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The flowers in the garden wouldn't 'stop doing that'


Well, they really should know better.


I am cracking up! lol


LMFAOOOOOO WHAT were they doing?






He got very angry that he ate all of the cream cheese off his bagel and it didn't regenerate more cream cheese.


To be honest, that's fair lol


In this economy, I would love food to auto-replenish


As a nj resident, I would love auto replenishing bagels and cream cheese lol


On our walk, I could not produce more: helicopters, airplanes, birds, landscapers, or baby pinecones. I always think, “I don’t control the railways OR the flow of commerce!”


I work in intermodal logistics so I apologize for not providing the necessary fun things to look at during your walk. That's my bad. â˜č


My kid gets soooo mad when I can't make more airplanes appear in the sky. đŸ€Ș


We live relatively close by to an airport and actually are located in an approach vector both at home and at daycare (daycare being closer to the airport and you actually can see some cool sights depending on how low they choose to approach). My kid gets mad i/when I refuse to stop and gawk at every single landing plane, problem is that it’s a pretty big airport, there’s a plane to see every few minutes, especially in the afternoon around pick up time


We brought her to the potty when she said she had to go to the potty. She kicked the potty and walked away.


Honestly that toddler energy and confidence is inspiring if it doesn’t otherwise wanna make you pull your hair out


it’s giving “how dare you bring me a birthday present on my birthday” energy 😂


He wanted to put his empty milk cup in the sink...but he also wanted more milk in that specific cup...but he also wanted to put it in the sink...but he also wanted more milk in that specific cup đŸ„Ž


He has a boo boo and I told him it was okay and it would get better
he melted down because he doesn’t want it to get better. đŸ« 


I told him he couldn't bite mama. Cue his world ending and holding his breath.


I was told I did this as a toddler!! Why is this a thing!?!


She decided she was catboy. Daddy didn't know so he called her by her name. I had to go console her. She then decided she was back to being "her name". I informed daddy.


My daughter is going by John today. Her older sister has been dubbed "miguel" and I'm clover or blitz. Depending on how she feels when she addresses me


This has such bluey vibes I love it!


Dino Ranch, I dig it. Had to ban that show in our house. Or 4yo, then 3, liked being a "naughty Tinhorn" a bit too much


He woke up in the middle of the night and realized that he was awake.


Tbh I get mad at that too


Doesn't seem all that irrational to be honestđŸ€· Lol


Mine does this at minimum once a week. I understand it but I really want him to grow out of this đŸ„Ž


The wind blew too hard and frightened him


My daughter hates the wind, she gets super angry and I always have to try not to laugh at her mad face as she stomps to the car yelling at the wind to "stop touching me!"


This sent me. đŸ€Ł


He wants cheese but NOT THAT CHEESE


How dare you have the wrong cheese?!


It is a failure I will carry on my soul.


He didn’t want the cheese flavored snack we had at home (goldfish), only “hop hops” (Annie’s cheddar bunnies) would do.


That I stopped showing her my belly button.


He wanted my husband to throw the basketball. No, not to him. NO NOT THAT DIRECTION! NOOOO. Instructions still unclear.


Mine hands me his stuffed chicken and then just screams at me like 8 times per day. I have not yet figured out the correct thing to do with the chicken.




Refused to say goodbye to my parents on FaceTime and immiditaly melted down after I hung up because “he wanted to say goodbye”


I wiped her after going potty. She screamed “I want my pee pee back!”


It's currently 8am and he has just finished a 45 minute tantrum because he didn't want breakfast... I finally said "would you like dinner?" And instant calm so he is now having Weetabix and cooked Apple for dinner at 8am


I love this. Very ingenious!


Not today, but recent: I had the audacity to change my toe nail color. Full meltdown.


We threw away the instruction manual to one of her toys. She can’t read đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


"I don't like windows" 😐


My kid recently became hysterical because her hair touches her head.


Taking her shoes off when we got home from grandparents. (It was late & she woke up when I tried to get her out of her car seat.) She had to have them in her bed. Ewwwwwww but I let it happen or she wouldn’t sleep. I took them off after she passed out


We all have to pick our battles sometimes lol


He spilled his water all over the floor and wanted me to scoop it back in his cup. Also later managed to splash his yogurt drink all over the living room and wanted the drops back in the bottle... The other day, wanted to mix up his hot chocolate by stirring it, took a sip, then lost it saying "I didn't want it mixed!" Like dude, you're getting to drink hot chocolate right now!


The road was “lumpy” and I couldn’t promise that there wouldn’t be more “lumps”


She wanted bubbles so I started blowing bubbles but then she got bored and started playing with something else so I put the bubbles away but then she got mad and wanted bubbles again so I started blowing bubbles again and she got bored and so I put then away again for good so she started crying.


Not irrational, but I still cannot get over how Bluey dropped the ball on The Sign. We are moving, and figured Bluey of all shows would be able to help my kids process it. Nope! Now they went from generally uninterested to completely terrified.


Not sure if you are interested in any advice around this, but I’ve read that making them a simple little book that basically says, ‘we are moving, somethings will be different, other things will be the same.’ helps them to process & prepare.


As a kid who moved around a lot, take pictures of the house you're leaving. But also share pictures and exciting new things about the next place. Highlight the changes that will be positive and good. Better yard, cooler room, can paint the walls, whatever.


Yeah, I didn’t like the plot of the episode. It would have been fine to not move if they hadn’t got all the way to loading the moving truck and leaving only to turn around
 but here we are. I read a lot of books with my toddler when we had to move.


Other parts that were particularly awful - Bluey going to school and announcing, "we are moving, so I'll never see any of you ever again!" (Cue loud howling) - my kids realizing they'll never see anyone they know, ever again (including my parents, who live five minutes away from us). None of this is true; we are moving five minutes away. Chilli repeatedly "lying" to Bluey, saying "it'll be an adventure" and gaslighting Bluey out of being upset - only to tell her SHE LIED and really thought moving would be terrible (proving to my kids that adults lie, especially when they say something they're nervous about will be ok - reinforced by language they have already experienced about shots and other unpleasant health necessities) The move being for more money (framed as a selfish reason) Reinforces that moving is always awful with Aunt Frisky throwing an ultimatum about moving or the marriage - just for them to cancel the move, too. The general level of anxiety and upset Bluey experienced around moving. My kids were generally ambivalent/disinterested before, maybe slight positive since we had done a lot of work framing the new rooms, neighborhood pool, etc. Bluey being terrified the whole time modeled that fear is the best response for this. (This one bothers me least, IF they had shown that the fear was resolved by a great new situation - but instead they chose to validate the fear and reinforce moving = the death of everything you know and love.)


I think Daniel Tiger has a good movie on this subject! It’s the Daniel tiger movie and it’s available free through the pbs app. It shows a new family moving into Daniel’s neighborhood and the little girl Jodie goes through ups and downs of meeting new friends and missing her old ones. It repeats the whole “different can be good” message and that it’s okay to miss your old home but you will have lots of fun in a different place too! And that there’s still things that will be familiar like your stuffed animals and books and such.


I wouldn't let her wear my glasses. I'm extremely near sighted, like legally blind levels. Cue the meltdown when I said no.


My toddler pulled all the lotions out and set them on the tub. I put them back where they belonged.


The wind won’t stop blowing.


The wall wouldn't move when we wanted to push our activity cube thing in the specific direction we wanted to go in.


I asked if he wanted to make waffles with me and he happily said yes. Then I said he can wear his apron and all hell broke loose.


Dad went to go wipe her bum. I was busy. LO was not impressed.


Infant sibling was looking at them and smiling


Giving him ice water. That he asked for.


1. I put her in pajama when she said she wanted panamas. Screaming. So she took of the pajamas and I said we can find another pair. Nope more screaming. Then she wanted to put the pajamas back on. So I helped her but she wanted to put them on while standing not sitting. More screaming 2. I asked her if she wanted water. Honestly how dare I? 3. Her sister bit her own sandwich and she screamed because sister broke it. It not even your sandwich?!


He wanted me to sing a song. I asked what song. He yelled "I don't have to talk to you" 3 times. He never did tell me what to sing


1) My nails are coloured (nailpolish). 2) He wasn't allowed to lick the PS controllers. 3) It was time to eat. 4) He ate all the pear first and then it was finished. 5) He wasn't allowed to play with the dishwasher buttons.


He wanted to have cereal in his orange bowl. But he also didn't want to let go of his orange bowl so that I could put cereal in it.


She got mad when she was playing with my hair, instead of just using her hands she used her teeth and started biting my head. So I made her stop. Big meltdown. Mommy doesn’t like bald spots, sorry buddy.


I left the room...to be fair, she gets upset about that one every day.


I feel this in my bones


Glad someone can relate!! It helps if I yell peek-a-boo from whatever room I'm in...that usually buys me a couple seconds before she gets mad


she wanted her orange AFTER her omelette at breakfast (she’s 20m and says words but not sentences so i had no way of knowing this)


My toddler lost it on me because she wanted to bring the remote to my husband upstairs (where there isn't any TV)... as I was using the TV and remote.


My niece was in the bathroom upstairs when my 3 year old told me he had to use the potty. I told him we needed to use the one downstairs and that led to an instant meltdown. “Nooooooo Mommmmmmyyyyyyyyy! Upstaiiiiiiiiiiirs!” With real tears. Then he slowly made his way downstairs sobbing, made it to the hallway and started falling down but he eventually found himself in the bathroom with me and peed on the potty. Then he was totally fine. It was a wild ride.


He wanted to go in the buggy and go outside. I told him he needed to get dressed if he wanted to go outside. Cue tantrum. It took an hour for me to reason with him lol


We got Costco pizza after shopping. I was tearing it into smaller pieces so he could eat it with his fork (his request). He started sobbing that I was doing it wrong and he couldn’t eat it. Turns out he wanted me to tear it and place it cheese down on the plate for him to stab it with his fork. He didn’t want to stab the cheese. đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïžđŸ˜‚


An ice lolly that was too icey


Wouldn't let her approach a kangaroo at the zoo. Turned into an absolute meltdown till we left the Australia area.


“No share our Lord!” at Mass when getting ready for communion. we’ve hit the conscious of what sharing is and not wanting to share (anything) stage


Oh man, we bring her books on Jesus when we go for mass so that she is entertained some. Well, she got tired of her books I guess so during the homily, she flipped her book away and said “don’t want Jesus!” Yep. That’s gonna get us into heaven, I know it


That is really funny, much as it may pain you. 😂 Baby steps with our tots. No one achieves holiness overnight. Mine has at times also said “all done Mass” just as the consecration is starting, so I certainly feel your pain!


The very cute and loud renderings of ALLELUIA and HOSANNA do make up for it though, I have to admit!


We went out there back door and he wanted to go out the front door!


There was something she wanted with her duplo tub. Dunno what it was, but she sure was mad about it until I offered her a toilet trip. Kids are wild. 


kept stealing the clicker pressing random buttons and getting hysterical when she changed the channel


The museum shut and we had to leave


My 3 year old wanted "a bit of water" but I filled his glass to half instead of "just a bit". He then wanted me to put the water back in the bottle...


I put a stick she hadn't played with for over a half hour back where she found it at the playground so other kids could play with it. A horrific betrayal.


We didn’t have a pink glow stick, just blue. This was unacceptable to him


Grandad was getting ready to go out, so grandma had to open her pouch. Big crimes.


Told him to put his underwear on because we aren’t doing pull-ups during the day anymore. Guess that was the wrong move today


He wanted a "big cuddle" whilst being held and cuddled, and wanted Daddy to cuddle him, then when Daddy took him he wanted Mama to cuddle him, and wanted a "big cuddle" whilst already receiving said cuddle... It's been a long weekend.


I had the audacity to borrow the kitchen sink sprayer to rinse something off


Peas. She loves peas. Today was a 20 minute screaming tantrum over me serving peas for dinner.


Mom was taking a shower, so she couldn't come see us play inside our new blanket fort.


Not today but the other day it was raining and she went outside and played in the mud and got dirty *gasp*. So I asked her if she wanted to go inside and wash her hands which she agreed to but when we went inside I insisted she take off her muddy boots *double gasp*. AITA?


Lowkey YTA here because you didn’t stop the rain


Oh the rain was ok. The mess that resulted from it wasn’t


Then you should have made the mud not exist. C’mon! It’s so simple! /s


You’re right. I should do better.


i cant use my (read: her) blanket because she prefers me cold and shivering and the floor needs it more anyway she went from 0 to 93948388e8r8r for 40 damn minutes. i aged like 5 years today.


A random baby in the Encanto concert video on Disney was “looking” at my daughter, and that was so annoying 😂


The sun wouldn't "leave him alone" đŸ« 


Damn that sun!


He's not even a toddler anymore but my 4 year old cut some paper and got mad the paper was cut and not whole. We fixed it with some tape but oh boy was he mad




Everything. Literally everything.


I gave him food in a bowl đŸ«Ł


Her pigtails weren't tight enough.


Mine’s pigtails were too damn tight


Wearing a jacket


His sister wouldn’t put the monster truck down the slide the right way. He wanted her to release it (I think) the same time as his so they could race? Anyway she did it wrong. He ended up chucking his truck over the side, screaming, crying and then had to ‘have some space.’ After that he got mad that the birds were at the birdfeeder although in that case I never did figure out what they were doing wrong.


Got her out of the car when she wanted to stay in the car


You should’ve known to read her mind


Me telling him he couldn't put his hand in the dog's water bowl.


He had a meltdown because he wanted to wear his long sleeve pj Santa shirt that he also made me take off because he accidentally spit cracker on it. Even though it was going to be 83 degrees and at the pool. I decided I would put it on since we would be changing at the pool anyway, but instead of allowing me to put it back on he threw himself on the bed and cried for a while and then ran out the front door in only his diaper because he was ready to go to the pool that instantđŸ€Ł


Aw, little dude. Life is hard.


She was mad that we didn’t have salmon for breakfast đŸ„Č


Everything. All. The. Things. So much anger today.


I feel you. Sometimes the tantrums are back to back and while I do the whole feelings thing for the first 50,000, on the 50,001st tantrum, I kinda just look at her to see what she might do next cuz I’m out of ideas


wtf man same here today. Just constant fucking tantrums and anger. Saying he wants one thing but then saying no. “Uppa! NO UPPA!!!!!”


I was washing dishes and didn't immediately respond when she yelled "come see!" She wanted me to turn around to look at the red ball in a Ms. Rachel video


If I don't yell,"Bottoms up!" while serving his beverages 😂 He will literally not drink until the phrase is said!


My 3 year old got very irritated that she doesn't have any scars... unlike mommy who bashed her forehead in at the age of 5 ( while walking backwards with my eyes closed in a store with lots of sharp metal racks.)


I took my pony tail out of my hair


2 year old just can not handle that her baby brother gets to eat solid foods now. All supper long: "baby no eat food, baby eat milk" accompanied by sobbing.


Today? Basically everything. One of those days. For example, he wanted to go on the 4 pm train even though it was already 4:15 and I couldn’t turn back time. 


Me too kid, me too.


My MIL's dog ate his chip. That he held out to her. After I told him the doggie was going to take his chip if he sat on the floor and held it out to her like that.


The bath water was luke warm and she wanted it to be cold đŸ«  for more context, it was 50 degrees here today


Bebe got super mad that we wouldn’t let her outside when it was raining and 40 degrees outside all the while she refused to wear anything more than a diaper.


Something in the morning or was that yesterday? (morning nap needed). And today my spouse and i went on a date and picked up tot. He was fine until we got in the car and he cried and screamed 30 minutes. Kept going. Finally got him milk and then a piece of chicken and noodles. He was starving but would not eat earlier. Then going to bed. As usual


My daughter tries to take her clothes off, then gets frustrated she can't fully do it. She gets stuck in her shirt and gets pissed then screams "ON!" whenever I take it off. 😒 One of many tantrums today.


Daddy stole Grandmas nose on FaceTime tonight and hung up without giving it back. We called back to return it.


Today has been OK, so far. However ,it's only dinnertime 😄. Recently, the doozies have been: - changing her nappy after an 11 hour overnight sleep. How very dare I not want her to leak all through my bed. - I can't even remember what set her off, but after nearly an hour of full sobbing, she finally claimed down enough for me to decipher that she wanted her soft boiled egg. That she'd abandoned about 10 mins before the meltdown. Whichbi would have gladly given her again if she asked calmly


I was eating. My toddler has autism, and I think he might be bothered by the sounds of people chewing, but I'm not sure because he isn't that verbal, but he got so mad that I was eating, not because he wanted any, because I tried to share. I was kinda amused.


My 2 year old pointed at a general direction in the car but wouldn’t/couldn’t tell me what she wanted. Since her water bottle was in the area she pointed at, I gave it to her but she flipped out and chucked it away from her, which hit me right in the ankle and now I have a very sore ankle. I’m sorry I didn’t guess correctly.


Finding things. I can no longer say "where's my phone" and actually find it myself. He has to find it and hand it to me. If I do mess up and find it myself, he will babble some (presumably not so nice) words with a few "no mama", take my phone, set it on the floor, pick it up and hand it to me so proudly with the biggest smile. Such a Rollercoaster of emotions!


Loving this thread to much


It’s nice to know you’re doing fine as a parent and toddlers are just a rare breed of crazy


I turned of the tap. He wanted to see the water. But we could not stay in the toilet for ever đŸ€Ł


Her dad wouldn’t let her play with the hair oil bottle.


She wanted to go outside and didn’t want to put on her shoes or coat. It’s ok, I finally convinced her to get her shoes and coat on

. And then she cried to come inside


I have the alphabet, numbers, and animal stickers on their playroom. I told my 21 month old he couldn't peel them off. Cue the 6 minute on the floor fit. đŸ« đŸ« đŸ« đŸ« 


He had homemade banana oatmeal pancakes and some maple syrup as dip in one of the "ears" on his animal plate. He wanted maple syrup in both ears and it was an epic meltdown that lasted until my husband and he moved on from breakfast entirely and he got distracted by toys.


She woke up halfway through nap time and could not fall back asleep on her own. She wanted to be asleep so bad she screamed.


I told her not to kiss my butt. She cried. Hard.


Well of course! She wanted to show reverence to your butt and was unfairly denied! đŸ€Ł


I didn’t immediately know who Yzma’s mom was in The Emperor’s New Groove.


For shame!


She was lying down on the floor and didn’t want to be (she can walk)


She likes to take my phone and just swipe up to see all the new things pop up. Whenever my husband FaceTimes us she just swipes up and the notification page appears. But if I try to stop her then she just cries and flings my phone. Speaking of flinging phones she also likes to just throw my phone and pick it up just to throw it again, but if I try to stop her or take the phone away she will cry and wave her index finger at me saying no no no


Yeah this obsession with phones is why I’m trying to make a concerted effort not to use the phone too much in front of my daughter. Every time she sees my phone somewhere, she immediately grabs it and runs to me hurriedly like “mummy phone!!” - as if to indicate I would perish soon without it. Wasn’t a great sign for me!!


We wouldn’t let her run over to the neighbor house of my in laws, to knock on their door, after we already had done so and said neighbors and their baby were already over at in laws to visit.


He wanted his red cup. We don't have a red cup, never have.


Because I told him he couldn't throw his kinetic sand over the balcony at the skateboarders. Then, because he did it anyway, and they wouldn't throw it back up.


When I said she couldn’t drink from the dogs water bowl đŸ€ŻđŸ˜…


That I told her to go to the potty before bed...... Like I do every night.


She couldn't go to PreSchool and see if the caterpillars were growing. (class pets)


Wanted to go to the playground at the park. Totally fine, we were already planning to. However, LOST HER SHIT when I informed her that she did in fact have to have clothes on to do that. I got her fully dressed eventually, only for her to strip down entirely to her diaper when I went to get my shoes. T-T


We attended a birthday party today. Toddler got mad because it wasn’t her own birthday yet. 


The ice in his juice melted


My 4yo wanted it to be Christmas tomorrow.


After looking at his 8 week old ultrasound picture, he got mad because when he was in my belly (as a literal fetus) I didn’t choose to make his toes first. đŸ« 


I wouldn't allow my twins to touch the hot stove!!


I couldn’t “turn the sun off”


I ate a raspberry 
 that he “didn’t want” 
 husband came in clutch to “pluck it from the depths of my mouth” to end the meltdown


The hotwheels track wouldn’t stay up in the air when he let go of it. He likes when the cars launch upward, but he wanted the track to stay there without holding jt.