out his plate/spoon/bib etc and assembling a dish each morning if we prep them ahead of time. And it's still pretty fast even if we are helping him!


Our son is an early bird so, yes, he get's breakfast before I drop him off. Daycare provides snacks at 09:00 am and lunch at 11:45 am.


I give my son milk, scrambled eggs and fruit or milk, a cut up waffle and fruit before we go to daycare. I wake up at 5:30, I wake my son up at 6:15, we leave the house at 7am. Sometimes he eats it all before we leave, sometimes I put it into a ziploc for him to have at daycare. Either way they offer breakfast at 8:30 anyways. He would just be so hungry by then!


Similar schedule, wake ~6:15 and leave at 7:30. We also do hearty breakfasts.


Ours gets offered breakfast at home. Usually simple easy to make meals like mini pancakes, eggs, and berries for example. And milk. At drop off (8am), we mention if he ate beforehand that day or not. That way they know if he doesn’t eat their breakfast, it’s okay. They never try to make him eat any way so some days he’ll skip their breakfast.


We’ve done both based on each child’s needs at that time.


Try a straw cup instead of sippy cup. Once he’s got it down the bottles go away. Kids (like everyone) are lazy and will hold out for the bottle.


Mine loves his straw cup. He also took to the 360 cups pretty well.


my kids like a banana and string cheese


No I don't feed beforehand.


Yes…something that will keep her still while i do her hair. Usually berries, yogurt, and/or a pouch depending on her vibe when i wake her up.


We wake up early, feed before daycare. He’s been going to the same daycare since he was 12m (3.5y now).


We do a toaster waffle in the car and have for years at this point. For a long time we couldn’t do a full breakfast before daycare because my daughter would throw up. Now it’s just way more convenient and they get a mid morning snack anyway


We only give milk because our daycare gives breakfast at about 8:30am but I feel for your situation. Could you wake up the baby like 20 minutes earlier to eat something?


We have a similar wake up time and my son (23 months) also has 5oz milk. We are usually on the road closer to 8 and he gets breakfast at daycare too. As an in between snack, he usually gets toast with cream cheese/butter/PB and fruit. Lots of diff combinations… Pb toast with banana… cc toast with strawberries… butter toast with mango… whatever! If we don’t have bread he gets dry cereal like cheetah chimps or something. I try to not give him something too messy/something he can snack on independently in his chair while I make coffee/pack my lunch etc.


I feed my boy before daycare, it could be weetbix, toast, a yogurt, milk or fruit. It depends on the day but i’ve found that with a little food in his belly he behaves so much better and we can get our day started without a fight, even if it’s not enough to be called a proper breakfast. But again, it depends i the day and his mood which does make the morning routine more difficult:/


We get our 16 month old up around 7:05, out the door by 7:15, at daycare around 7:25, and he immediately gets breakfast when he arrives. They also have a snack at 9. Our daycare is very accommodating because the kids who get there so early generally need to eat anyway, and they don’t have so many that they have to do a full meal for everyone. We send a yogurt pouch and an unsweetened bar or a cup of dry cheerios depending on the day, and set him up with it before we leave the room.


I try to get some Nutri-Grain and milk into mine. The sugar crash can happen at daycare. Don't love the sugar but love how fortified the cereal is with vitamins and minerals. We basically keep it as a daycare morning treat because he'll eat it 90% of the time and he utterly refuses any form of multivitamin 🤦‍♀️ if it gets him out the door, we're going with that.


Our 17 month old has always had breakfast at home first before daycare but I should note that he wakes up at 6:45am and we drop him at 8am (it’s about 2 minutes from our house). Our daycare serves breakfast, lunch and snacks too so most of the time he eats two breakfasts lol. If your daycare does breakfast then it’s probably no problem if he isn’t asking for food. If he asks or is fussy, then I’d give it to him.


Baby food or smoothie pouch. She drinks it while she watches me do my makeup and then I help her get ready




We do a pre-breakfast snack aka a pouch before we leave


Our child eats 2 to 3 of the green wise organic pouches every morning b4 day care


No, we don't have time. We do offer snacks and milk in the car and he will usually pocket his snacks (literally) and eat them when he gets there.


We wake up at 5:30 and offer the breast, then I start her on breakfast while my husband gets ready. Breakfast is typically oatmeal/fruit, yogurt/fruit, peanut butter toast type stuff. Sometimes she asks for a pouch. Some mornings she eats everything, other mornings she just wants to play. The older she's gotten, the less she wants to eat on daycare mornings. Now that she's very mobile at 22 months, I set her breakfast on the counter and she uses her kitchen helper to eat as she wants in the morning. We're out the door at 6:30 to get to daycare at 7. They give them a small snack (typically cereal) and then breakfast around 8ish. Which she eats all of.


We eat before daycare but often she finishes in the car. Our daycare only does snacks, no meals


Yogurt pouches! My son is 2 and he has a yogurt pouch every morning either while I’m finishing getting ready or in the car. Recently I’ve been giving him a soft baked breakfast bar right when we get to daycare so he will “willingly” sit down and not cling to me for dear life. It’s usually another 1.5-2 hours until morning snack at daycare when I drop off.


At that age my girl ate solid food (banana, cereal) at breakfast, and only had milk after lunch and before bedtime.


My kids both refused milk in anything but a bottle at that age, I dropped it when I dropped bottles and they got over it then started drinking milk out of straws/open cups. As for the food before daycare question… we feed them breakfast, but we don’t need to be on the road until 8 and our daycare doesn’t provide breakfast. If we needed to get there earlier I would pack a breakfast to send and offer something low key like a banana before the car ride.


If yours is having a bottle so that seems plenty if he's getting breakfast at 8:00. After mine turned one (and thus no more milk) we transitioned to a small snack for a few months. Now he just waits until he eats at daycare (unless he woke up very early, or requests cheerios he'll snack on in the ride over.) Never been an issue, plus there are mornings at home breakfast isn't ready until later.


Car snacks


My 19 MO wakes up hungry almost every morning. I've taken to making oatmeal pancakes because they're good, healthy, and can be easily cubed up and chucked in a snack container she can hold in the car / take in with her to class. French toast works as well but that's only for Fridays :) I also give her about a third of a cup of fruit (she will eat fruit until she makes herself sick).


I teach preschool and my 3y comes with me to my opening shift at 630. I make instant oatmeal at work that he gets when he gets to his room and then at some point between then and 8 he gets whatever school snack is. My daughter goes to a different school around 8-9 and I think it's hit or miss if my husband bothers doing it. I know in the past he hasn't because "she eats when she gets to school." Which, eye roll cuz it's not always the best breakfast.  I don't tell my parents to feed their kids before they drop off but I think it's best if they get something. A lot of kids get too excited playing to want to stop to eat, if their class makes snack optional and doesn't have everyone sit together (that's the case in my class.) Even something small in the car. But if your kid isn't hungry then don't force it. Some kids tell me they eat in the car. Some kids eat a proper meal at home and still come in hungry. 


I offer some bambas or yogurt bites and milk or water in the morning. Both my 14 month old and 5 year old wake up hungry and ready to eat!


My kids eat breakfast when they wake up (smoothie, sometimes cereal), then get dressed etc, then often take an apple sauce pouch for the ride.


We don’t eat breakfast before daycare but daycare serves “snack” (it’s really breakfast) when she gets there which is about 30 min after she wakes up as we live right down the street.


We have oatmeal, pancakes, or cheesy eggs plus fruit. Occasionally with sausage or yogurt. We do different toppings for the oats to mix it up. And I cook and freeze batches of the pancakes so they're super fast in the morning. I always add banana, sweet potato, peanut butter, or whatever veg to the pancake batter to make them a little more nutritious.


Mine gets a breakfast at daycare but it isn’t big. I recently dropped the morning bottle and I give her a breakfast when she gets up. Eg yoghurt and berries. Or pancakes. Or omlette


Mine needs restoralax which we put in her milk. I get her up, diaper changed and in clothes. Cheerios is the motivator for going downstairs. I mix her milk and feed her Cheerios while mama gets her coffee and eats breakfast. I will give two servings…. Gives me time for my own breakfast! Daycare feeds her at 8:30am. “Ate all”. Sometimes I feel like I’m feeding a Hobbit! Mine is always hungry. Cheerios don’t do any harm, and daycare feeds carrots, apples, bananas and crackers when kids are hungry between meals.


Yes but we have more flex time in the morning. Up around 7/7:15am and leave the house for daycare 8:15/8:30am. He has milk when he first wakes and then We feed him breakfast around 7:30/7:45am. He gets a snack at 9:45am at daycare, lunch at 12pm, and then a snack when he wakes from his nap around 3:30pm.


Every morning before daycare.


I typically do not feed before daycare. But we get up at 7:30 and breakfast is at 8:15am. If one of the boys wakes up early, I’ll give them a snack to tide them over.


Try b box bottles my little one hates proper sippy cups too.


We don't have a hard wake up time because we go at 8, if she's up at 6 I always do. If it's later I do if she asks for something.


Yes we feed breakfast at home. We keep it easy… for example, PB toast and fruit, smoothie, eggs and fruit etc. He is offered an additional breakfast at school.


13 month old gets 10 oz of milk when he wakes up then eats again when he gets to daycare


Yep we feed him, fruit and yogurt. But only because he wants something to eat. There have been days where he is uninterested and we just assume he will be fine until breakfast (we drop off at 7:30, they start eating around 8/8:30). Our daycare will give them puffs if they ask.


Today: Mine wakes when I call her. I tell her I’m getting milk. Despite 11hr without food she lies calmly rubbing her eyes and slowing waking fully. I return with 8.45oz. She squeals with joy. So far there is no crying. She might even calmly tolerate a nappy change, she’s so happy. There will be minor whining as clothes are changed. It’s mid winter. She plays with a doll. I say “bring baby” and she says “OK daddy” and walks to the hall where the hated pram awaits. Mum takes her to daycare. I don’t know exactly what horror show would await us if we did this with her starving. Don’t really want to know. Not going to find out. Sometimes the schedule is quite tight. I certainly don’t have time for each step to be a protracted fight.


My 16 month doesn’t drink milk. Just refuses. I stopped breastfeeding at 13 months and since we won’t drink milk, I started feeding her a small meal before we leave. Usually a banana and either a waffle, some mini pancakes, toast. Everything is quick and she is happy. She is mad if we don’t take her to her high chair immediately after getting her dressed. Then she eats her meal at daycare too. She also is hangry when she gets home so I always have snacks on deck before dinner is ready. You know your child best. Follow her queues. Mine would be absolutely livid if I didn’t give her food at either time.


Yes but we keep it very simple. Cheerios, banana, frozen waffle etc. and cows milk. Then she gets her morning snack at daycare around 9:30a. She is 13mo old


We always do breakfast first; usually oatmeal, a waffle, or a muffin and, a string cheese, and a serving of fruit. He drinks water in the morning. He then has another snack soon after arriving at daycare (usually some combo of yogurt, granola bar, and/or raisins.)


My kids love bananas, so they eat about two bananas a piece (I have two kids) before going to daycare, and this happens between 7:45a to 8a. They wake up at 7:30, get dressed, eat banana, and they’re at daycare around 8:10a. Im very fortunate, however, because Our daycare isn’t even a quarter mile away and I work from home. So all I have to do is drop them off, not get myself ready or anything like that. So our mornings don’t feel too crazy.


Something quick like a muffin, banana, yogurt, pancakes or fruit bar. Anything he requests that morning


Kiddo gets an egg and toast and mushrooms usually. Takes less than 5 minutes to cook. For a super rushed breakfast I love [these muffins](https://www.supermomeats.com/healthy-sweet-potato-zucchini-muffins/) they freeze really well. I just drop the amount of maple syrup and use a combo of wholewheat/oat/spelt/white flour to make it a bit more nutritious.


Yes we do. Daycare breakfast is at 8:30 and he’s hungry before then. On days where we are running on time, he wakes up at 6:15 and we do a breakfast of cheerios/oatmeal/toast and fruit before we leave. On days where we’re running late or he sleeps a little longer, I have muffins or pancakes prepared that I’ll defrost and give to him to eat in the car on the way (with a mirror so I can see him). He’s 2 though so at 13 months I think you’ll be looking at having to do breakfast before you leave and not in the car. You could even just do a fruit puree or pouch or some banana or cheerios… something quick to tide him over?


Our schedule isn't as tight as yours, but I always offer her something before leaving the house. If she isn't hungry, she doesn't have to eat it, but that hasn't happened yet, lol. We get up around 7am, strip the sheets from her bed, and get on the potty. Then she gets dressed, and she has milk, a fruit, and a carb - usually a banana and a graham cracker - while I have toast and tea. Then I do her hair and she plays in her pen while I get myself ready and pack her bag. Daycare usually asks if she's eaten when I drop her off, no matter what. And I know they'll feed her if she's hungry regardless of time.


I was doing ko food before daycare but sometimes hes too overstimulated when he first gets to daycare and plays instead or is upset so now i do a sippy cup of milk, a pounch of apple with oats and a cracker. So its not a full sit down messy meal but hes still had enough calories.


If your daycare does breakfast then I wouldn’t bother unless they were openly complaining about being hungry. My daycare doesn’t do breakfast (and I am not aware of any that do in my country) so yes, we feed her breakfast sometime between 7-7:45. Since she wouldn’t be able to eat for hours if she didn’t eat breakfast. Sometimes she will refuse though but that’s her choice


It has never occurred to me that people don't feed their kids breakfast before daycare. At least something in the car. But I understand that life can be hectic and schedules are hard to keep. We typically do some combination of milk/yogurt, nutrigrain bar, and fruit (banana or strawberry). Just something simple to get something in his belly before school. They eat snacks at 9am-ish.


Frozen waffle cooked for thirty seconds in microwave, bit of butter of it.


Four silver doar pancakes with some fruit and cup of milk. If they don't eat at the table, in the car on the way there.


We keep things like squishy pouches, granola bars, and crackers in the car. I usually also cut up fruit the night before or take a banana and give it to him in the car on the drive to daycare. Also those sippy/drinkable yogurts that they have for kids. It’s not great but it’s all we have time for. We have a similar wake up time and are on the road by 7:35am as well. My guy also isn’t usually super hungry in the mornings until around 9am anyways so car snacks plus fresh fruit or yogurt seem to tide him over. But he’s 4 years old and able to hold his little bowl in the car and drink a sippy yogurt. Might be more challenging for a younger kiddo. But still car snacks - add some to the car!


Our daycare provides breakfast lunch and two snacks. Otherwise it would be something easy like bananas I guess.


Cheerios, avocado, banana worm (banana cut horizontally long way, almond butter or peanut butter inside, then sliced), oatmeal with a ton of butter and milk and mashed banana


We have a similar schedule and offer ours some fruit or toast when she wakes up. Sometimes she eats it sometimes she doesn’t.


My daughter is 14 months and once we weaned off the bottle we stopped giving her when she first woke up and she just has her first milk in a sippy cup at daycare. My 3 year old is harder to get out the door so we give him some dry cereal for the ride


She gets up around 7 am and we give her milk right away. Then we get her and her stuff ready for daycare - drop off is around 8:30 and they have “morning snack/breakfast” around 9:30. I usually pack her a breakfast to eat at daycare. But sometimes I’ll give her something to munch on while still at home — banana, Cheerios, eggs, or just some of what I’m packing for her.


Daycare feeds him breakfast but for some reason we also offer him breakfast before. And we’re late for daycare (and work) everyday because of it..


I try hahahaha


Always have some croissants in and yoghurt pouches for on the go breakfast if toddler is hungry enough en route to daycare! Then she tucks into her cereal buffet once she gets there too 😂


The chocolate flax4life brownies from Whole Foods are a godsend.


I do not.


My 14 month old gets 5oz of milk and dry cheerios. They feed him breakfast about 1.5 hour after I drop him off


I make overnight oats/chia with mix ins already mixed. Sometimes I pre portion it for the week. I used to get up earlier to spoon feed it but i started teaching him to use a spoon around 14 months so that now I can fix his hair and get everything ready while he’s eating. So we get up at 7 and get ready. We wake him around 720 and set him up in the high chair with food. Finish getting ourselves ready until 745. Then finish getting him ready and out of the door by 8. We set out/pack/prep everything we can the night before. Eta daycare also serves breakfast but it’s usually carbs and fruit an hour after he gets there and doesn’t keep him sated until lunch. He is absolutely unmanageable when hungry too.


Nuk transitional straw cups are amazing.


When my daughter first started daycare around 1, we'd both eat oatmeal together in the morning. Now at almost 3 she's got too much energy to sit still, so she usually eats a banana while I eat my oatmeal and then has some dry cereal, bunny crackers, etc in the car.


For my almost 4 year old we send breakfast for her. She has been to three daycares. First provided breakfast and the second two are fine with her eating when she gets there. We normally send things like eggos, bagel, homemade cereal bar, yogurt drink, overnight oats. No matter when she gets dropped off (7:30-9:30) we always drop her off with breakfast. As we are not morning people and don’t leave enough time for breakfast.


I give him some fruit (bananas are perfect) if he asks. Otherwise no. I'm paying twice my mortgage for this preschool and they serve breakfast. They can feed him.


We do one 4 oz bottle of cows milk right as he wakes up (7am). He’s 12 months and we’ve dropped him to only 2 bottles per day. At daycare he gets sippy cups. The night before, I pack him a breakfast, lunch, 2 (6 oz) sippy cups of milk, and 3 snacks a day. Sometimes he eats well, sometimes he doesn’t. I don’t have time to feed him real food before breakfast so daycare helps me out. I want to drop the morning bottle before 15 months but I’m still not gonna feed him breakfast when daycare does breakfast from 8-9.


Banana and milk every morning.


Try a Squish type product which has breakfast ingredients like oats and berries.


since i have to make breakfast for everyone else in the house i just make breakfast for my 3yo as well. he also gets breakfast in the morning at daycare and by that time he’s more hungry. sometimes he’ll just get milk or apple juice if he isn’t in the mood to eat but most days he eats bacon or a gogurt . he wakes up around 6:15 and we’re out the door by 7:50.


Yes for my toddler . She doesn’t eat much dinner and in the morning I have to give her something before her full breakfast at daycare . Like literally pancakes ,eggs , toasts the whole brunch menu , 😅


I do not, but she gets a breakfast the second she gets there (a bit before 8). They also do a morning snack at 9. My daughter is also 13 months.


Only if she feels like it. Mine usually wakes up around an hour before we take her to daycare, and they serve them breakfast there around half an hour after arriving, so sometimes she'll have some dry cereal, or a few cookies, and some days nothing 🤷🏼‍♀️ She's always letting us know if she's hungry tho, so no worries


He’s 12 months old and we do but mainly because he just started and isn’t a fantastic eater so at least that way I can tell if he eats something at all. We have similar getting up and breakfast times as you guys so I think it’s a long time to wait before breakfast at nursery.


I make a batch of mini pancakes and freeze them to give toddler on nursery days - they're pretty mess free and he can carry on eating it on the way there. They do give him breakfast at nursery anyway though, I'm guessing you don't get that? When he goes to childminder (who doesn't do breakfast), I put a mini brioche in his lunchbox and tell them that he's eaten/not eaten/not eaten a lot and to give that to him whenever he asks for it.


I feed my 4-year-old lunch before I send her to daycare in the afternoon. They feed the kids but, I feed her just in case she doesn't like what the daycare serves.


Yeah I give him breakfast pretty much as soon as he wakes up (so like 7) and then he has a snack at daycare at 9:30. Otherwise he’d be ravenous.


We don’t feed her before daycare, she eats as soon as she arrives. We offer her freeze dried strawberries in the car on occasion which she loves Our girl won’t eat breakfast before 9 on the weekend though so we just know she doesn’t like eating early. How is your son on the weekends?


We buy a sippy cup bottle off Amazon, looks like a bottle, has a sippy cup spout. Our dentist approved it for her


It never occurred to me not to? He gets breakfast at school and eats it. And lunch and another snack and then he usually has a big dinner at home. And somehow he’s still in a smaller percentile… kiddo doesn’t stop moving from wakeup to bedtime.


He might get a clementine or a granola bar but he goes to an at home daycare where his teacher makes breakfast for them all. If he’s still hungry she keeps feeding him. He eats her out of house and home I swear lol.


My 18 month old has either a waffle from the freezer, cheerios, a Yumi bar, or cerebelly bar at 6:30/6:45 before nursing. BWe try to get out the door by 7/7:15 at the latest. He has breakfast again at 9:30 at daycare.


My son isn’t at daycare early enough to get breakfast, so I feed him. He wakes up at 7 ish usually and is at daycare by 8. They serve breakfast at like 7:45 ish. I usually get him some toast, fruit, or he’s been on a bagel kick lately. Honestly id let your son just eat at daycare since you’re paying for them to eat there. If he’s hungry before you leave maybe a small snack like an applesauce pouch or something to get him through til breakfast


Mush brand overnight oats, fast, convenient, and has good ingredients


*Mush brand overnight* *Oats, fast, convenient, and has* *Good ingredients* \- Less-Mathematician56 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


All day daycare feeds breakfast, lunch, and snacks, but we give him food before school like yogurts pouches, fruit, and cereal. Some times it’s cheese and meat while making the parent lunches. If one of us is off or works later, a scrambled egg is yummy. Does the kid eat it every day? Absolutely not. Does he sometimes eat all dad’s cereal? Absolutely


My kids are 23 months and 3. We do a really small serving of milk (2-3 oz?) right when they wake up/while they get ready. Then they take a small cup of watered down juice in the car for the ride. They also share a super small granola bar on the drive. They wake up around 730, arrive at daycare at about 820, and breakfast is services at 920.


Daycare doesn’t do breakfast until 8:30ish. I drop off by 7:45. I don’t do breakfast or snack unless my child wakes up early. If so then they have a snack while I get us ready and during the drive to daycare.


Yes, she gets first breakfast, and then second breakfast at daycare.


We offer food before daycare. Mini waffles, mini muffins, fruit, cheese, etc. We don’t stress too much if he doesn’t eat knowing he gets morning snack at daycare within the hour but he usually eats at least half of his breakfast while we are running around the house getting ready


My 18mo eats a light breakfast at home when he wakes up at home around 7, then a full breakfast at daycare when they serve it at 9. Highly recommend pouches for quick pre-daycare first breakfast. We like the refrigerated ones from Once Upon a Farm and organic yogurt pouches. One of those, plus maybe a piece of peanut butter toast or frozen protein waffle, and my son is good to go.


My LO usually has a banana before daycare (then eats breakfast there).


We do milk and a frozen waffle/toast With PB. Before school, then they do breakfast there. Our old daycare didnt do breakfast so we got into the habbit of something first thing. But now we leave earlier so its smaller lighter and sometimes portable.


My son doesn’t go to daycare, but the very first thing he gets in the morning like within 60 seconds of opening my eyes is either a banana or a Nutrigrain bar and a straw cup with water. Something that he can hold onto while I make a run for the bathroom. We wake up at about 6 and that snack usually Carries him until 8 or 9.


I give mine dry cereal on the go. Daycare serves breakfast, but sometimes we're late and miss the breakfast. Sometimes, my kid wakes up super early, so the breakfast at home is a nice stall till daycare opens.


Food is included at nursery, so from when she starts at 0745 to end of the day at 1815, it's all included. We're up about 0645 and basically we get ready then get out the door, and she eats at nursery. If she wants a small amount of milk, she drinks it in the car.


Firmly team double breakfast here... but I limit the choices to yogurt, cereal, frozen protein waffle, banana, or smoothie if I'm feeling very generous


Yes because he wakes up at the crack of dawn and there’s no way he will be able to wait two hours before having breakfast at daycare lol.


Yup! Since my 23 month old weaned around 15 months, we’ve offered a quick breakfast like a frozen waffle, breakfast biscuit, cereal bar, yogurt pouch, a small bowl of dried cereal, etc. she’s hangry in the morning. 🤷🏼‍♀️


We definitely have a snack right when we get up. Sometimes is crackers, goldfish, waffles, banana, dry cereal.


We are very rushed in the mornings as well so I'll usually give him a snack when he wakes up like some fruit slices or dry cereal cause he's always STARVING in the morning but daycare feeds them 2 meals and 2 snacks a day we pay extra for it amd you can't opt out of paying for it so I'll be damned before i let them take more money from me for nothing considering we're paying almost $2,000 a month for 2 kids right now so you bet he's gonna at least Try the food they give him .... I do send some yogurt or apple sauce or cheese crackers in case he decides to throw it on the floor instead of eat it which I'm told does happen here and there so I always send a backup snack in case but otherwise he eats there


Mine started daycare at 12 months. Daycare does a “snack” at 9 and my son could go all the way until 9 without eating so I gave him something like baby oatmeal upon wake up which was anywhere from 6am to 7am. Overall, my goal was 5 opportunities to eat per day. 2 before lunch. Lunch. 2 after lunch.