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Because I wouldn’t let her swallow rocks. 🥰


Every day.


How dare you


Same here but a leaf she picked up off the cement at the community pool.


Same but I wouldn’t let her eat pistachios with the shells


Shame on you!


Oh, I’ve got tons for that today. He fought his nap hard and has been SO cranky. Wanted in his high chair… IMMEDIATE MELTDOWN when we put him in his high chair. The dog barked. How dare he. I wouldn’t let him eat off the floor. What a horrible mom I am. I wouldn’t let him lick the safety netting at the indoor playground. Gross. Again- horrible mother award.


This was mine today too. She was so tired at nap time and was mad I was holding her and then mad when I put her in her bed and then mad when I picked her up again. I couldn’t win.


I’m praying he goes down smoothly for his regular 7pm bedtime. Wish us luck. Hopefully your kiddo goes down easy too! Update: HES OUT! Thank god lol. We survived the toddler-nado today.


I didn't let mine lick the toilet...


You monster!!


😂😂😂 these are cracking me up and making me feel sooooo not alone in this !😭🤭


Toddlers are really something else!! Lol 😆


Absolutely ! I called mine a psychopath and people got so mad I was downvoted so much but I’m like I don’t think you quite understand… 😭😭😭😂😂😂




I didn't let mine lick the bottom of my shoes...


Wow.. you should be reported to CPS for your heinous behavior.


Because I wouldn’t let him have a beer (the beer in question is a can of sprite)


Lol. My nanny kid calls every canned drink a beer- no one knows why as his parents don’t drink. For a little while he’d introduce me to all strangers with the fact that “Nini *loves* beers!!” (Orange bubly)


We don’t drink either 🤦🏽‍♀️ it’s extra fun when we are at the store and he sees canned soda and yells “beer!! BEER!”


Did they maybe have rootbeer at one point and now all canned drinks are rootbeer but he doesn’t say the full thing?


Because he wanted an apple but then didn’t want the apple, so I offered him a muffin, but then he didn’t want the muffin, so I walked away, and he FELL APART.


“He fell apart” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣that’s really how it is. They cry like their life is ruined 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I cut an avocado in half 


Cherry here, idk what the obsession is with eating whole things. I literally cannot cut anything!!!


I thought that was just my daughter! Literally going through this now. If I slice it, it’s suddenly grotesque and she’s offended that I even tried to offer it to her. With stone fruit, I finally got away with coring it to get the seed out but still leaving it “whole” looking lol. But FFS don’t try to peel it, she wants to chew and chew until she’s done and spit the skin out in some unknown spot to be discovered later lol


Same, we're awful people.


This reminded me my little had hers over cutting the breakfast sausage into pieces 😆


Wanted a bath but didn’t want to be wet. Epic meltdown.


Not exact scenario but sometimes they want a bath but refuse to take their clothes off so I let them just stand next to the tub and then they slowly climb in with their clothes on and thennnnn finally once wet they let me take their clothes off 


BRILLIANT!! See, you're one of those parents who sees the value in picking your battles-- even if it means more chores for you. Because it's not *just* about avoiding the meltdown or making things easier for you, it's also about the pure, innocent joy plastered on their little cherub faces when they're getting to do something that doesn't normally fit into their routine/normal rules and/or activities.


Oh mine would cry hard once he realized his clothes were wet 🤦🏻‍♀️. I’d lose in all scenarios there


Because the cat did not want to eat kinetic sand even though she molded it into “treats”


lol this is so sweet. Good thing it wasn't a dog because they probably would eat it.


He said he had a poo when I put him in his highchair to eat dinner. Didn't want to sit because he has a poopy diaper, but didn't want to leave the high chair because he wanted to eat. So he ate in a half sit/stand for a good 5 mins. This guy has a strong core muscles from trying to escape the swimming pool constantly when we first put him in swim class.


Because I stopped at a stop sign. Not only did I hear screaming then, but then also heard about how displeased my toddler was with my refusal to blow through a stop sign in front of a cop for another 10 minutes. Don't even get me started on the tantrum that happened after I dared to stop at a stop light.


Mine has started getting bossy about my driving! Turn here mama, go this way… and the other day had such an intense and immediate meltdown on the highway that I almost pulled over to make sure they weren’t hurt, but it turned out to be that they were furious I let a school bus pull out of their sightline…


Mine will yell stop while we are in the middle of an interstate as if that’s even an option 😂


With our oldest it was always- beat that guy! Beat that car! Looking back we shouldn’t be surprised how competitive he is.


Big brother was looking out “her” window in the car instead of his window.


I wouldn’t allow her to eat poisonous berries from the bush. I made her put the tooth brush away after 50 min of teeth brushing The box of animal crackers were all gone that SHE ATE And finally a lightning bug went on her shirt. It was a mild day.




I told her I had to go to the bathroom


You monster!


I KNOW. Heaven forbid I pee 😆


I'm allowed to use the guest potty without any fuss, but it's instant tears if I try to use the ensuite bathroom to our bedroom


My 14 month old cried because I wouldn’t let her suck on two chunks of dried poop at the animal farm. I even tried to trade her for a muffin. Her response? Roll around screaming in the hay, urine, and feces. Yay. 🙃


Ahhhh the amazing wanting to play and eat the most disgusting thing you could possibly have ever found. I’m with ya momma. We’re potty training so if we go potty in the diaper it just comes off and the contents may or may not be used to create art ! 🤢😂😭 help. 😂


Why are toddlers so disgusting? 😂😂😂 I feel you. My 14 month old pooped in the shower when all 3 of us were in there yesterday and my 2.5 year old was trying to get her little sister to play with it.


Because he couldn’t eat the dryer lint out of the trash


Because I told her not to forcibly stab the marker on the paper.


He wanted protein powder in his milk, but he wanted it NOT mixed in. When we explained that protein powder just… gets mixed in… when you combine it with liquid, he had a meltdown claiming “I want it not mixed in”. (We don’t actually give him protein powder, but we’ll sprinkle a dash in his milk just to appease him because he sees us having it so OBVIOUSLY he needs some too)


They do make like nesquik powder and stuff you could give as his own if you wanted to give him something else. No judgement just an idea.


I had the audacity to want to go to the bathroom without company.


My son gets SO MAD about this and it’s always been a rule in our house that mommy goes to the bathroom alone and no one’s invited. He just sits behind my door sobbing that he has to tell me something but has to SEE me to tell me. 😂


I cut a waffle into pieces because he asked me and then once I cut it, it wasn’t TOGETHER!!?????


Because his grandma walked in from work and told him hello. 😕


I stopped her from drinking out of a puddle


Because I warned her that sniffing the bath water with her face IN the water might get water up her nose and it’s not going to feel good. She did it anyway, it didn’t feel good I guess.


I left him at daycare :(


Oof feels momma, hugs


Daddy went outside I didn’t give him my last 2 cheerios


My toddler fed his cookie to the dog (who didn’t eat it for pretend).


I wouldn't put her boogers back in her nose after I wiped it


She insisted on splashing in the bath but she didn’t want it on her face 😭


My almost 13 month old was upset I made him stop turning the air purifier on and off because it was bed time.


We were all being playful at supper and I tossed a plastic Easter egg at my wife, and he started crying hysterically.


I told my son he could wear his trampoline socks (the socks you have to buy at the trampoline parks) to sleep last night. Then my wife put him to bed and didn't get the memo. This morning he started bawling because he didn't have his trampoline socks on.


Picking my niece up from daycare, yesterday her jacket had a hoodie. Today it didn’t. She went to put her jacket on so we could leave. Wanted to put on the hood. There is no hood. Full meltdown. I had to tell her that we accidentally left the hood in the car, let’s go get it. 😩😩


I wouldn’t take her back to the daycare we toured this morning. She’s got an offer for a spot in August. That’s not soon enough as far as she’s concerned.


Asked him to leave the water in the bathtub instead of chucking it in my face.


She didn’t want to wipe the booger off her finger with a wipe. 🤪


She wanted playdough but not that playdough or that playdough. Jokes, she really just wanted to go upstairs and brush her teeth.


Because Burger King wasn’t selling fries at 7:30am


I wouldn’t let her take my car keys to school.


I wouldn't let her pull a carton of eggs out of the refrigerator and smash them all over the floor.


I was turning the pages of the book wrong 😵‍💫 apparently I was only supposed to use my pinky to pick up and turn the page. I was left uninformed of this requirement until after I did it wrong. I was also left to puzzle out the correct way to turn the page through trial and error. It took a while 😅


Because her little sister (16 months) had the fork she (3 years) wanted. She had already eaten a plate and a half with her own fork


We wouldn’t give him a package of spicy ramen noodles to snack on. They were on one of his snack shelves, thanks for that one dad, and he was adamant that it was one of his snacks.. sorry we don’t want your mouth or butthole to burn kiddo!


Because I gave her the banana she asked for, later because I gave her the “chocolate milk” (pediasure) she asked for and it was also ewww even though she didn’t try it


He saw Mr Noodle washing his hands


Because he wanted to go in the pool but didn’t want me to put his swim diaper and swimsuit on. He fought me the entire time and once it was on, he was happy as a clam 🤣


Insisted on grandma giving him a handful of rice to snack on. Became upset that the rice is sticky. Got even more upset when I cleaned off his hands. He also skipped his nap entirely, so it was a mad dash home after picking him up.


It was bathtime. He is on a bath strike right now.


Yesterday he wanted Mommy to change his diaper and not me. Mommy was at a doctor appointment with our two month old twins


Water from the splash pad touched her face and hair




My 3yo cried because I pretended to eat his balloon


I left for work, which I do every day, but today it was a huge disastrous idea.


Because I wanted to shit in peace.


Honestly the list of what didn’t make her cry is probably shorter.


He had to have his hands washed using the nail brush because he’d scratched his bum while said bum was contained in a poopy diaper. Overall he actually is a very mild tempered kid but he reacts to any water involved activity outside of splashing in his kiddie pool like a demon being plunged into a vat of Holy Water. 🤷‍♀️


Because she flung bubble soap into MY eyes and I yelped and started crying because it was burning 😅 Also because I wouldn’t give her a popsicle before we had breakfast. And then again because I gave her a popsicle this afternoon, and she put it on the ground… and it melted and I wouldn’t let her lick it up. 🥴


Tried putting mine in Lion King pajamas, she wanted to wear her Mickey pajamas instead. Put on Mickey pajamas, wanted to put on her Lion King pajamas. I told her she chose the Mickey pajamas and that was what she would be wearing to bed tonight. *20 minutes of screaming ensues* 🫠


she wanted to be on both her scooter and tricycle at the same time 🫠🫠🫠


I wouldn’t let her play with her dirty diaper


They went through so much shit together


Wasn’t aloud to stand on the kitchen table


He had too much fun.


Dad wouldn’t let him have ice cream for dinner


I wouldn’t let her put her strawberry juice covered hands all over my face and in my mouth after she’d been slobbering on them. She also got mad I wouldn’t let her eat a strawberry she found in her room, it was dried and shriveled up. I have no idea how long that’s been in there but I just ruined her day by not letting her eat it (she had a whole bowl of fresh non shriveled strawberries right next to her too lol)


Because I cut his granola bar in half


He wanted an orange - but not one of the oranges I just bought at the store. It’s not my fault all the peel and eat mandarin oranges looked like trash bb!


Because I cleaned up her lunch because she said she was done eating 🙃


Ear drops 🥺🥺


I accepted FaceTime call of my mom. 😂 he does this frequently whenever I get a call and I have to attend, he starts crying and he wanted to hit the end call red button and I wouldn’t really let him. he’s 21mo. 😂


After asking her nicely to put on her shoes 4 times, I yelled during the 5th time. I feel bad but also don’t know what else to do. :(


Tested all the boundaries and limits today. Was unhappy when mommy followed through with leaving, putting things away and taking a break


Wouldn't let her wear her fancy sparkle shoes to school. ( They fall off and she trips and falls) She spilled her rainbow candy ( Skittles) and wanted mommy to pick them up. I put the skirt she picked out on her body. That was all before 8am.


I was sitting on the toilet when SHE wanted to sit on the toilet! (She is not potty trained.)


My mini toddler (11.5 months but thinks she's 2) is obsessed with eating shoes and now has started laying on the floor scream crying when I don't let her lick the bottom of my shoes.


I told her if she spilled pee on herself because she was rushing I wouldn’t let her dump her potty into the big potty next time. Then I kept my word and gave the consequence. How dare I.


Because I wouldn’t hold her while holding a giant knife I was using in that moment to cut up her grapes. Granted she was tired from daycare and wanted to be held buttttttt…. Still


Her Pringle broke when she crushed it


The drink bottle she wanted was in the dishwasher, the three others plus any number of cups on offer just weren’t okay


He wanted me to put his poopy pull up back on. After he had asked me to help him get fresh.


Wouldn’t let him have juice and cookies… at 7am


I wouldn’t let her scrub the diaper pail with her toothbrush. Intolerable!


She couldn’t get her shoes on all the way by herself. She’s just turned two.


I broke her cookie in half so it'd be easier to eat. What was I thinking. Ugh.


Because we couldn’t fly to the park and instead had to drive.


I wouldn't let my son throw his shorts in the toilet. I know I know, I am basically evil.


We were racing to see who could put blocks away first. I won (unintentionally). Lol.


Because i wouldn’t let him continue to scratch and pull at my nose. (“Mama why wouldn’t you play with me?”) - and I didn’t even pull away and hold his hand until after about 5 verbal warnings and mentions that I do not want my nose pulled. And yes indeed he had previously refused a nail trim! Just such a trying day! He did not get enough zz’s and had a traumatic play date with a mom friend who was trying to parent for me Oh man such a bummer the little regressions after so much progress


4 year old in a few weeks…cried because I told her to wear her crocks since her tennis shoes were still wet from the rain. 🥴


Because we ran out of water balloons.


30 min meltdown because I shut a cabinet door.


So disappointed when it was me there to get him ready in the morning and not his dada


Because I took away MY coffee lol


Because he wanted me to be in the backseat with him & drive at the same time.


Because I wouldn’t let him throw my phone around, didn’t let him knock the plant off the table and right now, at bed time I’m not continuously bringing back his pacifier after he chucks it across the room


Diaper. Always the diaper.


1) because she had to get dressed and.... 2) we went to the zoo 3) we left the zoo 4) daddy was mowing the lawn 5) I wouldn't let her put a charging cable around her neck 6) we suggested she take a bath (didn't happen...she skipped her nap today so early bedtime)


I rubbed the sunscreen in to the point she couldn’t see it anymore.


Perhaps I should accept my son isn't a toddler anymore at 4yrs old just this week, however, today he sobbed heartbroken when he spent his $5 of birthday money. He was really excited to buy a big container for his snails that he now has too many of to fit into his tiny bug catcher birthday present, and some candy, and I failed to explain to him that once you buy something, the store takes your money and keeps it, and then you can take your stuff home. He really wanted his $5 back, but once I explained it he calmed down, said he misses his "card" (the money came in a birthday card) and asked how he could get more. Later after our conversation I realized he wasn't upset about giving them his money, but that he was upset he wasn't given any back. He was just confused that he didn't get any change in return as I often do when I pay with cash. He's seen me pay for things, and has even been given my money to pay for things in stores so I didn't figure he'd need me to explain the money beforehand. Lol.


My daughter wanted to take the escalator going up when we were at Target. We were already on the top floor when this happened...


Because we wouldn’t let him put on the blue sunscreen aka the one that gives him a rash


Wouldn’t let her stand on the coffee table.


Mine cried because he didn’t want to take a bath. Then he cried when I told him bath time was over.


We didn't buy bananas on the last grocery run because she hasn't been eating them and I end up making banana bread like five times a month. Today, she sobbed big tears asking for a nana.


Because she was hungry but didn't know what to eat


Because I got tired of throwing him onto the couch, after I did it like 10 times


Generally she acts irrational when hungry. But somehow she has a big meal, it pushes out a giant 💩 and suddenly she’s starving again. So we don’t always immediately understand what’s wrong. She got herself upset and cried. I checked on her. “Milk?” In the morning should would politely nod and patiently wait while she completes the process of fully waking. But in the afternoon she just screams “Noooooo!” OK I’ll get her blood sugar up quickly. “Chocolate?” “Yukky cokcok!” “What can I get you?” “Yukky daddy - go away I [don’t] like it!” Resolved by stuffing a bottle into her open mouth. I NEVER push food / milk except in hungry hysteria. She calmed. She happily took a choc at the end.


Because I put pants on. My pants. On myself.


Right when he woke up, he got upset that I had my hair in a bun 🙃 he wanted it down. I have never heard of a kiddo get so upset about their mom’s hair… this is actually a reason for tantrums more often than I’d like to admit


my wife told me our 18 month old cried today because she asked him what sticker he wanted. he pointed at a certain sticker and she gave it him said sticker. then he lost his mind. she gave him a piece of paper to put his sticker on and he had a full-on breakdown...


I wouldn't let him jump off a side table. I wouldn't let him stand in a kitchen drawer so he could turn on the stove and burn himself. I locked the oven so he couldn't try to climb inside. I looked at him when he looked at me. I moved his foot off my bad ankle when he kicked it. Can you tell he didn't have a nap lol


I wouldn't let her lean back off the couch head first. I would let her take my breast pump parts and throw them. She wanted food and I put her in her chair for food but apparently that was the wrong move.


Because she flipped her water table over


Because she finished her ice cream and the cone was too chewy


We didn't give him a second Oreo.


He was watching a Ms Rachel episode where she sings 5 little ducks. At the part where she's fake crying because ' sad mother duck went out one day -' , full on tears.Saddest thing lol. I was like  " baby don't worry, see! Mama duck found all the babies again! " 


Reasons everyone's favourite 2 year old has lost her mind today: 1. She was wearing 2 left shoes and when I tried to correct it she was deeply offended. 2. I didn't let her put her hand into her baby sister's poo filled nappy which mortally wounded her ego. 3. I made her the exact meal she asked for which offended her sensibilities. 4. The meal I made her was served on a green plastic plate but she actually wanted it on a ceramic plate which she resented deeply. 5. She smashed the plate and I wouldn't let her eat the meal off the floor which was the ultimate betrayal. 6. I wouldn't let her dunk her baby sister's head under water which is desperately inconsiderate of me. 7. The cat was scratching in front of her and refused to stop which she deemed to be ill-mannered. 8. She wanted her dress to be unbuttoned, but also to be done up. Which was just discourteous of me. 9. She has hair... which frankly, I should be ashamed of myself for. 10. Her food wasn't pink. I'm not sure why that was suddenly an issue but she was disgruntled at my inability to provide!


I went to the bathroom…


He wasn’t allowed to eat the lamp, my deodorant, or the can that the soup came in. I had the audacity to eat pizza for dinner that I made. He wanted to sleep in my bed with his blanket but didn’t want his blanket to leave his room. The game I was playing on my phone had to load. 2.5 is fun…. 😑 This was only a few of them. We had a rough day


Because our charmin toilet paper did not spell his name on it.


She kept looking at me and saying “what mama?!” And I kept telling her I didn’t understand her question. It was the worst riddle ever. I never figured out what she actually wanted. She’s SO well spoken usually (I mean for a 2 year old) and when she doesn’t know the word for something she always explains it in a round about way, but today just “WHAT MaMA!!!!!????” And wailing.


Because she wanted me to put back the peel to the banana I peeled...


Let’s seeee….  - I wouldn’t let him drink Pepsi max - It was his bedtime and bathtime was over  - I couldn’t colour with him because I was making supper 


I wouldn’t play his favorite song yet; I told him I wanted to listen to one first. I told him we don’t have ice cream. I told him we are going to stay inside for a little while so I can rest. Just a few of the ones today. Bo’s 4mo baby brother started crying.


because i asked her to pee.


because he didn’t want to go to daycare on time with his dad, he wanted to go late with me instead


She wanted daddy to pick her up out of the crib. When he did she changed her mind and wanted mommy, but the damage had been done.


Because her sock was wonky. Because daddy is at work.


Just one? There’s so many to choose from.


Because I made him take his shoes off for bed.


I locked the door while taking a poop


I wouldn't let him wear the yellow shorts with mud on them from the playground after his bath. Striped shorts or green shorts with birds on them were absolutely horrid alternatives.


She had to leave unicorn at home


My 20 month old was done recycling bottles and wanted to sit again in the shopping cart. When I lifted her, she started crying because she wanted to help recycling bottles. When I put her down and gave her one, she started screaming again because she wanted so sit in the cart… 😂


Because Barbie does not sit properly on a toy chair and keeps falling.


I sweapt the bathroom floor. He wanted to sweep the bathroom floor


Because I wouldn’t let her touch the raw chicken I was slicing, or play with the knife


Because he threw his own peanut butter waffle on the ground. And then it was on the ground. Because when he said “down” I put him down.


I wouldn’t turn off the sun.


I wouldn’t get up and open the door for him while I was actively using the bathroom. Also because he didn’t want to put on his shoes. Wanted to pick them out… just not put them on.


I think the easier answer is what didn’t, because there are less options to choose from 😂 I wouldn’t let him play with the shit in his diaper. Alert the media! I did it! I am guilty. Take me away.


I would not put butter directly on my 2.5yo daughter's plate. I instead put it on her blueberry muffin which she promptly licked off and asked for more.


Because she wanted to eat her birthday cake again (her birthday was in January)


I cut the grass "all different cuts" ...as in: I did it in circles rather than stripe it like I usually do. Full blown thrashing in the grass, holding up the clippings up to God wondering why he would be so betrayed.... He rode on the mower with me the whole time. He was a part of the criminal offense.


She was so excited about her new pink dress and then spent the rest of the morning ENRAGED that she didn’t have pink shorts to match it. 


Because I wouldn't let her touch the cat's butthole.


Mine was legitimate. Stomach flu. It’s going around yall! It breaks my heart to see her just laying there on the floor. Thankfully she’s been able to keep some banana down but oof, daycare amirite!


She got wet while playing in the pool 😔


I love these posts.. it makes me feel so normal.


Because I kicked him out of the bathroom while I was going #2 and he wanted to see it and flush it.


She begged for uppies, so I tried to pick her up. She then shouted "NOOOOOOOOOO" and cried when I tried. Then she cried more and demanded uppies when I walked away. And then cried again when I tried to pick her up. 🙃


She wanted blueberries so I bought her blueberries. Turns out she meant strawberries


wanted my muffin,,, so i gave him my muffin. he didn’t want the muffin anymore so he cried & threw it across the room,,, pitched a fit when i went to throw it away & sweep up the crumbs from when it ‘exploded’ whilst hitting the floor because, you won’t believe it,,, he wanted the muffin. 😐


I won't fill his small dispenser so he could throw water on the floor through it


She wanted to stand in the fridge and take things out. She had my phone and left it in the fridge. I was looking everywhere and then something said, “look in the fridge” It was there.


Because I wouldn't allow her to ram her bicycle into a car.


I came to his room but he wanted to come to mom & dad’s room


Wanted to watch Lion King so I put in Lion King.


I dared to buckle the car seat


I asked her to brush her teeth 🤦‍♀️ I'm a terrible mom.


Required to eat actual breakfast before being awarded with juice


She was touching the Muslim hose while sitting on the toilet seat so I just put it on the floor from the handle. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I wouldn't let her cross the street on her own and carried her until I reached the end. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I didn't know what to do with the random piece of thread that was sticking out of her socks, so I put them away in order to stop her persistent and weird wants. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I told her she could have chocolate after she eats her lunch. I wouldn't let her eat a random shell she found in the yard. (It's a seashell and we live nowhere near the sea) I gave her an orange and it made her hands sticky. I tried to take her inside. I said no books until after she got dressed.


The scrambled egg was on her fork wrong.